mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 08:20:58 -04:00
Add the inlined data as base64 encoded field and try to add a string version if feasible. Example: ``` λ xl-meta -data xl.meta { "8e03504e-1123-4957-b272-7bc53eda0d55": { "bitrot_valid": true, "bytes": 58, "data_base64": "Z29sYW5nLm9yZy94L3N5cyB2MC4xNS4wIC8=", "data_string": "golang.org/x/sys v0.15.0 /" } ``` The string will have quotes, newlines escaped to produce valid JSON. If content isn't valid utf8 or the encoding otherwise fails, only the base64 data will be added. `-export` can still be used separately to extract the data as files (including bitrot).
1513 lines
39 KiB
1513 lines
39 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main
import (
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Copyright = "MinIO, Inc."
app.Usage = "xl.meta to JSON"
app.HideVersion = true
app.CustomAppHelpTemplate = `NAME:
{{.Name}} - {{.Usage}}
{{.Name}} {{if .VisibleFlags}}[FLAGS]{{end}} METAFILES...
Multiple files can be added. Files ending in '.zip' will be searched
for 'xl.meta' files. Wildcards are accepted: 'testdir/*.txt' will compress
all files in testdir ending with '.txt', directories can be wildcards
as well. 'testdir/*/*.txt' will match 'testdir/subdir/b.txt', double stars
means full recursive. 'testdir/**/xl.meta' will search for all xl.meta
{{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}}
isPart := regexp.MustCompile("[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/part\\.[0-9]+$")
app.HideHelpCommand = true
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
Usage: "print each file as a separate line without formatting",
Name: "ndjson",
Hidden: true,
Usage: "display inline data keys and sizes",
Name: "data",
Usage: "export inline data",
Name: "export",
Usage: "combine inline data",
Name: "combine",
Usage: "combine inline data across versions when size matches",
Name: "xver",
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
ndjson := c.Bool("ndjson")
if c.Bool("data") && c.Bool("combine") {
return errors.New("cannot combine --data and --combine")
// file / version / file
filemap := make(map[string]map[string]string)
foundData := make(map[string][]byte)
partDataToVerID := make(map[string][2]string)
var baseName string
// versionID ->
combineFiles := make(map[string][]string)
decode := func(r io.Reader, file string) ([]byte, error) {
file = strings.ReplaceAll(file, ":", "_")
b, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b, _, minor, err := checkXL2V1(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filemap[file] = make(map[string]string)
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
v0 := ""
var data xlMetaInlineData
switch minor {
case 0:
_, err = msgp.CopyToJSON(buf, bytes.NewReader(b))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case 1, 2:
v, b, err := msgp.ReadBytesZC(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, nbuf, err := msgp.ReadUint32Bytes(b); err == nil {
// Read metadata CRC (added in v2, ignore if not found)
b = nbuf
_, err = msgp.CopyToJSON(buf, bytes.NewReader(v))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data = b
case 3:
v, b, err := msgp.ReadBytesZC(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, nbuf, err := msgp.ReadUint32Bytes(b); err == nil {
// Read metadata CRC (added in v2, ignore if not found)
b = nbuf
hdr, v, err := decodeXLHeaders(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
type version struct {
Idx int
Header json.RawMessage
Metadata json.RawMessage
versions := make([]version, hdr.versions)
headerVer := hdr.headerVer
err = decodeVersions(v, hdr.versions, func(idx int, hdr, meta []byte) error {
var header xlMetaV2VersionHeaderV2
if _, err := header.UnmarshalMsg(hdr, headerVer); err != nil {
return err
b, err := header.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return err
var buf bytes.Buffer
if _, err := msgp.UnmarshalAsJSON(&buf, meta); err != nil {
return err
versions[idx] = version{
Idx: idx,
Header: b,
Metadata: buf.Bytes(),
type erasureInfo struct {
V2Obj *struct {
EcDist []int
EcIndex int
EcM int
EcN int
DDir []byte
PartNums []int
MetaSys struct {
Inline []byte `json:"x-minio-internal-inline-data"`
var ei erasureInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &ei); err == nil && ei.V2Obj != nil {
verID := uuid.UUID(header.VersionID).String()
if verID == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" {
// If the version ID is all zeros, use the signature as version ID.
