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synced 2025-03-22 13:34:16 -04:00
* Implement basic S3 notifications through queues Supports multiple queues and three basic queue types: 1. NilQueue -- messages don't get sent anywhere 2. LogQueue -- messages get logged 3. AmqpQueue -- messages are sent to an AMQP queue * api: Implement bucket notification. Supports two different queue types - AMQP - ElasticSearch. * Add support for redis
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// Copyright 2012-2015 Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
// See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details.
package elastic
// FuzzyFuzzyCompletionSuggester is a FuzzyCompletionSuggester that allows fuzzy
// completion.
// See http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-suggesters-completion.html
// for details, and
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-suggesters-completion.html#fuzzy
// for details about the fuzzy completion suggester.
type FuzzyCompletionSuggester struct {
name string
text string
field string
analyzer string
size *int
shardSize *int
contextQueries []SuggesterContextQuery
fuzziness interface{}
fuzzyTranspositions *bool
fuzzyMinLength *int
fuzzyPrefixLength *int
unicodeAware *bool
// Fuzziness defines the fuzziness which is used in FuzzyCompletionSuggester.
type Fuzziness struct {
// Creates a new completion suggester.
func NewFuzzyCompletionSuggester(name string) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
return &FuzzyCompletionSuggester{
name: name,
contextQueries: make([]SuggesterContextQuery, 0),
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) Name() string {
return q.name
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) Text(text string) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.text = text
return q
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) Field(field string) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.field = field
return q
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) Analyzer(analyzer string) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.analyzer = analyzer
return q
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) Size(size int) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.size = &size
return q
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) ShardSize(shardSize int) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.shardSize = &shardSize
return q
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) ContextQuery(query SuggesterContextQuery) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.contextQueries = append(q.contextQueries, query)
return q
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) ContextQueries(queries ...SuggesterContextQuery) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.contextQueries = append(q.contextQueries, queries...)
return q
// Fuzziness defines the strategy used to describe what "fuzzy" actually
// means for the suggester, e.g. 1, 2, "0", "1..2", ">4", or "AUTO".
// See http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/common-options.html#fuzziness
// for a detailed description.
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) Fuzziness(fuzziness interface{}) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.fuzziness = fuzziness
return q
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) FuzzyTranspositions(fuzzyTranspositions bool) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.fuzzyTranspositions = &fuzzyTranspositions
return q
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) FuzzyMinLength(minLength int) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.fuzzyMinLength = &minLength
return q
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) FuzzyPrefixLength(prefixLength int) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.fuzzyPrefixLength = &prefixLength
return q
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) UnicodeAware(unicodeAware bool) *FuzzyCompletionSuggester {
q.unicodeAware = &unicodeAware
return q
// Creates the source for the completion suggester.
func (q *FuzzyCompletionSuggester) Source(includeName bool) (interface{}, error) {
cs := &completionSuggesterRequest{}
if q.text != "" {
cs.Text = q.text
suggester := make(map[string]interface{})
cs.Completion = suggester
if q.analyzer != "" {
suggester["analyzer"] = q.analyzer
if q.field != "" {
suggester["field"] = q.field
if q.size != nil {
suggester["size"] = *q.size
if q.shardSize != nil {
suggester["shard_size"] = *q.shardSize
switch len(q.contextQueries) {
case 0:
case 1:
src, err := q.contextQueries[0].Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
suggester["context"] = src
ctxq := make([]interface{}, 0)
for _, query := range q.contextQueries {
src, err := query.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctxq = append(ctxq, src)
suggester["context"] = ctxq
// Fuzzy Completion Suggester fields
fuzzy := make(map[string]interface{})
suggester["fuzzy"] = fuzzy
if q.fuzziness != nil {
fuzzy["fuzziness"] = q.fuzziness
if q.fuzzyTranspositions != nil {
fuzzy["transpositions"] = *q.fuzzyTranspositions
if q.fuzzyMinLength != nil {
fuzzy["min_length"] = *q.fuzzyMinLength
if q.fuzzyPrefixLength != nil {
fuzzy["prefix_length"] = *q.fuzzyPrefixLength
if q.unicodeAware != nil {
fuzzy["unicode_aware"] = *q.unicodeAware
if !includeName {
return cs, nil
source := make(map[string]interface{})
source[q.name] = cs
return source, nil