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synced 2025-03-13 21:12:55 -04:00
This commit replaces the usage of github.com/minio/sha256-simd with crypto/sha256 of the standard library in all non-performance critical paths. This is necessary for FIPS 140-2 compliance which requires that all crypto. primitives are implemented by a FIPS-validated module. Go can use the Google FIPS module. The boringcrypto branch of the Go standard library uses the BoringSSL FIPS module to implement crypto. primitives like AES or SHA256. We only keep github.com/minio/sha256-simd when computing the content-SHA256 of an object. Therefore, this commit relies on a build tag `fips`. When MinIO is compiled without the `fips` flag it will use github.com/minio/sha256-simd. When MinIO is compiled with the fips flag (go build --tags "fips") then MinIO uses crypto/sha256 to compute the content-SHA256.
417 lines
12 KiB
417 lines
12 KiB
* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package cmd This file implements helper functions to validate Streaming AWS
// Signature Version '4' authorization header.
package cmd
import (
humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/http"
// Streaming AWS Signature Version '4' constants.
const (
emptySHA256 = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
streamingContentSHA256 = "STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD"
signV4ChunkedAlgorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD"
streamingContentEncoding = "aws-chunked"
// getChunkSignature - get chunk signature.
func getChunkSignature(cred auth.Credentials, seedSignature string, region string, date time.Time, hashedChunk string) string {
// Calculate string to sign.
stringToSign := signV4ChunkedAlgorithm + "\n" +
date.Format(iso8601Format) + "\n" +
getScope(date, region) + "\n" +
seedSignature + "\n" +
emptySHA256 + "\n" +
// Get hmac signing key.
signingKey := getSigningKey(cred.SecretKey, date, region, serviceS3)
// Calculate signature.
newSignature := getSignature(signingKey, stringToSign)
return newSignature
// calculateSeedSignature - Calculate seed signature in accordance with
// - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-streaming.html
// returns signature, error otherwise if the signature mismatches or any other
// error while parsing and validating.
func calculateSeedSignature(r *http.Request) (cred auth.Credentials, signature string, region string, date time.Time, errCode APIErrorCode) {
// Copy request.
req := *r
// Save authorization header.
v4Auth := req.Header.Get(xhttp.Authorization)
// Parse signature version '4' header.
signV4Values, errCode := parseSignV4(v4Auth, globalServerRegion, serviceS3)
if errCode != ErrNone {
return cred, "", "", time.Time{}, errCode
// Payload streaming.
payload := streamingContentSHA256
// Payload for STREAMING signature should be 'STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD'
if payload != req.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzContentSha256) {
return cred, "", "", time.Time{}, ErrContentSHA256Mismatch
// Extract all the signed headers along with its values.
extractedSignedHeaders, errCode := extractSignedHeaders(signV4Values.SignedHeaders, r)
if errCode != ErrNone {
return cred, "", "", time.Time{}, errCode
cred, _, errCode = checkKeyValid(signV4Values.Credential.accessKey)
if errCode != ErrNone {
return cred, "", "", time.Time{}, errCode
// Verify if region is valid.
region = signV4Values.Credential.scope.region
// Extract date, if not present throw error.
var dateStr string
if dateStr = req.Header.Get("x-amz-date"); dateStr == "" {
if dateStr = r.Header.Get("Date"); dateStr == "" {
return cred, "", "", time.Time{}, ErrMissingDateHeader
// Parse date header.
var err error
date, err = time.Parse(iso8601Format, dateStr)
if err != nil {
return cred, "", "", time.Time{}, ErrMalformedDate
// Query string.
queryStr := req.URL.Query().Encode()
// Get canonical request.
canonicalRequest := getCanonicalRequest(extractedSignedHeaders, payload, queryStr, req.URL.Path, req.Method)
// Get string to sign from canonical request.
stringToSign := getStringToSign(canonicalRequest, date, signV4Values.Credential.getScope())
// Get hmac signing key.
signingKey := getSigningKey(cred.SecretKey, signV4Values.Credential.scope.date, region, serviceS3)
// Calculate signature.
