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synced 2025-03-25 23:10:57 -04:00
- over the course of a project history every maintainer needs to update its dependency packages, the problem essentially with godep is manipulating GOPATH - this manipulation leads to static objects created at different locations which end up conflicting with the overall functionality of golang. This also leads to broken builds. There is no easier way out of this other than asking developers to do 'godep restore' all the time. Which perhaps as a practice doesn't sound like a clean solution. On the other hand 'godep restore' has its own set of problems. - govendor is a right tool but a stop gap tool until we wait for golangs official 1.5 version which fixes this vendoring issue once and for all. - govendor provides consistency in terms of how import paths should be handled unlike manipulation GOPATH. This has advantages - no more compiled objects being referenced in GOPATH and build time GOPATH manging which leads to conflicts. - proper import paths referencing the exact package a project is dependent on. govendor is simple and provides the minimal necessary tooling to achieve this. For now this is the right solution.
610 lines
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610 lines
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implieapi.Donut.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package api
import (
const (
maxPartsList = 1000
// GetObjectHandler - GET Object
// ----------
// This implementation of the GET operation retrieves object. To use GET,
// you must have READ access to the object.
func (api Minio) GetObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// ticket master block
op := Operation{}
op.ProceedCh = make(chan struct{})
api.OP <- op
// block until Ticket master gives us a go
acceptsContentType := getContentType(req)
if !api.isValidOp(w, req, acceptsContentType) {
var object, bucket string
vars := mux.Vars(req)
bucket = vars["bucket"]
object = vars["object"]
var signature *donut.Signature
if _, ok := req.Header["Authorization"]; ok {
// Init signature V4 verification
var err *probe.Error
signature, err = InitSignatureV4(req)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
metadata, err := api.Donut.GetObjectMetadata(bucket, object, signature)
if err == nil {
httpRange, err := getRequestedRange(req.Header.Get("Range"), metadata.Size)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidRange, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
setObjectHeaders(w, metadata, httpRange)
if _, err := api.Donut.GetObject(w, bucket, object, httpRange.start, httpRange.length); err != nil {
// unable to write headers, we've already printed data. Just close the connection.
switch err.ToError().(type) {
case donut.SignatureDoesNotMatch:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, SignatureDoesNotMatch, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.BucketNameInvalid:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidBucketName, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.BucketNotFound:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchBucket, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.ObjectNotFound:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchKey, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.ObjectNameInvalid:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchKey, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
// HeadObjectHandler - HEAD Object
// -----------
// The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object itself.
func (api Minio) HeadObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// ticket master block
op := Operation{}
op.ProceedCh = make(chan struct{})
api.OP <- op
// block until Ticket master gives us a go
acceptsContentType := getContentType(req)
if !api.isValidOp(w, req, acceptsContentType) {
var object, bucket string
vars := mux.Vars(req)
bucket = vars["bucket"]
object = vars["object"]
var signature *donut.Signature
if _, ok := req.Header["Authorization"]; ok {
// Init signature V4 verification
var err *probe.Error
signature, err = InitSignatureV4(req)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
metadata, err := api.Donut.GetObjectMetadata(bucket, object, signature)
if err == nil {
setObjectHeaders(w, metadata, nil)
switch err.ToError().(type) {
case donut.SignatureDoesNotMatch:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, SignatureDoesNotMatch, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.BucketNameInvalid:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidBucketName, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.BucketNotFound:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchBucket, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.ObjectNotFound:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchKey, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.ObjectNameInvalid:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchKey, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
// PutObjectHandler - PUT Object
// ----------
// This implementation of the PUT operation adds an object to a bucket.
