mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 13:04:15 -04:00
This change adds `access` format support for notifications to a Elasticsearch server, and it refactors `namespace` format support. In the case of `access` format, for each event in Minio, a JSON document is inserted into Elasticsearch with its timestamp set to the event's timestamp, and with the ID generated automatically by elasticsearch. No events are modified or deleted in this mode. In the case of `namespace` format, for each event in Minio, a JSON document is keyed together by the bucket and object name is updated in Elasticsearch. In the case of an object being created or over-written in Minio, a new document or an existing document is inserted into the Elasticsearch index. If an object is deleted in Minio, the corresponding document is deleted from the Elasticsearch index. Additionally, this change upgrades Elasticsearch support to the 5.x series. This is a breaking change, and users of previous elasticsearch versions should upgrade. Also updates documentation on Elasticsearch notification target usage and has a link to an elasticsearch upgrade guide. This is the last patch that finally resolves #3928.
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// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
// See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details.
package elastic
import (
// SearchSource enables users to build the search source.
// It resembles the SearchSourceBuilder in Elasticsearch.
type SearchSource struct {
query Query
postQuery Query
sliceQuery Query
from int
size int
explain *bool
version *bool
sorters []Sorter
trackScores bool
searchAfterSortValues []interface{}
minScore *float64
timeout string
terminateAfter *int
storedFieldNames []string
docvalueFields []string
scriptFields []*ScriptField
fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext
aggregations map[string]Aggregation
highlight *Highlight
globalSuggestText string
suggesters []Suggester
rescores []*Rescore
defaultRescoreWindowSize *int
indexBoosts map[string]float64
stats []string
innerHits map[string]*InnerHit
profile bool
// NewSearchSource initializes a new SearchSource.
func NewSearchSource() *SearchSource {
return &SearchSource{
from: -1,
size: -1,
trackScores: false,
aggregations: make(map[string]Aggregation),
indexBoosts: make(map[string]float64),
innerHits: make(map[string]*InnerHit),
// Query sets the query to use with this search source.
func (s *SearchSource) Query(query Query) *SearchSource {
s.query = query
return s
// Profile specifies that this search source should activate the
// Profile API for queries made on it.
func (s *SearchSource) Profile(profile bool) *SearchSource {
s.profile = profile
return s
// PostFilter will be executed after the query has been executed and
// only affects the search hits, not the aggregations.
// This filter is always executed as the last filtering mechanism.
func (s *SearchSource) PostFilter(postFilter Query) *SearchSource {
s.postQuery = postFilter
return s
// Slice allows partitioning the documents in multiple slices.
// It is e.g. used to slice a scroll operation, supported in
// Elasticsearch 5.0 or later.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/search-request-scroll.html#sliced-scroll
// for details.
func (s *SearchSource) Slice(sliceQuery Query) *SearchSource {
s.sliceQuery = sliceQuery
return s
// From index to start the search from. Defaults to 0.
func (s *SearchSource) From(from int) *SearchSource {
s.from = from
return s
// Size is the number of search hits to return. Defaults to 10.
func (s *SearchSource) Size(size int) *SearchSource {
s.size = size
return s
// MinScore sets the minimum score below which docs will be filtered out.
func (s *SearchSource) MinScore(minScore float64) *SearchSource {
s.minScore = &minScore
return s
// Explain indicates whether each search hit should be returned with
// an explanation of the hit (ranking).
func (s *SearchSource) Explain(explain bool) *SearchSource {
s.explain = &explain
return s
// Version indicates whether each search hit should be returned with
// a version associated to it.
func (s *SearchSource) Version(version bool) *SearchSource {
s.version = &version
return s
// Timeout controls how long a search is allowed to take, e.g. "1s" or "500ms".
func (s *SearchSource) Timeout(timeout string) *SearchSource {
s.timeout = timeout
return s
// TimeoutInMillis controls how many milliseconds a search is allowed
// to take before it is canceled.
func (s *SearchSource) TimeoutInMillis(timeoutInMillis int) *SearchSource {
s.timeout = fmt.Sprintf("%dms", timeoutInMillis)
return s
// TerminateAfter allows the request to stop after the given number
// of search hits are collected.
func (s *SearchSource) TerminateAfter(terminateAfter int) *SearchSource {
s.terminateAfter = &terminateAfter
return s
// Sort adds a sort order.
func (s *SearchSource) Sort(field string, ascending bool) *SearchSource {
s.sorters = append(s.sorters, SortInfo{Field: field, Ascending: ascending})
return s
// SortWithInfo adds a sort order.
func (s *SearchSource) SortWithInfo(info SortInfo) *SearchSource {
s.sorters = append(s.sorters, info)
return s
// SortBy adds a sort order.
