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synced 2025-03-21 13:04:15 -04:00
Bulk delete API was using cleanupObjectsBulk() which calls posix listing and delete API to remove objects internal files in the backend (xl.json and parts) one by one. Add DeletePrefixes in the storage API to remove the content of a directory in a single call. Also use a remove goroutine for each disk to accelerate removal.
449 lines
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449 lines
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* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2016-2019 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"
const (
// Block size used for all internal operations version 1.
blockSizeV1 = 10 * humanize.MiByte
// Staging buffer read size for all internal operations version 1.
readSizeV1 = 1 * humanize.MiByte
// Buckets meta prefix.
bucketMetaPrefix = "buckets"
// ETag (hex encoded md5sum) of empty string.
emptyETag = "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
// Global object layer mutex, used for safely updating object layer.
var globalObjLayerMutex *sync.RWMutex
// Global object layer, only accessed by globalObjectAPI.
var globalObjectAPI ObjectLayer
//Global cacheObjects, only accessed by newCacheObjectsFn().
var globalCacheObjectAPI CacheObjectLayer
func init() {
// Initialize this once per server initialization.
globalObjLayerMutex = &sync.RWMutex{}
// Checks if the object is a directory, this logic uses
// if size == 0 and object ends with SlashSeparator then
// returns true.
func isObjectDir(object string, size int64) bool {
return HasSuffix(object, SlashSeparator) && size == 0
// Converts just bucket, object metadata into ObjectInfo datatype.
func dirObjectInfo(bucket, object string, size int64, metadata map[string]string) ObjectInfo {
// This is a special case with size as '0' and object ends with
// a slash separator, we treat it like a valid operation and
// return success.
etag := metadata["etag"]
delete(metadata, "etag")
if etag == "" {
etag = emptyETag
return ObjectInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Name: object,
ModTime: UTCNow(),
ContentType: "application/octet-stream",
IsDir: true,
Size: size,
ETag: etag,
UserDefined: metadata,
func deleteBucketMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objAPI ObjectLayer) {
// Delete bucket access policy, if present - ignore any errors.
removePolicyConfig(ctx, objAPI, bucket)
// Delete notification config, if present - ignore any errors.
removeNotificationConfig(ctx, objAPI, bucket)
// Depending on the disk type network or local, initialize storage API.
func newStorageAPI(endpoint Endpoint) (storage StorageAPI, err error) {
if endpoint.IsLocal {
storage, err := newPosix(endpoint.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &posixDiskIDCheck{storage: storage}, nil
return newStorageRESTClient(endpoint), nil
// Cleanup a directory recursively.
func cleanupDir(ctx context.Context, storage StorageAPI, volume, dirPath string) error {
var delFunc func(string) error
// Function to delete entries recursively.
delFunc = func(entryPath string) error {
if !HasSuffix(entryPath, SlashSeparator) {
// Delete the file entry.
err := storage.DeleteFile(volume, entryPath)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return err
// If it's a directory, list and call delFunc() for each entry.
entries, err := storage.ListDir(volume, entryPath, -1, "")
// If entryPath prefix never existed, safe to ignore.
if err == errFileNotFound {
return nil
} else if err != nil { // For any other errors fail.
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return err
} // else on success..
// Entry path is empty, just delete it.
if len(entries) == 0 {
err = storage.DeleteFile(volume, entryPath)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return err
// Recurse and delete all other entries.
for _, entry := range entries {
if err = delFunc(pathJoin(entryPath, entry)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
err := delFunc(retainSlash(pathJoin(dirPath)))
return err
// Removes notification.xml for a given bucket, only used during DeleteBucket.
func removeNotificationConfig(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, bucket string) error {
// Verify bucket is valid.
if !IsValidBucketName(bucket) {
return BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket}
ncPath := path.Join(bucketConfigPrefix, bucket, bucketNotificationConfig)
return objAPI.DeleteObject(ctx, minioMetaBucket, ncPath)
func listObjectsNonSlash(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int, tpool *TreeWalkPool, listDir ListDirFunc, getObjInfo func(context.Context, string, string) (ObjectInfo, error), getObjectInfoDirs ...func(context.Context, string, string) (ObjectInfo, error)) (loi ListObjectsInfo, err error) {
endWalkCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(endWalkCh)
recursive := true
walkResultCh := startTreeWalk(ctx, bucket, prefix, "", recursive, listDir, endWalkCh)
var objInfos []ObjectInfo
var eof bool
var prevPrefix string
for {
if len(objInfos) == maxKeys {
result, ok := <-walkResultCh
if !ok {
eof = true
var objInfo ObjectInfo
var err error
index := strings.Index(strings.TrimPrefix(result.entry, prefix), delimiter)
if index == -1 {
objInfo, err = getObjInfo(ctx, bucket, result.entry)
if err != nil {
// Ignore errFileNotFound as the object might have got
// deleted in the interim period of listing and getObjectInfo(),
// ignore quorum error as it might be an entry from an outdated disk.
if IsErrIgnored(err, []error{
}...) {
return loi, toObjectErr(err, bucket, prefix)
} else {
index = len(prefix) + index + len(delimiter)
currPrefix := result.entry[:index]
if currPrefix == prevPrefix {
prevPrefix = currPrefix
objInfo = ObjectInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Name: currPrefix,
IsDir: true,
if objInfo.Name <= marker {
objInfos = append(objInfos, objInfo)
if result.end {
eof = true
result := ListObjectsInfo{}
for _, objInfo := range objInfos {
if objInfo.IsDir {
result.Prefixes = append(result.Prefixes, objInfo.Name)
result.Objects = append(result.Objects, objInfo)
if !eof {
result.IsTruncated = true
if len(objInfos) > 0 {
result.NextMarker = objInfos[len(objInfos)-1].Name
return result, nil
// Walk a bucket, optionally prefix recursively, until we have returned
// all the content to objectInfo channel, it is callers responsibility
// to allocate a receive channel for ObjectInfo, upon any unhandled
// error walker returns error. Optionally if context.Done() is received
// then Walk() stops the walker.
