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synced 2025-03-21 13:04:15 -04:00
To allow better control the cache eviction process. Introduce MINIO_CACHE_WATERMARK_LOW and MINIO_CACHE_WATERMARK_HIGH env. variables to specify when to stop/start cache eviction process. Deprecate MINIO_CACHE_EXPIRY environment variable. Cache gc sweeps at 30 minute intervals whenever high watermark is reached to clear least recently accessed entries in the cache until sufficient space is cleared to reach the low watermark. Garbage collection uses an adaptive file scoring approach based on last access time, with greater weights assigned to larger objects and those with more hits to find the candidates for eviction. Thanks to @klauspost for this file scoring algorithm Co-authored-by: Klaus Post <klauspost@minio.io>
911 lines
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* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2019 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/http"
const (
// cache.json object metadata for cached objects.
cacheMetaJSONFile = "cache.json"
cacheDataFile = "part.1"
cacheMetaVersion = "1.0.0"
cacheExpiryDays = time.Duration(90 * time.Hour * 24) // defaults to 90 days
// SSECacheEncrypted is the metadata key indicating that the object
// is a cache entry encrypted with cache KMS master key in globalCacheKMS.
SSECacheEncrypted = "X-Minio-Internal-Encrypted-Cache"
// CacheChecksumInfoV1 - carries checksums of individual blocks on disk.
type CacheChecksumInfoV1 struct {
Algorithm string `json:"algorithm"`
Blocksize int64 `json:"blocksize"`
// Represents the cache metadata struct
type cacheMeta struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
Stat statInfo `json:"stat"` // Stat of the current object `cache.json`.
// checksums of blocks on disk.
Checksum CacheChecksumInfoV1 `json:"checksum,omitempty"`
// Metadata map for current object.
Meta map[string]string `json:"meta,omitempty"`
// Ranges maps cached range to associated filename.
Ranges map[string]string `json:"ranges,omitempty"`
// Hits is a counter on the number of times this object has been accessed so far.
Hits int `json:"hits,omitempty"`
// RangeInfo has the range, file and range length information for a cached range.
type RangeInfo struct {
Range string
File string
Size int64
// Empty returns true if this is an empty struct
func (r *RangeInfo) Empty() bool {
return r.Range == "" && r.File == "" && r.Size == 0
func (m *cacheMeta) ToObjectInfo(bucket, object string) (o ObjectInfo) {
if len(m.Meta) == 0 {
m.Meta = make(map[string]string)
m.Stat.ModTime = timeSentinel
o = ObjectInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Name: object,
CacheStatus: CacheHit,
CacheLookupStatus: CacheHit,
// We set file info only if its valid.
o.ModTime = m.Stat.ModTime
o.Size = m.Stat.Size
o.ETag = extractETag(m.Meta)
o.ContentType = m.Meta["content-type"]
o.ContentEncoding = m.Meta["content-encoding"]
if storageClass, ok := m.Meta[xhttp.AmzStorageClass]; ok {
o.StorageClass = storageClass
} else {
o.StorageClass = globalMinioDefaultStorageClass
var (
t time.Time
e error
if exp, ok := m.Meta["expires"]; ok {
if t, e = time.Parse(http.TimeFormat, exp); e == nil {
o.Expires = t.UTC()
// etag/md5Sum has already been extracted. We need to
// remove to avoid it from appearing as part of user-defined metadata
o.UserDefined = cleanMetadata(m.Meta)
return o
// represents disk cache struct
type diskCache struct {
dir string // caching directory
quotaPct int // max usage in %
// mark false if drive is offline
online bool
// mutex to protect updates to online variable
onlineMutex *sync.RWMutex
pool sync.Pool
after int // minimum accesses before an object is cached.
lowWatermark int
highWatermark int
gcCounter atomic.Uint64
// nsMutex namespace lock
nsMutex *nsLockMap
// Object functions pointing to the corresponding functions of backend implementation.
NewNSLockFn func(ctx context.Context, cachePath string) RWLocker
// Inits the disk cache dir if it is not initialized already.
func newDiskCache(dir string, quotaPct, after, lowWatermark, highWatermark int) (*diskCache, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0777); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize '%s' dir, %w", dir, err)
cache := diskCache{
dir: dir,
quotaPct: quotaPct,
after: after,
lowWatermark: lowWatermark,
highWatermark: highWatermark,
online: true,
onlineMutex: &sync.RWMutex{},
pool: sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
b := directio.AlignedBlock(int(cacheBlkSize))
return &b
nsMutex: newNSLock(false),
cache.NewNSLockFn = func(ctx context.Context, cachePath string) RWLocker {
return cache.nsMutex.NewNSLock(ctx, nil, cachePath, "")
return &cache, nil
// diskUsageLow() returns true if disk usage falls below the low watermark w.r.t configured cache quota.
