mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 08:20:58 -04:00
This change adds `access` format support for notifications to a Elasticsearch server, and it refactors `namespace` format support. In the case of `access` format, for each event in Minio, a JSON document is inserted into Elasticsearch with its timestamp set to the event's timestamp, and with the ID generated automatically by elasticsearch. No events are modified or deleted in this mode. In the case of `namespace` format, for each event in Minio, a JSON document is keyed together by the bucket and object name is updated in Elasticsearch. In the case of an object being created or over-written in Minio, a new document or an existing document is inserted into the Elasticsearch index. If an object is deleted in Minio, the corresponding document is deleted from the Elasticsearch index. Additionally, this change upgrades Elasticsearch support to the 5.x series. This is a breaking change, and users of previous elasticsearch versions should upgrade. Also updates documentation on Elasticsearch notification target usage and has a link to an elasticsearch upgrade guide. This is the last patch that finally resolves #3928.
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// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
// See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details.
package elastic
import (
const (
// Version is the current version of Elastic.
Version = "5.0.31"
// DefaultURL is the default endpoint of Elasticsearch on the local machine.
// It is used e.g. when initializing a new Client without a specific URL.
DefaultURL = ""
// DefaultScheme is the default protocol scheme to use when sniffing
// the Elasticsearch cluster.
DefaultScheme = "http"
// DefaultHealthcheckEnabled specifies if healthchecks are enabled by default.
DefaultHealthcheckEnabled = true
// DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup is the time the healthcheck waits
// for a response from Elasticsearch on startup, i.e. when creating a
// client. After the client is started, a shorter timeout is commonly used
// (its default is specified in DefaultHealthcheckTimeout).
DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup = 5 * time.Second
// DefaultHealthcheckTimeout specifies the time a running client waits for
// a response from Elasticsearch. Notice that the healthcheck timeout
// when a client is created is larger by default (see DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup).
DefaultHealthcheckTimeout = 1 * time.Second
// DefaultHealthcheckInterval is the default interval between
// two health checks of the nodes in the cluster.
DefaultHealthcheckInterval = 60 * time.Second
// DefaultSnifferEnabled specifies if the sniffer is enabled by default.
DefaultSnifferEnabled = true
// DefaultSnifferInterval is the interval between two sniffing procedures,
// i.e. the lookup of all nodes in the cluster and their addition/removal
// from the list of actual connections.
DefaultSnifferInterval = 15 * time.Minute
// DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup is the default timeout for the sniffing
// process that is initiated while creating a new client. For subsequent
// sniffing processes, DefaultSnifferTimeout is used (by default).
DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup = 5 * time.Second
// DefaultSnifferTimeout is the default timeout after which the
// sniffing process times out. Notice that for the initial sniffing
// process, DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup is used.
DefaultSnifferTimeout = 2 * time.Second
// DefaultSendGetBodyAs is the HTTP method to use when elastic is sending
// a GET request with a body.
DefaultSendGetBodyAs = "GET"
// DefaultGzipEnabled specifies if gzip compression is enabled by default.
DefaultGzipEnabled = false
// off is used to disable timeouts.
off = -1 * time.Second
var (
// ErrNoClient is raised when no Elasticsearch node is available.
ErrNoClient = errors.New("no Elasticsearch node available")
// ErrRetry is raised when a request cannot be executed after the configured
// number of retries.
ErrRetry = errors.New("cannot connect after several retries")
// ErrTimeout is raised when a request timed out, e.g. when WaitForStatus
// didn't return in time.
ErrTimeout = errors.New("timeout")
// noRetries is a retrier that does not retry.
noRetries = NewStopRetrier()
// ClientOptionFunc is a function that configures a Client.
// It is used in NewClient.
type ClientOptionFunc func(*Client) error
// Client is an Elasticsearch client. Create one by calling NewClient.
type Client struct {
c *http.Client // net/http Client to use for requests
connsMu sync.RWMutex // connsMu guards the next block
conns []*conn // all connections
cindex int // index into conns
mu sync.RWMutex // guards the next block
urls []string // set of URLs passed initially to the client
running bool // true if the client's background processes are running
errorlog Logger // error log for critical messages
infolog Logger // information log for e.g. response times
tracelog Logger // trace log for debugging
scheme string // http or https
healthcheckEnabled bool // healthchecks enabled or disabled
healthcheckTimeoutStartup time.Duration // time the healthcheck waits for a response from Elasticsearch on startup
healthcheckTimeout time.Duration // time the healthcheck waits for a response from Elasticsearch
healthcheckInterval time.Duration // interval between healthchecks
healthcheckStop chan bool // notify healthchecker to stop, and notify back
snifferEnabled bool // sniffer enabled or disabled
snifferTimeoutStartup time.Duration // time the sniffer waits for a response from nodes info API on startup
snifferTimeout time.Duration // time the sniffer waits for a response from nodes info API
snifferInterval time.Duration // interval between sniffing
snifferCallback SnifferCallback // callback to modify the sniffing decision
snifferStop chan bool // notify sniffer to stop, and notify back
decoder Decoder // used to decode data sent from Elasticsearch
basicAuth bool // indicates whether to send HTTP Basic Auth credentials
basicAuthUsername string // username for HTTP Basic Auth
basicAuthPassword string // password for HTTP Basic Auth
sendGetBodyAs string // override for when sending a GET with a body
requiredPlugins []string // list of required plugins
gzipEnabled bool // gzip compression enabled or disabled (default)
retrier Retrier // strategy for retries
// NewClient creates a new client to work with Elasticsearch.
