Harshavardhana cfdb29cac0 Simplify signature handling
This change brings a new SignatureHandler where Presigned.
Requests without Payload are handled very early before even
going through the call.

This change simplifies Donut codebase to not have signature related
logic for all API's.

Simplification is still needed for Payload based signature eg. PUT/POST calls
, which are still part of the donut codebase, which will be done subsequently
after donut re-write.
2015-10-04 13:15:33 -07:00

511 lines
17 KiB

* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package donut
import (
signv4 ""
/// V2 API functions
// NewMultipartUpload - initiate a new multipart session
func (donut API) NewMultipartUpload(bucket, key, contentType string) (string, *probe.Error) {
defer donut.lock.Unlock()
if !IsValidBucket(bucket) {
return "", probe.NewError(BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket})
if !IsValidObjectName(key) {
return "", probe.NewError(ObjectNameInvalid{Object: key})
// if len(donut.config.NodeDiskMap) > 0 {
// return donut.newMultipartUpload(bucket, key, contentType)
// }
if !donut.storedBuckets.Exists(bucket) {
return "", probe.NewError(BucketNotFound{Bucket: bucket})
storedBucket := donut.storedBuckets.Get(bucket).(storedBucket)
objectKey := bucket + "/" + key
if _, ok := storedBucket.objectMetadata[objectKey]; ok == true {
return "", probe.NewError(ObjectExists{Object: key})
id := []byte(strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()) + bucket + key + time.Now().UTC().String())
uploadIDSum := sha512.Sum512(id)
uploadID := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(uploadIDSum[:])[:47]
storedBucket.multiPartSession[key] = MultiPartSession{
UploadID: uploadID,
Initiated: time.Now().UTC(),
TotalParts: 0,
storedBucket.partMetadata[key] = make(map[int]PartMetadata)
multiPartCache := data.NewCache(0)
multiPartCache.OnEvicted = donut.evictedPart
donut.multiPartObjects[uploadID] = multiPartCache
donut.storedBuckets.Set(bucket, storedBucket)
return uploadID, nil
// AbortMultipartUpload - abort an incomplete multipart session
func (donut API) AbortMultipartUpload(bucket, key, uploadID string) *probe.Error {
defer donut.lock.Unlock()
if !IsValidBucket(bucket) {
return probe.NewError(BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket})
if !IsValidObjectName(key) {
return probe.NewError(ObjectNameInvalid{Object: key})
// TODO: multipart support for donut is broken, since we haven't finalized the format in which
// it can be stored, disabling this for now until we get the underlying layout stable.
// if len(donut.config.NodeDiskMap) > 0 {
// return donut.abortMultipartUpload(bucket, key, uploadID)
// }
if !donut.storedBuckets.Exists(bucket) {
return probe.NewError(BucketNotFound{Bucket: bucket})
storedBucket := donut.storedBuckets.Get(bucket).(storedBucket)
if storedBucket.multiPartSession[key].UploadID != uploadID {
return probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
donut.cleanupMultipartSession(bucket, key, uploadID)
return nil
// CreateObjectPart - create a part in a multipart session
func (donut API) CreateObjectPart(bucket, key, uploadID string, partID int, contentType, expectedMD5Sum string, size int64, data io.Reader, signature *signv4.Signature) (string, *probe.Error) {
etag, err := donut.createObjectPart(bucket, key, uploadID, partID, "", expectedMD5Sum, size, data, signature)
// possible free
return etag, err.Trace()
// createObject - internal wrapper function called by CreateObjectPart
func (donut API) createObjectPart(bucket, key, uploadID string, partID int, contentType, expectedMD5Sum string, size int64, data io.Reader, signature *signv4.Signature) (string, *probe.Error) {
if !IsValidBucket(bucket) {
return "", probe.NewError(BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket})
if !IsValidObjectName(key) {
return "", probe.NewError(ObjectNameInvalid{Object: key})
// TODO: multipart support for donut is broken, since we haven't finalized the format in which
// it can be stored, disabling this for now until we get the underlying layout stable.