verID = fmt.Sprintf("null/%08x", header.Signature)
v0 = verID
idx := ei.V2Obj.EcIndex
filemap[file][verID] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/shard-%02d-of-%02d", verID, idx, ei.V2Obj.EcN+ei.V2Obj.EcM)
filemap[file][verID+".json"] = buf.String()
for _, i := range ei.V2Obj.PartNums {
if len(ei.V2Obj.MetaSys.Inline) != 0 {
file := file
dataFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/part.%d", strings.TrimSuffix(file, "xl.meta"), uuid.UUID(ei.V2Obj.DDir).String(), i)
if i > 1 {
file = fmt.Sprintf("%s/part.%d", file, i)
filemap[file] = make(map[string]string)
filemap[file][verID] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/part.%d/shard-%02d-of-%02d", verID, i, idx, ei.V2Obj.EcN+ei.V2Obj.EcM)
filemap[file][verID+".json"] = buf.String()
partDataToVerID[dataFile] = [2]string{file, verID}
} else if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
enc := json.NewEncoder(buf)
if err := enc.Encode(struct {
Versions []version
}{Versions: versions}); err != nil {
return nil, err
data = b
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown metadata version %d", minor)
if c.Bool("data") {
b, err := data.json(true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buf = bytes.NewBuffer(b)
if c.Bool("export") {
file := file
if !c.Bool("combine") {
file = strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
switch {
case r >= 'a' && r <= 'z':
return r
case r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z':
return r
case r >= '0' && r <= '9':
return r
case strings.ContainsAny(string(r), "+=-_()!@."):
return r
return '_'
}, file)
if baseName == "" {
if strings.HasSuffix(file, "/xl.meta") {
baseName = strings.TrimSuffix(file, "/xl.meta")
if idx := strings.LastIndexByte(baseName, '/'); idx > 0 {
baseName = baseName[idx+1:]
err := data.files(func(name string, data []byte) {
fn := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s.data", file, name)
if c.Bool("combine") {
if name == "null" {
name = v0
f := filemap[file][name]
if f != "" {
fn = f + ".data"
err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(fn), os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("MkdirAll:", filepath.Dir(fn), err)
err = os.WriteFile(fn+".json", []byte(filemap[file][name+".json"]), os.ModePerm)
combineFiles[name] = append(combineFiles[name], fn)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("WriteFile:", err)
err = os.WriteFile(filepath.Dir(fn)+"/filename.txt", []byte(file), os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("combine WriteFile:", err)
err = os.WriteFile(fn, data, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("WriteFile:", err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ndjson {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
var msi map[string]interface{}
dec := json.NewDecoder(buf)
// Use number to preserve integers.
err = dec.Decode(&msi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b, err = json.MarshalIndent(msi, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
args := c.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
// If no args, assume xl.meta
args = []string{"xl.meta"}
var files []string
for _, pattern := range args {
if pattern == "-" {
files = append(files, pattern)
found, err := filepathx.Glob(pattern)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(found) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to find file %v", pattern)
files = append(files, found...)
if len(files) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no files found")
if len(files) > 1 || strings.HasSuffix(files[0], ".zip") {
ndjson = true
toPrint := make([]string, 0, 16)
for _, file := range files {
var r io.Reader
var sz int64
switch file {
case "-":
r = os.Stdin
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
return err
if st, err := f.Stat(); err == nil {
sz = st.Size()
defer f.Close()
r = f
if strings.HasSuffix(file, ".zip") {
zr, err := zip.NewReader(r.(io.ReaderAt), sz)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, file := range zr.File {
if file.FileInfo().IsDir() {
if strings.HasSuffix(file.Name, "xl.meta") {
r, err := file.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
// Quote string...