// NewClient, by default, is meant to be long-lived and shared across
// your application. If you need a short-lived client, e.g. for request-scope,
// consider using NewSimpleClient instead.
// The caller can configure the new client by passing configuration options
// to the func.
// Example:
// client, err := elastic.NewClient(
// elastic.SetURL("", ""),
// elastic.SetBasicAuth("user", "secret"))
// If no URL is configured, Elastic uses DefaultURL by default.
// If the sniffer is enabled (the default), the new client then sniffes
// the cluster via the Nodes Info API
// (see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/cluster-nodes-info.html#cluster-nodes-info).
// It uses the URLs specified by the caller. The caller is responsible
// to only pass a list of URLs of nodes that belong to the same cluster.
// This sniffing process is run on startup and periodically.
// Use SnifferInterval to set the interval between two sniffs (default is
// 15 minutes). In other words: By default, the client will find new nodes
// in the cluster and remove those that are no longer available every
// 15 minutes. Disable the sniffer by passing SetSniff(false) to NewClient.
// The list of nodes found in the sniffing process will be used to make
// connections to the REST API of Elasticsearch. These nodes are also
// periodically checked in a shorter time frame. This process is called
// a health check. By default, a health check is done every 60 seconds.
// You can set a shorter or longer interval by SetHealthcheckInterval.
// Disabling health checks is not recommended, but can be done by
// SetHealthcheck(false).
// Connections are automatically marked as dead or healthy while
// making requests to Elasticsearch. When a request fails, Elastic will
// call into the Retry strategy which can be specified with SetRetry.
// The Retry strategy is also responsible for handling backoff i.e. the time
// to wait before starting the next request. There are various standard
// backoff implementations, e.g. ExponentialBackoff or SimpleBackoff.
// Retries are disabled by default.
// If no HttpClient is configured, then http.DefaultClient is used.
// You can use your own http.Client with some http.Transport for
// advanced scenarios.
// An error is also returned when some configuration option is invalid or
// the new client cannot sniff the cluster (if enabled).
func NewClient(options ...ClientOptionFunc) (*Client, error) {
// Set up the client
c := &Client{
c: http.DefaultClient,
conns: make([]*conn, 0),
cindex: -1,
scheme: DefaultScheme,
decoder: &DefaultDecoder{},
healthcheckEnabled: DefaultHealthcheckEnabled,
healthcheckTimeoutStartup: DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup,
healthcheckTimeout: DefaultHealthcheckTimeout,
healthcheckInterval: DefaultHealthcheckInterval,
healthcheckStop: make(chan bool),
snifferEnabled: DefaultSnifferEnabled,
snifferTimeoutStartup: DefaultSnifferTimeoutStartup,
snifferTimeout: DefaultSnifferTimeout,
snifferInterval: DefaultSnifferInterval,
snifferCallback: nopSnifferCallback,
snifferStop: make(chan bool),
sendGetBodyAs: DefaultSendGetBodyAs,
gzipEnabled: DefaultGzipEnabled,
retrier: noRetries, // no retries by default
// Run the options on it
for _, option := range options {
if err := option(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Use a default URL and normalize them
if len(c.urls) == 0 {
c.urls = []string{DefaultURL}
c.urls = canonicalize(c.urls...)
// If the URLs have auth info, use them here as an alternative to SetBasicAuth
if !c.basicAuth {
for _, urlStr := range c.urls {
u, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
if err == nil && u.User != nil {
c.basicAuth = true
c.basicAuthUsername = u.User.Username()
c.basicAuthPassword, _ = u.User.Password()
// Check if we can make a request to any of the specified URLs
if c.healthcheckEnabled {
if err := c.startupHealthcheck(c.healthcheckTimeoutStartup); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.snifferEnabled {
// Sniff the cluster initially
if err := c.sniff(c.snifferTimeoutStartup); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// Do not sniff the cluster initially. Use the provided URLs instead.
for _, url := range c.urls {
c.conns = append(c.conns, newConn(url, url))
if c.healthcheckEnabled {
// Perform an initial health check
c.healthcheck(c.healthcheckTimeoutStartup, true)
// Ensure that we have at least one connection available
if err := c.mustActiveConn(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check the required plugins
for _, plugin := range c.requiredPlugins {
found, err := c.HasPlugin(plugin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("elastic: plugin %s not found", plugin)
if c.snifferEnabled {
go c.sniffer() // periodically update cluster information
if c.healthcheckEnabled {
go c.healthchecker() // start goroutine periodically ping all nodes of the cluster
c.running = true
return c, nil
// NewSimpleClient creates a new short-lived Client that can be used in
// use cases where you need e.g. one client per request.
// While NewClient by default sets up e.g. periodic health checks
// and sniffing for new nodes in separate goroutines, NewSimpleClient does
// not and is meant as a simple replacement where you don't need all the
// heavy lifting of NewClient.
// NewSimpleClient does the following by default: First, all health checks
// are disabled, including timeouts and periodic checks. Second, sniffing
// is disabled, including timeouts and periodic checks. The number of retries
// is set to 1. NewSimpleClient also does not start any goroutines.