if len(donut.config.NodeDiskMap) > 0 {
metadata := make(map[string]string)
if contentType == "" {
contentType = "application/octet-stream"
contentType = strings.TrimSpace(contentType)
metadata["contentType"] = contentType
if strings.TrimSpace(expectedMD5Sum) != "" {
expectedMD5SumBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(strings.TrimSpace(expectedMD5Sum))
if err != nil {
// pro-actively close the connection
return "", probe.NewError(InvalidDigest{Md5: expectedMD5Sum})
expectedMD5Sum = hex.EncodeToString(expectedMD5SumBytes)
partMetadata, err := donut.putObjectPart(bucket, key, expectedMD5Sum, uploadID, partID, data, size, metadata, signature)
if err != nil {
return "", err.Trace()
return partMetadata.ETag, nil
if !donut.storedBuckets.Exists(bucket) {
return "", probe.NewError(BucketNotFound{Bucket: bucket})
strBucket := donut.storedBuckets.Get(bucket).(storedBucket)
// Verify upload id
if strBucket.multiPartSession[key].UploadID != uploadID {
return "", probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
// get object key
parts := strBucket.partMetadata[key]
if _, ok := parts[partID]; ok {
return parts[partID].ETag, nil
if contentType == "" {
contentType = "application/octet-stream"
contentType = strings.TrimSpace(contentType)
if strings.TrimSpace(expectedMD5Sum) != "" {
expectedMD5SumBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(strings.TrimSpace(expectedMD5Sum))
if err != nil {
// pro-actively close the connection
return "", probe.NewError(InvalidDigest{Md5: expectedMD5Sum})
expectedMD5Sum = hex.EncodeToString(expectedMD5SumBytes)
// calculate md5
hash := md5.New()
sha256hash := sha256.New()
var totalLength int64
var err error
for err == nil {
var length int
byteBuffer := make([]byte, 1024*1024)
length, err = data.Read(byteBuffer) // do not read error return error here, we will handle this error later
ok := donut.multiPartObjects[uploadID].Append(partID, byteBuffer[0:length])
if !ok {
return "", probe.NewError(InternalError{})
totalLength += int64(length)
go debug.FreeOSMemory()
if totalLength != size {
return "", probe.NewError(IncompleteBody{Bucket: bucket, Object: key})
if err != io.EOF {
return "", probe.NewError(err)
md5SumBytes := hash.Sum(nil)
md5Sum := hex.EncodeToString(md5SumBytes)
// Verify if the written object is equal to what is expected, only if it is requested as such
if strings.TrimSpace(expectedMD5Sum) != "" {
if err := isMD5SumEqual(strings.TrimSpace(expectedMD5Sum), md5Sum); err != nil {
return "", err.Trace()
if signature != nil {
ok, err := signature.DoesSignatureMatch(hex.EncodeToString(sha256hash.Sum(nil)))
if err != nil {
return "", err.Trace()
if !ok {
return "", probe.NewError(signv4.DoesNotMatch{})
newPart := PartMetadata{
PartNumber: partID,
LastModified: time.Now().UTC(),
ETag: md5Sum,
Size: totalLength,
parts[partID] = newPart
strBucket.partMetadata[key] = parts
multiPartSession := strBucket.multiPartSession[key]
strBucket.multiPartSession[key] = multiPartSession
donut.storedBuckets.Set(bucket, strBucket)
return md5Sum, nil
// cleanupMultipartSession invoked during an abort or complete multipart session to cleanup session from memory
func (donut API) cleanupMultipartSession(bucket, key, uploadID string) {
storedBucket := donut.storedBuckets.Get(bucket).(storedBucket)
for i := 1; i <= storedBucket.multiPartSession[key].TotalParts; i++ {
delete(storedBucket.multiPartSession, key)
delete(storedBucket.partMetadata, key)
donut.storedBuckets.Set(bucket, storedBucket)
func (donut API) mergeMultipart(parts *CompleteMultipartUpload, uploadID string, fullObjectWriter *io.PipeWriter) {
for _, part := range parts.Part {
recvMD5 := part.ETag
object, ok := donut.multiPartObjects[uploadID].Get(part.PartNumber)
if ok == false {
calcMD5Bytes := md5.Sum(object)