func (api Minio) PutObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Ticket master block
op := Operation{}
op.ProceedCh = make(chan struct{})
api.OP <- op
// block until Ticket master gives us a go
acceptsContentType := getContentType(req)
if !api.isValidOp(w, req, acceptsContentType) {
var object, bucket string
vars := mux.Vars(req)
bucket = vars["bucket"]
object = vars["object"]
// get Content-MD5 sent by client and verify if valid
md5 := req.Header.Get("Content-MD5")
if !isValidMD5(md5) {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidDigest, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
/// if Content-Length missing, deny the request
size := req.Header.Get("Content-Length")
if size == "" {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, MissingContentLength, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
/// maximum Upload size for objects in a single operation
if isMaxObjectSize(size) {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, EntityTooLarge, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
/// minimum Upload size for objects in a single operation
// Surprisingly while Amazon in their document states that S3 objects have 1byte
// as the minimum limit, they do not seem to enforce it one can successfully
// create a 0byte file using a regular putObject() operation
// if isMinObjectSize(size) {
// writeErrorResponse(w, req, EntityTooSmall, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
// return
// }
var sizeInt64 int64
var err error
sizeInt64, err = strconv.ParseInt(size, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidRequest, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
var signature *donut.Signature
if _, ok := req.Header["Authorization"]; ok {
// Init signature V4 verification
var err *probe.Error
signature, err = InitSignatureV4(req)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
metadata, err := api.Donut.CreateObject(bucket, object, md5, sizeInt64, req.Body, nil, signature)
if err == nil {
w.Header().Set("ETag", metadata.MD5Sum)
writeSuccessResponse(w, acceptsContentType)
switch err.ToError().(type) {
case donut.BucketNotFound:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchBucket, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.BucketNameInvalid:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidBucketName, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.ObjectExists:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, MethodNotAllowed, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.BadDigest:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, BadDigest, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.MissingDateHeader:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, RequestTimeTooSkewed, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.SignatureDoesNotMatch:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, SignatureDoesNotMatch, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.IncompleteBody:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, IncompleteBody, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.EntityTooLarge:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, EntityTooLarge, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.InvalidDigest:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidDigest, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
/// Multipart API
// NewMultipartUploadHandler - New multipart upload
func (api Minio) NewMultipartUploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Ticket master block
op := Operation{}
op.ProceedCh = make(chan struct{})
api.OP <- op
// block until Ticket master gives us a go
acceptsContentType := getContentType(req)
if !api.isValidOp(w, req, acceptsContentType) {
if !isRequestUploads(req.URL.Query()) {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, MethodNotAllowed, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
var object, bucket string
vars := mux.Vars(req)
bucket = vars["bucket"]
object = vars["object"]
var signature *donut.Signature
if _, ok := req.Header["Authorization"]; ok {
// Init signature V4 verification
var err *probe.Error
signature, err = InitSignatureV4(req)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
uploadID, err := api.Donut.NewMultipartUpload(bucket, object, req.Header.Get("Content-Type"), signature)
if err == nil {
response := generateInitiateMultipartUploadResponse(bucket, object, uploadID)
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeSuccessResponse(response, acceptsContentType)
// write headers
setCommonHeaders(w, getContentTypeString(acceptsContentType), len(encodedSuccessResponse))
// write body
switch err.ToError().(type) {
case donut.SignatureDoesNotMatch:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, SignatureDoesNotMatch, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.ObjectExists:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, MethodNotAllowed, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
// PutObjectPartHandler - Upload part
func (api Minio) PutObjectPartHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Ticket master block
op := Operation{}
op.ProceedCh = make(chan struct{})
api.OP <- op
// block until Ticket master gives us a go
acceptsContentType := getContentType(req)
if !api.isValidOp(w, req, acceptsContentType) {
// get Content-MD5 sent by client and verify if valid
md5 := req.Header.Get("Content-MD5")
if !isValidMD5(md5) {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidDigest, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
/// if Content-Length missing, throw away
size := req.Header.Get("Content-Length")
if size == "" {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, MissingContentLength, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
/// maximum Upload size for multipart objects in a single operation
if isMaxObjectSize(size) {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, EntityTooLarge, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
var sizeInt64 int64
var err error
sizeInt64, err = strconv.ParseInt(size, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidRequest, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
vars := mux.Vars(req)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object := vars["object"]
uploadID := req.URL.Query().Get("uploadId")
partIDString := req.URL.Query().Get("partNumber")
var partID int
var err error
partID, err = strconv.Atoi(partIDString)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidPart, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
var signature *donut.Signature
if _, ok := req.Header["Authorization"]; ok {
// Init signature V4 verification
var err *probe.Error
signature, err = InitSignatureV4(req)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
calculatedMD5, err := api.Donut.CreateObjectPart(bucket, object, uploadID, partID, "", md5, sizeInt64, req.Body, signature)
