mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 09:48:30 -04:00
This PR fixes a hang which occurs quite commonly at higher concurrency by allowing following changes - allowing lower connections in time_wait allows faster socket open's - lower idle connection timeout to ensure that we let kernel reclaim the time_wait connections quickly - increase somaxconn to 4096 instead of 2048 to allow larger tcp syn backlogs. fixes #10413
2200 lines
64 KiB
2200 lines
64 KiB
* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2019,2020 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/http"
type erasureZones struct {
zones []*erasureSets
// Shut down async operations
shutdown context.CancelFunc
func (z *erasureZones) SingleZone() bool {
return len(z.zones) == 1
// Initialize new zone of erasure sets.
func newErasureZones(ctx context.Context, endpointZones EndpointZones) (ObjectLayer, error) {
var (
deploymentID string
err error
formats = make([]*formatErasureV3, len(endpointZones))
storageDisks = make([][]StorageAPI, len(endpointZones))
z = &erasureZones{zones: make([]*erasureSets, len(endpointZones))}
var localDrives []string
local := endpointZones.FirstLocal()
for i, ep := range endpointZones {
for _, endpoint := range ep.Endpoints {
if endpoint.IsLocal {
localDrives = append(localDrives, endpoint.Path)
storageDisks[i], formats[i], err = waitForFormatErasure(local, ep.Endpoints, i+1,
ep.SetCount, ep.DrivesPerSet, deploymentID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if deploymentID == "" {
deploymentID = formats[i].ID
z.zones[i], err = newErasureSets(ctx, ep.Endpoints, storageDisks[i], formats[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx, z.shutdown = context.WithCancel(ctx)
go intDataUpdateTracker.start(ctx, localDrives...)
return z, nil
func (z *erasureZones) NewNSLock(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objects ...string) RWLocker {
return z.zones[0].NewNSLock(ctx, bucket, objects...)
func (z *erasureZones) GetAllLockers() []dsync.NetLocker {
return z.zones[0].GetAllLockers()
func (z *erasureZones) SetDriveCount() int {
return z.zones[0].SetDriveCount()
type zonesAvailableSpace []zoneAvailableSpace
type zoneAvailableSpace struct {
Index int
Available uint64
// TotalAvailable - total available space
func (p zonesAvailableSpace) TotalAvailable() uint64 {
total := uint64(0)
for _, z := range p {
total += z.Available
return total
// getAvailableZoneIdx will return an index that can hold size bytes.
// -1 is returned if no zones have available space for the size given.
func (z *erasureZones) getAvailableZoneIdx(ctx context.Context, size int64) int {
zones := z.getZonesAvailableSpace(ctx, size)
total := zones.TotalAvailable()
if total == 0 {
return -1
// choose when we reach this many
choose := rand.Uint64() % total
atTotal := uint64(0)
for _, zone := range zones {
atTotal += zone.Available
if atTotal > choose && zone.Available > 0 {
return zone.Index
// Should not happen, but print values just in case.
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("reached end of zones (total: %v, atTotal: %v, choose: %v)", total, atTotal, choose))
return -1
// getZonesAvailableSpace will return the available space of each zone after storing the content.
// If there is not enough space the zone will return 0 bytes available.
// Negative sizes are seen as 0 bytes.
func (z *erasureZones) getZonesAvailableSpace(ctx context.Context, size int64) zonesAvailableSpace {
if size < 0 {
size = 0
var zones = make(zonesAvailableSpace, len(z.zones))
storageInfos := make([]StorageInfo, len(z.zones))
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(z.zones))
for index := range z.zones {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
storageInfos[index] = z.zones[index].StorageUsageInfo(ctx)
return nil
}, index)
// Wait for the go routines.
for i, zinfo := range storageInfos {
var available uint64
var total uint64
for _, disk := range zinfo.Disks {
total += disk.TotalSpace
available += disk.TotalSpace - disk.UsedSpace
// Make sure we can fit "size" on to the disk without getting above the diskFillFraction
if available < uint64(size) {
available = 0
if available > 0 {
// How much will be left after adding the file.
available -= -uint64(size)
// wantLeft is how much space there at least must be left.
wantLeft := uint64(float64(total) * (1.0 - diskFillFraction))
if available <= wantLeft {
available = 0
zones[i] = zoneAvailableSpace{
Index: i,
Available: available,
return zones
// getZoneIdx returns the found previous object and its corresponding zone idx,
// if none are found falls back to most available space zone.
func (z *erasureZones) getZoneIdx(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions, size int64) (idx int, err error) {
if z.SingleZone() {
return 0, nil
for i, zone := range z.zones {
objInfo, err := zone.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
switch err.(type) {
case ObjectNotFound:
// VersionId was not specified but found delete marker or no versions exist.
case MethodNotAllowed:
// VersionId was specified but found delete marker
if err != nil {
// any other un-handled errors return right here.
return -1, err
// delete marker not specified means no versions
// exist continue to next zone.
if !objInfo.DeleteMarker && err != nil {
// Success case and when DeleteMarker is true return.
return i, nil
// We multiply the size by 2 to account for erasure coding.
idx = z.getAvailableZoneIdx(ctx, size*2)
if idx < 0 {
return -1, toObjectErr(errDiskFull)
return idx, nil
func (z *erasureZones) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
defer z.shutdown()
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].Shutdown(ctx)
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(z.zones))
for index := range z.zones {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
return z.zones[index].Shutdown(ctx)
}, index)
for _, err := range g.Wait() {
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
// let's the rest shutdown
return nil
func (z *erasureZones) StorageInfo(ctx context.Context, local bool) (StorageInfo, []error) {
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].StorageInfo(ctx, local)
var storageInfo StorageInfo
storageInfos := make([]StorageInfo, len(z.zones))
storageInfosErrs := make([][]error, len(z.zones))
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(z.zones))
for index := range z.zones {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
storageInfos[index], storageInfosErrs[index] = z.zones[index].StorageInfo(ctx, local)
return nil
}, index)
// Wait for the go routines.
for _, lstorageInfo := range storageInfos {
storageInfo.Disks = append(storageInfo.Disks, lstorageInfo.Disks...)
storageInfo.Backend.OnlineDisks = storageInfo.Backend.OnlineDisks.Merge(lstorageInfo.Backend.OnlineDisks)
storageInfo.Backend.OfflineDisks = storageInfo.Backend.OfflineDisks.Merge(lstorageInfo.Backend.OfflineDisks)
storageInfo.Backend.Type = storageInfos[0].Backend.Type
storageInfo.Backend.StandardSCData = storageInfos[0].Backend.StandardSCData
storageInfo.Backend.StandardSCParity = storageInfos[0].Backend.StandardSCParity
storageInfo.Backend.RRSCData = storageInfos[0].Backend.RRSCData
storageInfo.Backend.RRSCParity = storageInfos[0].Backend.RRSCParity
var errs []error
for i := range z.zones {
errs = append(errs, storageInfosErrs[i]...)
return storageInfo, errs
func (z *erasureZones) CrawlAndGetDataUsage(ctx context.Context, bf *bloomFilter, updates chan<- DataUsageInfo) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var mu sync.Mutex
var results []dataUsageCache
var firstErr error
var knownBuckets = make(map[string]struct{}) // used to deduplicate buckets.
var allBuckets []BucketInfo
// Collect for each set in zones.
for _, z := range z.zones {
buckets, err := z.ListBuckets(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Add new buckets.
for _, b := range buckets {
if _, ok := knownBuckets[b.Name]; ok {
allBuckets = append(allBuckets, b)
knownBuckets[b.Name] = struct{}{}
for _, erObj := range z.sets {
results = append(results, dataUsageCache{})
go func(i int, erObj *erasureObjects) {
updates := make(chan dataUsageCache, 1)
defer close(updates)
// Start update collector.