func (s *SearchSource) SortBy(sorter ...Sorter) *SearchSource {
s.sorters = append(s.sorters, sorter...)
return s
func (s *SearchSource) hasSort() bool {
return len(s.sorters) > 0
// TrackScores is applied when sorting and controls if scores will be
// tracked as well. Defaults to false.
func (s *SearchSource) TrackScores(trackScores bool) *SearchSource {
s.trackScores = trackScores
return s
// SearchAfter allows a different form of pagination by using a live cursor,
// using the results of the previous page to help the retrieval of the next.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/search-request-search-after.html
func (s *SearchSource) SearchAfter(sortValues ...interface{}) *SearchSource {
s.searchAfterSortValues = append(s.searchAfterSortValues, sortValues...)
return s
// Aggregation adds an aggreation to perform as part of the search.
func (s *SearchSource) Aggregation(name string, aggregation Aggregation) *SearchSource {
s.aggregations[name] = aggregation
return s
// DefaultRescoreWindowSize sets the rescore window size for rescores
// that don't specify their window.
func (s *SearchSource) DefaultRescoreWindowSize(defaultRescoreWindowSize int) *SearchSource {
s.defaultRescoreWindowSize = &defaultRescoreWindowSize
return s
// Highlight adds highlighting to the search.
func (s *SearchSource) Highlight(highlight *Highlight) *SearchSource {
s.highlight = highlight
return s
// Highlighter returns the highlighter.
func (s *SearchSource) Highlighter() *Highlight {
if s.highlight == nil {
s.highlight = NewHighlight()
return s.highlight
// GlobalSuggestText defines the global text to use with all suggesters.
// This avoids repetition.
func (s *SearchSource) GlobalSuggestText(text string) *SearchSource {
s.globalSuggestText = text
return s
// Suggester adds a suggester to the search.
func (s *SearchSource) Suggester(suggester Suggester) *SearchSource {
s.suggesters = append(s.suggesters, suggester)
return s
// Rescorer adds a rescorer to the search.
func (s *SearchSource) Rescorer(rescore *Rescore) *SearchSource {
s.rescores = append(s.rescores, rescore)
return s
// ClearRescorers removes all rescorers from the search.
func (s *SearchSource) ClearRescorers() *SearchSource {
s.rescores = make([]*Rescore, 0)
return s
// FetchSource indicates whether the response should contain the stored
// _source for every hit.
func (s *SearchSource) FetchSource(fetchSource bool) *SearchSource {
if s.fetchSourceContext == nil {
s.fetchSourceContext = NewFetchSourceContext(fetchSource)
} else {
return s
// FetchSourceContext indicates how the _source should be fetched.
func (s *SearchSource) FetchSourceContext(fetchSourceContext *FetchSourceContext) *SearchSource {
s.fetchSourceContext = fetchSourceContext
return s
// NoStoredFields indicates that no fields should be loaded, resulting in only
// id and type to be returned per field.
func (s *SearchSource) NoStoredFields() *SearchSource {
s.storedFieldNames = nil
return s
// StoredField adds a single field to load and return (note, must be stored) as
// part of the search request. If none are specified, the source of the
// document will be returned.
func (s *SearchSource) StoredField(storedFieldName string) *SearchSource {
s.storedFieldNames = append(s.storedFieldNames, storedFieldName)
return s
// StoredFields sets the fields to load and return as part of the search request.
// If none are specified, the source of the document will be returned.
func (s *SearchSource) StoredFields(storedFieldNames ...string) *SearchSource {
s.storedFieldNames = append(s.storedFieldNames, storedFieldNames...)
return s
// DocvalueField adds a single field to load from the field data cache
// and return as part of the search request.
func (s *SearchSource) DocvalueField(fieldDataField string) *SearchSource {
s.docvalueFields = append(s.docvalueFields, fieldDataField)
return s
// DocvalueFields adds one or more fields to load from the field data cache
// and return as part of the search request.
func (s *SearchSource) DocvalueFields(docvalueFields ...string) *SearchSource {
s.docvalueFields = append(s.docvalueFields, docvalueFields...)
return s
// ScriptField adds a single script field with the provided script.
func (s *SearchSource) ScriptField(scriptField *ScriptField) *SearchSource {
s.scriptFields = append(s.scriptFields, scriptField)
return s
// ScriptFields adds one or more script fields with the provided scripts.
func (s *SearchSource) ScriptFields(scriptFields ...*ScriptField) *SearchSource {
s.scriptFields = append(s.scriptFields, scriptFields...)
return s
// IndexBoost sets the boost that a specific index will receive when the
// query is executed against it.
