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synced 2025-03-13 21:12:55 -04:00
CORS is notorious requires specific headers to be handled appropriately in request and response, using cors package as part of handlerFunc() for options method lacks the necessary control this package needs to add headers.
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371 lines
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* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2017-2020 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/http"
var (
gatewayCmd = cli.Command{
Name: "gateway",
Usage: "start object storage gateway",
Flags: append(ServerFlags, GlobalFlags...),
HideHelpCommand: true,
// GatewayLocker implements custom NewNSLock implementation
type GatewayLocker struct {
nsMutex *nsLockMap
// NewNSLock - implements gateway level locker
func (l *GatewayLocker) NewNSLock(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objects ...string) RWLocker {
return l.nsMutex.NewNSLock(ctx, nil, bucket, objects...)
// Walk - implements common gateway level Walker, to walk on all objects recursively at a prefix
func (l *GatewayLocker) Walk(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, results chan<- ObjectInfo, opts ObjectOptions) error {
walk := func(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, results chan<- ObjectInfo) error {
var marker string
// Make sure the results channel is ready to be read when we're done.
defer close(results)
for {
// set maxKeys to '0' to list maximum possible objects in single call.
loi, err := l.ObjectLayer.ListObjects(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, "", 0)
if err != nil {
return err
marker = loi.NextMarker
for _, obj := range loi.Objects {
select {
case results <- obj:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
if !loi.IsTruncated {
return nil
if err := l.ObjectLayer.Walk(ctx, bucket, prefix, results, opts); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(NotImplemented); ok {
return walk(ctx, bucket, prefix, results)
return err
return nil
// NewGatewayLayerWithLocker - initialize gateway with locker.
func NewGatewayLayerWithLocker(gwLayer ObjectLayer) ObjectLayer {
return &GatewayLocker{ObjectLayer: gwLayer, nsMutex: newNSLock(false)}
// RegisterGatewayCommand registers a new command for gateway.
func RegisterGatewayCommand(cmd cli.Command) error {
cmd.Flags = append(append(cmd.Flags, ServerFlags...), GlobalFlags...)
gatewayCmd.Subcommands = append(gatewayCmd.Subcommands, cmd)
return nil
// ParseGatewayEndpoint - Return endpoint.
func ParseGatewayEndpoint(arg string) (endPoint string, secure bool, err error) {
schemeSpecified := len(strings.Split(arg, "://")) > 1
if !schemeSpecified {
// Default connection will be "secure".
arg = "https://" + arg
u, err := url.Parse(arg)
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
switch u.Scheme {
case "http":
return u.Host, false, nil
case "https":
return u.Host, true, nil
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized scheme %s", u.Scheme)
// ValidateGatewayArguments - Validate gateway arguments.
func ValidateGatewayArguments(serverAddr, endpointAddr string) error {
if err := CheckLocalServerAddr(serverAddr); err != nil {
return err
if endpointAddr != "" {
// Reject the endpoint if it points to the gateway handler itself.
sameTarget, err := sameLocalAddrs(endpointAddr, serverAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
if sameTarget {
return fmt.Errorf("endpoint points to the local gateway")
return nil
// StartGateway - handler for 'minio gateway <name>'.
func StartGateway(ctx *cli.Context, gw Gateway) {
// This is only to uniquely identify each gateway deployments.
globalDeploymentID = env.Get("MINIO_GATEWAY_DEPLOYMENT_ID", mustGetUUID())
if gw == nil {
logger.FatalIf(errUnexpected, "Gateway implementation not initialized")
// Validate if we have access, secret set through environment.
globalGatewayName = gw.Name()
gatewayName := gw.Name()
if ctx.Args().First() == "help" {
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, gatewayName, 1)
// Handle common command args.
// Initialize all help
// Get port to listen on from gateway address
globalMinioHost, globalMinioPort = mustSplitHostPort(globalCLIContext.Addr)
// On macOS, if a process already listens on LOCALIPADDR:PORT, net.Listen() falls back
// to IPv6 address ie minio will start listening on IPv6 address whereas another
// (non-)minio process is listening on IPv4 of given port.
// To avoid this error situation we check for port availability.
logger.FatalIf(checkPortAvailability(globalMinioHost, globalMinioPort), "Unable to start the gateway")
// Check and load TLS certificates.
var err error
globalPublicCerts, globalTLSCerts, globalIsSSL, err = getTLSConfig()
logger.FatalIf(err, "Invalid TLS certificate file")
// Check and load Root CAs.
globalRootCAs, err = config.GetRootCAs(globalCertsCADir.Get())
logger.FatalIf(err, "Failed to read root CAs (%v)", err)
globalMinioEndpoint = func() string {
host := globalMinioHost
if host == "" {
host = sortIPs(localIP4.ToSlice())[0]
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", getURLScheme(globalIsSSL), net.JoinHostPort(host, globalMinioPort))
// Handle gateway specific env
// Set system resources to maximum.