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for info := range updates {
results[i] = info
// Start crawler. Blocks until done.
err := erObj.crawlAndGetDataUsage(ctx, buckets, bf, updates)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
// Cancel remaining...
}(len(results)-1, erObj)
updateCloser := make(chan chan struct{})
go func() {
updateTicker := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second)
defer updateTicker.Stop()
var lastUpdate time.Time
// We need to merge since we will get the same buckets from each zone.
// Therefore to get the exact bucket sizes we must merge before we can convert.
var allMerged dataUsageCache
update := func() {
defer mu.Unlock()
allMerged = dataUsageCache{Info: dataUsageCacheInfo{Name: dataUsageRoot}}
for _, info := range results {
if info.Info.LastUpdate.IsZero() {
// Not filled yet.
if allMerged.root() != nil && allMerged.Info.LastUpdate.After(lastUpdate) {
updates <- allMerged.dui(allMerged.Info.Name, allBuckets)
lastUpdate = allMerged.Info.LastUpdate
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case v := <-updateCloser:
// Enforce quotas when all is done.
if firstErr == nil {
for _, b := range allBuckets {
enforceFIFOQuotaBucket(ctx, z, b.Name, allMerged.bucketUsageInfo(b.Name))
case <-updateTicker.C:
ch := make(chan struct{})
select {
case updateCloser <- ch:
case <-ctx.Done():
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = ctx.Err()
return firstErr
// MakeBucketWithLocation - creates a new bucket across all zones simultaneously
// even if one of the sets fail to create buckets, we proceed all the successful
// operations.
func (z *erasureZones) MakeBucketWithLocation(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts BucketOptions) error {
if z.SingleZone() {
if err := z.zones[0].MakeBucketWithLocation(ctx, bucket, opts); err != nil {
return err
// If it doesn't exist we get a new, so ignore errors
meta := newBucketMetadata(bucket)
if opts.LockEnabled {
meta.VersioningConfigXML = enabledBucketVersioningConfig
meta.ObjectLockConfigXML = enabledBucketObjectLockConfig
if err := meta.Save(ctx, z); err != nil {
return toObjectErr(err, bucket)
globalBucketMetadataSys.Set(bucket, meta)
return nil
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(z.zones))
// Create buckets in parallel across all sets.
for index := range z.zones {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
return z.zones[index].MakeBucketWithLocation(ctx, bucket, opts)
}, index)
errs := g.Wait()
// Return the first encountered error
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
return err
// If it doesn't exist we get a new, so ignore errors
meta := newBucketMetadata(bucket)
if opts.LockEnabled {
meta.VersioningConfigXML = enabledBucketVersioningConfig
meta.ObjectLockConfigXML = enabledBucketObjectLockConfig
if err := meta.Save(ctx, z); err != nil {
return toObjectErr(err, bucket)
globalBucketMetadataSys.Set(bucket, meta)
// Success.
return nil
func (z *erasureZones) GetObjectNInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, h http.Header, lockType LockType, opts ObjectOptions) (gr *GetObjectReader, err error) {
if err = checkGetObjArgs(ctx, bucket, object); err != nil {
return nil, err
object = encodeDirObject(object)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
gr, err = zone.GetObjectNInfo(ctx, bucket, object, rs, h, lockType, opts)
if err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return gr, err
return gr, nil
if opts.VersionID != "" {
return gr, VersionNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object, VersionID: opts.VersionID}
return gr, ObjectNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object}
func (z *erasureZones) GetObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, startOffset int64, length int64, writer io.Writer, etag string, opts ObjectOptions) error {
if err := checkGetObjArgs(ctx, bucket, object); err != nil {
return err
object = encodeDirObject(object)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
if err := zone.GetObject(ctx, bucket, object, startOffset, length, writer, etag, opts); err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return err
return nil
if opts.VersionID != "" {
return VersionNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object, VersionID: opts.VersionID}
return ObjectNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object}
func (z *erasureZones) GetObjectInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) {
if err = checkGetObjArgs(ctx, bucket, object); err != nil {
return objInfo, err
object = encodeDirObject(object)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
objInfo, err = zone.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return objInfo, err
return objInfo, nil
object = decodeDirObject(object)
if opts.VersionID != "" {
return objInfo, VersionNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object, VersionID: opts.VersionID}
return objInfo, ObjectNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object}
// PutObject - writes an object to least used erasure zone.
func (z *erasureZones) PutObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, data *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error) {
// Validate put object input args.
if err := checkPutObjectArgs(ctx, bucket, object, z); err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].PutObject(ctx, bucket, object, data, opts)
idx, err := z.getZoneIdx(ctx, bucket, object, opts, data.Size())
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
// Overwrite the object at the right zone
return z.zones[idx].PutObject(ctx, bucket, object, data, opts)
func (z *erasureZones) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) {
if err = checkDelObjArgs(ctx, bucket, object); err != nil {
return objInfo, err
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
objInfo, err = zone.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err == nil {
return objInfo, nil
if err != nil && !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return objInfo, err
func (z *erasureZones) DeleteObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objects []ObjectToDelete, opts ObjectOptions) ([]DeletedObject, []error) {
derrs := make([]error, len(objects))
dobjects := make([]DeletedObject, len(objects))
objSets := set.NewStringSet()
for i := range derrs {
objects[i].ObjectName = encodeDirObject(objects[i].ObjectName)
derrs[i] = checkDelObjArgs(ctx, bucket, objects[i].ObjectName)
// Acquire a bulk write lock across 'objects'
multiDeleteLock := z.NewNSLock(ctx, bucket, objSets.ToSlice()...)
if err := multiDeleteLock.GetLock(globalOperationTimeout); err != nil {
for i := range derrs {
derrs[i] = err
return nil, derrs
defer multiDeleteLock.Unlock()
for _, zone := range z.zones {
deletedObjects, errs := zone.DeleteObjects(ctx, bucket, objects, opts)
for i, derr := range errs {
if derrs[i] == nil {
if derr != nil && !isErrObjectNotFound(derr) && !isErrVersionNotFound(derr) {
derrs[i] = derr
if derrs[i] == nil {
dobjects[i] = deletedObjects[i]
return dobjects, derrs
func (z *erasureZones) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject string, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) {
srcObject = encodeDirObject(srcObject)
dstObject = encodeDirObject(dstObject)
cpSrcDstSame := isStringEqual(pathJoin(srcBucket, srcObject), pathJoin(dstBucket, dstObject))
zoneIdx, err := z.getZoneIdx(ctx, dstBucket, dstObject, dstOpts, srcInfo.Size)
if err != nil {
return objInfo, err
if cpSrcDstSame && srcInfo.metadataOnly {
// Version ID is set for the destination and source == destination version ID.
