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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
const configDir = ".minio"
const uploadIDSuffix = ".uploadid"
func removeFileTree(fileName string, level string) error {
if e := os.Remove(fileName); e != nil {
return e
for fileDir := filepath.Dir(fileName); fileDir > level; fileDir = filepath.Dir(fileDir) {
if status, e := isDirEmpty(fileDir); e != nil {
return e
} else if !status {
if e := os.Remove(fileDir); e != nil {
return e
return nil
// Takes an input stream and safely writes to disk, additionally
// verifies checksum.
func safeWriteFile(fileName string, data io.Reader, size int64, md5sum string) error {
safeFile, e := safe.CreateFileWithSuffix(fileName, "-")
if e != nil {
return e
md5Hasher := md5.New()
multiWriter := io.MultiWriter(md5Hasher, safeFile)
if size > 0 {
if _, e = io.CopyN(multiWriter, data, size); e != nil {
// Closes the file safely and removes it in a single atomic operation.
return e
} else {
if _, e = io.Copy(multiWriter, data); e != nil {
// Closes the file safely and removes it in a single atomic operation.
return e
dataMd5sum := hex.EncodeToString(md5Hasher.Sum(nil))
if md5sum != "" && !isMD5SumEqual(md5sum, dataMd5sum) {
// Closes the file safely and removes it in a single atomic operation.
return BadDigest{ExpectedMD5: md5sum, CalculatedMD5: dataMd5sum}
// Safely close the file and atomically renames it the actual filePath.
// Safely wrote the file.
return nil
func isFileExist(filename string) (bool, error) {
fi, e := os.Lstat(filename)
if e != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(e) {
return false, nil
return false, e
return fi.Mode().IsRegular(), nil
// Create an s3 compatible MD5sum for complete multipart transaction.
func makeS3MD5(md5Strs ...string) (string, *probe.Error) {
var finalMD5Bytes []byte
for _, md5Str := range md5Strs {
md5Bytes, e := hex.DecodeString(md5Str)
if e != nil {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
finalMD5Bytes = append(finalMD5Bytes, md5Bytes...)
md5Hasher := md5.New()
s3MD5 := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", hex.EncodeToString(md5Hasher.Sum(nil)), len(md5Strs))
return s3MD5, nil
func (fs Filesystem) newUploadID(bucket, object string) (string, error) {
metaObjectDir := filepath.Join(fs.path, configDir, bucket, object)
// create metaObjectDir if not exist
if status, e := isDirExist(metaObjectDir); e != nil {
return "", e
} else if !status {
if e := os.MkdirAll(metaObjectDir, 0755); e != nil {
return "", e
for {
uuid, e := uuid.New()
if e != nil {
return "", e
uploadID := uuid.String()
uploadIDFile := filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, uploadID+uploadIDSuffix)
if _, e := os.Lstat(uploadIDFile); e != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(e) {
return "", e
// uploadIDFile doesn't exist, so create empty file to reserve the name
if e := ioutil.WriteFile(uploadIDFile, []byte{}, 0644); e != nil {
return "", e
return uploadID, nil
// uploadIDFile already exists.
// loop again to try with different uuid generated.
func (fs Filesystem) isUploadIDExist(bucket, object, uploadID string) (bool, error) {
return isFileExist(filepath.Join(fs.path, configDir, bucket, object, uploadID+uploadIDSuffix))
func (fs Filesystem) cleanupUploadID(bucket, object, uploadID string) error {
metaObjectDir := filepath.Join(fs.path, configDir, bucket, object)
uploadIDPrefix := uploadID + "."
