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synced 2025-03-21 21:14:14 -04:00
Previously scanMultipartDir() returns object info channel and timer channel where timer channel is used to check whether object info channel is alive or not. This causes a race condition that timeout may occur while object info channel in use. This patch fixes the issue by removing timer channel and uses object info channel directly where each object info has End bool field indicates whether received object info is end or not.
686 lines
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686 lines
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015,2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
const (
minioMetaDir = ".minio"
multipartUploadIDSuffix = ".uploadid"
// Removes files and its parent directories up to a given level.
func removeFileTree(fileName string, level string) error {
if e := os.Remove(fileName); e != nil {
return e
for fileDir := filepath.Dir(fileName); fileDir > level; fileDir = filepath.Dir(fileDir) {
if status, e := isDirEmpty(fileDir); e != nil {
return e
} else if !status {
if e := os.Remove(fileDir); e != nil {
return e
return nil
// Takes an input stream and safely writes to disk, additionally
// verifies checksum.
func safeWriteFile(fileName string, data io.Reader, size int64, md5sum string) error {
safeFile, e := safe.CreateFileWithSuffix(fileName, "-")
if e != nil {
return e
md5Hasher := md5.New()
multiWriter := io.MultiWriter(md5Hasher, safeFile)
if size > 0 {
if _, e = io.CopyN(multiWriter, data, size); e != nil {
// Closes the file safely and removes it in a single atomic operation.
return e
} else {
if _, e = io.Copy(multiWriter, data); e != nil {
// Closes the file safely and removes it in a single atomic operation.
return e
dataMd5sum := hex.EncodeToString(md5Hasher.Sum(nil))
if md5sum != "" && !isMD5SumEqual(md5sum, dataMd5sum) {
// Closes the file safely and removes it in a single atomic operation.
return BadDigest{ExpectedMD5: md5sum, CalculatedMD5: dataMd5sum}
// Safely close the file and atomically renames it the actual filePath.
// Safely wrote the file.
return nil
func isFileExist(filename string) (bool, error) {
fi, e := os.Lstat(filename)
if e != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(e) {
return false, nil
return false, e
return fi.Mode().IsRegular(), nil
// Create an s3 compatible MD5sum for complete multipart transaction.
func makeS3MD5(md5Strs ...string) (string, *probe.Error) {
var finalMD5Bytes []byte
for _, md5Str := range md5Strs {
md5Bytes, e := hex.DecodeString(md5Str)
if e != nil {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
finalMD5Bytes = append(finalMD5Bytes, md5Bytes...)
md5Hasher := md5.New()
s3MD5 := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", hex.EncodeToString(md5Hasher.Sum(nil)), len(md5Strs))
return s3MD5, nil
func (fs Filesystem) newUploadID(bucket, object string) (string, error) {
metaObjectDir := filepath.Join(fs.diskPath, minioMetaDir, bucket, object)
// create metaObjectDir if not exist
if status, e := isDirExist(metaObjectDir); e != nil {
return "", e
} else if !status {
if e := os.MkdirAll(metaObjectDir, 0755); e != nil {
return "", e
for {
uuid, e := uuid.New()
if e != nil {
return "", e
uploadID := uuid.String()
uploadIDFile := filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, uploadID+multipartUploadIDSuffix)
if _, e := os.Lstat(uploadIDFile); e != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(e) {
return "", e
// uploadIDFile doesn't exist, so create empty file to reserve the name
if e := ioutil.WriteFile(uploadIDFile, []byte{}, 0644); e != nil {
return "", e
return uploadID, nil
// uploadIDFile already exists.
// loop again to try with different uuid generated.
func (fs Filesystem) isUploadIDExist(bucket, object, uploadID string) (bool, error) {
return isFileExist(filepath.Join(fs.diskPath, minioMetaDir, bucket, object, uploadID+multipartUploadIDSuffix))
func (fs Filesystem) cleanupUploadID(bucket, object, uploadID string) error {
metaObjectDir := filepath.Join(fs.diskPath, minioMetaDir, bucket, object)
uploadIDPrefix := uploadID + "."