// Ex. for a 100GB disk, if quota is configured as 70% and watermark_low = 80% and
// watermark_high = 90% then garbage collection starts when 63% of disk is used and
// stops when disk usage drops to 56%
func (c *diskCache) diskUsageLow() bool {
gcStopPct := c.quotaPct * c.lowWatermark / 100
di, err := disk.GetInfo(c.dir)
if err != nil {
reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("cachePath", c.dir)
ctx := logger.SetReqInfo(context.Background(), reqInfo)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return false
usedPercent := (di.Total - di.Free) * 100 / di.Total
return int(usedPercent) < gcStopPct
// Returns if the disk usage reaches high water mark w.r.t the configured cache quota.
// gc starts if high water mark reached.
func (c *diskCache) diskUsageHigh() bool {
gcTriggerPct := c.quotaPct * c.highWatermark / 100
di, err := disk.GetInfo(c.dir)
if err != nil {
reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("cachePath", c.dir)
ctx := logger.SetReqInfo(context.Background(), reqInfo)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return false
usedPercent := (di.Total - di.Free) * 100 / di.Total
return int(usedPercent) >= gcTriggerPct
// Returns if size space can be allocated without exceeding
// max disk usable for caching
func (c *diskCache) diskAvailable(size int64) bool {
di, err := disk.GetInfo(c.dir)
if err != nil {
reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("cachePath", c.dir)
ctx := logger.SetReqInfo(context.Background(), reqInfo)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return false
usedPercent := (di.Total - (di.Free - uint64(size))) * 100 / di.Total
return int(usedPercent) < c.quotaPct
// toClear returns how many bytes should be cleared to reach the low watermark quota.
// returns 0 if below quota.
func (c *diskCache) toClear() uint64 {
di, err := disk.GetInfo(c.dir)
if err != nil {
reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("cachePath", c.dir)
ctx := logger.SetReqInfo(context.Background(), reqInfo)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return 0
return bytesToClear(int64(di.Total), int64(di.Free), uint64(c.quotaPct), uint64(c.lowWatermark))
// Purge cache entries that were not accessed.
func (c *diskCache) purge(ctx context.Context, doneCh <-chan struct{}) {
if c.diskUsageLow() {
toFree := c.toClear()
if toFree == 0 {
// expiry for cleaning up old cache.json files that
// need to be cleaned up.
expiry := UTCNow().Add(-cacheExpiryDays)
// defaulting max hits count to 100
scorer, err := newFileScorer(int64(toFree), time.Now().Unix(), 100)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
// this function returns FileInfo for cached range files and cache data file.
fiStatFn := func(ranges map[string]string, dataFile, pathPrefix string) map[string]os.FileInfo {
fm := make(map[string]os.FileInfo)
fname := pathJoin(pathPrefix, dataFile)
if fi, err := os.Stat(fname); err == nil {
fm[fname] = fi
for _, rngFile := range ranges {
fname = pathJoin(pathPrefix, rngFile)
if fi, err := os.Stat(fname); err == nil {
fm[fname] = fi
return fm
objDirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(c.dir)
if err != nil {
for _, obj := range objDirs {
if obj.Name() == minioMetaBucket {
cacheDir := pathJoin(c.dir, obj.Name())
meta, _, numHits, err := c.statCachedMeta(ctx, cacheDir)
if err != nil {
// delete any partially filled cache entry left behind.
