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* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2020 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
const (
dataCrawlSleepPerFolder = time.Millisecond // Time to wait between folders.
dataCrawlSleepDefMult = 10.0 // Default multiplier for waits between operations.
dataCrawlStartDelay = 5 * time.Minute // Time to wait on startup and between cycles.
dataUsageUpdateDirCycles = 16 // Visit all folders every n cycles.
// initDataCrawler will start the crawler unless disabled.
func initDataCrawler(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) {
if env.Get(envDataUsageCrawlConf, config.EnableOn) == config.EnableOn {
go runDataCrawler(ctx, objAPI)
// runDataCrawler will start a data crawler.
// The function will block until the context is canceled.
// There should only ever be one crawler running per cluster.
func runDataCrawler(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) {
// Load current bloom cycle
nextBloomCycle := intDataUpdateTracker.current() + 1
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := objAPI.GetObject(ctx, dataUsageBucket, dataUsageBloomName, 0, -1, &buf, "", ObjectOptions{})
if err != nil {
if !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
} else {
if buf.Len() == 8 {
nextBloomCycle = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf.Bytes())
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-time.NewTimer(dataCrawlStartDelay).C:
// Wait before starting next cycle and wait on startup.
results := make(chan DataUsageInfo, 1)
go storeDataUsageInBackend(ctx, objAPI, results)
bf, err := globalNotificationSys.updateBloomFilter(ctx, nextBloomCycle)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
err = objAPI.CrawlAndGetDataUsage(ctx, bf, results)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
if err == nil {
// Store new cycle...
if nextBloomCycle%dataUpdateTrackerResetEvery == 0 {
if intDataUpdateTracker.debug {
logger.Info(color.Green("runDataCrawler:") + " Resetting bloom filter for next runs.")
var tmp [8]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(tmp[:], nextBloomCycle)
r, err := hash.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(tmp[:]), int64(len(tmp)), "", "", int64(len(tmp)), false)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
_, err = objAPI.PutObject(ctx, dataUsageBucket, dataUsageBloomName, NewPutObjReader(r, nil, nil), ObjectOptions{})
if !isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
type cachedFolder struct {
name string
parent *dataUsageHash
type folderScanner struct {
root string
getSize getSizeFn
oldCache dataUsageCache
newCache dataUsageCache
withFilter *bloomFilter
waitForLowActiveIO func()
dataUsageCrawlMult float64
dataUsageCrawlDebug bool
newFolders []cachedFolder
existingFolders []cachedFolder
// crawlDataFolder will crawl the basepath+cache.Info.Name and return an updated cache.
// The returned cache will always be valid, but may not be updated from the existing.
// Before each operation waitForLowActiveIO is called which can be used to temporarily halt the crawler.
// If the supplied context is canceled the function will return at the first chance.
func crawlDataFolder(ctx context.Context, basePath string, cache dataUsageCache, waitForLowActiveIO func(), getSize getSizeFn) (dataUsageCache, error) {
t := UTCNow()
logPrefix := color.Green("data-usage: ")
logSuffix := color.Blue(" - %v + %v", basePath, cache.Info.Name)
if intDataUpdateTracker.debug {
defer func() {
logger.Info(logPrefix+" Crawl time: %v"+logSuffix, time.Since(t))
switch cache.Info.Name {
case "", dataUsageRoot:
return cache, errors.New("internal error: root scan attempted")
delayMult, err := strconv.ParseFloat(env.Get(envDataUsageCrawlDelay, "10.0"), 64)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
delayMult = dataCrawlSleepDefMult
s := folderScanner{
root: basePath,
getSize: getSize,
oldCache: cache,
newCache: dataUsageCache{Info: cache.Info},
waitForLowActiveIO: waitForLowActiveIO,
newFolders: nil,
existingFolders: nil,
dataUsageCrawlMult: delayMult,
dataUsageCrawlDebug: intDataUpdateTracker.debug,
if len(cache.Info.BloomFilter) > 0 {
s.withFilter = &bloomFilter{BloomFilter: &bloom.BloomFilter{}}
_, err := s.withFilter.ReadFrom(bytes.NewBuffer(cache.Info.BloomFilter))
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err, logPrefix+"Error reading bloom filter")
s.withFilter = nil
if s.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(logPrefix+"Start crawling. Bloom filter: %v"+logSuffix, s.withFilter != nil)
done := ctx.Done()
var flattenLevels = 2
if s.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(logPrefix+"Cycle: %v, Entries: %v"+logSuffix, cache.Info.NextCycle, len(cache.Cache))
// Always scan flattenLevels deep. Cache root is level 0.
