mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:00:57 -04:00
- Fix a bug where read locks were taken instead of write locks in some situations - Remove an unnecessary lock when updating based on notifications.
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cmd
import (
humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"
iampolicy "github.com/minio/pkg/iam/policy"
etcd "go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3"
// UsersSysType - defines the type of users and groups system that is
// active on the server.
type UsersSysType string
// Types of users configured in the server.
const (
// This mode uses the internal users system in MinIO.
MinIOUsersSysType UsersSysType = "MinIOUsersSys"
// This mode uses users and groups from a configured LDAP
// server.
LDAPUsersSysType UsersSysType = "LDAPUsersSys"
const (
statusEnabled = "enabled"
statusDisabled = "disabled"
// IAMSys - config system.
type IAMSys struct {
iamRefreshInterval time.Duration
usersSysType UsersSysType
// Persistence layer for IAM subsystem
store *IAMStoreSys
// configLoaded will be closed and remain so after first load.
configLoaded chan struct{}
// IAMUserType represents a user type inside MinIO server
type IAMUserType int
const (
regUser IAMUserType = iota
// LoadGroup - loads a specific group from storage, and updates the
// memberships cache. If the specified group does not exist in
// storage, it is removed from in-memory maps as well - this
// simplifies the implementation for group removal. This is called
// only via IAM notifications.
func (sys *IAMSys) LoadGroup(objAPI ObjectLayer, group string) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.GroupNotificationHandler(context.Background(), group)
// LoadPolicy - reloads a specific canned policy from backend disks or etcd.
func (sys *IAMSys) LoadPolicy(objAPI ObjectLayer, policyName string) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.PolicyNotificationHandler(context.Background(), policyName)
// LoadPolicyMapping - loads the mapped policy for a user or group
// from storage into server memory.
func (sys *IAMSys) LoadPolicyMapping(objAPI ObjectLayer, userOrGroup string, isGroup bool) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
// In case of LDAP, policy mappings are only applicable to sts users.
userType := regUser
if sys.usersSysType == LDAPUsersSysType {
userType = stsUser
return sys.store.PolicyMappingNotificationHandler(context.Background(), userOrGroup, isGroup, userType)
// LoadUser - reloads a specific user from backend disks or etcd.
func (sys *IAMSys) LoadUser(objAPI ObjectLayer, accessKey string, userType IAMUserType) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.UserNotificationHandler(context.Background(), accessKey, userType)
// LoadServiceAccount - reloads a specific service account from backend disks or etcd.
func (sys *IAMSys) LoadServiceAccount(accessKey string) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.UserNotificationHandler(context.Background(), accessKey, svcUser)
// Perform IAM configuration migration.
func (sys *IAMSys) doIAMConfigMigration(ctx context.Context) error {
return sys.store.migrateBackendFormat(ctx)
// InitStore initializes IAM stores
func (sys *IAMSys) InitStore(objAPI ObjectLayer, etcdClient *etcd.Client) {
defer sys.Unlock()
if globalLDAPConfig.Enabled {
if etcdClient == nil {
if globalIsGateway {
sys.store = &IAMStoreSys{newIAMDummyStore(sys.usersSysType)}
} else {
sys.store = &IAMStoreSys{newIAMObjectStore(objAPI, sys.usersSysType)}
} else {
sys.store = &IAMStoreSys{newIAMEtcdStore(etcdClient, sys.usersSysType)}
// Initialized checks if IAM is initialized
func (sys *IAMSys) Initialized() bool {
if sys == nil {
return false
defer sys.Unlock()
return sys.store != nil
// Load - loads all credentials, policies and policy mappings.
func (sys *IAMSys) Load(ctx context.Context, store IAMStorageAPI) error {
err := sys.store.LoadIAMCache(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
select {
case <-sys.configLoaded:
return nil
// Init - initializes config system by reading entries from config/iam
func (sys *IAMSys) Init(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, etcdClient *etcd.Client, iamRefreshInterval time.Duration) {
sys.iamRefreshInterval = iamRefreshInterval
// Initialize IAM store
sys.InitStore(objAPI, etcdClient)
retryCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
// Indicate to our routine to exit cleanly upon return.
defer cancel()
// Hold the lock for migration only.
txnLk := objAPI.NewNSLock(minioMetaBucket, minioConfigPrefix+"/iam.lock")
// allocate dynamic timeout once before the loop
iamLockTimeout := newDynamicTimeout(5*time.Second, 3*time.Second)
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for {
// let one of the server acquire the lock, if not let them timeout.