// stat all cached file ranges and cacheDataFile.
cachedFiles := fiStatFn(meta.Ranges, cacheDataFile, pathJoin(c.dir, obj.Name()))
objInfo := meta.ToObjectInfo("", "")
cc := cacheControlOpts(objInfo)
for fname, fi := range cachedFiles {
if cc != nil {
if cc.isStale(objInfo.ModTime) {
if err = removeAll(fname); err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
// break early if sufficient disk space reclaimed.
if c.diskUsageLow() {
scorer.addFile(fname, atime.Get(fi), fi.Size(), numHits)
// clean up stale cache.json files for objects that never got cached but access count was maintained in cache.json
fi, err := os.Stat(pathJoin(cacheDir, cacheMetaJSONFile))
if err != nil || (fi.ModTime().Before(expiry) && len(cachedFiles) == 0) {
if c.diskUsageLow() {
for _, path := range scorer.fileNames() {
slashIdx := strings.LastIndex(path, SlashSeparator)
pathPrefix := path[0:slashIdx]
fname := path[slashIdx+1:]
if fname == cacheDataFile {
func (c *diskCache) incGCCounter() {
func (c *diskCache) resetGCCounter() {
func (c *diskCache) gcCount() uint64 {
return c.gcCounter.Load()
// sets cache drive status
func (c *diskCache) setOnline(status bool) {
c.online = status
// returns true if cache drive is online
func (c *diskCache) IsOnline() bool {
defer c.onlineMutex.RUnlock()
return c.online
// Stat returns ObjectInfo from disk cache
func (c *diskCache) Stat(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string) (oi ObjectInfo, numHits int, err error) {
var partial bool
var meta *cacheMeta
cacheObjPath := getCacheSHADir(c.dir, bucket, object)
// Stat the file to get file size.
meta, partial, numHits, err = c.statCachedMeta(ctx, cacheObjPath)
if err != nil {
if partial {
return oi, numHits, errFileNotFound
oi = meta.ToObjectInfo("", "")
oi.Bucket = bucket
oi.Name = object
if err = decryptCacheObjectETag(&oi); err != nil {
// statCachedMeta returns metadata from cache - including ranges cached, partial to indicate
// if partial object is cached.
func (c *diskCache) statCachedMeta(ctx context.Context, cacheObjPath string) (meta *cacheMeta, partial bool, numHits int, err error) {
cLock := c.NewNSLockFn(ctx, cacheObjPath)
if err = cLock.GetRLock(globalObjectTimeout); err != nil {
defer cLock.RUnlock()
return c.statCache(ctx, cacheObjPath)
// statRange returns ObjectInfo and RangeInfo from disk cache
func (c *diskCache) statRange(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, rs *HTTPRangeSpec) (oi ObjectInfo, rngInfo RangeInfo, numHits int, err error) {
// Stat the file to get file size.
cacheObjPath := getCacheSHADir(c.dir, bucket, object)
var meta *cacheMeta
var partial bool
meta, partial, numHits, err = c.statCachedMeta(ctx, cacheObjPath)
if err != nil {
oi = meta.ToObjectInfo("", "")
oi.Bucket = bucket
oi.Name = object
if !partial {
err = decryptCacheObjectETag(&oi)
actualSize := uint64(meta.Stat.Size)
var length int64
_, length, err = rs.GetOffsetLength(int64(actualSize))
if err != nil {
actualRngSize := uint64(length)
if globalCacheKMS != nil {
actualRngSize, _ = sio.EncryptedSize(uint64(length))
rng := rs.String(int64(actualSize))
rngFile, ok := meta.Ranges[rng]
if !ok {
return oi, rngInfo, numHits, ObjectNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object}
if _, err = os.Stat(pathJoin(cacheObjPath, rngFile)); err != nil {
return oi, rngInfo, numHits, ObjectNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object}
rngInfo = RangeInfo{Range: rng, File: rngFile, Size: int64(actualRngSize)}
err = decryptCacheObjectETag(&oi)
// statCache is a convenience function for purge() to get ObjectInfo for cached object
func (c *diskCache) statCache(ctx context.Context, cacheObjPath string) (meta *cacheMeta, partial bool, numHits int, err error) {
// Stat the file to get file size.
metaPath := pathJoin(cacheObjPath, cacheMetaJSONFile)
f, err := os.Open(metaPath)
if err != nil {
return meta, partial, 0, err
defer f.Close()
meta = &cacheMeta{Version: cacheMetaVersion}
if err := jsonLoad(f, meta); err != nil {
return meta, partial, 0, err
// get metadata of part.1 if full file has been cached.