func fsWalk(ctx context.Context, obj ObjectLayer, bucket, prefix string, listDir ListDirFunc, results chan<- ObjectInfo, getObjInfo func(context.Context, string, string) (ObjectInfo, error), getObjectInfoDirs ...func(context.Context, string, string) (ObjectInfo, error)) error {
if err := checkListObjsArgs(ctx, bucket, prefix, "", obj); err != nil {
// Upon error close the channel.
return err
walkResultCh := startTreeWalk(ctx, bucket, prefix, "", true, listDir, ctx.Done())
go func() {
defer close(results)
for {
walkResult, ok := <-walkResultCh
if !ok {
var objInfo ObjectInfo
var err error
if HasSuffix(walkResult.entry, SlashSeparator) {
for _, getObjectInfoDir := range getObjectInfoDirs {
objInfo, err = getObjectInfoDir(ctx, bucket, walkResult.entry)
if err == nil {
if err == errFileNotFound {
err = nil
objInfo = ObjectInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Name: walkResult.entry,
IsDir: true,
} else {
objInfo, err = getObjInfo(ctx, bucket, walkResult.entry)
if err != nil {
results <- objInfo
if walkResult.end {
return nil
func listObjects(ctx context.Context, obj ObjectLayer, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int, tpool *TreeWalkPool, listDir ListDirFunc, getObjInfo func(context.Context, string, string) (ObjectInfo, error), getObjectInfoDirs ...func(context.Context, string, string) (ObjectInfo, error)) (loi ListObjectsInfo, err error) {
if delimiter != SlashSeparator && delimiter != "" {
return listObjectsNonSlash(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys, tpool, listDir, getObjInfo, getObjectInfoDirs...)
if err := checkListObjsArgs(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, obj); err != nil {
return loi, err
// Marker is set validate pre-condition.
if marker != "" {
// Marker not common with prefix is not implemented. Send an empty response
if !HasPrefix(marker, prefix) {
return loi, nil
// With max keys of zero we have reached eof, return right here.
if maxKeys == 0 {
return loi, nil
// For delimiter and prefix as '/' we do not list anything at all
// since according to s3 spec we stop at the 'delimiter'
// along // with the prefix. On a flat namespace with 'prefix'
// as '/' we don't have any entries, since all the keys are
// of form 'keyName/...'
if delimiter == SlashSeparator && prefix == SlashSeparator {
return loi, nil
// Over flowing count - reset to maxObjectList.
if maxKeys < 0 || maxKeys > maxObjectList {
maxKeys = maxObjectList
// Default is recursive, if delimiter is set then list non recursive.
recursive := true
if delimiter == SlashSeparator {
recursive = false
walkResultCh, endWalkCh := tpool.Release(listParams{bucket, recursive, marker, prefix})
if walkResultCh == nil {
endWalkCh = make(chan struct{})
walkResultCh = startTreeWalk(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, recursive, listDir, endWalkCh)
var objInfos []ObjectInfo
var eof bool
var nextMarker string
// List until maxKeys requested.
for i := 0; i < maxKeys; {
walkResult, ok := <-walkResultCh
if !ok {
// Closed channel.
eof = true
var objInfo ObjectInfo
var err error
if HasSuffix(walkResult.entry, SlashSeparator) {
for _, getObjectInfoDir := range getObjectInfoDirs {
objInfo, err = getObjectInfoDir(ctx, bucket, walkResult.entry)
if err == nil {
if err == errFileNotFound {
err = nil
objInfo = ObjectInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Name: walkResult.entry,
IsDir: true,
} else {
objInfo, err = getObjInfo(ctx, bucket, walkResult.entry)
if err != nil {
// Ignore errFileNotFound as the object might have got
// deleted in the interim period of listing and getObjectInfo(),
// ignore quorum error as it might be an entry from an outdated disk.
if IsErrIgnored(err, []error{
}...) {
return loi, toObjectErr(err, bucket, prefix)
nextMarker = objInfo.Name
objInfos = append(objInfos, objInfo)
if walkResult.end {
eof = true
// Save list routine for the next marker if we haven't reached EOF.
params := listParams{bucket, recursive, nextMarker, prefix}
if !eof {
tpool.Set(params, walkResultCh, endWalkCh)
result := ListObjectsInfo{}
for _, objInfo := range objInfos {
if objInfo.IsDir && delimiter == SlashSeparator {
result.Prefixes = append(result.Prefixes, objInfo.Name)
result.Objects = append(result.Objects, objInfo)
if !eof {
result.IsTruncated = true
if len(objInfos) > 0 {
result.NextMarker = objInfos[len(objInfos)-1].Name
// Success.
return result, nil
// Fetch the histogram interval corresponding
// to the passed object size.
func objSizeToHistoInterval(usize uint64) string {
size := int64(usize)
var interval objectHistogramInterval
for _, interval = range ObjectsHistogramIntervals {
var cond1, cond2 bool
if size >= interval.start || interval.start == -1 {
cond1 = true
if size <= interval.end || interval.end == -1 {
cond2 = true
if cond1 && cond2 {
return interval.name
// This would be the last element of histogram intervals
return interval.name