newSignature := getSignature(signingKey, stringToSign)
// Verify if signature match.
if !compareSignatureV4(newSignature, signV4Values.Signature) {
return cred, "", "", time.Time{}, ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch
// Return caculated signature.
return cred, newSignature, region, date, ErrNone
const maxLineLength = 4 * humanize.KiByte // assumed <= bufio.defaultBufSize 4KiB
// lineTooLong is generated as chunk header is bigger than 4KiB.
var errLineTooLong = errors.New("header line too long")
// Malformed encoding is generated when chunk header is wrongly formed.
var errMalformedEncoding = errors.New("malformed chunked encoding")
// newSignV4ChunkedReader returns a new s3ChunkedReader that translates the data read from r
// out of HTTP "chunked" format before returning it.
// The s3ChunkedReader returns io.EOF when the final 0-length chunk is read.
// NewChunkedReader is not needed by normal applications. The http package
// automatically decodes chunking when reading response bodies.
func newSignV4ChunkedReader(req *http.Request) (io.ReadCloser, APIErrorCode) {
cred, seedSignature, region, seedDate, errCode := calculateSeedSignature(req)
if errCode != ErrNone {
return nil, errCode
return &s3ChunkedReader{
reader: bufio.NewReader(req.Body),
cred: cred,
seedSignature: seedSignature,
seedDate: seedDate,
region: region,
chunkSHA256Writer: sha256.New(),
state: readChunkHeader,
}, ErrNone
// Represents the overall state that is required for decoding a
// AWS Signature V4 chunked reader.
type s3ChunkedReader struct {
reader *bufio.Reader
cred auth.Credentials
seedSignature string
seedDate time.Time
region string
state chunkState
lastChunk bool
chunkSignature string
chunkSHA256Writer hash.Hash // Calculates sha256 of chunk data.
n uint64 // Unread bytes in chunk
err error
// Read chunk reads the chunk token signature portion.
func (cr *s3ChunkedReader) readS3ChunkHeader() {
// Read the first chunk line until CRLF.
var hexChunkSize, hexChunkSignature []byte
hexChunkSize, hexChunkSignature, cr.err = readChunkLine(cr.reader)
if cr.err != nil {
// <hex>;token=value - converts the hex into its uint64 form.
cr.n, cr.err = parseHexUint(hexChunkSize)
if cr.err != nil {
if cr.n == 0 {
cr.err = io.EOF
// Save the incoming chunk signature.
cr.chunkSignature = string(hexChunkSignature)
type chunkState int
const (
readChunkHeader chunkState = iota
func (cs chunkState) String() string {
stateString := ""
switch cs {
case readChunkHeader:
stateString = "readChunkHeader"
case readChunkTrailer:
stateString = "readChunkTrailer"
case readChunk:
stateString = "readChunk"
case verifyChunk:
stateString = "verifyChunk"
case eofChunk:
stateString = "eofChunk"
return stateString
func (cr *s3ChunkedReader) Close() (err error) {
return nil
// Read - implements `io.Reader`, which transparently decodes
// the incoming AWS Signature V4 streaming signature.
func (cr *s3ChunkedReader) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
for {
switch cr.state {
case readChunkHeader:
// If we're at the end of a chunk.
if cr.n == 0 && cr.err == io.EOF {
cr.state = readChunkTrailer
cr.lastChunk = true
if cr.err != nil {
return 0, cr.err
cr.state = readChunk
case readChunkTrailer:
cr.err = readCRLF(cr.reader)
if cr.err != nil {
return 0, errMalformedEncoding
cr.state = verifyChunk
case readChunk:
// There is no more space left in the request buffer.
if len(buf) == 0 {
return n, nil
rbuf := buf
// The request buffer is larger than the current chunk size.
// Read only the current chunk from the underlying reader.
if uint64(len(rbuf)) > cr.n {
rbuf = rbuf[:cr.n]
var n0 int
n0, cr.err = cr.reader.Read(rbuf)
if cr.err != nil {
// We have lesser than chunk size advertised in chunkHeader, this is 'unexpected'.
if cr.err == io.EOF {
cr.err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return 0, cr.err
// Calculate sha256.
