347 lines
8.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception
* @file Convenience wrapper around the Moonfire NVR API layer.
* See <tt>design/api.md</tt> for a description of the API. Some of the
* documentation is copied into the docstrings here for convenience, but
* that doc is authoritative.
* The functions here return a Typescript discriminating union of status.
* This seems convenient for ensuring the caller handles all possibilities.
import { Camera, Session } from "./types";
export type StreamType = "main" | "sub";
export interface FetchSuccess<T> {
status: "success";
response: T;
export interface FetchAborted {
status: "aborted";
export interface FetchError {
status: "error";
message: string;
httpStatus?: number;
export type FetchResult<T> = FetchSuccess<T> | FetchAborted | FetchError;
async function myfetch(
url: string,
init: RequestInit
): Promise<FetchResult<Response>> {
let response;
try {
response = await fetch(url, init);
} catch (e) {
if (e.name === "AbortError") {
return { status: "aborted" };
} else {
return {
status: "error",
message: `network error: ${e.message}`,
if (!response.ok) {
let text;
try {
text = await response.text();
} catch (e) {
`${url}: ${response.status}: unable to read body: ${e.message}`
return {
status: "error",
httpStatus: response.status,
message: `unable to read body: ${e.message}`,
return {
status: "error",
httpStatus: response.status,
message: text,
console.debug(`${url}: ${response.status}`);
return {
status: "success",
/** Fetches an initialization segment. */
export async function init(
hash: string,
init: RequestInit
): Promise<FetchResult<ArrayBuffer>> {
const url = `/api/init/${hash}.mp4`;
const fetchRes = await myfetch(url, init);
if (fetchRes.status !== "success") {
return fetchRes;
let body;
try {
body = await fetchRes.response.arrayBuffer();
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`${url}: unable to read body: ${e.message}`);
return {
status: "error",
message: `unable to read body: ${e.message}`,
return {
status: "success",
response: body,
async function json<T>(
url: string,
init: RequestInit
): Promise<FetchResult<T>> {
const fetchRes = await myfetch(url, init);
if (fetchRes.status !== "success") {
return fetchRes;
let body;
try {
body = await fetchRes.response.json();
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`${url}: unable to read body: ${e.message}`);
return {
status: "error",
message: `unable to read body: ${e.message}`,
return {
status: "success",
response: body,
export interface ToplevelResponse {
timeZoneName: string;
cameras: Camera[];
session: Session | undefined;
/** Fetches the top-level API data. */
export async function toplevel(init: RequestInit) {
const resp = await json<ToplevelResponse>("/api/?days=true", init);
if (resp.status === "success") {
resp.response.cameras.forEach((c) => {
for (const key in c.streams) {
const s = c.streams[key as StreamType]!;
s.camera = c;
s.streamType = key as StreamType;
return resp;
export interface LoginRequest {
username: string;
password: string;
/** Logs in. */
export async function login(req: LoginRequest, init: RequestInit) {
return await myfetch("/api/login", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(req),
export interface LogoutRequest {
csrf: string;
/** Logs out. */
export async function logout(req: LogoutRequest, init: RequestInit) {
return await myfetch("/api/logout", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(req),
* Represents a range of one or more recordings as in a single array entry of
* <tt>GET /api/cameras/&lt;uuid>/&lt;stream>/&lt;recordings></tt>.
export interface Recording {
/** id of the first recording in this range. */
startId: number;
* If present, indicates that recordings <tt>startId, endId</tt> (inclusive)
* are described here.
endId?: number;
* If this range is not fully committed to the database, the first id that is
* uncommitted. This is significant because it's possible that after a crash
* and restart, this id will refer to a completely different recording. That
* recording will have a different openId.
firstUncommitted?: number;
* If this boolean is true, the recording endId is still being written to.
* Accesses to this id (such as view.mp4) may retrieve more data than
* described here if not bounded by duration. Additionally, if startId ==
* endId, the start time of the recording is "unanchored" and may change in
* subsequent accesses.
growing?: boolean;
* Each time Moonfire NVR starts in read-write mode, it is assigned an
* increasing "open id". This field is the open id as of when these
* recordings were written. This can be used to disambiguate ids referring to
* uncommitted recordings.
openId: number;
* start time of the given recording, in the wall time scale. Note this
* may be less than the requested startTime90k if this recording was ongoing
* at the requested time.
startTime90k: number;
* end time of the given recording, in the wall time scale. Note this may be
* greater than the requested endTime90k if this recording was ongoing at the
* requested time.
endTime90k: number;
* a reference to an entry in the videoSampleEntries object.
videoSampleEntryId: number;
* the number of samples (aka frames) of video in this recording.
videoSamples: number;
* the number of bytes of video in this recording.
sampleFileBytes: number;
export interface VideoSampleEntry {
width: number;
height: number;
pixelHSpacing?: number;
pixelVSpacing?: number;
export interface RecordingsRequest {
cameraUuid: string;
stream: StreamType;
startTime90k?: number;
endTime90k?: number;
split90k?: number;
export interface RecordingsResponse {
recordings: Recording[];
videoSampleEntries: { [id: number]: VideoSampleEntry };
function withQuery(baseUrl: string, params: { [key: string]: any }): string {
const p = new URLSearchParams();
for (const k in params) {
const v = params[k];
if (v !== undefined) {
p.append(k, v.toString());
const ps = p.toString();
return ps !== "" ? `${baseUrl}?${ps}` : baseUrl;
export async function recordings(req: RecordingsRequest, init: RequestInit) {
const p = new URLSearchParams();
if (req.startTime90k !== undefined) {
p.append("startTime90k", req.startTime90k.toString());
if (req.endTime90k !== undefined) {
p.append("endTime90k", req.endTime90k.toString());
if (req.split90k !== undefined) {
p.append("split90k", req.split90k.toString());
const url = withQuery(
startTime90k: req.startTime90k,
endTime90k: req.endTime90k,
split90k: req.split90k,
return await json<RecordingsResponse>(url, init);
* Returns a URL to a <tt>.mp4</tt> of the given recording.
* If <tt>trimToRange90k</tt> is supplied, the <tt>.mp4</tt> will include
* only the portion of the recording which overlaps with the given half-open
* interval.
export function recordingUrl(
cameraUuid: string,
stream: StreamType,
r: Recording,
2021-03-16 14:58:47 -07:00
timestampTrack: boolean,
trimToRange90k?: [number, number]
): string {
let s = `${r.startId}`;
if (r.endId !== undefined) {
s += `-${r.endId}`;
if (r.firstUncommitted !== undefined) {
s += `@${r.openId}`; // disambiguate.
let rel = "";
if (trimToRange90k !== undefined && r.startTime90k < trimToRange90k[0]) {
rel += trimToRange90k[0] - r.startTime90k;
rel += "-";
if (trimToRange90k !== undefined && r.endTime90k > trimToRange90k[1]) {
rel += trimToRange90k[1] - r.startTime90k;
} else if (r.growing) {
// View just the portion described by recording, not anything added later.
rel += r.endTime90k - r.startTime90k;
if (rel !== "-") {
s += "." + rel;
return withQuery(`/api/cameras/${cameraUuid}/${stream}/view.mp4`, {
2021-03-16 14:58:47 -07:00
ts: timestampTrack,