mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 02:22:29 -05:00
This happens because of a change added where any sub-credential with parentUser == rootCredential i.e (MINIO_ROOT_USER) will always be an owner, you cannot generate credentials with lower session policy to restrict their access. This doesn't affect user service accounts created with regular users, LDAP or OpenID
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cmd
import (
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/internal/http"
// credentialHeader data type represents structured form of Credential
// string from authorization header.
type credentialHeader struct {
accessKey string
scope struct {
date time.Time
region string
service string
request string
// Return scope string.
func (c credentialHeader) getScope() string {
return strings.Join([]string{
}, SlashSeparator)
func getReqAccessKeyV4(r *http.Request, region string, stype serviceType) (auth.Credentials, bool, APIErrorCode) {
ch, s3Err := parseCredentialHeader("Credential="+r.Form.Get(xhttp.AmzCredential), region, stype)
if s3Err != ErrNone {
// Strip off the Algorithm prefix.
v4Auth := strings.TrimPrefix(r.Header.Get("Authorization"), signV4Algorithm)
authFields := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(v4Auth), ",")
if len(authFields) != 3 {
return auth.Credentials{}, false, ErrMissingFields
ch, s3Err = parseCredentialHeader(authFields[0], region, stype)
if s3Err != ErrNone {
return auth.Credentials{}, false, s3Err
return checkKeyValid(r, ch.accessKey)
// parse credentialHeader string into its structured form.
func parseCredentialHeader(credElement string, region string, stype serviceType) (ch credentialHeader, aec APIErrorCode) {
creds := strings.SplitN(strings.TrimSpace(credElement), "=", 2)
if len(creds) != 2 {
return ch, ErrMissingFields
if creds[0] != "Credential" {
return ch, ErrMissingCredTag
credElements := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(creds[1]), SlashSeparator)
if len(credElements) < 5 {
return ch, ErrCredMalformed
accessKey := strings.Join(credElements[:len(credElements)-4], SlashSeparator) // The access key may contain one or more `/`
if !auth.IsAccessKeyValid(accessKey) {
return ch, ErrInvalidAccessKeyID
// Save access key id.
cred := credentialHeader{
accessKey: accessKey,
credElements = credElements[len(credElements)-4:]
var e error
cred.scope.date, e = time.Parse(yyyymmdd, credElements[0])
if e != nil {
return ch, ErrMalformedCredentialDate
cred.scope.region = credElements[1]
// Verify if region is valid.
sRegion := cred.scope.region
// Region is set to be empty, we use whatever was sent by the
// request and proceed further. This is a work-around to address
// an important problem for ListBuckets() getting signed with
// different regions.
if region == "" {
region = sRegion
// Should validate region, only if region is set.
if !isValidRegion(sRegion, region) {
return ch, ErrAuthorizationHeaderMalformed
if credElements[2] != string(stype) {
switch stype {
case serviceSTS:
return ch, ErrInvalidServiceSTS
return ch, ErrInvalidServiceS3
cred.scope.service = credElements[2]
if credElements[3] != "aws4_request" {
return ch, ErrInvalidRequestVersion
cred.scope.request = credElements[3]
return cred, ErrNone
// Parse signature from signature tag.
func parseSignature(signElement string) (string, APIErrorCode) {
signFields := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(signElement), "=")
if len(signFields) != 2 {
return "", ErrMissingFields
if signFields[0] != "Signature" {
return "", ErrMissingSignTag
if signFields[1] == "" {
return "", ErrMissingFields
signature := signFields[1]
return signature, ErrNone
// Parse slice of signed headers from signed headers tag.
func parseSignedHeader(signedHdrElement string) ([]string, APIErrorCode) {
signedHdrFields := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(signedHdrElement), "=")
if len(signedHdrFields) != 2 {
return nil, ErrMissingFields
if signedHdrFields[0] != "SignedHeaders" {
return nil, ErrMissingSignHeadersTag
if signedHdrFields[1] == "" {
return nil, ErrMissingFields
signedHeaders := strings.Split(signedHdrFields[1], ";")
return signedHeaders, ErrNone
// signValues data type represents structured form of AWS Signature V4 header.
type signValues struct {
Credential credentialHeader
SignedHeaders []string
Signature string
// preSignValues data type represents structued form of AWS Signature V4 query string.
type preSignValues struct {
Date time.Time
Expires time.Duration
// Parses signature version '4' query string of the following form.