// complete multi part request header md5sum per part is hex encoded
recvMD5Bytes, err := hex.DecodeString(strings.Trim(recvMD5, "\""))
if err != nil {
fullObjectWriter.CloseWithError(probe.WrapError(probe.NewError(InvalidDigest{Md5: recvMD5})))
if !bytes.Equal(recvMD5Bytes, calcMD5Bytes[:]) {
if _, err := io.Copy(fullObjectWriter, bytes.NewReader(object)); err != nil {
object = nil
// CompleteMultipartUpload - complete a multipart upload and persist the data
func (donut API) CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket, key, uploadID string, data io.Reader, signature *signv4.Signature) (ObjectMetadata, *probe.Error) {
defer donut.lock.Unlock()
size := int64(donut.multiPartObjects[uploadID].Stats().Bytes)
fullObjectReader, err := donut.completeMultipartUploadV2(bucket, key, uploadID, data, signature)
if err != nil {
return ObjectMetadata{}, err.Trace()
objectMetadata, err := donut.createObject(bucket, key, "", "", size, fullObjectReader, nil)
if err != nil {
// No need to call internal cleanup functions here, caller should call AbortMultipartUpload()
// which would in-turn cleanup properly in accordance with S3 Spec
return ObjectMetadata{}, err.Trace()
donut.cleanupMultipartSession(bucket, key, uploadID)
return objectMetadata, nil
func (donut API) completeMultipartUploadV2(bucket, key, uploadID string, data io.Reader, signature *signv4.Signature) (io.Reader, *probe.Error) {
if !IsValidBucket(bucket) {
return nil, probe.NewError(BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket})
if !IsValidObjectName(key) {
return nil, probe.NewError(ObjectNameInvalid{Object: key})
// TODO: multipart support for donut is broken, since we haven't finalized the format in which
// it can be stored, disabling this for now until we get the underlying layout stable.
// if len(donut.config.NodeDiskMap) > 0 {
// donut.lock.Unlock()
// return donut.completeMultipartUpload(bucket, key, uploadID, data, signature)
// }
if !donut.storedBuckets.Exists(bucket) {
return nil, probe.NewError(BucketNotFound{Bucket: bucket})
storedBucket := donut.storedBuckets.Get(bucket).(storedBucket)
// Verify upload id
if storedBucket.multiPartSession[key].UploadID != uploadID {
return nil, probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
partBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, probe.NewError(err)
if signature != nil {
ok, err := signature.DoesSignatureMatch(hex.EncodeToString(sha256.Sum256(partBytes)[:]))
if err != nil {
return nil, err.Trace()
if !ok {
return nil, probe.NewError(signv4.DoesNotMatch{})
parts := &CompleteMultipartUpload{}
if err := xml.Unmarshal(partBytes, parts); err != nil {
return nil, probe.NewError(MalformedXML{})
if !sort.IsSorted(completedParts(parts.Part)) {
return nil, probe.NewError(InvalidPartOrder{})
fullObjectReader, fullObjectWriter := io.Pipe()
go donut.mergeMultipart(parts, uploadID, fullObjectWriter)
return fullObjectReader, nil
// byKey is a sortable interface for UploadMetadata slice
type byKey []*UploadMetadata
func (a byKey) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byKey) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byKey) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Key < a[j].Key }
// ListMultipartUploads - list incomplete multipart sessions for a given bucket
func (donut API) ListMultipartUploads(bucket string, resources BucketMultipartResourcesMetadata) (BucketMultipartResourcesMetadata, *probe.Error) {
// TODO handle delimiter, low priority
defer donut.lock.Unlock()
if !IsValidBucket(bucket) {
return BucketMultipartResourcesMetadata{}, probe.NewError(BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket})
// TODO: multipart support for donut is broken, since we haven't finalized the format in which
// it can be stored, disabling this for now until we get the underlying layout stable.