todo := []cachedFolder{{name: cache.Info.Name}}
for i := 0; i < flattenLevels; i++ {
if s.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(logPrefix+"Level %v, scanning %v directories."+logSuffix, i, len(todo))
select {
case <-done:
return cache, ctx.Err()
var err error
todo, err = s.scanQueuedLevels(ctx, todo, i == flattenLevels-1)
if err != nil {
// No useful information...
return cache, err
if s.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(logPrefix+"New folders: %v"+logSuffix, s.newFolders)
// Add new folders first
for _, folder := range s.newFolders {
select {
case <-done:
return s.newCache, ctx.Err()
du, err := s.deepScanFolder(ctx, folder.name)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
if du == nil {
logger.Info(logPrefix + "no disk usage provided" + logSuffix)
s.newCache.replace(folder.name, "", *du)
// Add to parent manually
if folder.parent != nil {
parent := s.newCache.Cache[folder.parent.Key()]
if s.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(logPrefix+"Existing folders: %v"+logSuffix, len(s.existingFolders))
// Do selective scanning of existing folders.
for _, folder := range s.existingFolders {
select {
case <-done:
return s.newCache, ctx.Err()
h := hashPath(folder.name)
if !h.mod(s.oldCache.Info.NextCycle, dataUsageUpdateDirCycles) {
s.newCache.replaceHashed(h, folder.parent, s.oldCache.Cache[h.Key()])
if s.withFilter != nil {
_, prefix := path2BucketObjectWithBasePath(basePath, folder.name)
if s.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle == nil || !s.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle.HasActiveRules(prefix, true) {
// If folder isn't in filter, skip it completely.
if !s.withFilter.containsDir(folder.name) {
if s.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(logPrefix+"Skipping non-updated folder: %v"+logSuffix, folder)
s.newCache.replaceHashed(h, folder.parent, s.oldCache.Cache[h.Key()])
// Update on this cycle...
du, err := s.deepScanFolder(ctx, folder.name)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
if du == nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, errors.New("data-usage: no disk usage provided"))
s.newCache.replaceHashed(h, folder.parent, *du)
if s.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(logPrefix+"Finished crawl, %v entries"+logSuffix, len(s.newCache.Cache))
s.newCache.Info.LastUpdate = UTCNow()
return s.newCache, nil
// scanQueuedLevels will scan the provided folders.
// Files found in the folders will be added to f.newCache.
// If final is provided folders will be put into f.newFolders or f.existingFolders.
// If final is not provided the folders found are returned from the function.
func (f *folderScanner) scanQueuedLevels(ctx context.Context, folders []cachedFolder, final bool) ([]cachedFolder, error) {
var nextFolders []cachedFolder
done := ctx.Done()
for _, folder := range folders {
select {
case <-done:
return nil, ctx.Err()
thisHash := hashPath(folder.name)
// If there are lifecycle rules for the prefix, remove the filter.
filter := f.withFilter
var activeLifeCycle *lifecycle.Lifecycle
if f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle != nil && filter != nil {
_, prefix := path2BucketObjectWithBasePath(f.root, folder.name)
if f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle.HasActiveRules(prefix, true) {
if f.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(color.Green("data-usage:")+" Prefix %q has active rules", prefix)
activeLifeCycle = f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle
filter = nil
if _, ok := f.oldCache.Cache[thisHash.Key()]; filter != nil && ok {
// If folder isn't in filter and we have data, skip it completely.