// which shall be retried again by this loop.
lkctx, err := txnLk.GetLock(retryCtx, iamLockTimeout)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("Waiting for all MinIO IAM sub-system to be initialized.. trying to acquire lock")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(r.Float64() * float64(5*time.Second)))
if etcdClient != nil {
// **** WARNING ****
// Migrating to encrypted backend on etcd should happen before initialization of
// IAM sub-system, make sure that we do not move the above codeblock elsewhere.
if err := migrateIAMConfigsEtcdToEncrypted(retryCtx, etcdClient); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, errEtcdUnreachable) {
logger.Info("Connection to etcd timed out. Retrying..")
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to decrypt an encrypted ETCD backend for IAM users and policies: %w", err))
logger.LogIf(ctx, errors.New("IAM sub-system is partially initialized, some users may not be available"))
// These messages only meant primarily for distributed setup, so only log during distributed setup.
if globalIsDistErasure {
logger.Info("Waiting for all MinIO IAM sub-system to be initialized.. lock acquired")
// Migrate IAM configuration, if necessary.
if err := sys.doIAMConfigMigration(retryCtx); err != nil {
if configRetriableErrors(err) {
logger.Info("Waiting for all MinIO IAM sub-system to be initialized.. possible cause (%v)", err)
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to migrate IAM users and policies to new format: %w", err))
logger.LogIf(ctx, errors.New("IAM sub-system is partially initialized, some users may not be available"))
// Successfully migrated, proceed to load the users.
for {
if err := sys.Load(retryCtx, sys.store); err != nil {
if configRetriableErrors(err) {
logger.Info("Waiting for all MinIO IAM sub-system to be initialized.. possible cause (%v)", err)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(r.Float64() * float64(5*time.Second)))
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize IAM sub-system, some users may not be available %w", err))
// Set up polling for expired accounts and credentials purging.
switch {
case globalOpenIDConfig.ProviderEnabled():
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(sys.iamRefreshInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
case globalLDAPConfig.Enabled:
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(sys.iamRefreshInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
go sys.watch(ctx)
// HasWatcher - returns if the IAM system has a watcher to be notified of
// changes.
func (sys *IAMSys) HasWatcher() bool {
return sys.store.HasWatcher()
func (sys *IAMSys) watch(ctx context.Context) {
watcher, ok := sys.store.IAMStorageAPI.(iamStorageWatcher)
if ok {
ch := watcher.watch(ctx, iamConfigPrefix)
for event := range ch {
// we simply log errors
err := sys.loadWatchedEvent(ctx, event)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
// Fall back to loading all items periodically
ticker := time.NewTicker(sys.iamRefreshInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if err := sys.Load(ctx, sys.store); err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
case <-ctx.Done():
func (sys *IAMSys) loadWatchedEvent(outerCtx context.Context, event iamWatchEvent) (err error) {
usersPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigUsersPrefix)
groupsPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigGroupsPrefix)
stsPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigSTSPrefix)
svcPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigServiceAccountsPrefix)
policyPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPoliciesPrefix)
policyDBUsersPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPolicyDBUsersPrefix)
policyDBSTSUsersPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPolicyDBSTSUsersPrefix)
policyDBGroupsPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPolicyDBGroupsPrefix)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultContextTimeout)
defer cancel()
if event.isCreated {
switch {
case usersPrefix:
accessKey := path.Dir(strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigUsersPrefix))
err = sys.store.UserNotificationHandler(ctx, accessKey, regUser)
case stsPrefix:
accessKey := path.Dir(strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigSTSPrefix))
err = sys.store.UserNotificationHandler(ctx, accessKey, stsUser)
case svcPrefix:
accessKey := path.Dir(strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigServiceAccountsPrefix))
err = sys.store.UserNotificationHandler(ctx, accessKey, svcUser)
case groupsPrefix:
group := path.Dir(strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigGroupsPrefix))
err = sys.store.GroupNotificationHandler(ctx, group)
case policyPrefix:
policyName := path.Dir(strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPoliciesPrefix))
err = sys.store.PolicyNotificationHandler(ctx, policyName)
case policyDBUsersPrefix:
policyMapFile := strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPolicyDBUsersPrefix)
user := strings.TrimSuffix(policyMapFile, ".json")
err = sys.store.PolicyMappingNotificationHandler(ctx, user, false, regUser)
case policyDBSTSUsersPrefix:
policyMapFile := strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPolicyDBSTSUsersPrefix)
user := strings.TrimSuffix(policyMapFile, ".json")
err = sys.store.PolicyMappingNotificationHandler(ctx, user, false, stsUser)
case policyDBGroupsPrefix:
policyMapFile := strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPolicyDBGroupsPrefix)
user := strings.TrimSuffix(policyMapFile, ".json")
err = sys.store.PolicyMappingNotificationHandler(ctx, user, true, regUser)
} else {
// delete event
switch {
case usersPrefix:
accessKey := path.Dir(strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigUsersPrefix))
err = sys.store.UserNotificationHandler(ctx, accessKey, regUser)
case stsPrefix:
accessKey := path.Dir(strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigSTSPrefix))
err = sys.store.UserNotificationHandler(ctx, accessKey, stsUser)
case svcPrefix:
accessKey := path.Dir(strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigServiceAccountsPrefix))
err = sys.store.UserNotificationHandler(ctx, accessKey, svcUser)
case groupsPrefix:
group := path.Dir(strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigGroupsPrefix))
err = sys.store.GroupNotificationHandler(ctx, group)
case policyPrefix:
policyName := path.Dir(strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPoliciesPrefix))
err = sys.store.PolicyNotificationHandler(ctx, policyName)
case policyDBUsersPrefix:
policyMapFile := strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPolicyDBUsersPrefix)
user := strings.TrimSuffix(policyMapFile, ".json")
err = sys.store.PolicyMappingNotificationHandler(ctx, user, false, regUser)
case policyDBSTSUsersPrefix:
policyMapFile := strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPolicyDBSTSUsersPrefix)
user := strings.TrimSuffix(policyMapFile, ".json")
err = sys.store.PolicyMappingNotificationHandler(ctx, user, false, stsUser)
case policyDBGroupsPrefix:
policyMapFile := strings.TrimPrefix(event.keyPath, iamConfigPolicyDBGroupsPrefix)
user := strings.TrimSuffix(policyMapFile, ".json")
err = sys.store.PolicyMappingNotificationHandler(ctx, user, true, regUser)
return err
// DeletePolicy - deletes a canned policy from backend or etcd.
func (sys *IAMSys) DeletePolicy(policyName string) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.DeletePolicy(context.Background(), policyName)
// InfoPolicy - expands the canned policy into its JSON structure.
func (sys *IAMSys) InfoPolicy(policyName string) (iampolicy.Policy, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return iampolicy.Policy{}, errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.GetPolicy(policyName)
// ListPolicies - lists all canned policies.
func (sys *IAMSys) ListPolicies(bucketName string) (map[string]iampolicy.Policy, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return nil, errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.ListPolicies(context.Background(), bucketName)
// SetPolicy - sets a new named policy.
func (sys *IAMSys) SetPolicy(policyName string, p iampolicy.Policy) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.SetPolicy(context.Background(), policyName, p)
// DeleteUser - delete user (only for long-term users not STS users).
func (sys *IAMSys) DeleteUser(accessKey string) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.DeleteUser(context.Background(), accessKey, regUser)
// CurrentPolicies - returns comma separated policy string, from
// an input policy after validating if there are any current
// policies which exist on MinIO corresponding to the input.
func (sys *IAMSys) CurrentPolicies(policyName string) string {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return ""
policies, _ := sys.store.FilterPolicies(policyName, "")
return policies
// SetTempUser - set temporary user credentials, these credentials have an expiry.
func (sys *IAMSys) SetTempUser(accessKey string, cred auth.Credentials, policyName string) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
if globalPolicyOPA != nil {
// If OPA is set, we do not need to set a policy mapping.
policyName = ""
return sys.store.SetTempUser(context.Background(), accessKey, cred, policyName)
// ListBucketUsers - list all users who can access this 'bucket'
func (sys *IAMSys) ListBucketUsers(bucket string) (map[string]madmin.UserInfo, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return nil, errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.GetBucketUsers(bucket)
// ListUsers - list all users.
func (sys *IAMSys) ListUsers() (map[string]madmin.UserInfo, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return nil, errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.GetUsers(), nil
// IsTempUser - returns if given key is a temporary user.
