mirror of https://github.com/minio/minio.git synced 2025-03-31 17:53:43 -04:00
Klaus Post 974cbb3bb7
Limit jstream parse depth ()
Add https://github.com/bcicen/jstream/pull/15 by vendoring the package.

Sets JSON depth limit to 100 entries in S3 Select.
2024-09-23 12:35:41 -07:00

676 lines
14 KiB

package jstream
import (
// ValueType - defines the type of each JSON value
type ValueType int
// Different types of JSON value
const (
Unknown ValueType = iota
// MetaValue wraps a decoded interface value with the document
// position and depth at which the value was parsed
type MetaValue struct {
Offset int
Length int
Depth int
Value interface{}
ValueType ValueType
// KV contains a key and value pair parsed from a decoded object
type KV struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Value interface{} `json:"value"`
// KVS - represents key values in an JSON object
type KVS []KV
// MarshalJSON - implements converting a KVS datastructure into a JSON
// object with multiple keys and values.
func (kvs KVS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
for i, kv := range kvs {
b.Write([]byte("\"" + kv.Key + "\"" + ":"))
valBuf, err := json.Marshal(kv.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if i < len(kvs)-1 {
return b.Bytes(), nil
// Decoder wraps an io.Reader to provide incremental decoding of
// JSON values
type Decoder struct {
emitDepth int
maxDepth int
emitKV bool
emitRecursive bool
objectAsKVS bool
depth int
scratch *scratch
metaCh chan *MetaValue
err error
// follow line position to add context to errors
lineNo int
lineStart int64
// NewDecoder creates new Decoder to read JSON values at the provided
// emitDepth from the provider io.Reader.
// If emitDepth is < 0, values at every depth will be emitted.
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader, emitDepth int) *Decoder {
d := &Decoder{
scanner: newScanner(r),
emitDepth: emitDepth,
scratch: &scratch{data: make([]byte, 1024)},
metaCh: make(chan *MetaValue, 128),
if emitDepth < 0 {
d.emitDepth = 0
d.emitRecursive = true
return d
// ObjectAsKVS - by default JSON returns map[string]interface{} this
// is usually fine in most cases, but when you need to preserve the
// input order its not a right data structure. To preserve input
// order please use this option.
func (d *Decoder) ObjectAsKVS() *Decoder {
d.objectAsKVS = true
return d
// EmitKV enables emitting a jstream.KV struct when the items(s) parsed
// at configured emit depth are within a JSON object. By default, only
// the object values are emitted.
func (d *Decoder) EmitKV() *Decoder {
d.emitKV = true
return d
// Recursive enables emitting all values at a depth higher than the
// configured emit depth; e.g. if an array is found at emit depth, all
// values within the array are emitted to the stream, then the array
// containing those values is emitted.
func (d *Decoder) Recursive() *Decoder {
d.emitRecursive = true
return d
// Stream begins decoding from the underlying reader and returns a
// streaming MetaValue channel for JSON values at the configured emitDepth.
func (d *Decoder) Stream() chan *MetaValue {
go d.decode()
return d.metaCh
// Pos returns the number of bytes consumed from the underlying reader
func (d *Decoder) Pos() int { return int(d.pos) }
// Err returns the most recent decoder error if any, or nil
func (d *Decoder) Err() error { return d.err }
// MaxDepth will set the maximum recursion depth.
// If the maximum depth is exceeded, ErrMaxDepth is returned.
// Less than or 0 means no limit (default).