dirents, e := scandir(metaObjectDir,
func(dirent fsDirent) bool {
return dirent.IsRegular() && strings.HasPrefix(dirent.name, uploadIDPrefix)
if e != nil {
return e
for _, dirent := range dirents {
if e := os.Remove(filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, dirent.name)); e != nil {
return e
if status, e := isDirEmpty(metaObjectDir); e != nil {
return e
} else if status {
if e := removeFileTree(metaObjectDir, filepath.Join(fs.diskPath, minioMetaDir, bucket)); e != nil {
return e
return nil
func (fs Filesystem) checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object string) (string, error) {
bucket, e := fs.checkBucketArg(bucket)
if e != nil {
return "", e
if !IsValidObjectName(object) {
return "", ObjectNameInvalid{Object: object}
return bucket, nil
// NewMultipartUpload - initiate a new multipart session
func (fs Filesystem) NewMultipartUpload(bucket, object string) (string, *probe.Error) {
if bucketDirName, e := fs.checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object); e == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
if e := checkDiskFree(fs.diskPath, fs.minFreeDisk); e != nil {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
uploadID, e := fs.newUploadID(bucket, object)
if e != nil {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
return uploadID, nil
// PutObjectPart - create a part in a multipart session
func (fs Filesystem) PutObjectPart(bucket, object, uploadID string, partNumber int, size int64, data io.Reader, md5Hex string) (string, *probe.Error) {
if bucketDirName, e := fs.checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object); e == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
if status, e := fs.isUploadIDExist(bucket, object, uploadID); e != nil {
//return "", probe.NewError(InternalError{Err: err})
return "", probe.NewError(e)
} else if !status {
return "", probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
// Part id cannot be negative.
if partNumber <= 0 {
return "", probe.NewError(errors.New("invalid part id, cannot be zero or less than zero"))
if partNumber > 10000 {
return "", probe.NewError(errors.New("invalid part id, should be not more than 10000"))
if e := checkDiskFree(fs.diskPath, fs.minFreeDisk); e != nil {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
partSuffix := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.%s", uploadID, partNumber, md5Hex)
partFilePath := filepath.Join(fs.diskPath, minioMetaDir, bucket, object, partSuffix)
if e := safeWriteFile(partFilePath, data, size, md5Hex); e != nil {
return "", probe.NewError(e)
return md5Hex, nil
// AbortMultipartUpload - abort an incomplete multipart session
func (fs Filesystem) AbortMultipartUpload(bucket, object, uploadID string) *probe.Error {
if bucketDirName, e := fs.checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object); e == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return probe.NewError(e)
if status, e := fs.isUploadIDExist(bucket, object, uploadID); e != nil {
//return probe.NewError(InternalError{Err: err})
return probe.NewError(e)
} else if !status {
return probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
if e := fs.cleanupUploadID(bucket, object, uploadID); e != nil {
return probe.NewError(e)
return nil
// CompleteMultipartUpload - complete a multipart upload and persist the data
func (fs Filesystem) CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket, object, uploadID string, parts []completePart) (ObjectInfo, *probe.Error) {
if bucketDirName, e := fs.checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object); e == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
if status, e := fs.isUploadIDExist(bucket, object, uploadID); e != nil {
//return probe.NewError(InternalError{Err: err})
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
} else if !status {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
if e := checkDiskFree(fs.diskPath, fs.minFreeDisk); e != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
metaObjectDir := filepath.Join(fs.diskPath, minioMetaDir, bucket, object)
var md5Sums []string
for _, part := range parts {
partNumber := part.PartNumber
md5sum := strings.Trim(part.ETag, "\"")
partFile := filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, uploadID+"."+strconv.Itoa(partNumber)+"."+md5sum)
if status, err := isFileExist(partFile); err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(err)
} else if !status {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(InvalidPart{})
md5Sums = append(md5Sums, md5sum)
// Save the s3 md5.
s3MD5, err := makeS3MD5(md5Sums...)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err.Trace(md5Sums...)
completeObjectFile := filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, uploadID+".complete.")
safeFile, e := safe.CreateFileWithSuffix(completeObjectFile, "-")
if e != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
for _, part := range parts {
partNumber := part.PartNumber
// Trim off the odd double quotes from ETag in the beginning and end.
md5sum := strings.TrimPrefix(part.ETag, "\"")
md5sum = strings.TrimSuffix(md5sum, "\"")
partFileStr := filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.%s", uploadID, partNumber, md5sum))
var partFile *os.File
partFile, e = os.Open(partFileStr)
if e != nil {
// Remove the complete file safely.
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
} else if _, e = io.Copy(safeFile, partFile); e != nil {
// Remove the complete file safely.
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
partFile.Close() // Close part file after successful copy.
// All parts concatenated, safely close the temp file.