func (sys *IAMSys) IsTempUser(name string) (bool, string, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return false, "", errServerNotInitialized
cred, found := sys.store.GetUser(name)
if !found {
return false, "", errNoSuchUser
if cred.IsTemp() {
return true, cred.ParentUser, nil
return false, "", nil
// IsServiceAccount - returns if given key is a service account
func (sys *IAMSys) IsServiceAccount(name string) (bool, string, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return false, "", errServerNotInitialized
cred, found := sys.store.GetUser(name)
if !found {
return false, "", errNoSuchUser
if cred.IsServiceAccount() {
return true, cred.ParentUser, nil
return false, "", nil
// GetUserInfo - get info on a user.
func (sys *IAMSys) GetUserInfo(name string) (u madmin.UserInfo, err error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return u, errServerNotInitialized
select {
case <-sys.configLoaded:
sys.store.LoadUser(context.Background(), name)
return sys.store.GetUserInfo(name)
// SetUserStatus - sets current user status, supports disabled or enabled.
func (sys *IAMSys) SetUserStatus(accessKey string, status madmin.AccountStatus) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
if sys.usersSysType != MinIOUsersSysType {
return errIAMActionNotAllowed
return sys.store.SetUserStatus(context.Background(), accessKey, status)
type newServiceAccountOpts struct {
sessionPolicy *iampolicy.Policy
accessKey string
secretKey string
claims map[string]interface{}
// NewServiceAccount - create a new service account
func (sys *IAMSys) NewServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, parentUser string, groups []string, opts newServiceAccountOpts) (auth.Credentials, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return auth.Credentials{}, errServerNotInitialized
if parentUser == "" {
return auth.Credentials{}, errInvalidArgument
var policyBuf []byte
if opts.sessionPolicy != nil {
err := opts.sessionPolicy.Validate()
if err != nil {
return auth.Credentials{}, err
policyBuf, err = json.Marshal(opts.sessionPolicy)
if err != nil {
return auth.Credentials{}, err
if len(policyBuf) > 16*humanize.KiByte {
return auth.Credentials{}, fmt.Errorf("Session policy should not exceed 16 KiB characters")
// found newly requested service account, to be same as
// parentUser, reject such operations.
if parentUser == opts.accessKey {
return auth.Credentials{}, errIAMActionNotAllowed
m := make(map[string]interface{})
m[parentClaim] = parentUser
if len(policyBuf) > 0 {
m[iampolicy.SessionPolicyName] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(policyBuf)
m[iamPolicyClaimNameSA()] = "embedded-policy"
} else {
m[iamPolicyClaimNameSA()] = "inherited-policy"
// Add all the necessary claims for the service accounts.
for k, v := range opts.claims {
_, ok := m[k]
if !ok {
m[k] = v
var (
cred auth.Credentials
var err error
if len(opts.accessKey) > 0 {
cred, err = auth.CreateNewCredentialsWithMetadata(opts.accessKey, opts.secretKey, m, globalActiveCred.SecretKey)
} else {
cred, err = auth.GetNewCredentialsWithMetadata(m, globalActiveCred.SecretKey)
if err != nil {
return auth.Credentials{}, err
cred.ParentUser = parentUser
cred.Groups = groups
cred.Status = string(auth.AccountOn)
err = sys.store.AddServiceAccount(ctx, cred)
if err != nil {
return auth.Credentials{}, err
return cred, nil
type updateServiceAccountOpts struct {
sessionPolicy *iampolicy.Policy
secretKey string
status string
// UpdateServiceAccount - edit a service account
func (sys *IAMSys) UpdateServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string, opts updateServiceAccountOpts) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.UpdateServiceAccount(ctx, accessKey, opts)
// ListServiceAccounts - lists all services accounts associated to a specific user
func (sys *IAMSys) ListServiceAccounts(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) ([]auth.Credentials, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return nil, errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.ListServiceAccounts(ctx, accessKey)
// GetServiceAccount - gets information about a service account
func (sys *IAMSys) GetServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) (auth.Credentials, *iampolicy.Policy, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return auth.Credentials{}, nil, errServerNotInitialized
sa, ok := sys.store.GetUser(accessKey)
if !ok || !sa.IsServiceAccount() {
return auth.Credentials{}, nil, errNoSuchServiceAccount
var embeddedPolicy *iampolicy.Policy
jwtClaims, err := auth.ExtractClaims(sa.SessionToken, globalActiveCred.SecretKey)
if err == nil {
pt, ptok := jwtClaims.Lookup(iamPolicyClaimNameSA())
sp, spok := jwtClaims.Lookup(iampolicy.SessionPolicyName)
if ptok && spok && pt == "embedded-policy" {
policyBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(sp)
if err == nil {
p, err := iampolicy.ParseConfig(bytes.NewReader(policyBytes))
if err == nil {
policy := iampolicy.Policy{}.Merge(*p)
embeddedPolicy = &policy
// Hide secret & session keys
sa.SecretKey = ""
sa.SessionToken = ""
return sa, embeddedPolicy, nil
// GetClaimsForSvcAcc - gets the claims associated with the service account.