if folder.name != dataUsageRoot && !filter.containsDir(folder.name) {
f.newCache.copyWithChildren(&f.oldCache, thisHash, folder.parent)
if f.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(color.Green("data-usage:")+" Skipping non-updated folder: %v", folder.name)
sleepDuration(dataCrawlSleepPerFolder, f.dataUsageCrawlMult)
cache := dataUsageEntry{}
err := readDirFn(path.Join(f.root, folder.name), func(entName string, typ os.FileMode) error {
// Parse
entName = path.Clean(path.Join(folder.name, entName))
bucket, prefix := path2BucketObjectWithBasePath(f.root, entName)
if bucket == "" {
if f.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(color.Green("data-usage:")+" no bucket (%s,%s)", f.root, entName)
return nil
if isReservedOrInvalidBucket(bucket, false) {
if f.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(color.Green("data-usage:")+" invalid bucket: %v, entry: %v", bucket, entName)
return nil
select {
case <-done:
return ctx.Err()
if typ&os.ModeDir != 0 {
h := hashPath(entName)
_, exists := f.oldCache.Cache[h.Key()]
this := cachedFolder{name: entName, parent: &thisHash}
if final {
if exists {
f.existingFolders = append(f.existingFolders, this)
} else {
f.newFolders = append(f.newFolders, this)
} else {
nextFolders = append(nextFolders, this)
return nil
// Dynamic time delay.
t := UTCNow()
// Get file size, ignore errors.
item := crawlItem{
Path: path.Join(f.root, entName),
Typ: typ,
bucket: bucket,
prefix: path.Dir(prefix),
objectName: path.Base(entName),
debug: f.dataUsageCrawlDebug,
lifeCycle: activeLifeCycle,
size, err := f.getSize(item)
sleepDuration(time.Since(t), f.dataUsageCrawlMult)
if err == errSkipFile || err == errFileNotFound {
return nil
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
cache.Size += size
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f.newCache.replaceHashed(thisHash, folder.parent, cache)
return nextFolders, nil
// deepScanFolder will deep scan a folder and return the size if no error occurs.
func (f *folderScanner) deepScanFolder(ctx context.Context, folder string) (*dataUsageEntry, error) {
var cache dataUsageEntry
done := ctx.Done()
var addDir func(entName string, typ os.FileMode) error
var dirStack = []string{f.root, folder}
addDir = func(entName string, typ os.FileMode) error {
select {
case <-done:
return ctx.Err()
if typ&os.ModeDir != 0 {
dirStack = append(dirStack, entName)
err := readDirFn(path.Join(dirStack...), addDir)
dirStack = dirStack[:len(dirStack)-1]
sleepDuration(dataCrawlSleepPerFolder, f.dataUsageCrawlMult)
return err
// Dynamic time delay.
t := UTCNow()
// Get file size, ignore errors.
dirStack = append(dirStack, entName)
fileName := path.Join(dirStack...)
dirStack = dirStack[:len(dirStack)-1]
bucket, prefix := path2BucketObjectWithBasePath(f.root, fileName)
var activeLifeCycle *lifecycle.Lifecycle
if f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle != nil {
if f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle.HasActiveRules(prefix, false) {
if f.dataUsageCrawlDebug {
logger.Info(color.Green("data-usage:")+" Prefix %q has active rules", prefix)
activeLifeCycle = f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle
size, err := f.getSize(
Path: fileName,
Typ: typ,
bucket: bucket,
prefix: path.Dir(prefix),
objectName: path.Base(entName),
debug: f.dataUsageCrawlDebug,
lifeCycle: activeLifeCycle,
// Don't sleep for really small amount of time
sleepDuration(time.Since(t), f.dataUsageCrawlMult)
if err == errSkipFile {
return nil
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
cache.Size += size
return nil
err := readDirFn(path.Join(dirStack...), addDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &cache, nil
// crawlItem represents each file while walking.
type crawlItem struct {
Path string
Typ os.FileMode
bucket string // Bucket.
prefix string // Only the prefix if any, does not have final object name.
objectName string // Only the object name without prefixes.
lifeCycle *lifecycle.Lifecycle
debug bool
type getSizeFn func(item crawlItem) (int64, error)
// transformMetaDir will transform a directory to prefix/file.ext
func (i *crawlItem) transformMetaDir() {
split := strings.Split(i.prefix, SlashSeparator)
if len(split) > 1 {
i.prefix = path.Join(split[:len(split)-1]...)