// Notice that you can still override settings by passing additional options,
// just like with NewClient.
func NewSimpleClient(options ...ClientOptionFunc) (*Client, error) {
c := &Client{
c: http.DefaultClient,
conns: make([]*conn, 0),
cindex: -1,
scheme: DefaultScheme,
decoder: &DefaultDecoder{},
healthcheckEnabled: false,
healthcheckTimeoutStartup: off,
healthcheckTimeout: off,
healthcheckInterval: off,
healthcheckStop: make(chan bool),
snifferEnabled: false,
snifferTimeoutStartup: off,
snifferTimeout: off,
snifferInterval: off,
snifferCallback: nopSnifferCallback,
snifferStop: make(chan bool),
sendGetBodyAs: DefaultSendGetBodyAs,
gzipEnabled: DefaultGzipEnabled,
retrier: noRetries, // no retries by default
// Run the options on it
for _, option := range options {
if err := option(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Use a default URL and normalize them
if len(c.urls) == 0 {
c.urls = []string{DefaultURL}
c.urls = canonicalize(c.urls...)
// If the URLs have auth info, use them here as an alternative to SetBasicAuth
if !c.basicAuth {
for _, urlStr := range c.urls {
u, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
if err == nil && u.User != nil {
c.basicAuth = true
c.basicAuthUsername = u.User.Username()
c.basicAuthPassword, _ = u.User.Password()
for _, url := range c.urls {
c.conns = append(c.conns, newConn(url, url))
// Ensure that we have at least one connection available
if err := c.mustActiveConn(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check the required plugins
for _, plugin := range c.requiredPlugins {
found, err := c.HasPlugin(plugin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("elastic: plugin %s not found", plugin)
c.running = true
return c, nil
// SetHttpClient can be used to specify the http.Client to use when making
// HTTP requests to Elasticsearch.
func SetHttpClient(httpClient *http.Client) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
if httpClient != nil {
c.c = httpClient
} else {
c.c = http.DefaultClient
return nil
// SetBasicAuth can be used to specify the HTTP Basic Auth credentials to
// use when making HTTP requests to Elasticsearch.
func SetBasicAuth(username, password string) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.basicAuthUsername = username
c.basicAuthPassword = password
c.basicAuth = c.basicAuthUsername != "" || c.basicAuthPassword != ""
return nil
// SetURL defines the URL endpoints of the Elasticsearch nodes. Notice that
// when sniffing is enabled, these URLs are used to initially sniff the
// cluster on startup.
func SetURL(urls ...string) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
switch len(urls) {
case 0:
c.urls = []string{DefaultURL}
c.urls = urls
return nil
// SetScheme sets the HTTP scheme to look for when sniffing (http or https).
// This is http by default.
func SetScheme(scheme string) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.scheme = scheme
return nil
// SetSniff enables or disables the sniffer (enabled by default).
func SetSniff(enabled bool) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.snifferEnabled = enabled
return nil
// SetSnifferTimeoutStartup sets the timeout for the sniffer that is used
// when creating a new client. The default is 5 seconds. Notice that the
// timeout being used for subsequent sniffing processes is set with
// SetSnifferTimeout.
func SetSnifferTimeoutStartup(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.snifferTimeoutStartup = timeout
return nil
// SetSnifferTimeout sets the timeout for the sniffer that finds the
// nodes in a cluster. The default is 2 seconds. Notice that the timeout
// used when creating a new client on startup is usually greater and can
// be set with SetSnifferTimeoutStartup.
func SetSnifferTimeout(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.snifferTimeout = timeout
return nil
// SetSnifferInterval sets the interval between two sniffing processes.
// The default interval is 15 minutes.
func SetSnifferInterval(interval time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.snifferInterval = interval
return nil
// SnifferCallback defines the protocol for sniffing decisions.
type SnifferCallback func(*NodesInfoNode) bool
// nopSnifferCallback is the default sniffer callback: It accepts
// all nodes the sniffer finds.
var nopSnifferCallback = func(*NodesInfoNode) bool { return true }
// SetSnifferCallback allows the caller to modify sniffer decisions.
// When setting the callback, the given SnifferCallback is called for
// each (healthy) node found during the sniffing process.
// If the callback returns false, the node is ignored: No requests
// are routed to it.
func SetSnifferCallback(f SnifferCallback) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
if f != nil {
c.snifferCallback = f
return nil
// SetHealthcheck enables or disables healthchecks (enabled by default).
func SetHealthcheck(enabled bool) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.healthcheckEnabled = enabled
return nil
// SetHealthcheckTimeoutStartup sets the timeout for the initial health check.
// The default timeout is 5 seconds (see DefaultHealthcheckTimeoutStartup).
// Notice that timeouts for subsequent health checks can be modified with
// SetHealthcheckTimeout.
func SetHealthcheckTimeoutStartup(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.healthcheckTimeoutStartup = timeout
return nil
// SetHealthcheckTimeout sets the timeout for periodic health checks.
// The default timeout is 1 second (see DefaultHealthcheckTimeout).
// Notice that a different (usually larger) timeout is used for the initial
// healthcheck, which is initiated while creating a new client.
// The startup timeout can be modified with SetHealthcheckTimeoutStartup.
func SetHealthcheckTimeout(timeout time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.healthcheckTimeout = timeout
return nil
// SetHealthcheckInterval sets the interval between two health checks.
// The default interval is 60 seconds.
func SetHealthcheckInterval(interval time.Duration) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.healthcheckInterval = interval
return nil
// SetMaxRetries sets the maximum number of retries before giving up when
// performing a HTTP request to Elasticsearch.
// Deprecated: Replace with a Retry implementation.
func SetMaxRetries(maxRetries int) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
if maxRetries < 0 {
return errors.New("MaxRetries must be greater than or equal to 0")
} else if maxRetries == 0 {
c.retrier = noRetries
} else {
// Create a Retrier that will wait for 100ms (+/- jitter) between requests.