// Set when gateway is enabled
globalIsGateway = true
enableConfigOps := false
// TODO: We need to move this code with globalConfigSys.Init()
// for now keep it here such that "s3" gateway layer initializes
// itself properly when KMS is set.
// Initialize server config.
srvCfg := newServerConfig()
// Override any values from ENVs.
// hold the mutex lock before a new config is assigned.
globalServerConfig = srvCfg
// Initialize router. `SkipClean(true)` stops gorilla/mux from
// normalizing URL path minio/minio#3256
// avoid URL path encoding minio/minio#8950
router := mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true).UseEncodedPath()
if globalEtcdClient != nil {
// Enable STS router if etcd is enabled.
enableIAMOps := globalEtcdClient != nil
// Enable IAM admin APIs if etcd is enabled, if not just enable basic
// operations such as profiling, server info etc.
registerAdminRouter(router, enableConfigOps, enableIAMOps)
// Add healthcheck router
// Add server metrics router
// Register web router when its enabled.
if globalBrowserEnabled {
logger.FatalIf(registerWebRouter(router), "Unable to configure web browser")
// Currently only NAS and S3 gateway support encryption headers.
encryptionEnabled := gatewayName == "s3" || gatewayName == "nas"
allowSSEKMS := gatewayName == "s3" // Only S3 can support SSE-KMS (as pass-through)
// Add API router.
registerAPIRouter(router, encryptionEnabled, allowSSEKMS)
// Use all the middlewares
var getCert certs.GetCertificateFunc
if globalTLSCerts != nil {
getCert = globalTLSCerts.GetCertificate
httpServer := xhttp.NewServer([]string{globalCLIContext.Addr},
criticalErrorHandler{corsHandler(router)}, getCert)
httpServer.BaseContext = func(listener net.Listener) context.Context {
return GlobalContext
go func() {
globalHTTPServerErrorCh <- httpServer.Start()
globalHTTPServer = httpServer
signal.Notify(globalOSSignalCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
newObject, err := gw.NewGatewayLayer(globalActiveCred)
if err != nil {
// Stop watching for any certificate changes.
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize gateway backend")
newObject = NewGatewayLayerWithLocker(newObject)
// Once endpoints are finalized, initialize the new object api in safe mode.
globalSafeMode = true
globalObjectAPI = newObject
// Calls all New() for all sub-systems.
if gatewayName == "nas" {
buckets, err := newObject.ListBuckets(GlobalContext)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to list buckets")
logger.FatalIf(globalNotificationSys.Init(buckets, newObject), "Unable to initialize notification system")
if globalEtcdClient != nil {
// **** WARNING ****
// Migrating to encrypted backend on etcd should happen before initialization of
// IAM sub-systems, make sure that we do not move the above codeblock elsewhere.
logger.FatalIf(migrateIAMConfigsEtcdToEncrypted(GlobalContext, globalEtcdClient),
"Unable to handle encrypted backend for iam and policies")
if enableIAMOps {
// Initialize IAM sys.
if globalCacheConfig.Enabled {
// initialize the new disk cache objects.
var cacheAPI CacheObjectLayer
cacheAPI, err = newServerCacheObjects(GlobalContext, globalCacheConfig)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize disk caching")
globalCacheObjectAPI = cacheAPI
// Populate existing buckets to the etcd backend
if globalDNSConfig != nil {
buckets, err := newObject.ListBuckets(GlobalContext)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to list buckets")
initFederatorBackend(buckets, newObject)
// Verify if object layer supports
// - encryption
// - compression
verifyObjectLayerFeatures("gateway "+gatewayName, newObject)
// Disable safe mode operation, after all initialization is over.
globalSafeMode = false
// Prints the formatted startup message once object layer is initialized.
if !globalCLIContext.Quiet {
mode := globalMinioModeGatewayPrefix + gatewayName
// Check update mode.
// Print a warning message if gateway is not ready for production before the startup banner.
if !gw.Production() {
logStartupMessage(color.Yellow(" *** Warning: Not Ready for Production ***"))
// Print gateway startup message.
printGatewayStartupMessage(getAPIEndpoints(), gatewayName)