func (sys *IAMSys) GetClaimsForSvcAcc(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return nil, errServerNotInitialized
if sys.usersSysType != LDAPUsersSysType {
return nil, nil
sa, ok := sys.store.GetUser(accessKey)
if !ok || !sa.IsServiceAccount() {
return nil, errNoSuchServiceAccount
jwtClaims, err := auth.ExtractClaims(sa.SessionToken, globalActiveCred.SecretKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return jwtClaims.Map(), nil
// DeleteServiceAccount - delete a service account
func (sys *IAMSys) DeleteServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, accessKey string) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
sa, ok := sys.store.GetUser(accessKey)
if !ok || !sa.IsServiceAccount() {
return nil
return sys.store.DeleteUser(ctx, accessKey, svcUser)
// CreateUser - create new user credentials and policy, if user already exists
// they shall be rewritten with new inputs.
func (sys *IAMSys) CreateUser(accessKey string, uinfo madmin.UserInfo) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
if sys.usersSysType != MinIOUsersSysType {
return errIAMActionNotAllowed
if !auth.IsAccessKeyValid(accessKey) {
return auth.ErrInvalidAccessKeyLength
if !auth.IsSecretKeyValid(uinfo.SecretKey) {
return auth.ErrInvalidSecretKeyLength
return sys.store.AddUser(context.Background(), accessKey, uinfo)
// SetUserSecretKey - sets user secret key
func (sys *IAMSys) SetUserSecretKey(accessKey string, secretKey string) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
if sys.usersSysType != MinIOUsersSysType {
return errIAMActionNotAllowed
if !auth.IsAccessKeyValid(accessKey) {
return auth.ErrInvalidAccessKeyLength
if !auth.IsSecretKeyValid(secretKey) {
return auth.ErrInvalidSecretKeyLength
return sys.store.UpdateUserSecretKey(context.Background(), accessKey, secretKey)
// purgeExpiredCredentialsForExternalSSO - validates if local credentials are still valid
// by checking remote IDP if the relevant users are still active and present.
func (sys *IAMSys) purgeExpiredCredentialsForExternalSSO(ctx context.Context) {
parentUsers := sys.store.GetAllParentUsers()
var expiredUsers []string
for _, parentUser := range parentUsers {
userid, err := parseOpenIDParentUser(parentUser)
if err == errSkipFile {
u, err := globalOpenIDConfig.LookupUser(userid)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
// If user is set to "disabled", we will remove them
// subsequently.
if !u.Enabled {
expiredUsers = append(expiredUsers, parentUser)
// We ignore any errors
_ = sys.store.DeleteUsers(ctx, expiredUsers)
// purgeExpiredCredentialsForLDAP - validates if local credentials are still
// valid by checking LDAP server if the relevant users are still present.
func (sys *IAMSys) purgeExpiredCredentialsForLDAP(ctx context.Context) {
parentUsers := sys.store.GetAllParentUsers()
var allDistNames []string
for _, parentUser := range parentUsers {
if !globalLDAPConfig.IsLDAPUserDN(parentUser) {
allDistNames = append(allDistNames, parentUser)
expiredUsers, err := globalLDAPConfig.GetNonEligibleUserDistNames(allDistNames)
if err != nil {
// Log and return on error - perhaps it'll work the next time.
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
// We ignore any errors
_ = sys.store.DeleteUsers(ctx, expiredUsers)
// updateGroupMembershipsForLDAP - updates the list of groups associated with the credential.
func (sys *IAMSys) updateGroupMembershipsForLDAP(ctx context.Context) {
// 1. Collect all LDAP users with active creds.
allCreds := sys.store.GetSTSAndServiceAccounts()
// List of unique LDAP (parent) user DNs that have active creds
var parentUsers []string
// Map of LDAP user to list of active credential objects
parentUserToCredsMap := make(map[string][]auth.Credentials)
// DN to ldap username mapping for each LDAP user
parentUserToLDAPUsernameMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, cred := range allCreds {
if !globalLDAPConfig.IsLDAPUserDN(cred.ParentUser) {
// Check if this is the first time we are
// encountering this LDAP user.