} else {
i.prefix = ""
// Object name is last element
i.objectName = split[len(split)-1]
// actionMeta contains information used to apply actions.
type actionMeta struct {
oi ObjectInfo
trustOI bool // Set true if oi can be trusted and has been read with quorum.
numVersions int // The number of versions of this object
// applyActions will apply lifecycle checks on to a scanned item.
// The resulting size on disk will always be returned.
// The metadata will be compared to consensus on the object layer before any changes are applied.
// If no metadata is supplied, -1 is returned if no action is taken.
func (i *crawlItem) applyActions(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, meta actionMeta) (size int64) {
size, err := meta.oi.GetActualSize()
if i.debug {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
if i.lifeCycle == nil {
return size
versionID := meta.oi.VersionID
action := i.lifeCycle.ComputeAction(
Name: i.objectPath(),
UserTags: meta.oi.UserTags,
ModTime: meta.oi.ModTime,
VersionID: meta.oi.VersionID,
DeleteMarker: meta.oi.DeleteMarker,
IsLatest: meta.oi.IsLatest,
NumVersions: meta.numVersions,
if i.debug {
logger.Info(color.Green("applyActions:")+" lifecycle: %q, Initial scan: %v", i.objectPath(), action)
switch action {
case lifecycle.DeleteAction, lifecycle.DeleteVersionAction:
// No action.
return size
// These (expensive) operations should only run on items we are likely to delete.
// Load to ensure that we have the correct version and not an unsynced version.
if !meta.trustOI {
obj, err := o.GetObjectInfo(ctx, i.bucket, i.objectPath(), ObjectOptions{
VersionID: versionID,
if err != nil {
switch err.(type) {
case MethodNotAllowed: // This happens usually for a delete marker
if !obj.DeleteMarker { // if this is not a delete marker log and return
// Do nothing - heal in the future.
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return size
case ObjectNotFound:
// object not found return 0
return 0
// All other errors proceed.
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return size
size = obj.Size
// Recalculate action.
action = i.lifeCycle.ComputeAction(
Name: i.objectPath(),
UserTags: obj.UserTags,
ModTime: obj.ModTime,
VersionID: obj.VersionID,
DeleteMarker: obj.DeleteMarker,
IsLatest: obj.IsLatest,
NumVersions: meta.numVersions,
if i.debug {
logger.Info(color.Green("applyActions:")+" lifecycle: Secondary scan: %v", action)
versionID = obj.VersionID
switch action {
case lifecycle.DeleteAction, lifecycle.DeleteVersionAction:
// No action.
return size
opts := ObjectOptions{}
switch action {
case lifecycle.DeleteVersionAction:
opts.VersionID = versionID
case lifecycle.DeleteAction:
opts.Versioned = globalBucketVersioningSys.Enabled(i.bucket)
obj, err := o.DeleteObject(ctx, i.bucket, i.objectPath(), opts)
if err != nil {
// Assume it is still there.
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return size
// Notify object deleted event.
EventName: event.ObjectRemovedDelete,
BucketName: i.bucket,
Object: obj,
Host: "Internal: [ILM-EXPIRY]",
return 0
// objectPath returns the prefix and object name.
func (i *crawlItem) objectPath() string {
return path.Join(i.prefix, i.objectName)
// sleepDuration multiplies the duration d by x and sleeps if is more than 100 micro seconds.
// sleep is limited to max 1 second.
func sleepDuration(d time.Duration, x float64) {
// Don't sleep for really small amount of time
if d := time.Duration(float64(d) * x); d > time.Microsecond*100 {
if d > time.Second {
d = time.Second
// healReplication will heal a scanned item that has failed replication.
func (i *crawlItem) healReplication(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, meta actionMeta) {
if meta.oi.ReplicationStatus == replication.Pending ||
meta.oi.ReplicationStatus == replication.Failed {
// if heal encounters a pending replication status, either replication
// has failed due to server shutdown or crawler and PutObject replication are in contention.
healPending := meta.oi.ReplicationStatus == replication.Pending
replicateObject(ctx, meta.oi.Bucket, meta.oi.Name, meta.oi.VersionID, o, nil, healPending)