// This resembles the old behavior with maxRetries.
ticks := make([]int, maxRetries)
for i := 0; i < len(ticks); i++ {
ticks[i] = 100
backoff := NewSimpleBackoff(ticks...)
c.retrier = NewBackoffRetrier(backoff)
return nil
// SetGzip enables or disables gzip compression (disabled by default).
func SetGzip(enabled bool) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.gzipEnabled = enabled
return nil
// SetDecoder sets the Decoder to use when decoding data from Elasticsearch.
// DefaultDecoder is used by default.
func SetDecoder(decoder Decoder) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
if decoder != nil {
c.decoder = decoder
} else {
c.decoder = &DefaultDecoder{}
return nil
// SetRequiredPlugins can be used to indicate that some plugins are required
// before a Client will be created.
func SetRequiredPlugins(plugins ...string) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
if c.requiredPlugins == nil {
c.requiredPlugins = make([]string, 0)
c.requiredPlugins = append(c.requiredPlugins, plugins...)
return nil
// SetErrorLog sets the logger for critical messages like nodes joining
// or leaving the cluster or failing requests. It is nil by default.
func SetErrorLog(logger Logger) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.errorlog = logger
return nil
// SetInfoLog sets the logger for informational messages, e.g. requests
// and their response times. It is nil by default.
func SetInfoLog(logger Logger) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.infolog = logger
return nil
// SetTraceLog specifies the log.Logger to use for output of HTTP requests
// and responses which is helpful during debugging. It is nil by default.
func SetTraceLog(logger Logger) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.tracelog = logger
return nil
// SetSendGetBodyAs specifies the HTTP method to use when sending a GET request
// with a body. It is GET by default.
func SetSendGetBodyAs(httpMethod string) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
c.sendGetBodyAs = httpMethod
return nil
// SetRetrier specifies the retry strategy that handles errors during
// HTTP request/response with Elasticsearch.
func SetRetrier(retrier Retrier) ClientOptionFunc {
return func(c *Client) error {
if retrier == nil {
retrier = noRetries // no retries by default
c.retrier = retrier
return nil
// String returns a string representation of the client status.
func (c *Client) String() string {
conns := c.conns
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i, conn := range conns {
if i > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
return buf.String()
// IsRunning returns true if the background processes of the client are
// running, false otherwise.
func (c *Client) IsRunning() bool {
defer c.mu.RUnlock()
return c.running
// Start starts the background processes like sniffing the cluster and
// periodic health checks. You don't need to run Start when creating a
// client with NewClient; the background processes are run by default.
// If the background processes are already running, this is a no-op.
func (c *Client) Start() {
if c.running {
if c.snifferEnabled {
go c.sniffer()
if c.healthcheckEnabled {
go c.healthchecker()
c.running = true
c.infof("elastic: client started")
// Stop stops the background processes that the client is running,
// i.e. sniffing the cluster periodically and running health checks
// on the nodes.
// If the background processes are not running, this is a no-op.
func (c *Client) Stop() {
if !c.running {
if c.healthcheckEnabled {
c.healthcheckStop <- true
if c.snifferEnabled {
c.snifferStop <- true
c.running = false
c.infof("elastic: client stopped")
// errorf logs to the error log.
func (c *Client) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if c.errorlog != nil {
c.errorlog.Printf(format, args...)
// infof logs informational messages.
func (c *Client) infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if c.infolog != nil {
c.infolog.Printf(format, args...)
// tracef logs to the trace log.
func (c *Client) tracef(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if c.tracelog != nil {
c.tracelog.Printf(format, args...)
// dumpRequest dumps the given HTTP request to the trace log.
func (c *Client) dumpRequest(r *http.Request) {
if c.tracelog != nil {
out, err := httputil.DumpRequestOut(r, true)
if err == nil {
c.tracef("%s\n", string(out))
// dumpResponse dumps the given HTTP response to the trace log.
func (c *Client) dumpResponse(resp *http.Response) {
if c.tracelog != nil {
out, err := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, true)
if err == nil {
c.tracef("%s\n", string(out))
// sniffer periodically runs sniff.
func (c *Client) sniffer() {
timeout := c.snifferTimeout
interval := c.snifferInterval
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-c.snifferStop:
// we are asked to stop, so we signal back that we're stopping now
c.snifferStop <- true
case <-ticker.C:
// sniff uses the Node Info API to return the list of nodes in the cluster.
// It uses the list of URLs passed on startup plus the list of URLs found
// by the preceding sniffing process (if sniffing is enabled).
// If sniffing is disabled, this is a no-op.
func (c *Client) sniff(timeout time.Duration) error {
if !c.snifferEnabled {
return nil
// Use all available URLs provided to sniff the cluster.
var urls []string
urlsMap := make(map[string]bool)
// Add all URLs provided on startup
for _, url := range c.urls {
urlsMap[url] = true
urls = append(urls, url)
// Add all URLs found by sniffing
for _, conn := range c.conns {
if !conn.IsDead() {
url := conn.URL()
if _, found := urlsMap[url]; !found {
urls = append(urls, url)
if len(urls) == 0 {
return ErrNoClient
// Start sniffing on all found URLs
ch := make(chan []*conn, len(urls))
for _, url := range urls {
go func(url string) { ch <- c.sniffNode(url) }(url)
// Wait for the results to come back, or the process times out.
for {
select {
case conns := <-ch:
if len(conns) > 0 {
return nil
case <-time.After(timeout):
// We get here if no cluster responds in time
return ErrNoClient
// sniffNode sniffs a single node. This method is run as a goroutine
// in sniff. If successful, it returns the list of node URLs extracted
// from the result of calling Nodes Info API. Otherwise, an empty array
// is returned.