b, _ := json.Marshal(file.Name)
b2, err := decode(r, file.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
var tmp map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b2, &tmp); err == nil {
if b3, err := json.Marshal(tmp); err == nil {
b2 = b3
toPrint = append(toPrint, fmt.Sprintf("\t%s: %s", string(b), string(b2)))
} else if c.Bool("combine") && isPart.MatchString(file.Name) {
// name := isPart.FindString(file.Name)
name := strings.ReplaceAll(file.Name, ":", "_")
r, err := file.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
all, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return err
foundData[name] = all
} else {
b0 := ""
if ndjson {
b, _ := json.Marshal(file)
b0 = fmt.Sprintf("%s: ", string(b))
b, err := decode(r, file)
if err != nil {
return err
b = bytes.TrimSpace(b)
if !ndjson {
b = bytes.TrimFunc(b, func(r rune) bool {
return r == '{' || r == '}' || r == '\n' || r == '\r'
toPrint = append(toPrint, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", b0, string(b)))
fmt.Printf("{\n%s\n}\n", strings.Join(toPrint, ",\n"))
if c.Bool("combine") {
for partName, data := range foundData {
if verid := partDataToVerID[partName]; verid != [2]string{} {
file := verid[0]
name := verid[1]
f := filemap[file][name]
fn := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s.data", file, name)
if f != "" {
fn = f + ".data"
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(fn), os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("MkdirAll:", filepath.Dir(fn), err)
err = os.WriteFile(fn+".json", []byte(filemap[file][name+".json"]), os.ModePerm)
combineFiles[name] = append(combineFiles[name], fn)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("WriteFile:", err)
err = os.WriteFile(filepath.Dir(fn)+"/filename.txt", []byte(file), os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("combine WriteFile:", err)
fmt.Println("Remapped", partName, "to", fn)
delete(partDataToVerID, partName)
err := os.WriteFile(fn, data, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("WriteFile:", err)
if len(partDataToVerID) > 0 {
fmt.Println("MISSING PART FILES:")
for k := range partDataToVerID {
if len(combineFiles) > 0 {
if c.Bool("xver") {
if err := combineCrossVer(combineFiles, baseName); err != nil {
fmt.Println("ERROR:", err)
} else {
for k, v := range combineFiles {
if err := combine(v, k+"-"+baseName); err != nil {
fmt.Println("ERROR:", err)
return nil
err := app.Run(os.Args)
if err != nil {
var (
// XL header specifies the format
xlHeader = [4]byte{'X', 'L', '2', ' '}
// Current version being written.
xlVersionCurrent [4]byte
const (
// Breaking changes.
// Newer versions cannot be read by older software.
// This will prevent downgrades to incompatible versions.
xlVersionMajor = 1
// Non breaking changes.
// Bumping this is informational, but should be done
// if any change is made to the data stored, bumping this
// will allow to detect the exact version later.
xlVersionMinor = 1
func init() {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(xlVersionCurrent[0:2], xlVersionMajor)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(xlVersionCurrent[2:4], xlVersionMinor)
// checkXL2V1 will check if the metadata has correct header and is a known major version.
// The remaining payload and versions are returned.
func checkXL2V1(buf []byte) (payload []byte, major, minor uint16, err error) {
if len(buf) <= 8 {
return payload, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("xlMeta: no data")
if !bytes.Equal(buf[:4], xlHeader[:]) {
return payload, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("xlMeta: unknown XLv2 header, expected %v, got %v", xlHeader[:4], buf[:4])
if bytes.Equal(buf[4:8], []byte("1 ")) {
// Set as 1,0.
major, minor = 1, 0
} else {
major, minor = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(buf[4:6]), binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(buf[6:8])
if major > xlVersionMajor {
return buf[8:], major, minor, fmt.Errorf("xlMeta: unknown major version %d found", major)
return buf[8:], major, minor, nil
const xlMetaInlineDataVer = 1
type xlMetaInlineData []byte
// afterVersion returns the payload after the version, if any.
func (x xlMetaInlineData) afterVersion() []byte {
if len(x) == 0 {
return x
return x[1:]
// versionOK returns whether the version is ok.
func (x xlMetaInlineData) versionOK() bool {
if len(x) == 0 {
return true
return x[0] > 0 && x[0] <= xlMetaInlineDataVer
func (x xlMetaInlineData) json(value bool) ([]byte, error) {
if len(x) == 0 {
return []byte("{}"), nil
if !x.versionOK() {
return nil, errors.New("xlMetaInlineData: unknown version")
sz, buf, err := msgp.ReadMapHeaderBytes(x.afterVersion())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res := []byte("{")
for i := uint32(0); i < sz; i++ {
var key, val []byte
key, buf, err = msgp.ReadMapKeyZC(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("xlMetaInlineData: key %d is length 0", i)
// Skip data...
val, buf, err = msgp.ReadBytesZC(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if i > 0 {
res = append(res, ',')
s := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s": {"bytes": %d`, string(key), len(val))
// Check bitrot... We should only ever have one block...
if len(val) >= 32 {
want := val[:32]
data := val[32:]
const magicHighwayHash256Key = "\x4b\xe7\x34\xfa\x8e\x23\x8a\xcd\x26\x3e\x83\xe6\xbb\x96\x85\x52\x04\x0f\x93\x5d\xa3\x9f\x44\x14\x97\xe0\x9d\x13\x22\xde\x36\xa0"
hh, _ := highwayhash.New([]byte(magicHighwayHash256Key))
got := hh.Sum(nil)
if bytes.Equal(want, got) {
s += ", \"bitrot_valid\": true"
} else {
s += ", \"bitrot_valid\": false"
if value {
if utf8.Valid(data) {
// Encode as JSON string.