if dstOpts.VersionID != "" && srcOpts.VersionID == dstOpts.VersionID {
return z.zones[zoneIdx].CopyObject(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject, srcInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts)
// Destination is not versioned and source version ID is empty
// perform an in-place update.
if !dstOpts.Versioned && srcOpts.VersionID == "" {
return z.zones[zoneIdx].CopyObject(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject, srcInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts)
// Destination is versioned, source is not destination version,
// as a special case look for if the source object is not legacy
// from older format, for older format we will rewrite them as
// newer using PutObject() - this is an optimization to save space
if dstOpts.Versioned && srcOpts.VersionID != dstOpts.VersionID && !srcInfo.Legacy {
// CopyObject optimization where we don't create an entire copy
// of the content, instead we add a reference.
srcInfo.versionOnly = true
return z.zones[zoneIdx].CopyObject(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject, srcInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts)
putOpts := ObjectOptions{
ServerSideEncryption: dstOpts.ServerSideEncryption,
UserDefined: srcInfo.UserDefined,
Versioned: dstOpts.Versioned,
VersionID: dstOpts.VersionID,
return z.zones[zoneIdx].PutObject(ctx, dstBucket, dstObject, srcInfo.PutObjReader, putOpts)
func (z *erasureZones) ListObjectsV2(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter string, maxKeys int, fetchOwner bool, startAfter string) (ListObjectsV2Info, error) {
marker := continuationToken
if marker == "" {
marker = startAfter
loi, err := z.ListObjects(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys)
if err != nil {
return ListObjectsV2Info{}, err
listObjectsV2Info := ListObjectsV2Info{
IsTruncated: loi.IsTruncated,
ContinuationToken: continuationToken,
NextContinuationToken: loi.NextMarker,
Objects: loi.Objects,
Prefixes: loi.Prefixes,
return listObjectsV2Info, err
func (z *erasureZones) listObjectsNonSlash(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (loi ListObjectsInfo, err error) {
zonesEntryChs := make([][]FileInfoCh, 0, len(z.zones))
zonesListTolerancePerSet := make([]int, 0, len(z.zones))
endWalkCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(endWalkCh)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
zonesEntryChs = append(zonesEntryChs,
zone.startMergeWalksN(ctx, bucket, prefix, "", true, endWalkCh, zone.listTolerancePerSet, false))
if zone.listTolerancePerSet == -1 {
zonesListTolerancePerSet = append(zonesListTolerancePerSet, zone.setDriveCount/2)
} else {
zonesListTolerancePerSet = append(zonesListTolerancePerSet, zone.listTolerancePerSet-2)
var objInfos []ObjectInfo
var eof bool
var prevPrefix string
zonesEntriesInfos := make([][]FileInfo, 0, len(zonesEntryChs))
zonesEntriesValid := make([][]bool, 0, len(zonesEntryChs))
for _, entryChs := range zonesEntryChs {
zonesEntriesInfos = append(zonesEntriesInfos, make([]FileInfo, len(entryChs)))
zonesEntriesValid = append(zonesEntriesValid, make([]bool, len(entryChs)))
for {
if len(objInfos) == maxKeys {
result, quorumCount, zoneIndex, ok := lexicallySortedEntryZone(zonesEntryChs, zonesEntriesInfos, zonesEntriesValid)
if !ok {
eof = true
if quorumCount < zonesListTolerancePerSet[zoneIndex] {
// Skip entries which are not found on upto expected tolerance
var objInfo ObjectInfo
index := strings.Index(strings.TrimPrefix(result.Name, prefix), delimiter)
if index == -1 {
objInfo = ObjectInfo{
IsDir: false,
Bucket: bucket,
Name: result.Name,
ModTime: result.ModTime,
Size: result.Size,
ContentType: result.Metadata["content-type"],
ContentEncoding: result.Metadata["content-encoding"],
// Extract etag from metadata.
objInfo.ETag = extractETag(result.Metadata)
// All the parts per object.
objInfo.Parts = result.Parts
// etag/md5Sum has already been extracted. We need to
// remove to avoid it from appearing as part of
// response headers. e.g, X-Minio-* or X-Amz-*.
objInfo.UserDefined = cleanMetadata(result.Metadata)
// Update storage class
if sc, ok := result.Metadata[xhttp.AmzStorageClass]; ok {
objInfo.StorageClass = sc
} else {
objInfo.StorageClass = globalMinioDefaultStorageClass
} else {
index = len(prefix) + index + len(delimiter)
currPrefix := result.Name[:index]
if currPrefix == prevPrefix {
prevPrefix = currPrefix
objInfo = ObjectInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Name: currPrefix,
IsDir: true,
if objInfo.Name <= marker {
objInfos = append(objInfos, objInfo)
result := ListObjectsInfo{}
for _, objInfo := range objInfos {
if objInfo.IsDir {
result.Prefixes = append(result.Prefixes, objInfo.Name)
result.Objects = append(result.Objects, objInfo)
if !eof {
result.IsTruncated = true
if len(objInfos) > 0 {
result.NextMarker = objInfos[len(objInfos)-1].Name
return result, nil
func (z *erasureZones) listObjectsSplunk(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker string, maxKeys int) (loi ListObjectsInfo, err error) {
if strings.Contains(prefix, guidSplunk) {
logger.LogIf(ctx, NotImplemented{})
return loi, NotImplemented{}
recursive := true
zonesEntryChs := make([][]FileInfoCh, 0, len(z.zones))
zonesEndWalkCh := make([]chan struct{}, 0, len(z.zones))
zonesListTolerancePerSet := make([]int, 0, len(z.zones))
for _, zone := range z.zones {
entryChs, endWalkCh := zone.poolSplunk.Release(listParams{bucket, recursive, marker, prefix})
if entryChs == nil {
endWalkCh = make(chan struct{})
entryChs = zone.startMergeWalksN(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, recursive, endWalkCh, zone.listTolerancePerSet, true)
zonesEntryChs = append(zonesEntryChs, entryChs)
zonesEndWalkCh = append(zonesEndWalkCh, endWalkCh)
if zone.listTolerancePerSet == -1 {
zonesListTolerancePerSet = append(zonesListTolerancePerSet, zone.setDriveCount/2)
} else {
zonesListTolerancePerSet = append(zonesListTolerancePerSet, zone.listTolerancePerSet-2)
entries := mergeZonesEntriesCh(zonesEntryChs, maxKeys, zonesListTolerancePerSet)
if len(entries.Files) == 0 {
return loi, nil
loi.IsTruncated = entries.IsTruncated
if loi.IsTruncated {
loi.NextMarker = entries.Files[len(entries.Files)-1].Name
for _, entry := range entries.Files {
objInfo := entry.ToObjectInfo(bucket, entry.Name)
splits := strings.Split(objInfo.Name, guidSplunk)
if len(splits) == 0 {
loi.Objects = append(loi.Objects, objInfo)
loi.Prefixes = append(loi.Prefixes, splits[0]+guidSplunk)
if loi.IsTruncated {
for i, zone := range z.zones {
zone.poolSplunk.Set(listParams{bucket, recursive, loi.NextMarker, prefix}, zonesEntryChs[i],
return loi, nil
func (z *erasureZones) listObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectsInfo, error) {
loi := ListObjectsInfo{}
if err := checkListObjsArgs(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, z); err != nil {
return loi, err
// Marker is set validate pre-condition.