func (c *Client) sniffNode(url string) []*conn {
var nodes []*conn
// Call the Nodes Info API at /_nodes/http
req, err := NewRequest("GET", url+"/_nodes/http")
if err != nil {
return nodes
if c.basicAuth {
req.SetBasicAuth(c.basicAuthUsername, c.basicAuthPassword)
res, err := c.c.Do((*http.Request)(req))
if err != nil {
return nodes
if res == nil {
return nodes
if res.Body != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
var info NodesInfoResponse
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&info); err == nil {
if len(info.Nodes) > 0 {
for nodeID, node := range info.Nodes {
if c.snifferCallback(node) {
if node.HTTP != nil && len(node.HTTP.PublishAddress) > 0 {
url := c.extractHostname(c.scheme, node.HTTP.PublishAddress)
if url != "" {
nodes = append(nodes, newConn(nodeID, url))
return nodes
// reSniffHostAndPort is used to extract hostname and port from a result
// from a Nodes Info API (example: "inet[/]").
var reSniffHostAndPort = regexp.MustCompile(`\/([^:]*):([0-9]+)\]`)
func (c *Client) extractHostname(scheme, address string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(address, "inet") {
m := reSniffHostAndPort.FindStringSubmatch(address)
if len(m) == 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%s", scheme, m[1], m[2])
s := address
if idx := strings.Index(s, "/"); idx >= 0 {
s = s[idx+1:]
if strings.Index(s, ":") < 0 {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", scheme, s)
// updateConns updates the clients' connections with new information
// gather by a sniff operation.
func (c *Client) updateConns(conns []*conn) {
// Build up new connections:
// If we find an existing connection, use that (including no. of failures etc.).
// If we find a new connection, add it.
var newConns []*conn
for _, conn := range conns {
var found bool
for _, oldConn := range c.conns {
if oldConn.NodeID() == conn.NodeID() {
// Take over the old connection
newConns = append(newConns, oldConn)
found = true
if !found {
// New connection didn't exist, so add it to our list of new conns.
c.infof("elastic: %s joined the cluster", conn.URL())
newConns = append(newConns, conn)
c.conns = newConns
c.cindex = -1
// healthchecker periodically runs healthcheck.
func (c *Client) healthchecker() {
timeout := c.healthcheckTimeout
interval := c.healthcheckInterval
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-c.healthcheckStop:
// we are asked to stop, so we signal back that we're stopping now
c.healthcheckStop <- true
case <-ticker.C:
c.healthcheck(timeout, false)
// healthcheck does a health check on all nodes in the cluster. Depending on
// the node state, it marks connections as dead, sets them alive etc.
// If healthchecks are disabled and force is false, this is a no-op.
// The timeout specifies how long to wait for a response from Elasticsearch.
func (c *Client) healthcheck(timeout time.Duration, force bool) {
if !c.healthcheckEnabled && !force {
basicAuth := c.basicAuth
basicAuthUsername := c.basicAuthUsername
basicAuthPassword := c.basicAuthPassword
conns := c.conns
for _, conn := range conns {
// Run the HEAD request against ES with a timeout
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
// Goroutine executes the HTTP request, returns an error and sets status
var status int
errc := make(chan error, 1)
go func(url string) {
req, err := NewRequest("HEAD", url)
if err != nil {
errc <- err
if basicAuth {
req.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUsername, basicAuthPassword)
res, err := c.c.Do((*http.Request)(req))
if res != nil {
status = res.StatusCode
if res.Body != nil {
errc <- err
// Wait for the Goroutine (or its timeout)
select {
case <-ctx.Done(): // timeout
c.errorf("elastic: %s is dead", conn.URL())
case err := <-errc:
if err != nil {
c.errorf("elastic: %s is dead", conn.URL())
if status >= 200 && status < 300 {
} else {
c.errorf("elastic: %s is dead [status=%d]", conn.URL(), status)
// startupHealthcheck is used at startup to check if the server is available
// at all.
func (c *Client) startupHealthcheck(timeout time.Duration) error {
urls := c.urls
basicAuth := c.basicAuth
basicAuthUsername := c.basicAuthUsername
basicAuthPassword := c.basicAuthPassword
// If we don't get a connection after "timeout", we bail.
start := time.Now()
for {
// Make a copy of the HTTP client provided via options to respect
// settings like Basic Auth or a user-specified http.Transport.
cl := new(http.Client)
*cl = *c.c
cl.Timeout = timeout
for _, url := range urls {
req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", url, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if basicAuth {
req.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUsername, basicAuthPassword)
res, err := cl.Do(req)
if err == nil && res != nil && res.StatusCode >= 200 && res.StatusCode < 300 {
return nil
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if time.Now().Sub(start) > timeout {
return ErrNoClient
// next returns the next available connection, or ErrNoClient.
func (c *Client) next() (*conn, error) {
// We do round-robin here.
// TODO(oe) This should be a pluggable strategy, like the Selector in the official clients.
defer c.connsMu.Unlock()
i := 0
numConns := len(c.conns)
for {
if i > numConns {
break // we visited all conns: they all seem to be dead
if c.cindex >= numConns {
c.cindex = 0
conn := c.conns[c.cindex]
if !conn.IsDead() {
return conn, nil
// We have a deadlock here: All nodes are marked as dead.
// If sniffing is disabled, connections will never be marked alive again.
// So we are marking them as alive--if sniffing is disabled.