b, err := json.Marshal(string(data))
if err == nil {
s += `, "data_string": ` + string(b)
// Base64 encode.
s += `, "data_base64": "` + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(data) + `"`
s += "}"
res = append(res, []byte(s)...)
res = append(res, '}')
return res, nil
// files returns files as callback.
func (x xlMetaInlineData) files(fn func(name string, data []byte)) error {
if len(x) == 0 {
return nil
if !x.versionOK() {
return errors.New("xlMetaInlineData: unknown version")
sz, buf, err := msgp.ReadMapHeaderBytes(x.afterVersion())
if err != nil {
return err
for i := uint32(0); i < sz; i++ {
var key, val []byte
key, buf, err = msgp.ReadMapKeyZC(buf)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(key) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("xlMetaInlineData: key %d is length 0", i)
// Read data...
val, buf, err = msgp.ReadBytesZC(buf)
if err != nil {
return err
// Call back.
fn(string(key), val)
return nil
const (
xlHeaderVersion = 3
xlMetaVersion = 2
type xlHeaders struct {
versions int
headerVer, metaVer uint
func decodeXLHeaders(buf []byte) (x xlHeaders, b []byte, err error) {
x.headerVer, buf, err = msgp.ReadUintBytes(buf)
if err != nil {
return x, buf, err
x.metaVer, buf, err = msgp.ReadUintBytes(buf)
if err != nil {
return x, buf, err
if x.headerVer > xlHeaderVersion {
return x, buf, fmt.Errorf("decodeXLHeaders: Unknown xl header version %d", x.headerVer)
if x.metaVer > xlMetaVersion {
return x, buf, fmt.Errorf("decodeXLHeaders: Unknown xl meta version %d", x.metaVer)
x.versions, buf, err = msgp.ReadIntBytes(buf)
if err != nil {
return x, buf, err
if x.versions < 0 {
return x, buf, fmt.Errorf("decodeXLHeaders: Negative version count %d", x.versions)
return x, buf, nil
// decodeVersions will decode a number of versions from a buffer
// and perform a callback for each version in order, newest first.
// Any non-nil error is returned.
func decodeVersions(buf []byte, versions int, fn func(idx int, hdr, meta []byte) error) (err error) {
var tHdr, tMeta []byte // Zero copy bytes
for i := 0; i < versions; i++ {
tHdr, buf, err = msgp.ReadBytesZC(buf)
if err != nil {
return err
tMeta, buf, err = msgp.ReadBytesZC(buf)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = fn(i, tHdr, tMeta); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type xlMetaV2VersionHeaderV2 struct {
VersionID [16]byte
ModTime int64
Signature [4]byte
Type uint8
Flags uint8
EcN, EcM uint8 // Note that these will be 0/0 for non-v2 objects and older xl.meta
// UnmarshalMsg implements msgp.Unmarshaler
func (z *xlMetaV2VersionHeaderV2) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte, hdrVer uint) (o []byte, err error) {
var zb0001 uint32
zb0001, bts, err = msgp.ReadArrayHeaderBytes(bts)
if err != nil {
err = msgp.WrapError(err)
want := uint32(5)
if hdrVer > 2 {
want += 2
if zb0001 != want {
err = msgp.ArrayError{Wanted: want, Got: zb0001}
bts, err = msgp.ReadExactBytes(bts, (z.VersionID)[:])
if err != nil {
err = msgp.WrapError(err, "VersionID")
z.ModTime, bts, err = msgp.ReadInt64Bytes(bts)
if err != nil {
err = msgp.WrapError(err, "ModTime")
bts, err = msgp.ReadExactBytes(bts, (z.Signature)[:])
if err != nil {
err = msgp.WrapError(err, "Signature")
var zb0002 uint8
zb0002, bts, err = msgp.ReadUint8Bytes(bts)
if err != nil {
err = msgp.WrapError(err, "Type")
z.Type = zb0002
var zb0003 uint8
zb0003, bts, err = msgp.ReadUint8Bytes(bts)
if err != nil {
err = msgp.WrapError(err, "Flags")
z.Flags = zb0003
if hdrVer > 2 {
// Version 3 has EcM and EcN
var zb0004 uint8
zb0004, bts, err = msgp.ReadUint8Bytes(bts)
if err != nil {
err = msgp.WrapError(err, "EcN")
z.EcN = zb0004
var zb0005 uint8
zb0005, bts, err = msgp.ReadUint8Bytes(bts)
if err != nil {
err = msgp.WrapError(err, "EcM")
z.EcM = zb0005
o = bts
func (z xlMetaV2VersionHeaderV2) MarshalJSON() (o []byte, err error) {
tmp := struct {
VersionID string
ModTime time.Time
Signature string
Type uint8
Flags uint8
EcM, EcN uint8 // Note that these will be 0/0 for non-v2 objects and older xl.meta
VersionID: hex.EncodeToString(z.VersionID[:]),
ModTime: time.Unix(0, z.ModTime),
Signature: hex.EncodeToString(z.Signature[:]),
Type: z.Type,
Flags: z.Flags,
EcM: z.EcM,
EcN: z.EcN,
return json.Marshal(tmp)
type mappedData struct {
mapped, filled []byte
size, shards, data, parity int
parityData map[int]map[int][]byte
blockOffset int // Offset in bytes to start of block.
