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714 lines
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714 lines
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
// Authenticate and get JWT token - will be called before every webrpc handler invocation
func getWebRPCToken(apiRouter http.Handler, accessKey, secretKey string) (token string, err error) {
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
request := LoginArgs{Username: accessKey, Password: secretKey}
reply := &LoginRep{}
req, err := newTestWebRPCRequest("Web.Login", "", request)
if err != nil {
return "", err
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
return "", errors.New("Auth failed")
err = getTestWebRPCResponse(rec, &reply)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if reply.Token == "" {
return "", errors.New("Auth failed")
return reply.Token, nil
// Wrapper for calling Login Web Handler
func TestWebHandlerLogin(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testLoginWebHandler)
// testLoginWebHandler - Test login web handler
func testLoginWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
// test cases with sample input and expected output.
testCases := []struct {
username string
password string
success bool
{"", "", false},
{"azerty", "foo", false},
{"", "foo", false},
{"azerty", "", false},
{"azerty", "foo", false},
{credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey, true},
// Iterating over the test cases, calling the function under test and asserting the response.
for i, testCase := range testCases {
_, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, testCase.username, testCase.password)
if err != nil && testCase.success {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected to succeed but it failed, %v", i+1, err)
if err == nil && !testCase.success {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected to fail but it didn't, %v", i+1, err)
// Wrapper for calling StorageInfo Web Handler
func TestWebHandlerStorageInfo(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testStorageInfoWebHandler)
// testStorageInfoWebHandler - Test StorageInfo web handler
func testStorageInfoWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// get random bucket name.
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
storageInfoRequest := GenericArgs{}
storageInfoReply := &StorageInfoRep{}
req, err := newTestWebRPCRequest("Web.StorageInfo", authorization, storageInfoRequest)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create HTTP request: <ERROR> %v", err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", rec.Code)
err = getTestWebRPCResponse(rec, &storageInfoReply)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed %v", err)
if storageInfoReply.StorageInfo.Total <= 0 {
t.Fatalf("Got a zero or negative total free space disk")
// Wrapper for calling ServerInfo Web Handler
func TestWebHandlerServerInfo(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testServerInfoWebHandler)
// testServerInfoWebHandler - Test ServerInfo web handler
func testServerInfoWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
serverInfoRequest := GenericArgs{}
serverInfoReply := &ServerInfoRep{}
req, err := newTestWebRPCRequest("Web.ServerInfo", authorization, serverInfoRequest)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create HTTP request: <ERROR> %v", err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", rec.Code)
err = getTestWebRPCResponse(rec, &serverInfoReply)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed, %v", err)
if serverInfoReply.MinioVersion != minioVersion {
t.Fatalf("Cannot get minio version from server info handler")
// Wrapper for calling MakeBucket Web Handler
func TestWebHandlerMakeBucket(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testMakeBucketWebHandler)
// testMakeBucketWebHandler - Test MakeBucket web handler
func testMakeBucketWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
bucketName := getRandomBucketName()
testCases := []struct {
bucketName string
success bool
{"", false},
{".", false},
{"ab", false},
{bucketName, true},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
makeBucketRequest := MakeBucketArgs{BucketName: testCase.bucketName}
makeBucketReply := &WebGenericRep{}
req, err := newTestWebRPCRequest("Web.MakeBucket", authorization, makeBucketRequest)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Failed to create HTTP request: <ERROR> %v", i+1, err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", i+1, rec.Code)
err = getTestWebRPCResponse(rec, &makeBucketReply)
if testCase.success && err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Should succeed but it didn't, %v", i+1, err)
if !testCase.success && err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Should fail but it didn't (%s)", i+1, testCase.bucketName)
// Wrapper for calling ListBuckets Web Handler
func TestWebHandlerListBuckets(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testListBucketsWebHandler)
// testListBucketsHandler - Test ListBuckets web handler
func testListBucketsWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
bucketName := getRandomBucketName()
// Create bucket.
err = obj.MakeBucket(bucketName)
if err != nil {
// failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err)
listBucketsRequest := WebGenericArgs{}
listBucketsReply := &ListBucketsRep{}
req, err := newTestWebRPCRequest("Web.ListBuckets", authorization, listBucketsRequest)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create HTTP request: <ERROR> %v", err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", rec.Code)
err = getTestWebRPCResponse(rec, &listBucketsReply)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed, %v", err)
if len(listBucketsReply.Buckets) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("Cannot find the bucket already created by MakeBucket")
if listBucketsReply.Buckets[0].Name != bucketName {
t.Fatalf("Found another bucket other than already created by MakeBucket")
// Wrapper for calling ListObjects Web Handler
func TestWebHandlerListObjects(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testListObjectsWebHandler)
// testListObjectsHandler - Test ListObjects web handler
func testListObjectsWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
bucketName := getRandomBucketName()
objectName := "object"
objectSize := 1024
// Create bucket.
err = obj.MakeBucket(bucketName)
if err != nil {
// failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err)
data := bytes.Repeat([]byte("a"), objectSize)
_, err = obj.PutObject(bucketName, objectName, int64(len(data)), bytes.NewReader(data), map[string]string{"md5Sum": "c9a34cfc85d982698c6ac89f76071abd"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Was not able to upload an object, %v", err)
listObjectsRequest := ListObjectsArgs{BucketName: bucketName, Prefix: ""}
listObjectsReply := &ListObjectsRep{}
req, err := newTestWebRPCRequest("Web.ListObjects", authorization, listObjectsRequest)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create HTTP request: <ERROR> %v", err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", rec.Code)
err = getTestWebRPCResponse(rec, &listObjectsReply)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed, %v", err)
if len(listObjectsReply.Objects) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("Cannot find the object")
if listObjectsReply.Objects[0].Key != objectName {
t.Fatalf("Found another object other than already created by PutObject")
if listObjectsReply.Objects[0].Size != int64(objectSize) {
t.Fatalf("Found a object with the same name but with a different size")
// Wrapper for calling RemoveObject Web Handler
func TestWebHandlerRemoveObject(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testRemoveObjectWebHandler)
// testRemoveObjectWebHandler - Test RemoveObject web handler
func testRemoveObjectWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
bucketName := getRandomBucketName()
objectName := "object"
objectSize := 1024
// Create bucket.