// Stat to gather fresh stat info.
objSt, e := os.Stat(completeObjectFile)
if e != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
bucketPath := filepath.Join(fs.diskPath, bucket)
objectPath := filepath.Join(bucketPath, object)
if e = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(objectPath), 0755); e != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
if e = os.Rename(completeObjectFile, objectPath); e != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
fs.cleanupUploadID(bucket, object, uploadID) // TODO: handle and log the error
contentType := "application/octet-stream"
if objectExt := filepath.Ext(objectPath); objectExt != "" {
if content, ok := mimedb.DB[strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(objectExt, "."))]; ok {
contentType = content.ContentType
newObject := ObjectInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Name: object,
ModifiedTime: objSt.ModTime(),
Size: objSt.Size(),
ContentType: contentType,
MD5Sum: s3MD5,
return newObject, nil
func (fs *Filesystem) saveListMultipartObjectCh(params listMultipartObjectParams, ch <-chan multipartObjectInfo) {
defer fs.listMultipartObjectMapMutex.Unlock()
channels := []<-chan multipartObjectInfo{ch}
if _, ok := fs.listMultipartObjectMap[params]; ok {
channels = append(fs.listMultipartObjectMap[params], ch)
fs.listMultipartObjectMap[params] = channels
func (fs *Filesystem) lookupListMultipartObjectCh(params listMultipartObjectParams) <-chan multipartObjectInfo {
defer fs.listMultipartObjectMapMutex.Unlock()
if channels, ok := fs.listMultipartObjectMap[params]; ok {
var channel <-chan multipartObjectInfo
channel, channels = channels[0], channels[1:]
if len(channels) > 0 {
fs.listMultipartObjectMap[params] = channels
} else {
// do not store empty channel list
delete(fs.listMultipartObjectMap, params)
return channel
return nil
// ListMultipartUploads - list incomplete multipart sessions for a given BucketMultipartResourcesMetadata
func (fs Filesystem) ListMultipartUploads(bucket, objectPrefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (ListMultipartsInfo, *probe.Error) {
result := ListMultipartsInfo{}
bucket, e := fs.checkBucketArg(bucket)
if e != nil {
return result, probe.NewError(e)
if !IsValidObjectPrefix(objectPrefix) {
return result, probe.NewError(ObjectNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket, Object: objectPrefix})
prefixPath := filepath.FromSlash(objectPrefix)
// Verify if delimiter is anything other than '/', which we do not support.
if delimiter != "" && delimiter != "/" {
return result, probe.NewError(fmt.Errorf("delimiter '%s' is not supported", delimiter))
if keyMarker != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(keyMarker, objectPrefix) {
return result, probe.NewError(fmt.Errorf("Invalid combination of marker '%s' and prefix '%s'", keyMarker, objectPrefix))
markerPath := filepath.FromSlash(keyMarker)
if uploadIDMarker != "" {
if strings.HasSuffix(markerPath, string(os.PathSeparator)) {
return result, probe.NewError(fmt.Errorf("Invalid combination of uploadID marker '%s' and marker '%s'", uploadIDMarker, keyMarker))
id, e := uuid.Parse(uploadIDMarker)
if e != nil {
return result, probe.NewError(e)
if id.IsZero() {
return result, probe.NewError(fmt.Errorf("Invalid upload ID marker %s", uploadIDMarker))
// Return empty response if maxUploads is zero
if maxUploads == 0 {
return result, nil
// set listObjectsLimit to maxUploads for out-of-range limit
if maxUploads < 0 || maxUploads > listObjectsLimit {
maxUploads = listObjectsLimit
recursive := true
if delimiter == "/" {
recursive = false
metaBucketDir := filepath.Join(fs.diskPath, minioMetaDir, bucket)
// Lookup of if listMultipartObjectChannel is available for given
// parameters, else create a new one.
