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synced 2025-03-13 21:12:55 -04:00
Ref #3229 After review with @abperiasamy we decided to remove all the unnecessary options - MINIO_BROWSER (Implemented as a security feature but now deemed obsolete since even if blocking access to MINIO_BROWSER, s3 API port is open) - MINIO_CACHE_EXPIRY (Defaults to 72h) - MINIO_MAXCONN (No one used this option and we don't test this) - MINIO_ENABLE_FSMETA (Enable FSMETA all the time) Remove --ignore-disks option - this option was implemented when XL layer would initialize the backend disks and heal them automatically to disallow XL accidentally using the root partition itself this option was introduced. This behavior has been changed XL no longer automatically initializes `format.json` a HEAL is controlled activity, so ignore-disks is not useful anymore. This change also addresses the problems of our documentation going forward and keeps things simple. This patch brings in reduction of options and defaulting them to a valid known inputs. This patch also serves as a guideline of limiting many ways to do the same thing.
187 lines
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187 lines
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"
// Helper to generate integer sequences into a friendlier user consumable format.
func int2Str(i int, t int) string {
if i < 10 {
if t < 10 {
return fmt.Sprintf("0%d/0%d", i, t)
return fmt.Sprintf("0%d/%d", i, t)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", i, t)
// Print a given message once.
type printOnceFunc func(msg string)
// Print once is a constructor returning a function printing once.
// internally print uses sync.Once to perform exactly one action.
func printOnceFn() printOnceFunc {
var once sync.Once
return func(msg string) {
once.Do(func() {
if !globalQuiet {
// Prints custom message when healing is required for XL and Distributed XL backend.
func printHealMsg(endpoints []*url.URL, storageDisks []StorageAPI, fn printOnceFunc) {
msg := getHealMsg(endpoints, storageDisks)
// Heal endpoint constructs the final endpoint URL for control heal command.
// Disk heal endpoint needs to be just a URL and no special paths.
// This function constructs the right endpoint under various conditions
// for single node XL, distributed XL and when minio server is bound
// to a specific ip:port.
func getHealEndpoint(tls bool, firstEndpoint *url.URL) (cEndpoint *url.URL) {
scheme := "http"
if tls {
scheme = "https"
cEndpoint = &url.URL{
Scheme: scheme,
// Bind to `--address host:port` was specified.
if globalMinioHost != "" {
cEndpoint.Host = net.JoinHostPort(globalMinioHost, globalMinioPort)
return cEndpoint
// For distributed XL setup.
if firstEndpoint.Host != "" {
cEndpoint.Host = firstEndpoint.Host
return cEndpoint
// For single node XL setup, we need to find the endpoint.
cEndpoint.Host = globalMinioAddr
// Fetch all the listening ips. For single node XL we
// just use the first host.
hosts, _, err := getListenIPs(cEndpoint.Host)
if err == nil {
cEndpoint.Host = net.JoinHostPort(hosts[0], globalMinioPort)
return cEndpoint
// Constructs a formatted heal message, when cluster is found to be in state where it requires healing.
// healing is optional, server continues to initialize object layer after printing this message.
// it is upto the end user to perform a heal if needed.
func getHealMsg(endpoints []*url.URL, storageDisks []StorageAPI) string {
msg := fmt.Sprintln("\nData volume requires HEALING. Please run the following command:")
msg += "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=%s "
msg += "MINIO_SECRET_KEY=%s "
msg += "minio control heal %s"
creds := serverConfig.GetCredential()
msg = fmt.Sprintf(msg, creds.AccessKeyID, creds.SecretAccessKey, getHealEndpoint(isSSL(), endpoints[0]))
disksInfo, _, _ := getDisksInfo(storageDisks)
for i, info := range disksInfo {
if storageDisks[i] == nil {
msg += fmt.Sprintf(
"\n[%s] %s - %s %s",
int2Str(i+1, len(storageDisks)),
func() string {
if info.Total > 0 {
return "online"
return "offline"
return msg
// Prints regular message when we have sufficient disks to start the cluster.
func printRegularMsg(endpoints []*url.URL, storageDisks []StorageAPI, fn printOnceFunc) {
msg := getStorageInitMsg("\nInitializing data volume.", endpoints, storageDisks)
// Constructs a formatted regular message when we have sufficient disks to start the cluster.
func getStorageInitMsg(titleMsg string, endpoints []*url.URL, storageDisks []StorageAPI) string {
msg := colorBlue(titleMsg)
disksInfo, _, _ := getDisksInfo(storageDisks)
for i, info := range disksInfo {
if storageDisks[i] == nil {
msg += fmt.Sprintf(
"\n[%s] %s - %s %s",
int2Str(i+1, len(storageDisks)),
func() string {
if info.Total > 0 {
return "online"
return "offline"
return msg
// Prints initialization message when cluster is being initialized for the first time.
func printFormatMsg(endpoints []*url.URL, storageDisks []StorageAPI, fn printOnceFunc) {
msg := getStorageInitMsg("\nInitializing data volume for the first time.", endpoints, storageDisks)
func printConfigErrMsg(storageDisks []StorageAPI, sErrs []error, fn printOnceFunc) {
msg := getConfigErrMsg(storageDisks, sErrs)
// Generate a formatted message when cluster is misconfigured.
func getConfigErrMsg(storageDisks []StorageAPI, sErrs []error) string {
msg := colorBlue("\nDetected configuration inconsistencies in the cluster. Please fix following servers.")
for i, disk := range storageDisks {
if disk == nil {
if sErrs[i] == nil {
msg += fmt.Sprintf(
"\n[%s] %s : %s",
int2Str(i+1, len(storageDisks)),
return msg