if marker != "" {
// Marker not common with prefix is not implemented. Send an empty response
if !HasPrefix(marker, prefix) {
return loi, nil
// With max keys of zero we have reached eof, return right here.
if maxKeys == 0 {
return loi, nil
// For delimiter and prefix as '/' we do not list anything at all
// since according to s3 spec we stop at the 'delimiter'
// along // with the prefix. On a flat namespace with 'prefix'
// as '/' we don't have any entries, since all the keys are
// of form 'keyName/...'
if delimiter == SlashSeparator && prefix == SlashSeparator {
return loi, nil
// Over flowing count - reset to maxObjectList.
if maxKeys < 0 || maxKeys > maxObjectList {
maxKeys = maxObjectList
if delimiter != SlashSeparator && delimiter != "" {
if delimiter == guidSplunk {
return z.listObjectsSplunk(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, maxKeys)
return z.listObjectsNonSlash(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys)
// Default is recursive, if delimiter is set then list non recursive.
recursive := true
if delimiter == SlashSeparator {
recursive = false
zonesEntryChs := make([][]FileInfoCh, 0, len(z.zones))
zonesEndWalkCh := make([]chan struct{}, 0, len(z.zones))
zonesListTolerancePerSet := make([]int, 0, len(z.zones))
for _, zone := range z.zones {
entryChs, endWalkCh := zone.pool.Release(listParams{bucket, recursive, marker, prefix})
if entryChs == nil {
endWalkCh = make(chan struct{})
entryChs = zone.startMergeWalksN(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, recursive, endWalkCh, zone.listTolerancePerSet, false)
zonesEntryChs = append(zonesEntryChs, entryChs)
zonesEndWalkCh = append(zonesEndWalkCh, endWalkCh)
if zone.listTolerancePerSet == -1 {
zonesListTolerancePerSet = append(zonesListTolerancePerSet, zone.setDriveCount/2)
} else {
zonesListTolerancePerSet = append(zonesListTolerancePerSet, zone.listTolerancePerSet-2)
entries := mergeZonesEntriesCh(zonesEntryChs, maxKeys, zonesListTolerancePerSet)
if len(entries.Files) == 0 {
return loi, nil
loi.IsTruncated = entries.IsTruncated
if loi.IsTruncated {
loi.NextMarker = entries.Files[len(entries.Files)-1].Name
for _, entry := range entries.Files {
objInfo := entry.ToObjectInfo(entry.Volume, entry.Name)
if HasSuffix(objInfo.Name, SlashSeparator) && !recursive {
loi.Prefixes = append(loi.Prefixes, objInfo.Name)
loi.Objects = append(loi.Objects, objInfo)
if loi.IsTruncated {
for i, zone := range z.zones {
zone.pool.Set(listParams{bucket, recursive, loi.NextMarker, prefix}, zonesEntryChs[i],
return loi, nil
// Calculate least entry across zones and across multiple FileInfo
// channels, returns the least common entry and the total number of times
// we found this entry. Additionally also returns a boolean
// to indicate if the caller needs to call this function
// again to list the next entry. It is callers responsibility
// if the caller wishes to list N entries to call lexicallySortedEntry
// N times until this boolean is 'false'.
func lexicallySortedEntryZone(zoneEntryChs [][]FileInfoCh, zoneEntries [][]FileInfo, zoneEntriesValid [][]bool) (FileInfo, int, int, bool) {
for i, entryChs := range zoneEntryChs {
for j := range entryChs {
zoneEntries[i][j], zoneEntriesValid[i][j] = entryChs[j].Pop()
var isTruncated = false
for _, entriesValid := range zoneEntriesValid {
for _, valid := range entriesValid {
if !valid {
isTruncated = true
if isTruncated {
var lentry FileInfo
var found bool
var zoneIndex = -1
// TODO: following loop can be merged with above
// loop, explore this possibility.
for i, entriesValid := range zoneEntriesValid {
for j, valid := range entriesValid {
if !valid {
if !found {
lentry = zoneEntries[i][j]
found = true
zoneIndex = i
str1 := zoneEntries[i][j].Name
str2 := lentry.Name
if HasSuffix(str1, globalDirSuffix) {
str1 = strings.TrimSuffix(str1, globalDirSuffix) + slashSeparator
if HasSuffix(str2, globalDirSuffix) {
str2 = strings.TrimSuffix(str2, globalDirSuffix) + slashSeparator
if str1 < str2 {
lentry = zoneEntries[i][j]
zoneIndex = i
// We haven't been able to find any least entry,
// this would mean that we don't have valid entry.
if !found {
return lentry, 0, zoneIndex, isTruncated
lexicallySortedEntryCount := 0
for i, entriesValid := range zoneEntriesValid {
for j, valid := range entriesValid {
if !valid {
// Entries are duplicated across disks,
// we should simply skip such entries.
if lentry.Name == zoneEntries[i][j].Name && lentry.ModTime.Equal(zoneEntries[i][j].ModTime) {
// Push all entries which are lexically higher
// and will be returned later in Pop()
if HasSuffix(lentry.Name, globalDirSuffix) {
lentry.Name = strings.TrimSuffix(lentry.Name, globalDirSuffix) + slashSeparator
return lentry, lexicallySortedEntryCount, zoneIndex, isTruncated
// Calculate least entry across zones and across multiple FileInfoVersions
// channels, returns the least common entry and the total number of times
// we found this entry. Additionally also returns a boolean
// to indicate if the caller needs to call this function
// again to list the next entry. It is callers responsibility
// if the caller wishes to list N entries to call lexicallySortedEntry
// N times until this boolean is 'false'.
func lexicallySortedEntryZoneVersions(zoneEntryChs [][]FileInfoVersionsCh, zoneEntries [][]FileInfoVersions, zoneEntriesValid [][]bool) (FileInfoVersions, int, int, bool) {
for i, entryChs := range zoneEntryChs {
for j := range entryChs {
zoneEntries[i][j], zoneEntriesValid[i][j] = entryChs[j].Pop()
var isTruncated = false
for _, entriesValid := range zoneEntriesValid {
for _, valid := range entriesValid {
if !valid {
isTruncated = true
if isTruncated {
var lentry FileInfoVersions
var found bool
var zoneIndex = -1
for i, entriesValid := range zoneEntriesValid {
for j, valid := range entriesValid {
if !valid {
if !found {
lentry = zoneEntries[i][j]
found = true
zoneIndex = i
str1 := zoneEntries[i][j].Name
str2 := lentry.Name
if HasSuffix(str1, globalDirSuffix) {
str1 = strings.TrimSuffix(str1, globalDirSuffix) + slashSeparator
if HasSuffix(str2, globalDirSuffix) {
str2 = strings.TrimSuffix(str2, globalDirSuffix) + slashSeparator
if str1 < str2 {
lentry = zoneEntries[i][j]
zoneIndex = i
// We haven't been able to find any least entry,
// this would mean that we don't have valid entry.
if !found {
return lentry, 0, zoneIndex, isTruncated
lexicallySortedEntryCount := 0
for i, entriesValid := range zoneEntriesValid {
for j, valid := range entriesValid {
if !valid {
// Entries are duplicated across disks,
// we should simply skip such entries.