if err == nil {
w.Header().Set("ETag", calculatedMD5)
writeSuccessResponse(w, acceptsContentType)
switch err.ToError().(type) {
case donut.InvalidUploadID:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchUpload, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.ObjectExists:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, MethodNotAllowed, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.BadDigest:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, BadDigest, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.SignatureDoesNotMatch:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, SignatureDoesNotMatch, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.IncompleteBody:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, IncompleteBody, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.EntityTooLarge:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, EntityTooLarge, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.InvalidDigest:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidDigest, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
// AbortMultipartUploadHandler - Abort multipart upload
func (api Minio) AbortMultipartUploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Ticket master block
op := Operation{}
op.ProceedCh = make(chan struct{})
api.OP <- op
// block until Ticket master gives us a go
acceptsContentType := getContentType(req)
if !api.isValidOp(w, req, acceptsContentType) {
vars := mux.Vars(req)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object := vars["object"]
objectResourcesMetadata := getObjectResources(req.URL.Query())
var signature *donut.Signature
if _, ok := req.Header["Authorization"]; ok {
// Init signature V4 verification
var err *probe.Error
signature, err = InitSignatureV4(req)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
err := api.Donut.AbortMultipartUpload(bucket, object, objectResourcesMetadata.UploadID, signature)
if err == nil {
setCommonHeaders(w, getContentTypeString(acceptsContentType), 0)
switch err.ToError().(type) {
case donut.SignatureDoesNotMatch:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, SignatureDoesNotMatch, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.InvalidUploadID:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchUpload, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
// ListObjectPartsHandler - List object parts
func (api Minio) ListObjectPartsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Ticket master block
op := Operation{}
op.ProceedCh = make(chan struct{})
api.OP <- op
// block until Ticket master gives us a go
acceptsContentType := getContentType(req)
if !api.isValidOp(w, req, acceptsContentType) {
objectResourcesMetadata := getObjectResources(req.URL.Query())
if objectResourcesMetadata.PartNumberMarker < 0 {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidPartNumberMarker, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
if objectResourcesMetadata.MaxParts < 0 {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidMaxParts, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
if objectResourcesMetadata.MaxParts == 0 {
objectResourcesMetadata.MaxParts = maxPartsList
vars := mux.Vars(req)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object := vars["object"]
var signature *donut.Signature
if _, ok := req.Header["Authorization"]; ok {
// Init signature V4 verification
var err *probe.Error
signature, err = InitSignatureV4(req)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
objectResourcesMetadata, err := api.Donut.ListObjectParts(bucket, object, objectResourcesMetadata, signature)
if err == nil {
response := generateListPartsResponse(objectResourcesMetadata)
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeSuccessResponse(response, acceptsContentType)
// write headers
setCommonHeaders(w, getContentTypeString(acceptsContentType), len(encodedSuccessResponse))
// write body
switch err.ToError().(type) {
case donut.SignatureDoesNotMatch:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, SignatureDoesNotMatch, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.InvalidUploadID:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchUpload, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
// CompleteMultipartUploadHandler - Complete multipart upload
func (api Minio) CompleteMultipartUploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Ticket master block
op := Operation{}
op.ProceedCh = make(chan struct{})
api.OP <- op
// block until Ticket master gives us a go
acceptsContentType := getContentType(req)
if !api.isValidOp(w, req, acceptsContentType) {
vars := mux.Vars(req)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object := vars["object"]
objectResourcesMetadata := getObjectResources(req.URL.Query())
var signature *donut.Signature
if _, ok := req.Header["Authorization"]; ok {
// Init signature V4 verification
var err *probe.Error
signature, err = InitSignatureV4(req)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
metadata, err := api.Donut.CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket, object, objectResourcesMetadata.UploadID, req.Body, signature)
if err == nil {
response := generateCompleteMultpartUploadResponse(bucket, object, "", metadata.MD5Sum)
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeSuccessResponse(response, acceptsContentType)
// write headers
setCommonHeaders(w, getContentTypeString(acceptsContentType), len(encodedSuccessResponse))
// write body
switch err.ToError().(type) {
case donut.InvalidUploadID:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, NoSuchUpload, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.InvalidPart:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidPart, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.InvalidPartOrder:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InvalidPartOrder, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.MissingDateHeader:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, RequestTimeTooSkewed, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.SignatureDoesNotMatch:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, SignatureDoesNotMatch, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.IncompleteBody:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, IncompleteBody, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
case donut.MalformedXML:
writeErrorResponse(w, req, MalformedXML, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
writeErrorResponse(w, req, InternalError, acceptsContentType, req.URL.Path)
/// Delete API
// DeleteBucketHandler - Delete bucket
func (api Minio) DeleteBucketHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
error := getErrorCode(MethodNotAllowed)
// DeleteObjectHandler - Delete object
func (api Minio) DeleteObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
error := getErrorCode(MethodNotAllowed)