names, e := filteredReaddirnames(metaObjectDir,
func(name string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(name, uploadIDPrefix)
if e != nil {
return e
for _, name := range names {
if e := os.Remove(filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, name)); e != nil {
//return InternalError{Err: err}
return e
if status, e := isDirEmpty(metaObjectDir); e != nil {
// TODO: add log than returning error
//return InternalError{Err: err}
return e
} else if status {
if e := removeFileTree(metaObjectDir, filepath.Join(fs.path, configDir, bucket)); e != nil {
// TODO: add log than returning error
//return InternalError{Err: err}
return e
return nil
func (fs Filesystem) checkBucketArg(bucket string) (string, error) {
if !IsValidBucketName(bucket) {
return "", BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket}
bucket = getActualBucketname(fs.path, bucket)
if status, e := isDirExist(filepath.Join(fs.path, bucket)); e != nil {
//return "", InternalError{Err: err}
return "", e
} else if !status {
return "", BucketNotFound{Bucket: bucket}
return bucket, nil
func (fs Filesystem) checkDiskFree() error {
di, e := disk.GetInfo(fs.path)
if e != nil {
return e
// Remove 5% from total space for cumulative disk space used for journalling, inodes etc.
availableDiskSpace := (float64(di.Free) / (float64(di.Total) - (0.05 * float64(di.Total)))) * 100
if int64(availableDiskSpace) <= fs.minFreeDisk {
return RootPathFull{Path: fs.path}
return nil
func (fs Filesystem) checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object string) (string, error) {
bucket, e := fs.checkBucketArg(bucket)
if e != nil {
return "", e
if !IsValidObjectName(object) {
return "", ObjectNameInvalid{Object: object}
return bucket, nil
// NewMultipartUpload - initiate a new multipart session
func (fs Filesystem) NewMultipartUpload(bucket, object string) (string, *probe.Error) {
if bucketDirName, e := fs.checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object); e == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
if e := fs.checkDiskFree(); e != nil {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
uploadID, e := fs.newUploadID(bucket, object)
if e != nil {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
return uploadID, nil
// PutObjectPart - create a part in a multipart session
func (fs Filesystem) PutObjectPart(bucket, object, uploadID string, partNumber int, size int64, data io.Reader, md5Hex string) (string, *probe.Error) {
if bucketDirName, e := fs.checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object); e == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
if status, e := fs.isUploadIDExist(bucket, object, uploadID); e != nil {
//return "", probe.NewError(InternalError{Err: err})
return "", probe.NewError(e)
} else if !status {
return "", probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
// Part id cannot be negative.
if partNumber <= 0 {
return "", probe.NewError(errors.New("invalid part id, cannot be zero or less than zero"))
if partNumber > 10000 {
return "", probe.NewError(errors.New("invalid part id, should be not more than 10000"))
if e := fs.checkDiskFree(); e != nil {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
partSuffix := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.%s", uploadID, partNumber, md5Hex)
partFilePath := filepath.Join(fs.path, configDir, bucket, object, partSuffix)
if e := safeWriteFile(partFilePath, data, size, md5Hex); e != nil {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
return md5Hex, nil
// AbortMultipartUpload - abort an incomplete multipart session
func (fs Filesystem) AbortMultipartUpload(bucket, object, uploadID string) *probe.Error {
if bucketDirName, e := fs.checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object); e == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return probe.NewError(e)
if status, e := fs.isUploadIDExist(bucket, object, uploadID); e != nil {
//return probe.NewError(InternalError{Err: err})
return probe.NewError(e)
} else if !status {
return probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
if e := fs.cleanupUploadID(bucket, object, uploadID); e != nil {
return probe.NewError(e)
return nil
// CompleteMultipartUpload - complete a multipart upload and persist the data
func (fs Filesystem) CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket, object, uploadID string, parts []completePart) (ObjectInfo, *probe.Error) {
if bucketDirName, e := fs.checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object); e == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
if status, e := fs.isUploadIDExist(bucket, object, uploadID); e != nil {
//return probe.NewError(InternalError{Err: err})
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
} else if !status {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
if e := fs.checkDiskFree(); e != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
metaObjectDir := filepath.Join(fs.path, configDir, bucket, object)
var md5Sums []string
for _, part := range parts {
partNumber := part.PartNumber
md5sum := strings.Trim(part.ETag, "\"")
partFile := filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, uploadID+"."+strconv.Itoa(partNumber)+"."+md5sum)
if status, err := isFileExist(partFile); err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(err)
} else if !status {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(InvalidPart{})
md5Sums = append(md5Sums, md5sum)
// Save the s3 md5.
s3MD5, err := makeS3MD5(md5Sums...)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err.Trace(md5Sums...)
completeObjectFile := filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, uploadID+".complete.")
safeFile, e := safe.CreateFileWithSuffix(completeObjectFile, "-")
if e != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
for _, part := range parts {
partNumber := part.PartNumber
// Trim off the odd double quotes from ETag in the beginning and end.
md5sum := strings.TrimPrefix(part.ETag, "\"")
md5sum = strings.TrimSuffix(md5sum, "\"")
partFileStr := filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.%s", uploadID, partNumber, md5sum))
var partFile *os.File
partFile, e = os.Open(partFileStr)
if e != nil {
// Remove the complete file safely.