// They'll then be picked up in the next call to PerformRequest.
if !c.snifferEnabled {
c.errorf("elastic: all %d nodes marked as dead; resurrecting them to prevent deadlock", len(c.conns))
for _, conn := range c.conns {
// We tried hard, but there is no node available
return nil, ErrNoClient
// mustActiveConn returns nil if there is an active connection,
// otherwise ErrNoClient is returned.
func (c *Client) mustActiveConn() error {
defer c.connsMu.Unlock()
for _, c := range c.conns {
if !c.IsDead() {
return nil
return ErrNoClient
// PerformRequest does a HTTP request to Elasticsearch.
// It returns a response (which might be nil) and an error on failure.
// Optionally, a list of HTTP error codes to ignore can be passed.
// This is necessary for services that expect e.g. HTTP status 404 as a
// valid outcome (Exists, IndicesExists, IndicesTypeExists).
func (c *Client) PerformRequest(ctx context.Context, method, path string, params url.Values, body interface{}, ignoreErrors ...int) (*Response, error) {
start := time.Now().UTC()
timeout := c.healthcheckTimeout
basicAuth := c.basicAuth
basicAuthUsername := c.basicAuthUsername
basicAuthPassword := c.basicAuthPassword
sendGetBodyAs := c.sendGetBodyAs
gzipEnabled := c.gzipEnabled
var err error
var conn *conn
var req *Request
var resp *Response
var retried bool
var n int
// Change method if sendGetBodyAs is specified.
if method == "GET" && body != nil && sendGetBodyAs != "GET" {
method = sendGetBodyAs
for {
pathWithParams := path
if len(params) > 0 {
pathWithParams += "?" + params.Encode()
// Get a connection
conn, err = c.next()
if err == ErrNoClient {
if !retried {
// Force a healtcheck as all connections seem to be dead.
c.healthcheck(timeout, false)
wait, ok, rerr := c.retrier.Retry(ctx, n, nil, nil, err)
if rerr != nil {
return nil, rerr
if !ok {
return nil, err
retried = true
continue // try again
if err != nil {
c.errorf("elastic: cannot get connection from pool")
return nil, err
req, err = NewRequest(method, conn.URL()+pathWithParams)
if err != nil {
c.errorf("elastic: cannot create request for %s %s: %v", strings.ToUpper(method), conn.URL()+pathWithParams, err)
return nil, err
if basicAuth {
req.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUsername, basicAuthPassword)
// Set body
if body != nil {
err = req.SetBody(body, gzipEnabled)
if err != nil {
c.errorf("elastic: couldn't set body %+v for request: %v", body, err)
return nil, err
// Tracing
// Get response
res, err := ctxhttp.Do(ctx, c.c, (*http.Request)(req))
if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
// Proceed, but don't mark the node as dead
return nil, err
if err != nil {
wait, ok, rerr := c.retrier.Retry(ctx, n, (*http.Request)(req), res, err)
if rerr != nil {
c.errorf("elastic: %s is dead", conn.URL())
return nil, rerr
if !ok {
c.errorf("elastic: %s is dead", conn.URL())
return nil, err
retried = true
continue // try again
if res.Body != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
// Check for errors
if err := checkResponse((*http.Request)(req), res, ignoreErrors...); err != nil {
// No retry if request succeeded
// We still try to return a response.
resp, _ = c.newResponse(res)
return resp, err
// Tracing
// We successfully made a request with this connection
resp, err = c.newResponse(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
duration := time.Now().UTC().Sub(start)
c.infof("%s %s [status:%d, request:%.3fs]",
return resp, nil
// -- Document APIs --
// Index a document.
func (c *Client) Index() *IndexService {
return NewIndexService(c)
// Get a document.
func (c *Client) Get() *GetService {
return NewGetService(c)
// MultiGet retrieves multiple documents in one roundtrip.
func (c *Client) MultiGet() *MgetService {
return NewMgetService(c)
// Mget retrieves multiple documents in one roundtrip.
func (c *Client) Mget() *MgetService {
return NewMgetService(c)
// Delete a document.
func (c *Client) Delete() *DeleteService {
return NewDeleteService(c)
// DeleteByQuery deletes documents as found by a query.
func (c *Client) DeleteByQuery(indices ...string) *DeleteByQueryService {
return NewDeleteByQueryService(c).Index(indices...)
// Update a document.
func (c *Client) Update() *UpdateService {
return NewUpdateService(c)
// UpdateByQuery performs an update on a set of documents.
func (c *Client) UpdateByQuery(indices ...string) *UpdateByQueryService {
return NewUpdateByQueryService(c).Index(indices...)
// Bulk is the entry point to mass insert/update/delete documents.
func (c *Client) Bulk() *BulkService {
return NewBulkService(c)
// BulkProcessor allows setting up a concurrent processor of bulk requests.
func (c *Client) BulkProcessor() *BulkProcessorService {
return NewBulkProcessorService(c)
// Reindex copies data from a source index into a destination index.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/docs-reindex.html
// for details on the Reindex API.
func (c *Client) Reindex() *ReindexService {
return NewReindexService(c)
// TermVectors returns information and statistics on terms in the fields
// of a particular document.
func (c *Client) TermVectors(index, typ string) *TermvectorsService {
builder := NewTermvectorsService(c)
builder = builder.Index(index).Type(typ)
return builder
// MultiTermVectors returns information and statistics on terms in the fields
// of multiple documents.
func (c *Client) MultiTermVectors() *MultiTermvectorService {
return NewMultiTermvectorService(c)
// -- Search APIs --
// Search is the entry point for searches.
func (c *Client) Search(indices ...string) *SearchService {
return NewSearchService(c).Index(indices...)
// Suggest returns a service to return suggestions.
func (c *Client) Suggest(indices ...string) *SuggestService {
return NewSuggestService(c).Index(indices...)