blocks int // 0 = one block.
objSize, partSize int
wantMD5 string
func readAndMap(files []string, partNum, blockNum int) (*mappedData, error) {
var m mappedData
m.parityData = make(map[int]map[int][]byte)
for _, file := range files {
meta, err := os.ReadFile(file + ".json")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
type erasureInfo struct {
V2Obj *struct {
EcDist []int
EcIndex int
EcM int
EcN int
Size int
EcBSize int
PartNums []int
PartSizes []int
MetaUsr struct {
Etag string `json:"etag"`
var ei erasureInfo
var idx int
if err := json.Unmarshal(meta, &ei); err == nil && ei.V2Obj != nil {
if m.objSize == 0 {
m.objSize = ei.V2Obj.Size
m.data = ei.V2Obj.EcM
m.parity = ei.V2Obj.EcN
if len(ei.V2Obj.PartNums) == 1 && !strings.ContainsRune(ei.V2Obj.MetaUsr.Etag, '-') {
m.wantMD5 = ei.V2Obj.MetaUsr.Etag
if m.shards == 0 {
m.shards = m.data + m.parity
idx = ei.V2Obj.EcIndex - 1
fmt.Println("Read shard", ei.V2Obj.EcIndex, fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", file))
if ei.V2Obj.Size != m.objSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("size mismatch. Meta size: %d, Prev: %d", ei.V2Obj.Size, m.objSize)
for i, s := range ei.V2Obj.PartNums {
if s == partNum {
m.size = ei.V2Obj.PartSizes[i]
m.partSize = ei.V2Obj.PartSizes[i]
} else {
return nil, err
offset := ei.V2Obj.EcBSize * blockNum
if offset >= m.size {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("block %d out of range. offset %d > size %d", blockNum, offset, m.size)
m.blockOffset = offset
m.blocks = (m.size + ei.V2Obj.EcBSize - 1) / ei.V2Obj.EcBSize
if m.blocks > 0 {
if blockNum < m.blocks {
m.size = ei.V2Obj.EcBSize
} else {
m.size -= offset
b, err := os.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(b) < 32 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("file %s too short", file)
// Extract block data.
ssz := shardSize(ei.V2Obj.EcBSize, ei.V2Obj.EcM)
b, err = bitrot(b, blockNum*ssz, ssz)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m.mapped == nil {
m.mapped = make([]byte, m.size)
m.filled = make([]byte, m.size)
set := m.parityData[m.data]
if set == nil {
set = make(map[int][]byte)
set[idx] = b
m.parityData[m.data] = set
// Combine
start := len(b) * idx
if start >= len(m.mapped) {
fmt.Println("Block data size:", m.size, "Shard size", ssz, "Got Shard:", len(b), "Bitrot ok", "Start", start, "End", start+len(b))
copy(m.mapped[start:], b)
for j := range b {
if j+start >= len(m.filled) {
m.filled[j+start] = 1
return &m, nil
func combine(files []string, out string) error {
fmt.Printf("Attempting to combine version %q.\n", out)
m, err := readAndMap(files, 1, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
if m.blocks > 0 {
// TODO: Support multiple blocks. For now use -xver.