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
} else if _, e = io.Copy(safeFile, partFile); e != nil {
// Remove the complete file safely.
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
partFile.Close() // Close part file after successful copy.
// All parts concatenated, safely close the temp file.
// Stat to gather fresh stat info.
objSt, e := os.Stat(completeObjectFile)
if e != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
bucketPath := filepath.Join(fs.path, bucket)
objectPath := filepath.Join(bucketPath, object)
if e = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(objectPath), 0755); e != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
if e = os.Rename(completeObjectFile, objectPath); e != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
fs.cleanupUploadID(bucket, object, uploadID) // TODO: handle and log the error
contentType := "application/octet-stream"
if objectExt := filepath.Ext(objectPath); objectExt != "" {
if content, ok := mimedb.DB[strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(objectExt, "."))]; ok {
contentType = content.ContentType
newObject := ObjectInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Name: object,
ModifiedTime: objSt.ModTime(),
Size: objSt.Size(),
ContentType: contentType,
MD5Sum: s3MD5,
return newObject, nil
func (fs *Filesystem) saveListMultipartObjectCh(params listMultipartObjectParams, ch multipartObjectInfoChannel) {
defer fs.listMultipartObjectMapMutex.Unlock()
channels := []multipartObjectInfoChannel{ch}
if _, ok := fs.listMultipartObjectMap[params]; ok {
channels = append(fs.listMultipartObjectMap[params], ch)
fs.listMultipartObjectMap[params] = channels
func (fs *Filesystem) lookupListMultipartObjectCh(params listMultipartObjectParams) *multipartObjectInfoChannel {
defer fs.listMultipartObjectMapMutex.Unlock()
if channels, ok := fs.listMultipartObjectMap[params]; ok {
for i, channel := range channels {
if !channel.IsTimedOut() {
chs := channels[i+1:]
if len(chs) > 0 {
fs.listMultipartObjectMap[params] = chs
} else {
delete(fs.listMultipartObjectMap, params)
return &channel
// As all channels are timed out, delete the map entry
delete(fs.listMultipartObjectMap, params)
return nil
// ListMultipartUploads - list incomplete multipart sessions for a given BucketMultipartResourcesMetadata
func (fs Filesystem) ListMultipartUploads(bucket, objectPrefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (ListMultipartsInfo, *probe.Error) {
result := ListMultipartsInfo{}
if bucketDirName, err := fs.checkBucketArg(bucket); err == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return result, probe.NewError(err)
if !IsValidObjectPrefix(objectPrefix) {
return result, probe.NewError(ObjectNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket, Object: objectPrefix})
prefixPath := filepath.FromSlash(objectPrefix)
// Verify if delimiter is anything other than '/', which we do not support.
if delimiter != "" && delimiter != "/" {
return result, probe.NewError(fmt.Errorf("delimiter '%s' is not supported", delimiter))
if keyMarker != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(keyMarker, objectPrefix) {
return result, probe.NewError(fmt.Errorf("Invalid combination of marker '%s' and prefix '%s'", keyMarker, objectPrefix))
markerPath := filepath.FromSlash(keyMarker)
if uploadIDMarker != "" {
if strings.HasSuffix(markerPath, string(os.PathSeparator)) {
return result, probe.NewError(fmt.Errorf("Invalid combination of uploadID marker '%s' and marker '%s'", uploadIDMarker, keyMarker))
id, e := uuid.Parse(uploadIDMarker)
if e != nil {
return result, probe.NewError(e)
if id.IsZero() {
return result, probe.NewError(fmt.Errorf("Invalid upload ID marker %s", uploadIDMarker))
// Return empty response if maxUploads is zero
if maxUploads == 0 {
return result, nil
// set listObjectsLimit to maxUploads for out-of-range limit
if maxUploads < 0 || maxUploads > listObjectsLimit {
maxUploads = listObjectsLimit
recursive := true
skipDir := true
if delimiter == "/" {
skipDir = false
recursive = false
bucketDir := filepath.Join(fs.path, configDir, bucket)
// Lookup of if listMultipartObjectChannel is available for given
// parameters, else create a new one.