partial = true
fi, err := os.Stat(pathJoin(cacheObjPath, cacheDataFile))
if err == nil {
meta.Stat.ModTime = atime.Get(fi)
partial = false
return meta, partial, meta.Hits, nil
// saves object metadata to disk cache
// incHitsOnly is true if metadata update is incrementing only the hit counter
func (c *diskCache) SaveMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, meta map[string]string, actualSize int64, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, rsFileName string, incHitsOnly bool) error {
cachedPath := getCacheSHADir(c.dir, bucket, object)
cLock := c.NewNSLockFn(ctx, cachedPath)
if err := cLock.GetLock(globalObjectTimeout); err != nil {
return err
defer cLock.Unlock()
return c.saveMetadata(ctx, bucket, object, meta, actualSize, rs, rsFileName, incHitsOnly)
// saves object metadata to disk cache
// incHitsOnly is true if metadata update is incrementing only the hit counter
func (c *diskCache) saveMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, meta map[string]string, actualSize int64, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, rsFileName string, incHitsOnly bool) error {
cachedPath := getCacheSHADir(c.dir, bucket, object)
metaPath := pathJoin(cachedPath, cacheMetaJSONFile)
// Create cache directory if needed
if err := os.MkdirAll(cachedPath, 0777); err != nil {
return err
f, err := os.OpenFile(metaPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
m := &cacheMeta{Version: cacheMetaVersion}
if err := jsonLoad(f, m); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
// increment hits
if rs != nil {
if m.Ranges == nil {
m.Ranges = make(map[string]string)
m.Ranges[rs.String(actualSize)] = rsFileName
} else {
// this is necessary cleanup of range files if entire object is cached.
for _, f := range m.Ranges {
removeAll(pathJoin(cachedPath, f))
m.Ranges = nil
m.Stat.Size = actualSize
m.Stat.ModTime = UTCNow()
if !incHitsOnly {
// reset meta
m.Meta = meta
} else {
if m.Meta == nil {
m.Meta = make(map[string]string)
if etag, ok := meta["etag"]; ok {
m.Meta["etag"] = etag
m.Checksum = CacheChecksumInfoV1{Algorithm: HighwayHash256S.String(), Blocksize: cacheBlkSize}
return jsonSave(f, m)
func getCacheSHADir(dir, bucket, object string) string {
return pathJoin(dir, getSHA256Hash([]byte(pathJoin(bucket, object))))
// Cache data to disk with bitrot checksum added for each block of 1MB
func (c *diskCache) bitrotWriteToCache(cachePath, fileName string, reader io.Reader, size uint64) (int64, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(cachePath, 0777); err != nil {
return 0, err
filePath := pathJoin(cachePath, fileName)
if filePath == "" || reader == nil {
return 0, errInvalidArgument
if err := checkPathLength(filePath); err != nil {
return 0, err
f, err := os.Create(filePath)
if err != nil {
return 0, osErrToFSFileErr(err)
defer f.Close()
var bytesWritten int64
h := HighwayHash256S.New()
bufp := c.pool.Get().(*[]byte)
defer c.pool.Put(bufp)
var n, n2 int
for {
n, err = io.ReadFull(reader, *bufp)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF && err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
return 0, err
eof := err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if n == 0 && size != 0 {
// Reached EOF, nothing more to be done.
if _, err = h.Write((*bufp)[:n]); err != nil {
return 0, err
hashBytes := h.Sum(nil)
if _, err = f.Write(hashBytes); err != nil {
return 0, err
if n2, err = f.Write((*bufp)[:n]); err != nil {
return 0, err
bytesWritten += int64(n2)
if eof {
return bytesWritten, nil
func newCacheEncryptReader(content io.Reader, bucket, object string, metadata map[string]string) (r io.Reader, err error) {
objectEncryptionKey, err := newCacheEncryptMetadata(bucket, object, metadata)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reader, err := sio.EncryptReader(content, sio.Config{Key: objectEncryptionKey[:], MinVersion: sio.Version20})
if err != nil {
return nil, crypto.ErrInvalidCustomerKey
return reader, nil
func newCacheEncryptMetadata(bucket, object string, metadata map[string]string) ([]byte, error) {
var sealedKey crypto.SealedKey
if globalCacheKMS == nil {
return nil, errKMSNotConfigured