func (d *Decoder) MaxDepth(n int) *Decoder {
d.maxDepth = n
return d
// Decode parses the JSON-encoded data and returns an interface value
func (d *Decoder) decode() {
defer close(d.metaCh)
for d.remaining() > 0 {
_, err := d.emitAny()
if err != nil {
d.err = err
func (d *Decoder) emitAny() (interface{}, error) {
if d.pos >= atomic.LoadInt64(&d.end) {
return nil, d.mkError(ErrUnexpectedEOF)
offset := d.pos - 1
i, t, err := d.any()
if d.willEmit() {
d.metaCh <- &MetaValue{
Offset: int(offset),
Length: int(d.pos - offset),
Depth: d.depth,
Value: i,
ValueType: t,
return i, err
// return whether, at the current depth, the value being decoded will
// be emitted to stream
func (d *Decoder) willEmit() bool {
if d.emitRecursive {
return d.depth >= d.emitDepth
return d.depth == d.emitDepth
// any used to decode any valid JSON value, and returns an
// interface{} that holds the actual data
func (d *Decoder) any() (interface{}, ValueType, error) {
c := d.cur()
switch c {
case '"':
i, err := d.string()
return i, String, err
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
i, err := d.number()
return i, Number, err
case '-':
if c = d.next(); c < '0' || c > '9' {
return nil, Unknown, d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "in negative numeric literal")
n, err := d.number()
if err != nil {
return nil, Unknown, err
return -n, Number, nil
case 'f':
if d.remaining() < 4 {
return nil, Unknown, d.mkError(ErrUnexpectedEOF)
if d.next() == 'a' && d.next() == 'l' && d.next() == 's' && d.next() == 'e' {
return false, Boolean, nil
return nil, Unknown, d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "in literal false")
case 't':
if d.remaining() < 3 {
return nil, Unknown, d.mkError(ErrUnexpectedEOF)
if d.next() == 'r' && d.next() == 'u' && d.next() == 'e' {
return true, Boolean, nil
return nil, Unknown, d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "in literal true")
case 'n':
if d.remaining() < 3 {
return nil, Unknown, d.mkError(ErrUnexpectedEOF)
if d.next() == 'u' && d.next() == 'l' && d.next() == 'l' {
return nil, Null, nil
return nil, Unknown, d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "in literal null")
case '[':
i, err := d.array()
return i, Array, err
case '{':
var i interface{}
var err error
if d.objectAsKVS {
i, err = d.objectOrdered()
} else {
i, err = d.object()
return i, Object, err
return nil, Unknown, d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "looking for beginning of value")
// string called by `any` or `object`(for map keys) after reading `"`
func (d *Decoder) string() (string, error) {
c := d.next()
for {
switch {
case c == '"':
return string(d.scratch.bytes()), nil
case c == '\\':
c = d.next()
goto scan_esc
case c < 0x20:
return "", d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "in string literal")
// Coerce to well-formed UTF-8.
if d.remaining() == 0 {
return "", d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "in string literal")
c = d.next()
switch c {
case '"', '\\', '/', '\'':
case 'u':
goto scan_u
case 'b':
case 'f':
case 'n':
case 'r':
case 't':
return "", d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "in string escape code")
c = d.next()
goto scan
r := d.u4()
if r < 0 {
return "", d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "in unicode escape sequence")
// check for proceeding surrogate pair
c = d.next()
if !utf16.IsSurrogate(r) || c != '\\' {
goto scan
if c = d.next(); c != 'u' {
goto scan_esc
r2 := d.u4()
if r2 < 0 {
return "", d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "in unicode escape sequence")
// write surrogate pair
d.scratch.addRune(utf16.DecodeRune(r, r2))
c = d.next()
goto scan
// u4 reads four bytes following a \u escape
func (d *Decoder) u4() rune {
// logic taken from:
// github.com/buger/jsonparser/blob/master/escape.go#L20
var h [4]int
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
c := d.next()
switch {
case c >= '0' && c <= '9':
h[i] = int(c - '0')
case c >= 'A' && c <= 'F':
h[i] = int(c - 'A' + 10)
case c >= 'a' && c <= 'f':
h[i] = int(c - 'a' + 10)
return -1
return rune(h[0]<<12 + h[1]<<8 + h[2]<<4 + h[3])
// number called by `any` after reading number between 0 to 9
func (d *Decoder) number() (float64, error) {
var (
c = d.cur()
n float64
isFloat bool
// digits first
switch {
case c == '0':
c = d.next()
case '1' <= c && c <= '9':
for ; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = d.next() {
n = 10*n + float64(c-'0')
// . followed by 1 or more digits
if c == '.' {
isFloat = true
// first char following must be digit
if c = d.next(); c < '0' || c > '9' {
return 0, d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "after decimal point in numeric literal")
for {
if d.remaining() == 0 {
return 0, d.mkError(ErrUnexpectedEOF)
if c = d.next(); c < '0' || c > '9' {
// e or E followed by an optional - or + and
// 1 or more digits.