// if len(donut.config.NodeDiskMap) > 0 {
// return donut.listMultipartUploads(bucket, resources)
// }
if !donut.storedBuckets.Exists(bucket) {
return BucketMultipartResourcesMetadata{}, probe.NewError(BucketNotFound{Bucket: bucket})
storedBucket := donut.storedBuckets.Get(bucket).(storedBucket)
var uploads []*UploadMetadata
for key, session := range storedBucket.multiPartSession {
if strings.HasPrefix(key, resources.Prefix) {
if len(uploads) > resources.MaxUploads {
resources.Upload = uploads
resources.NextKeyMarker = key
resources.NextUploadIDMarker = session.UploadID
resources.IsTruncated = true
return resources, nil
// uploadIDMarker is ignored if KeyMarker is empty
switch {
case resources.KeyMarker != "" && resources.UploadIDMarker == "":
if key > resources.KeyMarker {
upload := new(UploadMetadata)
upload.Key = key
upload.UploadID = session.UploadID
upload.Initiated = session.Initiated
uploads = append(uploads, upload)
case resources.KeyMarker != "" && resources.UploadIDMarker != "":
if session.UploadID > resources.UploadIDMarker {
if key >= resources.KeyMarker {
upload := new(UploadMetadata)
upload.Key = key
upload.UploadID = session.UploadID
upload.Initiated = session.Initiated
uploads = append(uploads, upload)
upload := new(UploadMetadata)
upload.Key = key
upload.UploadID = session.UploadID
upload.Initiated = session.Initiated
uploads = append(uploads, upload)
resources.Upload = uploads
return resources, nil
// partNumber is a sortable interface for Part slice
type partNumber []*PartMetadata
func (a partNumber) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a partNumber) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a partNumber) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].PartNumber < a[j].PartNumber }
// ListObjectParts - list parts from incomplete multipart session for a given object
func (donut API) ListObjectParts(bucket, key string, resources ObjectResourcesMetadata) (ObjectResourcesMetadata, *probe.Error) {
// Verify upload id
defer donut.lock.Unlock()
if !IsValidBucket(bucket) {
return ObjectResourcesMetadata{}, probe.NewError(BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket})
if !IsValidObjectName(key) {
return ObjectResourcesMetadata{}, probe.NewError(ObjectNameInvalid{Object: key})
// TODO: multipart support for donut is broken, since we haven't finalized the format in which
// it can be stored, disabling this for now until we get the underlying layout stable.
// if len(donut.config.NodeDiskMap) > 0 {
// return donut.listObjectParts(bucket, key, resources)
// }
if !donut.storedBuckets.Exists(bucket) {
return ObjectResourcesMetadata{}, probe.NewError(BucketNotFound{Bucket: bucket})
storedBucket := donut.storedBuckets.Get(bucket).(storedBucket)
if _, ok := storedBucket.multiPartSession[key]; ok == false {
return ObjectResourcesMetadata{}, probe.NewError(ObjectNotFound{Object: key})
if storedBucket.multiPartSession[key].UploadID != resources.UploadID {
return ObjectResourcesMetadata{}, probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: resources.UploadID})
storedParts := storedBucket.partMetadata[key]
objectResourcesMetadata := resources
objectResourcesMetadata.Bucket = bucket
objectResourcesMetadata.Key = key
var parts []*PartMetadata
var startPartNumber int
switch {
case objectResourcesMetadata.PartNumberMarker == 0:
startPartNumber = 1
startPartNumber = objectResourcesMetadata.PartNumberMarker
for i := startPartNumber; i <= storedBucket.multiPartSession[key].TotalParts; i++ {
if len(parts) > objectResourcesMetadata.MaxParts {
objectResourcesMetadata.IsTruncated = true
objectResourcesMetadata.Part = parts
objectResourcesMetadata.NextPartNumberMarker = i
return objectResourcesMetadata, nil
part, ok := storedParts[i]
if !ok {
return ObjectResourcesMetadata{}, probe.NewError(InvalidPart{})
parts = append(parts, &part)
objectResourcesMetadata.Part = parts
return objectResourcesMetadata, nil
// evictedPart - call back function called by caching module during individual cache evictions
func (donut API) evictedPart(a ...interface{}) {
// loop through all buckets
buckets := donut.storedBuckets.GetAll()
for bucketName, bucket := range buckets {
b := bucket.(storedBucket)
donut.storedBuckets.Set(bucketName, b)