if _, ok := parentUserToCredsMap[cred.ParentUser]; !ok {
// Try to find the ldapUsername for this
// parentUser by extracting JWT claims
jwtClaims, err := auth.ExtractClaims(cred.SessionToken, globalActiveCred.SecretKey)
if err != nil {
// skip this cred - session token seems
// invalid
ldapUsername, ok := jwtClaims.Lookup(ldapUserN)
if !ok {
// skip this cred - we dont have the
// username info needed
// Collect each new cred.ParentUser into parentUsers
parentUsers = append(parentUsers, cred.ParentUser)
// Update the ldapUsernameMap
parentUserToLDAPUsernameMap[cred.ParentUser] = ldapUsername
parentUserToCredsMap[cred.ParentUser] = append(parentUserToCredsMap[cred.ParentUser], cred)
// 2. Query LDAP server for groups of the LDAP users collected.
updatedGroups, err := globalLDAPConfig.LookupGroupMemberships(parentUsers, parentUserToLDAPUsernameMap)
if err != nil {
// Log and return on error - perhaps it'll work the next time.
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
// 3. Update creds for those users whose groups are changed
for _, parentUser := range parentUsers {
currGroupsSet := updatedGroups[parentUser]
currGroups := currGroupsSet.ToSlice()
for _, cred := range parentUserToCredsMap[parentUser] {
gSet := set.CreateStringSet(cred.Groups...)
if gSet.Equals(currGroupsSet) {
// No change to groups memberships for this
// credential.
cred.Groups = currGroups
if err := sys.store.UpdateUserIdentity(ctx, cred); err != nil {
// Log and continue error - perhaps it'll work the next time.
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
// GetUser - get user credentials
func (sys *IAMSys) GetUser(accessKey string) (cred auth.Credentials, ok bool) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return cred, false
fallback := false
select {
case <-sys.configLoaded:
sys.store.LoadUser(context.Background(), accessKey)
fallback = true
cred, ok = sys.store.GetUser(accessKey)
if !ok && !fallback {
// accessKey not found, also
// IAM store is not in fallback mode
// we can try to reload again from
// the IAM store and see if credential
// exists now. If it doesn't proceed to
// fail.
sys.store.LoadUser(context.Background(), accessKey)
cred, ok = sys.store.GetUser(accessKey)
if ok && cred.IsValid() {
if cred.IsServiceAccount() || cred.IsTemp() {
policies, err := sys.store.PolicyDBGet(cred.AccessKey, false)
if err != nil {
// Reject if the policy map for user doesn't exist anymore.
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), fmt.Errorf("'%s' user does not have a policy present", cred.ParentUser))
return auth.Credentials{}, false
for _, group := range cred.Groups {
ps, err := sys.store.PolicyDBGet(group, true)
if err != nil {
// Reject if the policy map for group doesn't exist anymore.
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), fmt.Errorf("'%s' group does not have a policy present", group))
return auth.Credentials{}, false
policies = append(policies, ps...)
ok = len(policies) > 0 || globalPolicyOPA != nil
return cred, ok && cred.IsValid()
// AddUsersToGroup - adds users to a group, creating the group if
// needed. No error if user(s) already are in the group.
func (sys *IAMSys) AddUsersToGroup(group string, members []string) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
if sys.usersSysType != MinIOUsersSysType {
return errIAMActionNotAllowed
return sys.store.AddUsersToGroup(context.Background(), group, members)
// RemoveUsersFromGroup - remove users from group. If no users are
// given, and the group is empty, deletes the group as well.
func (sys *IAMSys) RemoveUsersFromGroup(group string, members []string) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
if sys.usersSysType != MinIOUsersSysType {
return errIAMActionNotAllowed
return sys.store.RemoveUsersFromGroup(context.Background(), group, members)
// SetGroupStatus - enable/disabled a group
func (sys *IAMSys) SetGroupStatus(group string, enabled bool) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
if sys.usersSysType != MinIOUsersSysType {
return errIAMActionNotAllowed
return sys.store.SetGroupStatus(context.Background(), group, enabled)
// GetGroupDescription - builds up group description
func (sys *IAMSys) GetGroupDescription(group string) (gd madmin.GroupDesc, err error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return gd, errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.GetGroupDescription(group)
// ListGroups - lists groups.
func (sys *IAMSys) ListGroups() (r []string, err error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return r, errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.ListGroups(context.Background())
// PolicyDBSet - sets a policy for a user or group in the PolicyDB.
func (sys *IAMSys) PolicyDBSet(name, policy string, isGroup bool) error {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return errServerNotInitialized
// Determine user-type based on IDP mode.
userType := regUser
if sys.usersSysType == LDAPUsersSysType {
userType = stsUser
return sys.store.PolicyDBSet(context.Background(), name, policy, userType, isGroup)
// PolicyDBGet - gets policy set on a user or group. If a list of groups is
// given, policies associated with them are included as well.
func (sys *IAMSys) PolicyDBGet(name string, isGroup bool, groups ...string) ([]string, error) {
if !sys.Initialized() {
return nil, errServerNotInitialized
return sys.store.PolicyDBGet(name, isGroup, groups...)
