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synced 2025-03-06 08:40:08 -05:00
- over the course of a project history every maintainer needs to update its dependency packages, the problem essentially with godep is manipulating GOPATH - this manipulation leads to static objects created at different locations which end up conflicting with the overall functionality of golang. This also leads to broken builds. There is no easier way out of this other than asking developers to do 'godep restore' all the time. Which perhaps as a practice doesn't sound like a clean solution. On the other hand 'godep restore' has its own set of problems. - govendor is a right tool but a stop gap tool until we wait for golangs official 1.5 version which fixes this vendoring issue once and for all. - govendor provides consistency in terms of how import paths should be handled unlike manipulation GOPATH. This has advantages - no more compiled objects being referenced in GOPATH and build time GOPATH manging which leads to conflicts. - proper import paths referencing the exact package a project is dependent on. govendor is simple and provides the minimal necessary tooling to achieve this. For now this is the right solution.
232 lines
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232 lines
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package check
import (
// TestName returns the current test name in the form "SuiteName.TestName"
func (c *C) TestName() string {
return c.testName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic succeeding/failing logic.
// Failed returns whether the currently running test has already failed.
func (c *C) Failed() bool {
return c.status() == failedSt
// Fail marks the currently running test as failed.
// Something ought to have been previously logged so the developer can tell
// what went wrong. The higher level helper functions will fail the test
// and do the logging properly.
func (c *C) Fail() {
// FailNow marks the currently running test as failed and stops running it.
// Something ought to have been previously logged so the developer can tell
// what went wrong. The higher level helper functions will fail the test
// and do the logging properly.
func (c *C) FailNow() {
// Succeed marks the currently running test as succeeded, undoing any
// previous failures.
func (c *C) Succeed() {
// SucceedNow marks the currently running test as succeeded, undoing any
// previous failures, and stops running the test.
func (c *C) SucceedNow() {
// ExpectFailure informs that the running test is knowingly broken for
// the provided reason. If the test does not fail, an error will be reported
// to raise attention to this fact. This method is useful to temporarily
// disable tests which cover well known problems until a better time to
// fix the problem is found, without forgetting about the fact that a
// failure still exists.
func (c *C) ExpectFailure(reason string) {
if reason == "" {
panic("Missing reason why the test is expected to fail")
c.mustFail = true
c.reason = reason
// Skip skips the running test for the provided reason. If run from within
// SetUpTest, the individual test being set up will be skipped, and if run
// from within SetUpSuite, the whole suite is skipped.
func (c *C) Skip(reason string) {
if reason == "" {
panic("Missing reason why the test is being skipped")
c.reason = reason
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic logging.
// GetTestLog returns the current test error output.
func (c *C) GetTestLog() string {
return c.logb.String()
// Log logs some information into the test error output.
// The provided arguments are assembled together into a string with fmt.Sprint.
func (c *C) Log(args ...interface{}) {
// Log logs some information into the test error output.
// The provided arguments are assembled together into a string with fmt.Sprintf.
func (c *C) Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.logf(format, args...)
// Output enables *C to be used as a logger in functions that require only
// the minimum interface of *log.Logger.
func (c *C) Output(calldepth int, s string) error {
d := time.Now().Sub(c.startTime)
msec := d / time.Millisecond
sec := d / time.Second
min := d / time.Minute
c.Logf("[LOG] %d:%02d.%03d %s", min, sec%60, msec%1000, s)
return nil
// Error logs an error into the test error output and marks the test as failed.
// The provided arguments are assembled together into a string with fmt.Sprint.
func (c *C) Error(args ...interface{}) {
c.logString(fmt.Sprint("Error: ", fmt.Sprint(args...)))
// Errorf logs an error into the test error output and marks the test as failed.
// The provided arguments are assembled together into a string with fmt.Sprintf.
func (c *C) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.logString(fmt.Sprintf("Error: "+format, args...))
// Fatal logs an error into the test error output, marks the test as failed, and
// stops the test execution. The provided arguments are assembled together into
// a string with fmt.Sprint.
func (c *C) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
c.logString(fmt.Sprint("Error: ", fmt.Sprint(args...)))
// Fatlaf logs an error into the test error output, marks the test as failed, and
// stops the test execution. The provided arguments are assembled together into
// a string with fmt.Sprintf.
func (c *C) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.logString(fmt.Sprint("Error: ", fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generic checks and assertions based on checkers.
// Check verifies if the first value matches the expected value according
// to the provided checker. If they do not match, an error is logged, the
// test is marked as failed, and the test execution continues.
// Some checkers may not need the expected argument (e.g. IsNil).
// Extra arguments provided to the function are logged next to the reported
// problem when the matching fails.
func (c *C) Check(obtained interface{}, checker Checker, args ...interface{}) bool {
return c.internalCheck("Check", obtained, checker, args...)
// Assert ensures that the first value matches the expected value according
// to the provided checker. If they do not match, an error is logged, the
// test is marked as failed, and the test execution stops.
// Some checkers may not need the expected argument (e.g. IsNil).
// Extra arguments provided to the function are logged next to the reported
// problem when the matching fails.
func (c *C) Assert(obtained interface{}, checker Checker, args ...interface{}) {
if !c.internalCheck("Assert", obtained, checker, args...) {
func (c *C) internalCheck(funcName string, obtained interface{}, checker Checker, args ...interface{}) bool {
if checker == nil {
c.logString(fmt.Sprintf("%s(obtained, nil!?, ...):", funcName))
c.logString("Oops.. you've provided a nil checker!")
return false
// If the last argument is a bug info, extract it out.
var comment CommentInterface
if len(args) > 0 {
if c, ok := args[len(args)-1].(CommentInterface); ok {
comment = c
args = args[:len(args)-1]
params := append([]interface{}{obtained}, args...)
info := checker.Info()
if len(params) != len(info.Params) {
names := append([]string{info.Params[0], info.Name}, info.Params[1:]...)
c.logString(fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s):", funcName, strings.Join(names, ", ")))
c.logString(fmt.Sprintf("Wrong number of parameters for %s: want %d, got %d", info.Name, len(names), len(params)+1))
return false
// Copy since it may be mutated by Check.
names := append([]string{}, info.Params...)
// Do the actual check.
result, error := checker.Check(params, names)
if !result || error != "" {
for i := 0; i != len(params); i++ {
c.logValue(names[i], params[i])
if comment != nil {
if error != "" {
return false
return true