if lentry.Name == zoneEntries[i][j].Name && lentry.LatestModTime.Equal(zoneEntries[i][j].LatestModTime) {
// Push all entries which are lexically higher
// and will be returned later in Pop()
if HasSuffix(lentry.Name, globalDirSuffix) {
lentry.Name = strings.TrimSuffix(lentry.Name, globalDirSuffix) + slashSeparator
return lentry, lexicallySortedEntryCount, zoneIndex, isTruncated
// mergeZonesEntriesVersionsCh - merges FileInfoVersions channel to entries upto maxKeys.
func mergeZonesEntriesVersionsCh(zonesEntryChs [][]FileInfoVersionsCh, maxKeys int, zonesListTolerancePerSet []int) (entries FilesInfoVersions) {
var i = 0
zonesEntriesInfos := make([][]FileInfoVersions, 0, len(zonesEntryChs))
zonesEntriesValid := make([][]bool, 0, len(zonesEntryChs))
for _, entryChs := range zonesEntryChs {
zonesEntriesInfos = append(zonesEntriesInfos, make([]FileInfoVersions, len(entryChs)))
zonesEntriesValid = append(zonesEntriesValid, make([]bool, len(entryChs)))
for {
fi, quorumCount, zoneIndex, ok := lexicallySortedEntryZoneVersions(zonesEntryChs, zonesEntriesInfos, zonesEntriesValid)
if !ok {
// We have reached EOF across all entryChs, break the loop.
if quorumCount < zonesListTolerancePerSet[zoneIndex] {
// Skip entries which are not found upto the expected tolerance
entries.FilesVersions = append(entries.FilesVersions, fi)
if i == maxKeys {
entries.IsTruncated = isTruncatedZonesVersions(zonesEntryChs, zonesEntriesInfos, zonesEntriesValid)
return entries
// mergeZonesEntriesCh - merges FileInfo channel to entries upto maxKeys.
func mergeZonesEntriesCh(zonesEntryChs [][]FileInfoCh, maxKeys int, zonesListTolerancePerSet []int) (entries FilesInfo) {
var i = 0
zonesEntriesInfos := make([][]FileInfo, 0, len(zonesEntryChs))
zonesEntriesValid := make([][]bool, 0, len(zonesEntryChs))
for _, entryChs := range zonesEntryChs {
zonesEntriesInfos = append(zonesEntriesInfos, make([]FileInfo, len(entryChs)))
zonesEntriesValid = append(zonesEntriesValid, make([]bool, len(entryChs)))
var prevEntry string
for {
fi, quorumCount, zoneIndex, ok := lexicallySortedEntryZone(zonesEntryChs, zonesEntriesInfos, zonesEntriesValid)
if !ok {
// We have reached EOF across all entryChs, break the loop.
if quorumCount < zonesListTolerancePerSet[zoneIndex] {
// Skip entries which are not found upto configured tolerance.
if HasSuffix(fi.Name, slashSeparator) && fi.Name == prevEntry {
entries.Files = append(entries.Files, fi)
if i == maxKeys {
entries.IsTruncated = isTruncatedZones(zonesEntryChs, zonesEntriesInfos, zonesEntriesValid)
prevEntry = fi.Name
return entries
func isTruncatedZones(zoneEntryChs [][]FileInfoCh, zoneEntries [][]FileInfo, zoneEntriesValid [][]bool) bool {
for i, entryChs := range zoneEntryChs {
for j := range entryChs {
zoneEntries[i][j], zoneEntriesValid[i][j] = entryChs[j].Pop()
var isTruncated = false
for _, entriesValid := range zoneEntriesValid {
for _, valid := range entriesValid {
if valid {
isTruncated = true
if isTruncated {
for i, entryChs := range zoneEntryChs {
for j := range entryChs {
if zoneEntriesValid[i][j] {
return isTruncated
func isTruncatedZonesVersions(zoneEntryChs [][]FileInfoVersionsCh, zoneEntries [][]FileInfoVersions, zoneEntriesValid [][]bool) bool {
for i, entryChs := range zoneEntryChs {
for j := range entryChs {
zoneEntries[i][j], zoneEntriesValid[i][j] = entryChs[j].Pop()
var isTruncated = false
for _, entriesValid := range zoneEntriesValid {
for _, valid := range entriesValid {
if !valid {
isTruncated = true
if isTruncated {
for i, entryChs := range zoneEntryChs {
for j := range entryChs {
if zoneEntriesValid[i][j] {
return isTruncated
func (z *erasureZones) listObjectVersions(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, versionMarker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectVersionsInfo, error) {
loi := ListObjectVersionsInfo{}
if err := checkListObjsArgs(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, z); err != nil {
return loi, err
// Marker is set validate pre-condition.
if marker != "" {
// Marker not common with prefix is not implemented. Send an empty response
if !HasPrefix(marker, prefix) {
return loi, nil
if marker == "" && versionMarker != "" {
return loi, NotImplemented{}
// With max keys of zero we have reached eof, return right here.
if maxKeys == 0 {
return loi, nil
// For delimiter and prefix as '/' we do not list anything at all
// since according to s3 spec we stop at the 'delimiter'
// along // with the prefix. On a flat namespace with 'prefix'
// as '/' we don't have any entries, since all the keys are
// of form 'keyName/...'
if delimiter == SlashSeparator && prefix == SlashSeparator {
return loi, nil
// Over flowing count - reset to maxObjectList.
if maxKeys < 0 || maxKeys > maxObjectList {
maxKeys = maxObjectList
if delimiter != SlashSeparator && delimiter != "" {
return loi, NotImplemented{}
// Default is recursive, if delimiter is set then list non recursive.
recursive := true
if delimiter == SlashSeparator {
recursive = false
zonesEntryChs := make([][]FileInfoVersionsCh, 0, len(z.zones))
zonesEndWalkCh := make([]chan struct{}, 0, len(z.zones))
zonesListTolerancePerSet := make([]int, 0, len(z.zones))
for _, zone := range z.zones {
entryChs, endWalkCh := zone.poolVersions.Release(listParams{bucket, recursive, marker, prefix})
if entryChs == nil {
endWalkCh = make(chan struct{})
entryChs = zone.startMergeWalksVersionsN(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, recursive, endWalkCh, zone.listTolerancePerSet)
zonesEntryChs = append(zonesEntryChs, entryChs)
zonesEndWalkCh = append(zonesEndWalkCh, endWalkCh)
if zone.listTolerancePerSet == -1 {
zonesListTolerancePerSet = append(zonesListTolerancePerSet, zone.setDriveCount/2)
} else {
zonesListTolerancePerSet = append(zonesListTolerancePerSet, zone.listTolerancePerSet-2)
entries := mergeZonesEntriesVersionsCh(zonesEntryChs, maxKeys, zonesListTolerancePerSet)
if len(entries.FilesVersions) == 0 {
return loi, nil
loi.IsTruncated = entries.IsTruncated
if loi.IsTruncated {
loi.NextMarker = entries.FilesVersions[len(entries.FilesVersions)-1].Name
for _, entry := range entries.FilesVersions {
for _, version := range entry.Versions {
objInfo := version.ToObjectInfo(bucket, entry.Name)
if HasSuffix(objInfo.Name, SlashSeparator) && !recursive {
loi.Prefixes = append(loi.Prefixes, objInfo.Name)
loi.Objects = append(loi.Objects, objInfo)
if loi.IsTruncated {
for i, zone := range z.zones {
zone.poolVersions.Set(listParams{bucket, recursive, loi.NextMarker, prefix}, zonesEntryChs[i],
return loi, nil
func (z *erasureZones) ListObjectVersions(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, versionMarker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectVersionsInfo, error) {
return z.listObjectVersions(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, versionMarker, delimiter, maxKeys)
func (z *erasureZones) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectsInfo, error) {
return z.listObjects(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys)
func (z *erasureZones) ListMultipartUploads(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (ListMultipartsInfo, error) {
if err := checkListMultipartArgs(ctx, bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter, z); err != nil {
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, err
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter, maxUploads)
var zoneResult = ListMultipartsInfo{}
zoneResult.MaxUploads = maxUploads
zoneResult.KeyMarker = keyMarker
zoneResult.Prefix = prefix
zoneResult.Delimiter = delimiter
for _, zone := range z.zones {
result, err := zone.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker,
delimiter, maxUploads)
if err != nil {
return result, err
zoneResult.Uploads = append(zoneResult.Uploads, result.Uploads...)