multipartObjectInfoCh := fs.lookupListMultipartObjectCh(listMultipartObjectParams{
bucket: bucket,
delimiter: delimiter,
keyMarker: markerPath,
prefix: prefixPath,
uploadIDMarker: uploadIDMarker,
if multipartObjectInfoCh == nil {
ch := scanMultipartDir(bucketDir, objectPrefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, recursive)
multipartObjectInfoCh = &ch
nextKeyMarker := ""
nextUploadIDMarker := ""
for i := 0; i < maxUploads; {
multipartObjInfo, ok := multipartObjectInfoCh.Read()
if !ok {
// Closed channel.
return result, nil
if multipartObjInfo.Err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(multipartObjInfo.Err) {
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, nil
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(multipartObjInfo.Err)
if strings.Contains(multipartObjInfo.Name, "$multiparts") ||
strings.Contains(multipartObjInfo.Name, "$tmpobject") {
if multipartObjInfo.IsDir && skipDir {
if multipartObjInfo.IsDir {
result.CommonPrefixes = append(result.CommonPrefixes, multipartObjInfo.Name)
} else {
result.Uploads = append(result.Uploads, uploadMetadata{
Object: multipartObjInfo.Name,
UploadID: multipartObjInfo.UploadID,
Initiated: multipartObjInfo.ModifiedTime,
nextKeyMarker = multipartObjInfo.Name
nextUploadIDMarker = multipartObjInfo.UploadID
if !multipartObjectInfoCh.IsClosed() {
result.IsTruncated = true
result.NextKeyMarker = nextKeyMarker
result.NextUploadIDMarker = nextUploadIDMarker
fs.saveListMultipartObjectCh(listMultipartObjectParams{bucket, delimiter, nextKeyMarker, objectPrefix, nextUploadIDMarker}, *multipartObjectInfoCh)
return result, nil
// ListObjectParts - list parts from incomplete multipart session for a given ObjectResourcesMetadata
func (fs Filesystem) ListObjectParts(bucket, object, uploadID string, partNumberMarker, maxParts int) (ListPartsInfo, *probe.Error) {
if bucketDirName, err := fs.checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object); err == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return ListPartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(err)
if status, err := fs.isUploadIDExist(bucket, object, uploadID); err != nil {
//return probe.NewError(InternalError{Err: err})
return ListPartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(err)
} else if !status {
return ListPartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
metaObjectDir := filepath.Join(fs.path, configDir, bucket, object)
entries, err := filteredReaddir(metaObjectDir,
func(entry DirEntry) bool {
if tokens := strings.Split(entry.Name, "."); len(tokens) == 3 {
if tokens[0] == uploadID {
if partNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(tokens[1]); err == nil {
if partNumber >= 1 && partNumber <= 10000 && partNumber > partNumberMarker {
return true
return false
if err != nil {
return ListPartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(err)
isTruncated := false
if maxParts <= 0 || maxParts > 1000 {
maxParts = 1000
nextPartNumberMarker := 0
parts := []partInfo{}
for i := range entries {
if i == maxParts {
isTruncated = true
tokens := strings.Split(entries[i].Name, ".")
partNumber, _ := strconv.Atoi(tokens[1])
md5sum := tokens[2]
parts = append(parts, partInfo{
PartNumber: partNumber,
LastModified: entries[i].ModTime,
ETag: md5sum,
Size: entries[i].Size,
if isTruncated {
nextPartNumberMarker = 0
return ListPartsInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
PartNumberMarker: partNumberMarker,
NextPartNumberMarker: nextPartNumberMarker,
MaxParts: maxParts,
IsTruncated: isTruncated,
Parts: parts,
}, nil