key, encKey, err := globalCacheKMS.GenerateKey(globalCacheKMS.KeyID(), crypto.Context{bucket: pathJoin(bucket, object)})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
objectKey := crypto.GenerateKey(key, rand.Reader)
sealedKey = objectKey.Seal(key, crypto.GenerateIV(rand.Reader), crypto.S3.String(), bucket, object)
crypto.S3.CreateMetadata(metadata, globalCacheKMS.KeyID(), encKey, sealedKey)
if etag, ok := metadata["etag"]; ok {
metadata["etag"] = hex.EncodeToString(objectKey.SealETag([]byte(etag)))
metadata[SSECacheEncrypted] = ""
return objectKey[:], nil
// Caches the object to disk
func (c *diskCache) Put(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, data io.Reader, size int64, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, opts ObjectOptions, incHitsOnly bool) error {
if c.diskUsageHigh() {
io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, data)
return errDiskFull
cachePath := getCacheSHADir(c.dir, bucket, object)
cLock := c.NewNSLockFn(ctx, cachePath)
if err := cLock.GetLock(globalObjectTimeout); err != nil {
return err
defer cLock.Unlock()
meta, _, numHits, err := c.statCache(ctx, cachePath)
// Case where object not yet cached
if os.IsNotExist(err) && c.after >= 1 {
return c.saveMetadata(ctx, bucket, object, opts.UserDefined, size, nil, "", false)
// Case where object already has a cache metadata entry but not yet cached
if err == nil && numHits < c.after {
cETag := extractETag(meta.Meta)
bETag := extractETag(opts.UserDefined)
if cETag == bETag {
return c.saveMetadata(ctx, bucket, object, opts.UserDefined, size, nil, "", false)
incHitsOnly = true
if rs != nil {
return c.putRange(ctx, bucket, object, data, size, rs, opts)
if !c.diskAvailable(size) {
return errDiskFull
if err := os.MkdirAll(cachePath, 0777); err != nil {
return err
var metadata = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range opts.UserDefined {
metadata[k] = v
var reader = data
var actualSize = uint64(size)
if globalCacheKMS != nil {
reader, err = newCacheEncryptReader(data, bucket, object, metadata)
if err != nil {
return err
actualSize, _ = sio.EncryptedSize(uint64(size))
n, err := c.bitrotWriteToCache(cachePath, cacheDataFile, reader, actualSize)
if IsErr(err, baseErrs...) {
if err != nil {
return err
if actualSize != uint64(n) {
return IncompleteBody{}
return c.saveMetadata(ctx, bucket, object, metadata, n, nil, "", incHitsOnly)
// Caches the range to disk
func (c *diskCache) putRange(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, data io.Reader, size int64, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, opts ObjectOptions) error {
rlen, err := rs.GetLength(size)
if err != nil {
return err
if !c.diskAvailable(rlen) {
return errDiskFull
cachePath := getCacheSHADir(c.dir, bucket, object)
if err := os.MkdirAll(cachePath, 0777); err != nil {
return err
var metadata = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range opts.UserDefined {
metadata[k] = v
var reader = data
var actualSize = uint64(rlen)
// objSize is the actual size of object (with encryption overhead if any)
var objSize = uint64(size)
if globalCacheKMS != nil {
reader, err = newCacheEncryptReader(data, bucket, object, metadata)
if err != nil {
return err
actualSize, _ = sio.EncryptedSize(uint64(rlen))
objSize, _ = sio.EncryptedSize(uint64(size))
cacheFile := MustGetUUID()
n, err := c.bitrotWriteToCache(cachePath, cacheFile, reader, actualSize)
if IsErr(err, baseErrs...) {
if err != nil {
return err
if actualSize != uint64(n) {
return IncompleteBody{}
return c.saveMetadata(ctx, bucket, object, metadata, int64(objSize), rs, cacheFile, false)
// checks streaming bitrot checksum of cached object before returning data
func (c *diskCache) bitrotReadFromCache(ctx context.Context, filePath string, offset, length int64, writer io.Writer) error {
h := HighwayHash256S.New()
checksumHash := make([]byte, h.Size())
startBlock := offset / cacheBlkSize
endBlock := (offset + length) / cacheBlkSize
// get block start offset
var blockStartOffset int64
if startBlock > 0 {
blockStartOffset = (cacheBlkSize + int64(h.Size())) * startBlock
tillLength := (cacheBlkSize + int64(h.Size())) * (endBlock - startBlock + 1)
// Start offset cannot be negative.
if offset < 0 {
logger.LogIf(ctx, errUnexpected)
return errUnexpected
// Writer cannot be nil.