// Update the bytes read into request buffer so far.
n += n0
buf = buf[n0:]
// Update bytes to be read of the current chunk before verifying chunk's signature.
cr.n -= uint64(n0)
// If we're at the end of a chunk.
if cr.n == 0 {
cr.state = readChunkTrailer
case verifyChunk:
// Calculate the hashed chunk.
hashedChunk := hex.EncodeToString(cr.chunkSHA256Writer.Sum(nil))
// Calculate the chunk signature.
newSignature := getChunkSignature(cr.cred, cr.seedSignature, cr.region, cr.seedDate, hashedChunk)
if !compareSignatureV4(cr.chunkSignature, newSignature) {
// Chunk signature doesn't match we return signature does not match.
cr.err = errSignatureMismatch
return 0, cr.err
// Newly calculated signature becomes the seed for the next chunk
// this follows the chaining.
cr.seedSignature = newSignature
if cr.lastChunk {
cr.state = eofChunk
} else {
cr.state = readChunkHeader
case eofChunk:
return n, io.EOF
// readCRLF - check if reader only has '\r\n' CRLF character.
// returns malformed encoding if it doesn't.
func readCRLF(reader io.Reader) error {
buf := make([]byte, 2)
_, err := io.ReadFull(reader, buf[:2])
if err != nil {
return err
if buf[0] != '\r' || buf[1] != '\n' {
return errMalformedEncoding
return nil
// Read a line of bytes (up to \n) from b.
// Give up if the line exceeds maxLineLength.
// The returned bytes are owned by the bufio.Reader
// so they are only valid until the next bufio read.
func readChunkLine(b *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
buf, err := b.ReadSlice('\n')
if err != nil {
// We always know when EOF is coming.
// If the caller asked for a line, there should be a line.
if err == io.EOF {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
} else if err == bufio.ErrBufferFull {
err = errLineTooLong
return nil, nil, err
if len(buf) >= maxLineLength {
return nil, nil, errLineTooLong
// Parse s3 specific chunk extension and fetch the values.
hexChunkSize, hexChunkSignature := parseS3ChunkExtension(buf)
return hexChunkSize, hexChunkSignature, nil
// trimTrailingWhitespace - trim trailing white space.
func trimTrailingWhitespace(b []byte) []byte {
for len(b) > 0 && isASCIISpace(b[len(b)-1]) {
b = b[:len(b)-1]
return b
// isASCIISpace - is ascii space?
func isASCIISpace(b byte) bool {
return b == ' ' || b == '\t' || b == '\n' || b == '\r'
// Constant s3 chunk encoding signature.
const s3ChunkSignatureStr = ";chunk-signature="
// parses3ChunkExtension removes any s3 specific chunk-extension from buf.
// For example,
// "10000;chunk-signature=..." => "10000", "chunk-signature=..."
func parseS3ChunkExtension(buf []byte) ([]byte, []byte) {
buf = trimTrailingWhitespace(buf)
semi := bytes.Index(buf, []byte(s3ChunkSignatureStr))
// Chunk signature not found, return the whole buffer.
if semi == -1 {
return buf, nil
return buf[:semi], parseChunkSignature(buf[semi:])
// parseChunkSignature - parse chunk signature.
func parseChunkSignature(chunk []byte) []byte {
chunkSplits := bytes.SplitN(chunk, []byte(s3ChunkSignatureStr), 2)
return chunkSplits[1]
// parse hex to uint64.
func parseHexUint(v []byte) (n uint64, err error) {
for i, b := range v {
switch {
case '0' <= b && b <= '9':
b = b - '0'
case 'a' <= b && b <= 'f':
b = b - 'a' + 10
case 'A' <= b && b <= 'F':
b = b - 'A' + 10
return 0, errors.New("invalid byte in chunk length")
if i == 16 {
return 0, errors.New("http chunk length too large")
n <<= 4
n |= uint64(b)