func (s *SearchSource) IndexBoost(index string, boost float64) *SearchSource {
s.indexBoosts[index] = boost
return s
// Stats group this request will be aggregated under.
func (s *SearchSource) Stats(statsGroup ...string) *SearchSource {
s.stats = append(s.stats, statsGroup...)
return s
// InnerHit adds an inner hit to return with the result.
func (s *SearchSource) InnerHit(name string, innerHit *InnerHit) *SearchSource {
s.innerHits[name] = innerHit
return s
// Source returns the serializable JSON for the source builder.
func (s *SearchSource) Source() (interface{}, error) {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
if s.from != -1 {
source["from"] = s.from
if s.size != -1 {
source["size"] = s.size
if s.timeout != "" {
source["timeout"] = s.timeout
if s.terminateAfter != nil {
source["terminate_after"] = *s.terminateAfter
if s.query != nil {
src, err := s.query.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
source["query"] = src
if s.postQuery != nil {
src, err := s.postQuery.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
source["post_filter"] = src
if s.sliceQuery != nil {
src, err := s.sliceQuery.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
source["slice"] = src
if s.minScore != nil {
source["min_score"] = *s.minScore
if s.version != nil {
source["version"] = *s.version
if s.explain != nil {
source["explain"] = *s.explain
if s.profile {
source["profile"] = s.profile
if s.fetchSourceContext != nil {
src, err := s.fetchSourceContext.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
source["_source"] = src
if s.storedFieldNames != nil {
switch len(s.storedFieldNames) {
case 1:
source["stored_fields"] = s.storedFieldNames[0]
source["stored_fields"] = s.storedFieldNames
if len(s.docvalueFields) > 0 {
source["docvalue_fields"] = s.docvalueFields
if len(s.scriptFields) > 0 {
sfmap := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, scriptField := range s.scriptFields {
src, err := scriptField.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sfmap[scriptField.FieldName] = src
source["script_fields"] = sfmap
if len(s.sorters) > 0 {
var sortarr []interface{}
for _, sorter := range s.sorters {
src, err := sorter.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sortarr = append(sortarr, src)
source["sort"] = sortarr
if s.trackScores {
source["track_scores"] = s.trackScores
if len(s.searchAfterSortValues) > 0 {
source["search_after"] = s.searchAfterSortValues
if len(s.indexBoosts) > 0 {
source["indices_boost"] = s.indexBoosts
if len(s.aggregations) > 0 {
aggsMap := make(map[string]interface{})
for name, aggregate := range s.aggregations {
src, err := aggregate.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
aggsMap[name] = src
source["aggregations"] = aggsMap
if s.highlight != nil {
src, err := s.highlight.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
source["highlight"] = src
if len(s.suggesters) > 0 {
suggesters := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, s := range s.suggesters {
src, err := s.Source(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
suggesters[s.Name()] = src
if s.globalSuggestText != "" {
suggesters["text"] = s.globalSuggestText
source["suggest"] = suggesters
if len(s.rescores) > 0 {
// Strip empty rescores from request
var rescores []*Rescore
for _, r := range s.rescores {
if !r.IsEmpty() {
rescores = append(rescores, r)
if len(rescores) == 1 {
rescores[0].defaultRescoreWindowSize = s.defaultRescoreWindowSize
src, err := rescores[0].Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
source["rescore"] = src
} else {
var slice []interface{}
for _, r := range rescores {
r.defaultRescoreWindowSize = s.defaultRescoreWindowSize
src, err := r.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
slice = append(slice, src)
source["rescore"] = slice
if len(s.stats) > 0 {
source["stats"] = s.stats
if len(s.innerHits) > 0 {
// Top-level inner hits
// See http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.5/search-request-inner-hits.html#top-level-inner-hits
// "inner_hits": {
// "<inner_hits_name>": {
// "<path|type>": {
// "<path-to-nested-object-field|child-or-parent-type>": {
// <inner_hits_body>,
// [,"inner_hits" : { [<sub_inner_hits>]+ } ]?
// }
// }
// },
// [,"<inner_hits_name_2>" : { ... } ]*
// }
m := make(map[string]interface{})
for name, hit := range s.innerHits {
if hit.path != "" {
src, err := hit.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
path := make(map[string]interface{})
path[hit.path] = src
m[name] = map[string]interface{}{
"path": path,
} else if hit.typ != "" {
src, err := hit.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
typ := make(map[string]interface{})
typ[hit.typ] = src
m[name] = map[string]interface{}{
"type": typ,
} else {
// TODO the Java client throws here, because either path or typ must be specified
source["inner_hits"] = m
return source, nil