// IsAllowedServiceAccount - checks if the given service account is allowed to perform
// actions. The permission of the parent user is checked first
func (sys *IAMSys) IsAllowedServiceAccount(args iampolicy.Args, parentUser string) bool {
// Now check if we have a subject claim
p, ok := args.Claims[parentClaim]
if ok {
parentInClaim, ok := p.(string)
if !ok {
// Reject malformed/malicious requests.
return false
// The parent claim in the session token should be equal
// to the parent detected in the backend
if parentInClaim != parentUser {
return false
} else {
// This is needed so a malicious user cannot
// use a leaked session key of another user
// to widen its privileges.
return false
// Check policy for this service account.
svcPolicies, err := sys.PolicyDBGet(parentUser, false, args.Groups...)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
return false
if len(svcPolicies) == 0 {
return false
// Policies were found, evaluate all of them.
availablePoliciesStr, combinedPolicy := sys.store.FilterPolicies(strings.Join(svcPolicies, ","), "")
if availablePoliciesStr == "" {
return false
parentArgs := args
parentArgs.AccountName = parentUser
// These are dynamic values set them appropriately.
parentArgs.ConditionValues["username"] = []string{parentUser}
parentArgs.ConditionValues["userid"] = []string{parentUser}
saPolicyClaim, ok := args.Claims[iamPolicyClaimNameSA()]
if !ok {
return false
saPolicyClaimStr, ok := saPolicyClaim.(string)
if !ok {
// Sub policy if set, should be a string reject
// malformed/malicious requests.
return false
if saPolicyClaimStr == "inherited-policy" {
return combinedPolicy.IsAllowed(parentArgs)
// Now check if we have a sessionPolicy.
spolicy, ok := args.Claims[iampolicy.SessionPolicyName]
if !ok {
return false
spolicyStr, ok := spolicy.(string)
if !ok {
// Sub policy if set, should be a string reject
// malformed/malicious requests.
return false
// Check if policy is parseable.
subPolicy, err := iampolicy.ParseConfig(bytes.NewReader([]byte(spolicyStr)))
if err != nil {
// Log any error in input session policy config.
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
return false
// This can only happen if policy was set but with an empty JSON.
if subPolicy.Version == "" && len(subPolicy.Statements) == 0 {
return combinedPolicy.IsAllowed(parentArgs)
if subPolicy.Version == "" {
return false
return combinedPolicy.IsAllowed(parentArgs) && subPolicy.IsAllowed(parentArgs)
// IsAllowedLDAPSTS - checks for LDAP specific claims and values
func (sys *IAMSys) IsAllowedLDAPSTS(args iampolicy.Args, parentUser string) bool {
// parentUser value must match the ldap user in the claim.
if parentInClaimIface, ok := args.Claims[ldapUser]; !ok {
// no ldapUser claim present reject it.
return false
} else if parentInClaim, ok := parentInClaimIface.(string); !ok {
// not the right type, reject it.
return false
} else if parentInClaim != parentUser {
// ldap claim has been modified maliciously reject it.
return false
// Check policy for this LDAP user.
ldapPolicies, err := sys.PolicyDBGet(parentUser, false, args.Groups...)
if err != nil {
return false
if len(ldapPolicies) == 0 {
return false
// Policies were found, evaluate all of them.
availablePoliciesStr, combinedPolicy := sys.store.FilterPolicies(strings.Join(ldapPolicies, ","), "")
if availablePoliciesStr == "" {
return false
hasSessionPolicy, isAllowedSP := isAllowedBySessionPolicy(args)
if hasSessionPolicy {
return isAllowedSP && combinedPolicy.IsAllowed(args)
return combinedPolicy.IsAllowed(args)
// IsAllowedSTS is meant for STS based temporary credentials,
// which implements claims validation and verification other than
// applying policies.
