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synced 2025-03-21 13:04:15 -04:00
Add support for sse-s3 encryption with vault as KMS. Also refactoring code to make use of headers and functions defined in crypto package and clean up duplicated code.
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257 lines
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// Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Minio, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package crypto
import (
vault "github.com/hashicorp/vault/api"
const (
// VaultEndpointEnv Vault endpoint environment variable
// vaultAuthTypeEnv type of vault auth to be used
// vaultAppRoleIDEnv Vault AppRole ID environment variable
// vaultAppSecretIDEnv Vault AppRole Secret environment variable
// vaultKeyVersionEnv Vault Key Version environment variable
// vaultKeyNameEnv Vault Encryption Key Name environment variable
var (
//ErrKMSAuthLogin is raised when there is a failure authenticating to KMS
ErrKMSAuthLogin = errors.New("Vault service did not return auth info")
type vaultService struct {
config *VaultConfig
client *vault.Client
leaseDuration time.Duration
// return transit secret engine's path for generate data key operation
func (v *vaultService) genDataKeyEndpoint(key string) string {
return "/transit/datakey/plaintext/" + key
// return transit secret engine's path for decrypt operation
func (v *vaultService) decryptEndpoint(key string) string {
return "/transit/decrypt/" + key
// VaultKey represents vault encryption key-id name & version
type VaultKey struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Version int `json:"version"`
// VaultAuth represents vault auth type to use. For now, AppRole is the only supported
// auth type.
type VaultAuth struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
AppRole VaultAppRole `json:"approle"`
// VaultAppRole represents vault approle credentials
type VaultAppRole struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
// VaultConfig holds config required to start vault service
type VaultConfig struct {
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`
Auth VaultAuth `json:"auth"`
Key VaultKey `json:"key-id"`
// validate whether all required env variables needed to start vault service have
// been set
func validateVaultConfig(c *VaultConfig) error {
if c.Endpoint == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Missing hashicorp vault endpoint - %s is empty", VaultEndpointEnv)
if strings.ToLower(c.Auth.Type) != "approle" {
return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported hashicorp vault auth type - %s", vaultAuthTypeEnv)
if c.Auth.AppRole.ID == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Missing hashicorp vault AppRole ID - %s is empty", vaultAppRoleIDEnv)
if c.Auth.AppRole.Secret == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Missing hashicorp vault AppSecret ID - %s is empty", vaultAppSecretIDEnv)
if c.Key.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid value set in environment variable %s", vaultKeyNameEnv)
if c.Key.Version < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid value set in environment variable %s", vaultKeyVersionEnv)
return nil
// authenticate to vault with app role id and app role secret, and get a client access token, lease duration
func getVaultAccessToken(client *vault.Client, appRoleID, appSecret string) (token string, duration int, err error) {
data := map[string]interface{}{
"role_id": appRoleID,
"secret_id": appSecret,
resp, e := client.Logical().Write("auth/approle/login", data)
if e != nil {
return token, duration, e
if resp.Auth == nil {
return token, duration, ErrKMSAuthLogin
return resp.Auth.ClientToken, resp.Auth.LeaseDuration, nil
// NewVaultConfig sets KMSConfig from environment
// variables and performs validations.
func NewVaultConfig() (KMSConfig, error) {
kc := KMSConfig{}
endpoint := os.Getenv(VaultEndpointEnv)
roleID := os.Getenv(vaultAppRoleIDEnv)
roleSecret := os.Getenv(vaultAppSecretIDEnv)
keyName := os.Getenv(vaultKeyNameEnv)
keyVersion := 0
authType := "approle"
if versionStr := os.Getenv(vaultKeyVersionEnv); versionStr != "" {
version, err := strconv.Atoi(versionStr)
if err != nil {
return kc, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse %s value (`%s`)", vaultKeyVersionEnv, versionStr)
keyVersion = version
// return if none of the vault env variables are configured
if (endpoint == "") && (roleID == "") && (roleSecret == "") && (keyName == "") && (keyVersion == 0) {
return kc, nil
c := VaultConfig{
Endpoint: endpoint,
Auth: VaultAuth{
Type: authType,
AppRole: VaultAppRole{
ID: roleID,
Secret: roleSecret,
Key: VaultKey{
Version: keyVersion,
Name: keyName,
if err := validateVaultConfig(&c); err != nil {
return kc, err
kc.Vault = c
return kc, nil
// NewVault initializes Hashicorp Vault KMS by
// authenticating to Vault with the credentials in KMSConfig,
// and gets a client token for future api calls.
func NewVault(kmsConf KMSConfig) (KMS, error) {
config := kmsConf.Vault
c, err := vault.NewClient(&vault.Config{
Address: config.Endpoint,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
accessToken, leaseDuration, err := getVaultAccessToken(c, config.Auth.AppRole.ID, config.Auth.AppRole.Secret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// authenticate and get the access token
v := vaultService{client: c, config: &config, leaseDuration: time.Duration(leaseDuration)}
return &v, nil
func (v *vaultService) renewToken(c *vault.Client) {
retryDelay := 1 * time.Minute
go func() {
for {
s, err := c.Auth().Token().RenewSelf(int(v.leaseDuration))
if err != nil {
nextRenew := s.Auth.LeaseDuration / 2
time.Sleep(time.Duration(nextRenew) * time.Second)
// Generates a random plain text key, sealed plain text key from
// Vault. It returns the plaintext key and sealed plaintext key on success
func (v *vaultService) GenerateKey(keyID string, ctx Context) (key [32]byte, sealedKey []byte, err error) {
contextStream := new(bytes.Buffer)
payload := map[string]interface{}{
"context": base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(contextStream.Bytes()),
s, err1 := v.client.Logical().Write(v.genDataKeyEndpoint(keyID), payload)
if err1 != nil {
return key, sealedKey, err1
sealKey := s.Data["ciphertext"].(string)
plainKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(s.Data["plaintext"].(string))
if err != nil {
return key, sealedKey, err1
copy(key[:], []byte(plainKey))
return key, []byte(sealKey), nil
// unsealKMSKey unseals the sealedKey using the Vault master key
// referenced by the keyID. The plain text key is returned on success.
func (v *vaultService) UnsealKey(keyID string, sealedKey []byte, ctx Context) (key [32]byte, err error) {
contextStream := new(bytes.Buffer)
payload := map[string]interface{}{
"ciphertext": string(sealedKey),
"context": base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(contextStream.Bytes()),
s, err1 := v.client.Logical().Write(v.decryptEndpoint(keyID), payload)
if err1 != nil {
return key, err1
base64Key := s.Data["plaintext"].(string)
plainKey, err1 := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(base64Key)
if err1 != nil {
return key, err1
copy(key[:], []byte(plainKey))
return key, nil