return zoneResult, nil
// Initiate a new multipart upload on a hashedSet based on object name.
func (z *erasureZones) NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (string, error) {
if err := checkNewMultipartArgs(ctx, bucket, object, z); err != nil {
return "", err
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].NewMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
// We don't know the exact size, so we ask for at least 1GiB file.
idx, err := z.getZoneIdx(ctx, bucket, object, opts, 1<<30)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return z.zones[idx].NewMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
// Copies a part of an object from source hashedSet to destination hashedSet.
func (z *erasureZones) CopyObjectPart(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, destBucket, destObject string, uploadID string, partID int, startOffset int64, length int64, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (PartInfo, error) {
if err := checkNewMultipartArgs(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject, z); err != nil {
return PartInfo{}, err
return z.PutObjectPart(ctx, destBucket, destObject, uploadID, partID,
NewPutObjReader(srcInfo.Reader, nil, nil), dstOpts)
// PutObjectPart - writes part of an object to hashedSet based on the object name.
func (z *erasureZones) PutObjectPart(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, partID int, data *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (PartInfo, error) {
if err := checkPutObjectPartArgs(ctx, bucket, object, z); err != nil {
return PartInfo{}, err
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].PutObjectPart(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partID, data, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
_, err := zone.GetMultipartInfo(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
if err == nil {
return zone.PutObjectPart(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partID, data, opts)
switch err.(type) {
case InvalidUploadID:
// Look for information on the next zone
// Any other unhandled errors such as quorum return.
return PartInfo{}, err
return PartInfo{}, InvalidUploadID{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
func (z *erasureZones) GetMultipartInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) (MultipartInfo, error) {
if err := checkListPartsArgs(ctx, bucket, object, z); err != nil {
return MultipartInfo{}, err
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].GetMultipartInfo(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
mi, err := zone.GetMultipartInfo(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
if err == nil {
return mi, nil
switch err.(type) {
case InvalidUploadID:
// upload id not found, continue to the next zone.
// any other unhandled error return right here.
return MultipartInfo{}, err
return MultipartInfo{}, InvalidUploadID{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
// ListObjectParts - lists all uploaded parts to an object in hashedSet.
func (z *erasureZones) ListObjectParts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, partNumberMarker int, maxParts int, opts ObjectOptions) (ListPartsInfo, error) {
if err := checkListPartsArgs(ctx, bucket, object, z); err != nil {
return ListPartsInfo{}, err
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].ListObjectParts(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partNumberMarker, maxParts, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
_, err := zone.GetMultipartInfo(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
if err == nil {
return zone.ListObjectParts(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partNumberMarker, maxParts, opts)
switch err.(type) {
case InvalidUploadID:
return ListPartsInfo{}, err
return ListPartsInfo{}, InvalidUploadID{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
// Aborts an in-progress multipart operation on hashedSet based on the object name.
func (z *erasureZones) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) error {
if err := checkAbortMultipartArgs(ctx, bucket, object, z); err != nil {
return err
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].AbortMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
_, err := zone.GetMultipartInfo(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
if err == nil {
return zone.AbortMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
switch err.(type) {
case InvalidUploadID:
// upload id not found move to next zone
return err
return InvalidUploadID{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
// CompleteMultipartUpload - completes a pending multipart transaction, on hashedSet based on object name.
func (z *erasureZones) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, uploadedParts []CompletePart, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) {
if err = checkCompleteMultipartArgs(ctx, bucket, object, z); err != nil {
return objInfo, err
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, uploadedParts, opts)
// Purge any existing object.
for _, zone := range z.zones {
zone.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
result, err := zone.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, object, "", "", "", maxUploadsList)
if err != nil {
return objInfo, err
if result.Lookup(uploadID) {
return zone.CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, uploadedParts, opts)
return objInfo, InvalidUploadID{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
// GetBucketInfo - returns bucket info from one of the erasure coded zones.
func (z *erasureZones) GetBucketInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (bucketInfo BucketInfo, err error) {
if z.SingleZone() {
bucketInfo, err = z.zones[0].GetBucketInfo(ctx, bucket)
if err != nil {
return bucketInfo, err
meta, err := globalBucketMetadataSys.Get(bucket)
if err == nil {
bucketInfo.Created = meta.Created
return bucketInfo, nil
for _, zone := range z.zones {
bucketInfo, err = zone.GetBucketInfo(ctx, bucket)
if err != nil {
if isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
return bucketInfo, err
meta, err := globalBucketMetadataSys.Get(bucket)
if err == nil {
bucketInfo.Created = meta.Created
return bucketInfo, nil
return bucketInfo, BucketNotFound{
Bucket: bucket,
// IsNotificationSupported returns whether bucket notification is applicable for this layer.
func (z *erasureZones) IsNotificationSupported() bool {
return true
// IsListenSupported returns whether listen bucket notification is applicable for this layer.
func (z *erasureZones) IsListenSupported() bool {
return true
// IsEncryptionSupported returns whether server side encryption is implemented for this layer.
func (z *erasureZones) IsEncryptionSupported() bool {
return true
// IsCompressionSupported returns whether compression is applicable for this layer.
func (z *erasureZones) IsCompressionSupported() bool {
return true
func (z *erasureZones) IsTaggingSupported() bool {
return true
// DeleteBucket - deletes a bucket on all zones simultaneously,
// even if one of the zones fail to delete buckets, we proceed to
// undo a successful operation.
func (z *erasureZones) DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, forceDelete bool) error {
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].DeleteBucket(ctx, bucket, forceDelete)
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(z.zones))
// Delete buckets in parallel across all zones.
for index := range z.zones {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
return z.zones[index].DeleteBucket(ctx, bucket, forceDelete)
}, index)
errs := g.Wait()
// For any write quorum failure, we undo all the delete
// buckets operation by creating all the buckets again.