if c == 'e' || c == 'E' {
isFloat = true
if c = d.next(); c == '+' || c == '-' {
if c = d.next(); c < '0' || c > '9' {
return 0, d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "in exponent of numeric literal")
for ; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = d.next() {
if isFloat {
var (
err error
sn string
sn = string(d.scratch.bytes())
if n, err = strconv.ParseFloat(sn, 64); err != nil {
return 0, err
return n, nil
// array accept valid JSON array value
func (d *Decoder) array() ([]interface{}, error) {
if d.maxDepth > 0 && d.depth > d.maxDepth {
return nil, ErrMaxDepth
var (
c byte
v interface{}
err error
array = make([]interface{}, 0)
// look ahead for ] - if the array is empty.
if c = d.skipSpaces(); c == ']' {
goto out
if v, err = d.emitAny(); err != nil {
goto out
if d.depth > d.emitDepth { // skip alloc for array if it won't be emitted
array = append(array, v)
// next token must be ',' or ']'
switch c = d.skipSpaces(); c {
case ',':
goto scan
case ']':
goto out
err = d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "after array element")
return array, err
// object accept valid JSON array value
func (d *Decoder) object() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
if d.maxDepth > 0 && d.depth > d.maxDepth {
return nil, ErrMaxDepth
var (
c byte
k string
v interface{}
t ValueType
err error
obj map[string]interface{}
// skip allocating map if it will not be emitted
if d.depth > d.emitDepth {
obj = make(map[string]interface{})
// if the object has no keys
if c = d.skipSpaces(); c == '}' {
goto out
for {
offset := d.pos - 1
// read string key
if c != '"' {
err = d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "looking for beginning of object key string")
if k, err = d.string(); err != nil {
// read colon before value
if c = d.skipSpaces(); c != ':' {
err = d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "after object key")
// read value
if d.emitKV {
if v, t, err = d.any(); err != nil {
if d.willEmit() {
d.metaCh <- &MetaValue{
Offset: int(offset),
Length: int(d.pos - offset),
Depth: d.depth,
Value: KV{k, v},
ValueType: t,
} else {
if v, err = d.emitAny(); err != nil {
if obj != nil {
obj[k] = v
// next token must be ',' or '}'
switch c = d.skipSpaces(); c {
case '}':
goto out
case ',':
c = d.skipSpaces()
goto scan
err = d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "after object key:value pair")
goto out
return obj, err
// object (ordered) accept valid JSON array value
func (d *Decoder) objectOrdered() (KVS, error) {
if d.maxDepth > 0 && d.depth > d.maxDepth {
return nil, ErrMaxDepth
var (
c byte
k string
v interface{}
t ValueType
err error
obj KVS
// skip allocating map if it will not be emitted
if d.depth > d.emitDepth {
obj = make(KVS, 0)
// if the object has no keys
if c = d.skipSpaces(); c == '}' {
goto out
for {
offset := d.pos - 1
// read string key
if c != '"' {
err = d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "looking for beginning of object key string")
if k, err = d.string(); err != nil {
// read colon before value
if c = d.skipSpaces(); c != ':' {
err = d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "after object key")
// read value
if d.emitKV {
if v, t, err = d.any(); err != nil {
if d.willEmit() {
d.metaCh <- &MetaValue{
Offset: int(offset),
Length: int(d.pos - offset),
Depth: d.depth,
Value: KV{k, v},
ValueType: t,
} else {
if v, err = d.emitAny(); err != nil {
if obj != nil {
obj = append(obj, KV{k, v})
// next token must be ',' or '}'
switch c = d.skipSpaces(); c {
case '}':
goto out
case ',':
c = d.skipSpaces()
goto scan
err = d.mkError(ErrSyntax, "after object key:value pair")
goto out
return obj, err
// returns the next char after white spaces
func (d *Decoder) skipSpaces() byte {
for d.pos < atomic.LoadInt64(&d.end) {
switch c := d.next(); c {
case '\n':
d.lineStart = d.pos
case ' ', '\t', '\r':
return c
return 0
// create syntax errors at current position, with optional context
func (d *Decoder) mkError(err DecoderError, context ...string) error {
if len(context) > 0 {
err.context = context[0]
err.atChar = d.cur()
err.pos[0] = d.lineNo + 1
err.pos[1] = int(d.pos - d.lineStart)
err.readerErr = d.readerErr
return err