// querystring = X-Amz-Algorithm=algorithm
// querystring += &X-Amz-Credential= urlencode(accessKey + '/' + credential_scope)
// querystring += &X-Amz-Date=date
// querystring += &X-Amz-Expires=timeout interval
// querystring += &X-Amz-SignedHeaders=signed_headers
// querystring += &X-Amz-Signature=signature
// verifies if any of the necessary query params are missing in the presigned request.
func doesV4PresignParamsExist(query url.Values) APIErrorCode {
v4PresignQueryParams := []string{xhttp.AmzAlgorithm, xhttp.AmzCredential, xhttp.AmzSignature, xhttp.AmzDate, xhttp.AmzSignedHeaders, xhttp.AmzExpires}
for _, v4PresignQueryParam := range v4PresignQueryParams {
if _, ok := query[v4PresignQueryParam]; !ok {
return ErrInvalidQueryParams
return ErrNone
// Parses all the presigned signature values into separate elements.
func parsePreSignV4(query url.Values, region string, stype serviceType) (psv preSignValues, aec APIErrorCode) {
// verify whether the required query params exist.
aec = doesV4PresignParamsExist(query)
if aec != ErrNone {
return psv, aec
// Verify if the query algorithm is supported or not.
if query.Get(xhttp.AmzAlgorithm) != signV4Algorithm {
return psv, ErrInvalidQuerySignatureAlgo
// Initialize signature version '4' structured header.
preSignV4Values := preSignValues{}
// Save credential.
preSignV4Values.Credential, aec = parseCredentialHeader("Credential="+query.Get(xhttp.AmzCredential), region, stype)
if aec != ErrNone {
return psv, aec
var e error
// Save date in native time.Time.
preSignV4Values.Date, e = time.Parse(iso8601Format, query.Get(xhttp.AmzDate))
if e != nil {
return psv, ErrMalformedPresignedDate
// Save expires in native time.Duration.
preSignV4Values.Expires, e = time.ParseDuration(query.Get(xhttp.AmzExpires) + "s")
if e != nil {
return psv, ErrMalformedExpires
if preSignV4Values.Expires < 0 {
return psv, ErrNegativeExpires
// Check if Expiry time is less than 7 days (value in seconds).
if preSignV4Values.Expires.Seconds() > 604800 {
return psv, ErrMaximumExpires
// Save signed headers.
preSignV4Values.SignedHeaders, aec = parseSignedHeader("SignedHeaders=" + query.Get(xhttp.AmzSignedHeaders))
if aec != ErrNone {
return psv, aec
// Save signature.
preSignV4Values.Signature, aec = parseSignature("Signature=" + query.Get(xhttp.AmzSignature))
if aec != ErrNone {
return psv, aec
// Return structed form of signature query string.
return preSignV4Values, ErrNone
// Parses signature version '4' header of the following form.
// Authorization: algorithm Credential=accessKeyID/credScope, \
// SignedHeaders=signedHeaders, Signature=signature
func parseSignV4(v4Auth string, region string, stype serviceType) (sv signValues, aec APIErrorCode) {
// credElement is fetched first to skip replacing the space in access key.
credElement := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(v4Auth), ",")[0], signV4Algorithm)
// Replace all spaced strings, some clients can send spaced
// parameters and some won't. So we pro-actively remove any spaces
// to make parsing easier.
v4Auth = strings.Replace(v4Auth, " ", "", -1)
if v4Auth == "" {
return sv, ErrAuthHeaderEmpty
// Verify if the header algorithm is supported or not.
if !strings.HasPrefix(v4Auth, signV4Algorithm) {
return sv, ErrSignatureVersionNotSupported
// Strip off the Algorithm prefix.
v4Auth = strings.TrimPrefix(v4Auth, signV4Algorithm)
authFields := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(v4Auth), ",")
if len(authFields) != 3 {
return sv, ErrMissingFields
// Initialize signature version '4' structured header.
signV4Values := signValues{}
var s3Err APIErrorCode
// Save credentail values.
signV4Values.Credential, s3Err = parseCredentialHeader(strings.TrimSpace(credElement), region, stype)
if s3Err != ErrNone {
return sv, s3Err
// Save signed headers.
signV4Values.SignedHeaders, s3Err = parseSignedHeader(authFields[1])
if s3Err != ErrNone {
return sv, s3Err
// Save signature.
signV4Values.Signature, s3Err = parseSignature(authFields[2])
if s3Err != ErrNone {
return sv, s3Err
// Return the structure here.
return signV4Values, ErrNone