MinIO Batch Job
MinIO Batch jobs is an MinIO object management feature that lets you manage objects at scale. Jobs currently supported by MinIO
- Replicate objects between buckets on multiple sites
Upcoming Jobs
- Copy objects from NAS to MinIO
- Copy objects from HDFS to MinIO
Replication Job
To perform replication via batch jobs, you create a job. The job consists of a job description YAML that describes
- Source location from where the objects must be copied from
- Target location from where the objects must be copied to
- Fine grained filtering is available to pick relevant objects from source to copy from
MinIO batch jobs framework also provides
- Retrying a failed job automatically driven by user input
- Monitoring job progress in real-time
- Send notifications upon completion or failure to user configured target
Following YAML describes the structure of a replication job, each value is documented and self-describing.
apiVersion: v1
# source of the objects to be replicated
type: TYPE # valid values are "minio"
bucket: BUCKET
prefix: PREFIX
# NOTE: if source is remote then target must be "local"
# endpoint: ENDPOINT
# credentials:
# accessKey: ACCESS-KEY
# secretKey: SECRET-KEY
# sessionToken: SESSION-TOKEN # Available when rotating credentials are used
# target where the objects must be replicated
type: TYPE # valid values are "minio"
bucket: BUCKET
prefix: PREFIX
# NOTE: if target is remote then source must be "local"
# endpoint: ENDPOINT
# credentials:
# accessKey: ACCESS-KEY
# secretKey: SECRET-KEY
# sessionToken: SESSION-TOKEN # Available when rotating credentials are used
# optional flags based filtering criteria
# for all source objects
newerThan: "7d" # match objects newer than this value (e.g. 7d10h31s)
olderThan: "7d" # match objects older than this value (e.g. 7d10h31s)
createdAfter: "date" # match objects created after "date"
createdBefore: "date" # match objects created before "date"
## NOTE: tags are not supported when "source" is remote.
# tags:
# - key: "name"
# value: "pick*" # match objects with tag 'name', with all values starting with 'pick'
## NOTE: metadata filter not supported when "source" is non MinIO.
# metadata:
# - key: "content-type"
# value: "image/*" # match objects with 'content-type', with all values starting with 'image/'
endpoint: "https://notify.endpoint" # notification endpoint to receive job status events
token: "Bearer xxxxx" # optional authentication token for the notification endpoint
attempts: 10 # number of retries for the job before giving up
delay: "500ms" # least amount of delay between each retry
You can create and run multiple 'replication' jobs at a time there are no predefined limits set.
Batch Jobs Terminology
A job is the basic unit of work for MinIO Batch Job. A job is a self describing YAML, once this YAML is submitted and evaluated - MinIO performs the requested actions on each of the objects obtained under the described criteria in job YAML file.
Type describes the job type, such as replicating objects between MinIO sites. Each job performs a single type of operation across all objects that match the job description criteria.
Batch Jobs via Commandline
mc provides 'mc batch' command to create, start and manage submitted jobs.
mc batch - manage batch jobs
generate generate a new batch job definition
start start a new batch job
list, ls list all current batch jobs
status summarize job events on MinIO server in real-time
describe describe job definition for a job
Generate a job yaml
mc batch generate alias/ replicate
Start the batch job (returns back the JID)
mc batch start alias/ ./replicate.yaml
Successfully start 'replicate' job `E24HH4nNMcgY5taynaPfxu` on '2022-09-26 17:19:06.296974771 -0700 PDT'
List all batch jobs
mc batch list alias/
E24HH4nNMcgY5taynaPfxu replicate minioadmin 1 minute ago
List all 'replicate' batch jobs
mc batch list alias/ --type replicate
E24HH4nNMcgY5taynaPfxu replicate minioadmin 1 minute ago
Real-time 'status' for a batch job
mc batch status myminio/ E24HH4nNMcgY5taynaPfxu
Objects: 28766
Versions: 28766
Throughput: 3.0 MiB/s
Transferred: 406 MiB
Elapsed: 2m14.227222868s
CurrObjName: share/doc/xml-core/examples/foo.xmlcatalogs
'describe' the batch job yaml.
mc batch describe myminio/ E24HH4nNMcgY5taynaPfxu
apiVersion: v1