err = obj.MakeBucket(bucketName)
if err != nil {
// failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err)
data := bytes.Repeat([]byte("a"), objectSize)
_, err = obj.PutObject(bucketName, objectName, int64(len(data)), bytes.NewReader(data), map[string]string{"md5Sum": "c9a34cfc85d982698c6ac89f76071abd"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Was not able to upload an object, %v", err)
removeObjectRequest := RemoveObjectArgs{BucketName: bucketName, ObjectName: objectName}
removeObjectReply := &WebGenericRep{}
req, err := newTestWebRPCRequest("Web.RemoveObject", authorization, removeObjectRequest)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create HTTP request: <ERROR> %v", err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", rec.Code)
err = getTestWebRPCResponse(rec, &removeObjectReply)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed, %v", err)
// Wrapper for calling Generate Auth Handler
func TestWebHandlerGenerateAuth(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testGenerateAuthWebHandler)
// testGenerateAuthWebHandler - Test GenerateAuth web handler
func testGenerateAuthWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
generateAuthRequest := WebGenericArgs{}
generateAuthReply := &GenerateAuthReply{}
req, err := newTestWebRPCRequest("Web.GenerateAuth", authorization, generateAuthRequest)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create HTTP request: <ERROR> %v", err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", rec.Code)
err = getTestWebRPCResponse(rec, &generateAuthReply)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed, %v", err)
if generateAuthReply.AccessKey == "" || generateAuthReply.SecretKey == "" {
t.Fatalf("Failed to generate auth keys")
// Wrapper for calling Set Auth Handler
func TestWebHandlerSetAuth(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testSetAuthWebHandler)
// testSetAuthWebHandler - Test SetAuth web handler
func testSetAuthWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
testCases := []struct {
username string
password string
success bool
{"", "", false},
{"azerty", "foooooooooooooo", true},
// Iterating over the test cases, calling the function under test and asserting the response.
for i, testCase := range testCases {
setAuthRequest := SetAuthArgs{AccessKey: testCase.username, SecretKey: testCase.password}
setAuthReply := &SetAuthReply{}
req, err := newTestWebRPCRequest("Web.SetAuth", authorization, setAuthRequest)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Failed to create HTTP request: <ERROR> %v", i+1, err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", i+1, rec.Code)
err = getTestWebRPCResponse(rec, &setAuthReply)
if testCase.success && err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Supposed to succeed but failed, %v", i+1, err)
if !testCase.success && err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Supposed to fail but succeeded, %v", i+1, err)
if testCase.success && setAuthReply.Token == "" {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Failed to set auth keys", i+1)
// Wrapper for calling Get Auth Handler
func TestWebHandlerGetAuth(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testGetAuthWebHandler)
// testGetAuthWebHandler - Test GetAuth web handler
func testGetAuthWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
getAuthRequest := WebGenericArgs{}
getAuthReply := &GetAuthReply{}
req, err := newTestWebRPCRequest("Web.GetAuth", authorization, getAuthRequest)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create HTTP request: <ERROR> %v", err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", rec.Code)
err = getTestWebRPCResponse(rec, &getAuthReply)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed, %v", err)
if getAuthReply.AccessKey != credentials.AccessKeyID || getAuthReply.SecretKey != credentials.SecretAccessKey {
t.Fatalf("Failed to get correct auth keys")
// Wrapper for calling Upload Handler
func TestWebHandlerUpload(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testUploadWebHandler)
// testUploadWebHandler - Test Upload web handler
func testUploadWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
objectName := "test.file"
bucketName := getRandomBucketName()
// Create bucket.
err = obj.MakeBucket(bucketName)
if err != nil {
// failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err)
content := []byte("temporary file's content")
req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "/minio/upload/"+bucketName+"/"+objectName, nil)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+authorization)
req.Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(content)))
req.Header.Set("x-amz-date", "20160814T114029Z")
req.Header.Set("Accept", "*/*")
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(content))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Cannot create upload request, %v", err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", rec.Code)
var byteBuffer bytes.Buffer
err = obj.GetObject(bucketName, objectName, 0, int64(len(content)), &byteBuffer)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed, %v", err)
if bytes.Compare(byteBuffer.Bytes(), content) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("The upload file is different from the download file")
// Wrapper for calling Upload Handler
func TestWebHandlerDownload(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testDownloadWebHandler)
// testDownloadWebHandler - Test Download web handler
func testDownloadWebHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestWebRPCEndPoint(obj)
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed")
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath)
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
authorization, err := getWebRPCToken(apiRouter, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Cannot authenticate")
objectName := "test.file"
bucketName := getRandomBucketName()
// Create bucket.
err = obj.MakeBucket(bucketName)
if err != nil {
// failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err)
content := []byte("temporary file's content")
_, err = obj.PutObject(bucketName, objectName, int64(len(content)), bytes.NewReader(content), map[string]string{"md5Sum": "01ce59706106fe5e02e7f55fffda7f34"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Was not able to upload an object, %v", err)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/minio/download/"+bucketName+"/"+objectName+"?token="+authorization, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Cannot create upload request, %v", err)
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("Expected the response status to be 200, but instead found `%d`", rec.Code)
if bytes.Compare(rec.Body.Bytes(), content) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("The downloaded file is corrupted")