return fmt.Errorf("multiple blocks found, only one block supported. Try with -xver")
lastValid := 0
missing := 0
for i := range m.filled {
if m.filled[i] == 1 {
lastValid = i
} else {
if missing > 0 && len(m.parityData) > 0 {
fmt.Println("Attempting to reconstruct using parity sets:")
for k, v := range m.parityData {
if missing == 0 {
fmt.Println("* Setup: Data shards:", k, "- Parity blocks:", m.shards-k)
rs, err := reedsolomon.New(k, m.shards-k)
if err != nil {
return err
split, err := rs.Split(m.mapped)
if err != nil {
return err
splitFilled, err := rs.Split(m.filled)
if err != nil {
return err
ok := len(splitFilled)
for i, sh := range splitFilled {
for _, v := range sh {
if v == 0 {
split[i] = nil
hasParity := 0
for idx, sh := range v {
split[idx] = sh
if idx >= k && len(sh) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Have %d complete remapped data shards and %d complete parity shards. ", ok, hasParity)
if err := rs.ReconstructData(split); err == nil {
fmt.Println("Could reconstruct completely")
for i, data := range split[:k] {
start := i * len(data)
copy(m.mapped[start:], data)
lastValid = m.size - 1
missing = 0
} else {
fmt.Println("Could NOT reconstruct:", err)
if lastValid == 0 {
return errors.New("no valid data found")
if missing > 0 {
fmt.Println(missing, "bytes missing. Truncating", len(m.filled)-lastValid-1, "from end.")
out += ".incomplete"
} else {
fmt.Println("No bytes missing.")
out += ".complete"
m.mapped = m.mapped[:lastValid+1]
err = os.WriteFile(out, m.mapped, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Wrote output to", out)
return nil
func combineCrossVer(all map[string][]string, baseName string) error {
names := make([][]string, 0)
/// part, verID, file
files := make([]map[string][]string, 0)
partNums := make(map[int]int)
for k, v := range all {
for _, file := range v {
part := getPartNum(file)
partIdx, ok := partNums[part]
if !ok {
partIdx = len(names)
partNums[part] = partIdx
names = append(names, nil)
files = append(files, make(map[string][]string))
names[partIdx] = append(names[partIdx], k)
files[partIdx][k] = append(files[partIdx][k], file)
if len(files) == 0 {
return nil
for part, partIdx := range partNums {
if len(files[partIdx]) == 0 {
var wantMD5 string
exportedSizes := make(map[int]bool)
// block -> data
combineSharedBlocks := make(map[int][]byte)
combineFilledBlocks := make(map[int][]byte)
for key, file := range files[partIdx] {
fmt.Println("Reading base version", file[0], "part", part)
var combined []byte
var missingAll int
var lastValidAll int
attempt := 0
for block := 0; ; block++ {
combineFilled := combineFilledBlocks[block]
combineShared := combineSharedBlocks[block]
fmt.Printf("Block %d, Base version %q. Part %d. Files %d\n", block+1, key, part, len(file))
m, err := readAndMap(file, part, block)
if err != nil {
return err
if exportedSizes[m.objSize] {
fmt.Println("Skipping version", key, "as it has already been exported.")
continue nextFile
addedFiles := 0
for otherKey, other := range files[partIdx] {
if attempt > 0 && len(m.filled) == len(combineFilled) {
fmt.Println("Merging previous global data")
filled := 0
missing := 0
for i, v := range combineFilled {
if v == 1 {
m.filled[i] = 1
m.mapped[i] = combineShared[i]
} else {
fmt.Println("Missing", missing, "bytes. Filled", filled, "bytes.")
if key == otherKey {
otherPart := getPartNum(other[0])
if part != otherPart {
fmt.Println("part ", part, " != other part", otherPart, other[0])
// fmt.Println("part ", part, "other part", otherPart, other[0])
fmt.Printf("Reading version %q Part %d.\n", otherKey, otherPart)
// os.Exit(0)
otherM, err := readAndMap(other, part, block)
if err != nil {
if m.objSize != otherM.objSize {
// If data+parity matches, combine.
if m.parity == otherM.parity && m.data == otherM.data {
for k, v := range m.parityData {
if otherM.parityData[k] == nil {
for i, data := range v {
if data != nil || otherM.parityData[k][i] == nil {
m.parityData[k][i] = otherM.parityData[k][i]
var ok int
for i, filled := range otherM.filled[:m.size] {
if filled == 1 && m.filled[i] == 1 {
if m.mapped[i] != otherM.mapped[i] {
fmt.Println("Data mismatch at byte", i, "- Disregarding version", otherKey)
continue compareFile
fmt.Printf("Data overlaps (%d bytes). Combining with %q.\n", ok, otherKey)
for i := range otherM.filled {
if otherM.filled[i] == 1 {
m.filled[i] = 1
m.mapped[i] = otherM.mapped[i]
lastValid := 0
missing := 0
for i := range m.filled {
if m.filled[i] == 1 {
lastValid = i
} else {
if missing > 0 && len(m.parityData) > 0 {
fmt.Println("Attempting to reconstruct using parity sets:")
for k, v := range m.parityData {
if missing == 0 {
fmt.Println("* Setup: Data shards:", k, "- Parity blocks:", m.shards-k)
rs, err := reedsolomon.New(k, m.shards-k)
if err != nil {
return err
splitData, err := rs.Split(m.mapped)
if err != nil {
return err
splitFilled, err := rs.Split(m.filled)
if err != nil {
return err
// Fill padding...