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(InsufficientWriteQuorum); ok {
undoDeleteBucketZones(ctx, bucket, z.zones, errs)
return err
// Success.
return nil
// This function is used to undo a successful DeleteBucket operation.
func undoDeleteBucketZones(ctx context.Context, bucket string, zones []*erasureSets, errs []error) {
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(zones))
// Undo previous delete bucket on all underlying zones.
for index := range zones {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
if errs[index] == nil {
return zones[index].MakeBucketWithLocation(ctx, bucket, BucketOptions{})
return nil
}, index)
// List all buckets from one of the zones, we are not doing merge
// sort here just for simplification. As per design it is assumed
// that all buckets are present on all zones.
func (z *erasureZones) ListBuckets(ctx context.Context) (buckets []BucketInfo, err error) {
if z.SingleZone() {
buckets, err = z.zones[0].ListBuckets(ctx)
} else {
for _, zone := range z.zones {
buckets, err = zone.ListBuckets(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := range buckets {
meta, err := globalBucketMetadataSys.Get(buckets[i].Name)
if err == nil {
buckets[i].Created = meta.Created
return buckets, nil
func (z *erasureZones) ReloadFormat(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) error {
// No locks needed since reload happens in HealFormat under
// write lock across all nodes.
for _, zone := range z.zones {
if err := zone.ReloadFormat(ctx, dryRun); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (z *erasureZones) HealFormat(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) (madmin.HealResultItem, error) {
// Acquire lock on format.json
formatLock := z.NewNSLock(ctx, minioMetaBucket, formatConfigFile)
if err := formatLock.GetLock(globalOperationTimeout); err != nil {
return madmin.HealResultItem{}, err
defer formatLock.Unlock()
var r = madmin.HealResultItem{
Type: madmin.HealItemMetadata,
Detail: "disk-format",
var countNoHeal int
for _, zone := range z.zones {
result, err := zone.HealFormat(ctx, dryRun)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, errNoHealRequired) {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
// Count errNoHealRequired across all zones,
// to return appropriate error to the caller
if errors.Is(err, errNoHealRequired) {
r.DiskCount += result.DiskCount
r.SetCount += result.SetCount
r.Before.Drives = append(r.Before.Drives, result.Before.Drives...)
r.After.Drives = append(r.After.Drives, result.After.Drives...)
// Healing succeeded notify the peers to reload format and re-initialize disks.
// We will not notify peers if healing is not required.
for _, nerr := range globalNotificationSys.ReloadFormat(dryRun) {
if nerr.Err != nil {
logger.GetReqInfo(ctx).SetTags("peerAddress", nerr.Host.String())
logger.LogIf(ctx, nerr.Err)
// No heal returned by all zones, return errNoHealRequired
if countNoHeal == len(z.zones) {
return r, errNoHealRequired
return r, nil
func (z *erasureZones) HealBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, dryRun, remove bool) (madmin.HealResultItem, error) {
var r = madmin.HealResultItem{
Type: madmin.HealItemBucket,
Bucket: bucket,
for _, zone := range z.zones {
result, err := zone.HealBucket(ctx, bucket, dryRun, remove)
if err != nil {
switch err.(type) {
case BucketNotFound:
return result, err
r.DiskCount += result.DiskCount
r.SetCount += result.SetCount
r.Before.Drives = append(r.Before.Drives, result.Before.Drives...)
r.After.Drives = append(r.After.Drives, result.After.Drives...)
return r, nil
// Walk a bucket, optionally prefix recursively, until we have returned
// all the content to objectInfo channel, it is callers responsibility
// to allocate a receive channel for ObjectInfo, upon any unhandled
// error walker returns error. Optionally if context.Done() is received
// then Walk() stops the walker.
func (z *erasureZones) Walk(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, results chan<- ObjectInfo, opts ObjectOptions) error {
if err := checkListObjsArgs(ctx, bucket, prefix, "", z); err != nil {
// Upon error close the channel.
return err
zonesListTolerancePerSet := make([]int, 0, len(z.zones))
for _, zone := range z.zones {
if zone.listTolerancePerSet == -1 {
zonesListTolerancePerSet = append(zonesListTolerancePerSet, zone.setDriveCount/2)
} else {
zonesListTolerancePerSet = append(zonesListTolerancePerSet, zone.listTolerancePerSet-2)
if opts.WalkVersions {
var zonesEntryChs [][]FileInfoVersionsCh
for _, zone := range z.zones {
zonesEntryChs = append(zonesEntryChs, zone.startMergeWalksVersions(ctx, bucket, prefix, "", true, ctx.Done()))
var zonesEntriesInfos [][]FileInfoVersions
var zonesEntriesValid [][]bool
for _, entryChs := range zonesEntryChs {
zonesEntriesInfos = append(zonesEntriesInfos, make([]FileInfoVersions, len(entryChs)))
zonesEntriesValid = append(zonesEntriesValid, make([]bool, len(entryChs)))
go func() {
defer close(results)
for {
entry, quorumCount, zoneIdx, ok := lexicallySortedEntryZoneVersions(zonesEntryChs, zonesEntriesInfos, zonesEntriesValid)
if !ok {
// We have reached EOF across all entryChs, break the loop.
if quorumCount >= zonesListTolerancePerSet[zoneIdx] {
for _, version := range entry.Versions {
results <- version.ToObjectInfo(bucket, version.Name)
return nil
zonesEntryChs := make([][]FileInfoCh, 0, len(z.zones))
for _, zone := range z.zones {
zonesEntryChs = append(zonesEntryChs, zone.startMergeWalks(ctx, bucket, prefix, "", true, ctx.Done()))
zonesEntriesInfos := make([][]FileInfo, 0, len(zonesEntryChs))
zonesEntriesValid := make([][]bool, 0, len(zonesEntryChs))
for _, entryChs := range zonesEntryChs {
zonesEntriesInfos = append(zonesEntriesInfos, make([]FileInfo, len(entryChs)))
zonesEntriesValid = append(zonesEntriesValid, make([]bool, len(entryChs)))
go func() {
defer close(results)
for {
entry, quorumCount, zoneIdx, ok := lexicallySortedEntryZone(zonesEntryChs, zonesEntriesInfos, zonesEntriesValid)
if !ok {
// We have reached EOF across all entryChs, break the loop.
if quorumCount >= zonesListTolerancePerSet[zoneIdx] {
results <- entry.ToObjectInfo(bucket, entry.Name)
return nil
// HealObjectFn closure function heals the object.
type HealObjectFn func(bucket, object, versionID string) error
func (z *erasureZones) HealObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, opts madmin.HealOpts, healObject HealObjectFn) error {
endWalkCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(endWalkCh)
zonesEntryChs := make([][]FileInfoVersionsCh, 0, len(z.zones))
zoneDrivesPerSet := make([]int, 0, len(z.zones))
for _, zone := range z.zones {
zonesEntryChs = append(zonesEntryChs,
zone.startMergeWalksVersions(ctx, bucket, prefix, "", true, endWalkCh))
zoneDrivesPerSet = append(zoneDrivesPerSet, zone.setDriveCount)
zonesEntriesInfos := make([][]FileInfoVersions, 0, len(zonesEntryChs))
zonesEntriesValid := make([][]bool, 0, len(zonesEntryChs))
for _, entryChs := range zonesEntryChs {
zonesEntriesInfos = append(zonesEntriesInfos, make([]FileInfoVersions, len(entryChs)))
zonesEntriesValid = append(zonesEntriesValid, make([]bool, len(entryChs)))
// If listing did not return any entries upon first attempt, we
// return `ObjectNotFound`, to indicate the caller for any
// actions they may want to take as if `prefix` is missing.