func (sys *IAMSys) IsAllowedSTS(args iampolicy.Args, parentUser string) bool {
// If it is an LDAP request, check that user and group
// policies allow the request.
if sys.usersSysType == LDAPUsersSysType {
return sys.IsAllowedLDAPSTS(args, parentUser)
policies, ok := args.GetPolicies(iamPolicyClaimNameOpenID())
if !ok {
// When claims are set, it should have a policy claim field.
return false
// When claims are set, it should have policies as claim.
if policies.IsEmpty() {
// No policy, no access!
return false
// If policy is available for given user, check the policy.
mp, ok := sys.store.GetMappedPolicy(args.AccountName, false)
if !ok {
// No policy set for the user that we can find, no access!
return false
if !policies.Equals(mp.policySet()) {
// When claims has a policy, it should match the
// policy of args.AccountName which server remembers.
// if not reject such requests.
return false
combinedPolicy, err := sys.store.GetPolicy(strings.Join(policies.ToSlice(), ","))
if err == errNoSuchPolicy {
for pname := range policies {
_, err := sys.store.GetPolicy(pname)
if err == errNoSuchPolicy {
// all policies presented in the claim should exist
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, fmt.Errorf("expected policy (%s) missing from the JWT claim %s, rejecting the request", pname, iamPolicyClaimNameOpenID()))
return false
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, fmt.Errorf("all policies were unexpectedly present!"))
return false
// These are dynamic values set them appropriately.
args.ConditionValues["username"] = []string{parentUser}
args.ConditionValues["userid"] = []string{parentUser}
// Now check if we have a sessionPolicy.
hasSessionPolicy, isAllowedSP := isAllowedBySessionPolicy(args)
if hasSessionPolicy {
return isAllowedSP && combinedPolicy.IsAllowed(args)
// Sub policy not set, this is most common since subPolicy
// is optional, use the inherited policies.
return combinedPolicy.IsAllowed(args)
func isAllowedBySessionPolicy(args iampolicy.Args) (hasSessionPolicy bool, isAllowed bool) {
hasSessionPolicy = false
isAllowed = false
// Now check if we have a sessionPolicy.
spolicy, ok := args.Claims[iampolicy.SessionPolicyName]
if !ok {
hasSessionPolicy = true
spolicyStr, ok := spolicy.(string)
if !ok {
// Sub policy if set, should be a string reject
// malformed/malicious requests.
// Check if policy is parseable.
subPolicy, err := iampolicy.ParseConfig(bytes.NewReader([]byte(spolicyStr)))
if err != nil {
// Log any error in input session policy config.
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
// Policy without Version string value reject it.
if subPolicy.Version == "" {
// Sub policy is set and valid.
return hasSessionPolicy, subPolicy.IsAllowed(args)
// GetCombinedPolicy returns a combined policy combining all policies
func (sys *IAMSys) GetCombinedPolicy(policies ...string) iampolicy.Policy {
_, policy := sys.store.FilterPolicies(strings.Join(policies, ","), "")
return policy
// IsAllowed - checks given policy args is allowed to continue the Rest API.
func (sys *IAMSys) IsAllowed(args iampolicy.Args) bool {
// If opa is configured, use OPA always.
if globalPolicyOPA != nil {
ok, err := globalPolicyOPA.IsAllowed(args)
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
return ok
// Policies don't apply to the owner.
if args.IsOwner {
return true
// If the credential is temporary, perform STS related checks.
ok, parentUser, err := sys.IsTempUser(args.AccountName)
if err != nil {
return false
if ok {
return sys.IsAllowedSTS(args, parentUser)
// If the credential is for a service account, perform related check
ok, parentUser, err = sys.IsServiceAccount(args.AccountName)
if err != nil {
return false
if ok {
return sys.IsAllowedServiceAccount(args, parentUser)
// Continue with the assumption of a regular user
policies, err := sys.PolicyDBGet(args.AccountName, false, args.Groups...)
if err != nil {
return false
if len(policies) == 0 {
// No policy found.
return false
// Policies were found, evaluate all of them.
return sys.GetCombinedPolicy(policies...).IsAllowed(args)
// EnableLDAPSys - enable ldap system users type.
func (sys *IAMSys) EnableLDAPSys() {
sys.usersSysType = LDAPUsersSysType
// NewIAMSys - creates new config system object.
func NewIAMSys() *IAMSys {
return &IAMSys{
usersSysType: MinIOUsersSysType,
configLoaded: make(chan struct{}),