padding := len(splitFilled[0])*k - len(m.filled)
for i := 0; i < padding; i++ {
arr := splitFilled[k-1]
arr[len(arr)-i-1] = 1
hasParity := 0
parityOK := make([]bool, m.shards)
for idx, sh := range v {
splitData[idx] = sh
if idx >= k && len(sh) > 0 {
parityOK[idx] = true
for i := range splitFilled[idx] {
splitFilled[idx][i] = 1
splitDataShards := make([]byte, len(splitFilled[0]))
for _, sh := range splitFilled {
for i, v := range sh {
splitDataShards[i] += v
var hist [256]int
for _, v := range splitDataShards {
for _, v := range hist[m.data-hasParity : m.shards] {
if attempt > 0 {
if v == 0 {
for i, v := range hist[:m.shards] {
if v > 0 {
if i < m.data {
fmt.Println("- Shards:", i, "of", m.data, "Bytes:", v, "Missing: ", v*(m.data-i+hasParity))
} else {
fmt.Println("+ Shards:", i, "of", m.data, "Bytes:", v, "Recovering: ", v*(m.data-i+hasParity))
fmt.Println("Attempting to reconstruct with partial shards")
offset := 0
startOffset := 0
shardConfig := make([]byte, k)
reconstructAbleConfig := false
shards := make([][]byte, m.shards)
for i := range shards {
shards[i] = make([]byte, 0, len(splitData[0]))
for offset < len(splitDataShards) {
newConfig := false
for shardIdx, shard := range splitFilled[:k] {
if shardConfig[shardIdx] != shard[offset] {
newConfig = true
if newConfig {
if offset > startOffset && reconstructAbleConfig {
reconPartial(shards, k, parityOK, splitData, startOffset, offset, rs, shardConfig, splitFilled)
// Update to new config and add current
valid := 0
for shardIdx, shard := range splitFilled[:k] {
shardConfig[shardIdx] = shard[offset]
valid += int(shard[offset])
if shard[offset] == 0 {
shards[shardIdx] = shards[shardIdx][:0]
} else {
shards[shardIdx] = append(shards[shardIdx][:0], splitData[shardIdx][offset])
reconstructAbleConfig = valid >= m.data-hasParity && valid < m.data
startOffset = offset
for shardIdx, ok := range shardConfig {
if ok != 0 {
shards[shardIdx] = append(shards[shardIdx], splitData[shardIdx][offset])
if offset > startOffset && reconstructAbleConfig {
reconPartial(shards, k, parityOK, splitData, startOffset, offset, rs, shardConfig, splitFilled)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := rs.Join(&buf, splitFilled, m.size); err == nil {
m.filled = buf.Bytes()
buf = bytes.Buffer{}
if err := rs.Join(&buf, splitData, m.size); err == nil {
m.mapped = buf.Bytes()
for i, v := range m.filled {
if v == 0 {
m.mapped[i] = 0
ok := k
for i, sh := range splitFilled {
for j, v := range sh {
if v == 0 {
splitData[i] = nil
if i < k {
fmt.Println("Shard", i, "is missing data from offset", i*len(sh)+j)
missing = 0
lastValid = 0
for i := range m.filled {
if m.filled[i] == 1 {
lastValid = i
} else {
fmt.Printf("Have %d complete remapped data shards and %d complete parity shards (%d bytes missing). ", ok, hasParity, missing)
if err := rs.ReconstructData(splitData); err == nil {
fmt.Println("Could reconstruct completely.")
for i, data := range splitData[:k] {
start := i * len(data)
copy(m.mapped[start:], data)
lastValid = m.size - 1
missing = 0
attempt = 2
wantMD5 = m.wantMD5
} else {
fmt.Println("Could NOT reconstruct:", err, " - Need", m.data, "shards.")
if attempt == 0 {
if len(combineShared) == 0 {
combineShared = make([]byte, len(m.mapped))
combineFilled = make([]byte, len(m.filled))
for i := range m.filled {
if m.filled[i] == 1 && combineFilled[i] == 0 {
combineShared[i] = m.mapped[i]
combineFilled[i] = 1
combineFilledBlocks[block] = combineFilled
combineSharedBlocks[block] = combineShared
fmt.Println("Retrying with merged data")
if addedFiles >= len(files[partIdx]) {
goto nextAttempt
if m.blockOffset != len(combined) {
return fmt.Errorf("Block offset mismatch. Expected %d got %d", m.blockOffset, len(combined))
combined = append(combined, m.mapped[:m.size]...)