if writer == nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, errUnexpected)
return errUnexpected
var blockOffset, blockLength int64
rc, err := readCacheFileStream(filePath, blockStartOffset, tillLength)
if err != nil {
return err
bufp := c.pool.Get().(*[]byte)
defer c.pool.Put(bufp)
for block := startBlock; block <= endBlock; block++ {
switch {
case startBlock == endBlock:
blockOffset = offset % cacheBlkSize
blockLength = length
case block == startBlock:
blockOffset = offset % cacheBlkSize
blockLength = cacheBlkSize - blockOffset
case block == endBlock:
blockOffset = 0
blockLength = (offset + length) % cacheBlkSize
blockOffset = 0
blockLength = cacheBlkSize
if blockLength == 0 {
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rc, checksumHash); err != nil {
return err
n, err := io.ReadFull(rc, *bufp)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF && err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return err
eof := err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if n == 0 && length != 0 {
// Reached EOF, nothing more to be done.
if _, e := h.Write((*bufp)[:n]); e != nil {
return e
hashBytes := h.Sum(nil)
if !bytes.Equal(hashBytes, checksumHash) {
err = fmt.Errorf("hashes do not match expected %s, got %s",
hex.EncodeToString(checksumHash), hex.EncodeToString(hashBytes))
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err)
return err
if _, err := io.Copy(writer, bytes.NewReader((*bufp)[blockOffset:blockOffset+blockLength])); err != nil {
if err != io.ErrClosedPipe {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return err
eof = true
if eof {
return nil
// Get returns ObjectInfo and reader for object from disk cache
func (c *diskCache) Get(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, h http.Header, opts ObjectOptions) (gr *GetObjectReader, numHits int, err error) {
cacheObjPath := getCacheSHADir(c.dir, bucket, object)
cLock := c.NewNSLockFn(ctx, cacheObjPath)
if err := cLock.GetRLock(globalObjectTimeout); err != nil {
return nil, numHits, err
defer cLock.RUnlock()
var objInfo ObjectInfo
var rngInfo RangeInfo
if objInfo, rngInfo, numHits, err = c.statRange(ctx, bucket, object, rs); err != nil {
return nil, numHits, toObjectErr(err, bucket, object)
cacheFile := cacheDataFile
objSize := objInfo.Size
if !rngInfo.Empty() {
// for cached ranges, need to pass actual range file size to GetObjectReader
// and clear out range spec
cacheFile = rngInfo.File
objInfo.Size = rngInfo.Size
rs = nil
var nsUnlocker = func() {}
// For a directory, we need to send an reader that returns no bytes.
if HasSuffix(object, SlashSeparator) {
// The lock taken above is released when
// objReader.Close() is called by the caller.
gr, gerr := NewGetObjectReaderFromReader(bytes.NewBuffer(nil), objInfo, opts.CheckCopyPrecondFn, nsUnlocker)
return gr, numHits, gerr
fn, off, length, nErr := NewGetObjectReader(rs, objInfo, opts.CheckCopyPrecondFn, nsUnlocker)
if nErr != nil {
return nil, numHits, nErr
filePath := pathJoin(cacheObjPath, cacheFile)
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
go func() {
err := c.bitrotReadFromCache(ctx, filePath, off, length, pw)
if err != nil {
// Cleanup function to cause the go routine above to exit, in
// case of incomplete read.
pipeCloser := func() { pr.Close() }
gr, gerr := fn(pr, h, opts.CheckCopyPrecondFn, pipeCloser)
if gerr != nil {
return gr, numHits, gerr
if globalCacheKMS != nil {
// clean up internal SSE cache metadata
delete(gr.ObjInfo.UserDefined, crypto.SSEHeader)
if !rngInfo.Empty() {
// overlay Size with actual object size and not the range size
gr.ObjInfo.Size = objSize
return gr, numHits, nil
// Deletes the cached object
func (c *diskCache) delete(ctx context.Context, cacheObjPath string) (err error) {
cLock := c.NewNSLockFn(ctx, cacheObjPath)
if err := cLock.GetLock(globalObjectTimeout); err != nil {
return err
defer cLock.Unlock()
return removeAll(cacheObjPath)
// Deletes the cached object
func (c *diskCache) Delete(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string) (err error) {
cacheObjPath := getCacheSHADir(c.dir, bucket, object)
return c.delete(ctx, cacheObjPath)
// convenience function to check if object is cached on this diskCache
func (c *diskCache) Exists(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string) bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(getCacheSHADir(c.dir, bucket, object)); err != nil {
return false
return true