err := toObjectErr(errFileNotFound, bucket, prefix)
for {
entry, quorumCount, zoneIndex, ok := lexicallySortedEntryZoneVersions(zonesEntryChs, zonesEntriesInfos, zonesEntriesValid)
if !ok {
// Indicate that first attempt was a success and subsequent loop
// knows that its not our first attempt at 'prefix'
err = nil
if zoneIndex >= len(zoneDrivesPerSet) || zoneIndex < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid zone index returned: %d", zoneIndex)
if quorumCount == zoneDrivesPerSet[zoneIndex] && opts.ScanMode == madmin.HealNormalScan {
// Skip good entries.
for _, version := range entry.Versions {
// Wait and proceed if there are active requests
waitForLowHTTPReq(int32(zoneDrivesPerSet[zoneIndex]), time.Second)
if err := healObject(bucket, version.Name, version.VersionID); err != nil {
return toObjectErr(err, bucket, version.Name)
return err
func (z *erasureZones) HealObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, versionID string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (madmin.HealResultItem, error) {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
lk := z.NewNSLock(ctx, bucket, object)
if bucket == minioMetaBucket {
// For .minio.sys bucket heals we should hold write locks.
if err := lk.GetLock(globalOperationTimeout); err != nil {
return madmin.HealResultItem{}, err
defer lk.Unlock()
} else {
// Lock the object before healing. Use read lock since healing
// will only regenerate parts & xl.meta of outdated disks.
if err := lk.GetRLock(globalOperationTimeout); err != nil {
return madmin.HealResultItem{}, err
defer lk.RUnlock()
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].HealObject(ctx, bucket, object, versionID, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
result, err := zone.HealObject(ctx, bucket, object, versionID, opts)
if err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return result, err
return result, nil
return madmin.HealResultItem{}, ObjectNotFound{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
func (z *erasureZones) ListBucketsHeal(ctx context.Context) ([]BucketInfo, error) {
var healBuckets []BucketInfo
for _, zone := range z.zones {
bucketsInfo, err := zone.ListBucketsHeal(ctx)
if err != nil {
healBuckets = append(healBuckets, bucketsInfo...)
for i := range healBuckets {
meta, err := globalBucketMetadataSys.Get(healBuckets[i].Name)
if err == nil {
healBuckets[i].Created = meta.Created
return healBuckets, nil
// GetMetrics - no op
func (z *erasureZones) GetMetrics(ctx context.Context) (*Metrics, error) {
logger.LogIf(ctx, NotImplemented{})
return &Metrics{}, NotImplemented{}
func (z *erasureZones) getZoneAndSet(id string) (int, int, error) {
for zoneIdx := range z.zones {
format := z.zones[zoneIdx].format
for setIdx, set := range format.Erasure.Sets {
for _, diskID := range set {
if diskID == id {
return zoneIdx, setIdx, nil
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("DiskID(%s) %w", id, errDiskNotFound)
// HealthOptions takes input options to return sepcific information
type HealthOptions struct {
Maintenance bool
// HealthResult returns the current state of the system, also
// additionally with any specific heuristic information which
// was queried
type HealthResult struct {
Healthy bool
HealingDrives int
ZoneID, SetID int
WriteQuorum int
// Health - returns current status of the object layer health,
// provides if write access exists across sets, additionally
// can be used to query scenarios if health may be lost
// if this node is taken down by an external orchestrator.
func (z *erasureZones) Health(ctx context.Context, opts HealthOptions) HealthResult {
erasureSetUpCount := make([][]int, len(z.zones))
for i := range z.zones {
erasureSetUpCount[i] = make([]int, len(z.zones[i].sets))
diskIDs := globalNotificationSys.GetLocalDiskIDs(ctx)
if !opts.Maintenance {
diskIDs = append(diskIDs, getLocalDiskIDs(z))
for _, localDiskIDs := range diskIDs {
for _, id := range localDiskIDs {
zoneIdx, setIdx, err := z.getZoneAndSet(id)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("maintenance", strconv.FormatBool(opts.Maintenance))
parityDrives := globalStorageClass.GetParityForSC(storageclass.STANDARD)
diskCount := z.SetDriveCount()
if parityDrives == 0 {
parityDrives = getDefaultParityBlocks(diskCount)
dataDrives := diskCount - parityDrives
writeQuorum := dataDrives
if dataDrives == parityDrives {
var aggHealStateResult madmin.BgHealState
if opts.Maintenance {
// check if local disks are being healed, if they are being healed
// we need to tell healthy status as 'false' so that this server
// is not taken down for maintenance
var err error
aggHealStateResult, err = getAggregatedBackgroundHealState(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(logger.SetReqInfo(ctx, reqInfo), fmt.Errorf("Unable to verify global heal status: %w", err))
return HealthResult{
Healthy: false,
if len(aggHealStateResult.HealDisks) > 0 {
logger.LogIf(logger.SetReqInfo(ctx, reqInfo), fmt.Errorf("Total drives to be healed %d", len(aggHealStateResult.HealDisks)))
for zoneIdx := range erasureSetUpCount {
for setIdx := range erasureSetUpCount[zoneIdx] {
if erasureSetUpCount[zoneIdx][setIdx] < writeQuorum {
logger.LogIf(logger.SetReqInfo(ctx, reqInfo),
fmt.Errorf("Write quorum may be lost on zone: %d, set: %d, expected write quorum: %d",
zoneIdx, setIdx, writeQuorum))
return HealthResult{
Healthy: false,
HealingDrives: len(aggHealStateResult.HealDisks),
ZoneID: zoneIdx,
SetID: setIdx,
WriteQuorum: writeQuorum,
// when maintenance is not specified we don't have
// to look at the healing side of the code.
if !opts.Maintenance {
return HealthResult{
Healthy: true,
WriteQuorum: writeQuorum,
return HealthResult{
Healthy: len(aggHealStateResult.HealDisks) == 0,
HealingDrives: len(aggHealStateResult.HealDisks),
WriteQuorum: writeQuorum,
// PutObjectTags - replace or add tags to an existing object
func (z *erasureZones) PutObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, tags string, opts ObjectOptions) error {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].PutObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, tags, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
err := zone.PutObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, tags, opts)
if err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return err
return nil
if opts.VersionID != "" {
return VersionNotFound{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
VersionID: opts.VersionID,
return ObjectNotFound{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
// DeleteObjectTags - delete object tags from an existing object
func (z *erasureZones) DeleteObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].DeleteObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
err := zone.DeleteObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return err
return nil
if opts.VersionID != "" {
return VersionNotFound{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
VersionID: opts.VersionID,
return ObjectNotFound{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
// GetObjectTags - get object tags from an existing object
func (z *erasureZones) GetObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (*tags.Tags, error) {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SingleZone() {
return z.zones[0].GetObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
for _, zone := range z.zones {
tags, err := zone.GetObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return tags, err
return tags, nil
if opts.VersionID != "" {
return nil, VersionNotFound{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
VersionID: opts.VersionID,
return nil, ObjectNotFound{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,