missingAll += missing
if lastValid > 0 {
lastValidAll = lastValid + m.blockOffset
if m.blocks == block {
if len(combined) != m.partSize {
fmt.Println("Combined size mismatch. Expected", m.partSize, "got", len(combined))
fmt.Println("Reached block", block+1, "of", m.blocks+1, "for", key, "Done.")
if lastValidAll == 0 {
return errors.New("no valid data found")
out := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s.%05d", key, baseName, part)
if len(files) == 1 {
out = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", key, baseName)
if missingAll > 0 {
out += ".incomplete"
fmt.Println(missingAll, "bytes missing.")
} else {
if wantMD5 != "" {
sum := md5.Sum(combined)
gotMD5 := hex.EncodeToString(sum[:])
if gotMD5 != wantMD5 {
fmt.Println("MD5 mismatch. Expected", wantMD5, "got", gotMD5)
out += ".mismatch"
} else {
fmt.Println("MD5 verified.")
out = fmt.Sprintf("verified/%s", baseName)
} else {
out = fmt.Sprintf("complete/%s.%05d", baseName, part)
fmt.Println("No bytes missing.")
if missingAll == 0 {
exportedSizes[len(combined)] = true
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(out), os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return err
err = os.WriteFile(out, combined, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Wrote output to", out)
return nil
func reconPartial(shards [][]byte, k int, parityOK []bool, splitData [][]byte, startOffset int, offset int, rs reedsolomon.Encoder, shardConfig []byte, splitFilled [][]byte) {
// Add parity
for i := range shards[k:] {
shards[i+k] = nil
if parityOK[i+k] {
shards[i+k] = splitData[i+k][startOffset:offset]
// Reconstruct with current config.
if err := rs.ReconstructData(shards); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("Internal error, could NOT partially reconstruct:", err))
// Copy reconstructed data back.
verified := 0
reconstructed := 0
for shardsIdx, ok := range shardConfig {
if ok == 0 {
copy(splitData[shardsIdx][startOffset:], shards[shardsIdx])
for i := range shards[shardsIdx] {
if splitFilled[shardsIdx][startOffset+i] == 1 {
fmt.Println("Internal error: Found filled data at", startOffset+i)
splitFilled[shardsIdx][startOffset+i] = 1
reconstructed += len(shards[shardsIdx])
} else {
for i := range shards[shardsIdx] {
if splitFilled[shardsIdx][startOffset+i] == 0 {
fmt.Println("Internal error: Expected filled data at", startOffset+i)
if splitData[shardsIdx][startOffset+i] != shards[shardsIdx][i] {
fmt.Println("Internal error: Mismatch at", startOffset+i)
fmt.Println("Reconstructed", reconstructed, "bytes and verified", verified, "bytes of partial shard with config", shardConfig)
// bitrot returns a shard beginning at startOffset after doing bitrot checks.
func bitrot(val []byte, startOffset, shardSize int) ([]byte, error) {
var res []byte
for len(val) >= 32 {
want := val[:32]
data := val[32:]
if len(data) > shardSize {
data = data[:shardSize]
const magicHighwayHash256Key = "\x4b\xe7\x34\xfa\x8e\x23\x8a\xcd\x26\x3e\x83\xe6\xbb\x96\x85\x52\x04\x0f\x93\x5d\xa3\x9f\x44\x14\x97\xe0\x9d\x13\x22\xde\x36\xa0"
hh, _ := highwayhash.New([]byte(magicHighwayHash256Key))
if !bytes.Equal(want, hh.Sum(nil)) {
return res, fmt.Errorf("bitrot detected")
res = append(res, data...)
val = val[32+len(data):]
if len(res) > startOffset {
return res[startOffset:], nil
return res, fmt.Errorf("bitrot: data too short to get block. len(res)=%d, startOffset=%d", len(res), startOffset)
// shardSize returns the shard size for a given block size and data blocks.
func shardSize(blockSize, dataBlocks int) (sz int) {
if dataBlocks == 0 {
// do nothing on invalid input
// Make denominator positive
if dataBlocks < 0 {
blockSize = -blockSize
dataBlocks = -dataBlocks
sz = blockSize / dataBlocks
if blockSize > 0 && blockSize%dataBlocks != 0 {
var rePartNum = regexp.MustCompile("/part\\.([0-9]+)/")
func getPartNum(s string) int {
if m := rePartNum.FindStringSubmatch(s); len(m) > 1 {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(m[1])
return n
return 1