savedChannel := true
multipartObjectInfoCh := fs.lookupListMultipartObjectCh(listMultipartObjectParams{
bucket: bucket,
delimiter: delimiter,
keyMarker: markerPath,
prefix: prefixPath,
uploadIDMarker: uploadIDMarker,
if multipartObjectInfoCh == nil {
multipartObjectInfoCh = scanMultipartDir(metaBucketDir, objectPrefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, recursive)
savedChannel = false
var objInfo *multipartObjectInfo
nextKeyMarker := ""
nextUploadIDMarker := ""
for i := 0; i < maxUploads; {
// read the channel
if oi, ok := <-multipartObjectInfoCh; ok {
objInfo = &oi
} else {
// closed channel
if i == 0 {
// first read
if !savedChannel {
// its valid to have a closed new channel for first read
multipartObjectInfoCh = nil
// invalid saved channel amd create new channel
multipartObjectInfoCh = scanMultipartDir(metaBucketDir, objectPrefix, keyMarker,
uploadIDMarker, recursive)
} else {
// TODO: FIX: there is a chance of infinite loop if we get closed channel always
// the channel got closed due to timeout
// create a new channel
multipartObjectInfoCh = scanMultipartDir(metaBucketDir, objectPrefix, nextKeyMarker,
nextUploadIDMarker, recursive)
// make it as new channel
savedChannel = false
if objInfo.Err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(objInfo.Err) {
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, nil
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(objInfo.Err)
// backward compatibility check
if strings.Contains(objInfo.Name, "$multiparts") || strings.Contains(objInfo.Name, "$tmpobject") {
// Directories are listed only if recursive is false
if objInfo.IsDir {
result.CommonPrefixes = append(result.CommonPrefixes, objInfo.Name)
} else {
result.Uploads = append(result.Uploads, uploadMetadata{
Object: objInfo.Name,
UploadID: objInfo.UploadID,
Initiated: objInfo.ModifiedTime,
nextKeyMarker = objInfo.Name
nextUploadIDMarker = objInfo.UploadID
if objInfo.End {
// as we received last object, do not save this channel for later use
multipartObjectInfoCh = nil
if multipartObjectInfoCh != nil {
// we haven't received last object
result.IsTruncated = true
result.NextKeyMarker = nextKeyMarker
result.NextUploadIDMarker = nextUploadIDMarker
// save this channel for later use
bucket: bucket,
delimiter: delimiter,
keyMarker: nextKeyMarker,
prefix: objectPrefix,
uploadIDMarker: nextUploadIDMarker,
}, multipartObjectInfoCh)
return result, nil
// ListObjectParts - list parts from incomplete multipart session for a given ObjectResourcesMetadata
func (fs Filesystem) ListObjectParts(bucket, object, uploadID string, partNumberMarker, maxParts int) (ListPartsInfo, *probe.Error) {
if bucketDirName, err := fs.checkMultipartArgs(bucket, object); err == nil {
bucket = bucketDirName
} else {
return ListPartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(err)
if status, err := fs.isUploadIDExist(bucket, object, uploadID); err != nil {
//return probe.NewError(InternalError{Err: err})
return ListPartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(err)
} else if !status {
return ListPartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID})
// return empty ListPartsInfo
if maxParts == 0 {
return ListPartsInfo{}, nil
if maxParts < 0 || maxParts > 1000 {
maxParts = 1000
metaObjectDir := filepath.Join(fs.diskPath, minioMetaDir, bucket, object)
uploadIDPrefix := uploadID + "."
dirents, e := scandir(metaObjectDir,
func(dirent fsDirent) bool {
// Part file is a regular file and has to be started with 'UPLOADID.'
if !(dirent.IsRegular() && strings.HasPrefix(dirent.name, uploadIDPrefix)) {
return false
// Valid part file has to be 'UPLOADID.PARTNUMBER.MD5SUM'
tokens := strings.Split(dirent.name, ".")
if len(tokens) != 3 {
return false
if partNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(tokens[1]); err == nil {
if partNumber >= 1 && partNumber <= 10000 && partNumber > partNumberMarker {
return true
return false
if e != nil {
return ListPartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
isTruncated := false
nextPartNumberMarker := 0
parts := []partInfo{}
for i := range dirents {
if i == maxParts {
isTruncated = true
// In some OS modTime is empty and use os.Stat() to fill missing values
if dirents[i].modTime.IsZero() {
if fi, e := os.Stat(filepath.Join(metaObjectDir, dirents[i].name)); e == nil {
dirents[i].modTime = fi.ModTime()
dirents[i].size = fi.Size()
} else {
return ListPartsInfo{}, probe.NewError(e)
tokens := strings.Split(dirents[i].name, ".")
partNumber, _ := strconv.Atoi(tokens[1])
md5sum := tokens[2]
parts = append(parts, partInfo{
PartNumber: partNumber,
LastModified: dirents[i].modTime,
ETag: md5sum,
Size: dirents[i].size,
if isTruncated {
nextPartNumberMarker = 0
return ListPartsInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
PartNumberMarker: partNumberMarker,
NextPartNumberMarker: nextPartNumberMarker,
MaxParts: maxParts,
IsTruncated: isTruncated,
Parts: parts,
}, nil