// MultiSearch is the entry point for multi searches.
func (c *Client) MultiSearch() *MultiSearchService {
return NewMultiSearchService(c)
// Count documents.
func (c *Client) Count(indices ...string) *CountService {
return NewCountService(c).Index(indices...)
// Explain computes a score explanation for a query and a specific document.
func (c *Client) Explain(index, typ, id string) *ExplainService {
return NewExplainService(c).Index(index).Type(typ).Id(id)
// TODO Search Template
// TODO Search Shards API
// TODO Search Exists API
// TODO Validate API
// FieldStats returns statistical information about fields in indices.
func (c *Client) FieldStats(indices ...string) *FieldStatsService {
return NewFieldStatsService(c).Index(indices...)
// Exists checks if a document exists.
func (c *Client) Exists() *ExistsService {
return NewExistsService(c)
// Scroll through documents. Use this to efficiently scroll through results
// while returning the results to a client.
func (c *Client) Scroll(indices ...string) *ScrollService {
return NewScrollService(c).Index(indices...)
// ClearScroll can be used to clear search contexts manually.
func (c *Client) ClearScroll(scrollIds ...string) *ClearScrollService {
return NewClearScrollService(c).ScrollId(scrollIds...)
// -- Indices APIs --
// CreateIndex returns a service to create a new index.
func (c *Client) CreateIndex(name string) *IndicesCreateService {
return NewIndicesCreateService(c).Index(name)
// DeleteIndex returns a service to delete an index.
func (c *Client) DeleteIndex(indices ...string) *IndicesDeleteService {
return NewIndicesDeleteService(c).Index(indices)
// IndexExists allows to check if an index exists.
func (c *Client) IndexExists(indices ...string) *IndicesExistsService {
return NewIndicesExistsService(c).Index(indices)
// ShrinkIndex returns a service to shrink one index into another.
func (c *Client) ShrinkIndex(source, target string) *IndicesShrinkService {
return NewIndicesShrinkService(c).Source(source).Target(target)
// RolloverIndex rolls an alias over to a new index when the existing index
// is considered to be too large or too old.
func (c *Client) RolloverIndex(alias string) *IndicesRolloverService {
return NewIndicesRolloverService(c).Alias(alias)
// TypeExists allows to check if one or more types exist in one or more indices.
func (c *Client) TypeExists() *IndicesExistsTypeService {
return NewIndicesExistsTypeService(c)
// IndexStats provides statistics on different operations happining
// in one or more indices.
func (c *Client) IndexStats(indices ...string) *IndicesStatsService {
return NewIndicesStatsService(c).Index(indices...)
// OpenIndex opens an index.
func (c *Client) OpenIndex(name string) *IndicesOpenService {
return NewIndicesOpenService(c).Index(name)
// CloseIndex closes an index.
func (c *Client) CloseIndex(name string) *IndicesCloseService {
return NewIndicesCloseService(c).Index(name)
// IndexGet retrieves information about one or more indices.
// IndexGet is only available for Elasticsearch 1.4 or later.
func (c *Client) IndexGet(indices ...string) *IndicesGetService {
return NewIndicesGetService(c).Index(indices...)
// IndexGetSettings retrieves settings of all, one or more indices.
func (c *Client) IndexGetSettings(indices ...string) *IndicesGetSettingsService {
return NewIndicesGetSettingsService(c).Index(indices...)
// IndexPutSettings sets settings for all, one or more indices.
func (c *Client) IndexPutSettings(indices ...string) *IndicesPutSettingsService {
return NewIndicesPutSettingsService(c).Index(indices...)
// IndexAnalyze performs the analysis process on a text and returns the
// token breakdown of the text.
func (c *Client) IndexAnalyze() *IndicesAnalyzeService {
return NewIndicesAnalyzeService(c)
// Forcemerge optimizes one or more indices.
// It replaces the deprecated Optimize API.
func (c *Client) Forcemerge(indices ...string) *IndicesForcemergeService {
return NewIndicesForcemergeService(c).Index(indices...)
// Refresh asks Elasticsearch to refresh one or more indices.
func (c *Client) Refresh(indices ...string) *RefreshService {
return NewRefreshService(c).Index(indices...)
// Flush asks Elasticsearch to free memory from the index and
// flush data to disk.
func (c *Client) Flush(indices ...string) *IndicesFlushService {
return NewIndicesFlushService(c).Index(indices...)
// Alias enables the caller to add and/or remove aliases.
func (c *Client) Alias() *AliasService {
return NewAliasService(c)
// Aliases returns aliases by index name(s).
func (c *Client) Aliases() *AliasesService {
return NewAliasesService(c)
// GetTemplate gets a search template.
// Use IndexXXXTemplate funcs to manage index templates.
func (c *Client) GetTemplate() *GetTemplateService {
return NewGetTemplateService(c)
// PutTemplate creates or updates a search template.
// Use IndexXXXTemplate funcs to manage index templates.
func (c *Client) PutTemplate() *PutTemplateService {
return NewPutTemplateService(c)
// DeleteTemplate deletes a search template.
// Use IndexXXXTemplate funcs to manage index templates.
func (c *Client) DeleteTemplate() *DeleteTemplateService {
return NewDeleteTemplateService(c)
// IndexGetTemplate gets an index template.
// Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.
func (c *Client) IndexGetTemplate(names ...string) *IndicesGetTemplateService {
return NewIndicesGetTemplateService(c).Name(names...)
// IndexTemplateExists gets check if an index template exists.
// Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.
func (c *Client) IndexTemplateExists(name string) *IndicesExistsTemplateService {
return NewIndicesExistsTemplateService(c).Name(name)
// IndexPutTemplate creates or updates an index template.
// Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.
func (c *Client) IndexPutTemplate(name string) *IndicesPutTemplateService {
return NewIndicesPutTemplateService(c).Name(name)
// IndexDeleteTemplate deletes an index template.
// Use XXXTemplate funcs to manage search templates.
func (c *Client) IndexDeleteTemplate(name string) *IndicesDeleteTemplateService {
return NewIndicesDeleteTemplateService(c).Name(name)
// GetMapping gets a mapping.
func (c *Client) GetMapping() *IndicesGetMappingService {
return NewIndicesGetMappingService(c)
// PutMapping registers a mapping.
func (c *Client) PutMapping() *IndicesPutMappingService {
return NewIndicesPutMappingService(c)
// GetFieldMapping gets mapping for fields.
func (c *Client) GetFieldMapping() *IndicesGetFieldMappingService {
return NewIndicesGetFieldMappingService(c)
// -- cat APIs --
// TODO cat aliases
// TODO cat allocation
// TODO cat count
// TODO cat fielddata
// TODO cat health
// TODO cat indices
// TODO cat master
// TODO cat nodes
// TODO cat pending tasks
// TODO cat plugins
// TODO cat recovery
// TODO cat thread pool
// TODO cat shards
// TODO cat segments
// -- Ingest APIs --
// IngestPutPipeline adds pipelines and updates existing pipelines in
// the cluster.
func (c *Client) IngestPutPipeline(id string) *IngestPutPipelineService {
return NewIngestPutPipelineService(c).Id(id)
// IngestGetPipeline returns pipelines based on ID.
func (c *Client) IngestGetPipeline(ids ...string) *IngestGetPipelineService {
return NewIngestGetPipelineService(c).Id(ids...)
// IngestDeletePipeline deletes a pipeline by ID.
func (c *Client) IngestDeletePipeline(id string) *IngestDeletePipelineService {
return NewIngestDeletePipelineService(c).Id(id)
// IngestSimulatePipeline executes a specific pipeline against the set of
// documents provided in the body of the request.
func (c *Client) IngestSimulatePipeline() *IngestSimulatePipelineService {
return NewIngestSimulatePipelineService(c)
// -- Cluster APIs --
// ClusterHealth retrieves the health of the cluster.
func (c *Client) ClusterHealth() *ClusterHealthService {
return NewClusterHealthService(c)
// ClusterState retrieves the state of the cluster.
func (c *Client) ClusterState() *ClusterStateService {
return NewClusterStateService(c)
// ClusterStats retrieves cluster statistics.
func (c *Client) ClusterStats() *ClusterStatsService {
return NewClusterStatsService(c)
// NodesInfo retrieves one or more or all of the cluster nodes information.
func (c *Client) NodesInfo() *NodesInfoService {
return NewNodesInfoService(c)
// NodesStats retrieves one or more or all of the cluster nodes statistics.
func (c *Client) NodesStats() *NodesStatsService {
return NewNodesStatsService(c)
// TasksCancel cancels tasks running on the specified nodes.
func (c *Client) TasksCancel() *TasksCancelService {
return NewTasksCancelService(c)
// TasksList retrieves the list of tasks running on the specified nodes.
func (c *Client) TasksList() *TasksListService {
return NewTasksListService(c)
// TODO Pending cluster tasks
// TODO Cluster Reroute
// TODO Cluster Update Settings
// TODO Nodes Stats
// TODO Nodes hot_threads
// -- Snapshot and Restore --
// TODO Snapshot Create
// TODO Snapshot Create Repository
// TODO Snapshot Delete
// TODO Snapshot Delete Repository
// TODO Snapshot Get
// TODO Snapshot Get Repository
// TODO Snapshot Restore
// TODO Snapshot Status
// TODO Snapshot Verify Repository
// -- Helpers and shortcuts --
// ElasticsearchVersion returns the version number of Elasticsearch
// running on the given URL.
func (c *Client) ElasticsearchVersion(url string) (string, error) {
res, _, err := c.Ping(url).Do(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return "", err
return res.Version.Number, nil
// IndexNames returns the names of all indices in the cluster.
func (c *Client) IndexNames() ([]string, error) {
res, err := c.IndexGetSettings().Index("_all").Do(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var names []string
for name := range res {
names = append(names, name)
return names, nil
// Ping checks if a given node in a cluster exists and (optionally)
// returns some basic information about the Elasticsearch server,
// e.g. the Elasticsearch version number.
// Notice that you need to specify a URL here explicitly.
func (c *Client) Ping(url string) *PingService {
return NewPingService(c).URL(url)
// WaitForStatus waits for the cluster to have the given status.
// This is a shortcut method for the ClusterHealth service.
// WaitForStatus waits for the specified timeout, e.g. "10s".
// If the cluster will have the given state within the timeout, nil is returned.
// If the request timed out, ErrTimeout is returned.
func (c *Client) WaitForStatus(status string, timeout string) error {
health, err := c.ClusterHealth().WaitForStatus(status).Timeout(timeout).Do(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return err
if health.TimedOut {
return ErrTimeout
return nil
// WaitForGreenStatus waits for the cluster to have the "green" status.
// See WaitForStatus for more details.
func (c *Client) WaitForGreenStatus(timeout string) error {
return c.WaitForStatus("green", timeout)
// WaitForYellowStatus waits for the cluster to have the "yellow" status.
// See WaitForStatus for more details.
func (c *Client) WaitForYellowStatus(timeout string) error {
return c.WaitForStatus("yellow", timeout)