mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 14:04:15 -04:00
The error implies an expected claim is missing even when the claim is present. Added an additional error message to clarify the problem.
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586 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cmd
import (
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/internal/http"
iampolicy "github.com/minio/pkg/iam/policy"
const (
// STS API version.
stsAPIVersion = "2011-06-15"
stsVersion = "Version"
stsAction = "Action"
stsPolicy = "Policy"
stsToken = "Token"
stsWebIdentityToken = "WebIdentityToken"
stsDurationSeconds = "DurationSeconds"
stsLDAPUsername = "LDAPUsername"
stsLDAPPassword = "LDAPPassword"
// STS API action constants
clientGrants = "AssumeRoleWithClientGrants"
webIdentity = "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity"
ldapIdentity = "AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentity"
assumeRole = "AssumeRole"
stsRequestBodyLimit = 10 * (1 << 20) // 10 MiB
// JWT claim keys
expClaim = "exp"
subClaim = "sub"
issClaim = "iss"
// JWT claim to check the parent user
parentClaim = "parent"
// LDAP claim keys
ldapUser = "ldapUser"
ldapUsername = "ldapUsername"
// stsAPIHandlers implements and provides http handlers for AWS STS API.
type stsAPIHandlers struct{}
// registerSTSRouter - registers AWS STS compatible APIs.
func registerSTSRouter(router *mux.Router) {
// Initialize STS.
sts := &stsAPIHandlers{}
// STS Router
stsRouter := router.NewRoute().PathPrefix(SlashSeparator).Subrouter()
// Assume roles with no JWT, handles AssumeRole.
stsRouter.Methods(http.MethodPost).MatcherFunc(func(r *http.Request, rm *mux.RouteMatch) bool {
ctypeOk := wildcard.MatchSimple("application/x-www-form-urlencoded*", r.Header.Get(xhttp.ContentType))
authOk := wildcard.MatchSimple(signV4Algorithm+"*", r.Header.Get(xhttp.Authorization))
noQueries := len(r.URL.Query()) == 0
return ctypeOk && authOk && noQueries
// Assume roles with JWT handler, handles both ClientGrants and WebIdentity.
stsRouter.Methods(http.MethodPost).MatcherFunc(func(r *http.Request, rm *mux.RouteMatch) bool {
ctypeOk := wildcard.MatchSimple("application/x-www-form-urlencoded*", r.Header.Get(xhttp.ContentType))
noQueries := len(r.URL.Query()) == 0
return ctypeOk && noQueries
// AssumeRoleWithClientGrants
Queries(stsAction, clientGrants).
Queries(stsVersion, stsAPIVersion).
Queries(stsToken, "{Token:.*}")
// AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity
Queries(stsAction, webIdentity).
Queries(stsVersion, stsAPIVersion).
Queries(stsWebIdentityToken, "{Token:.*}")
// AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentity
Queries(stsAction, ldapIdentity).
Queries(stsVersion, stsAPIVersion).
Queries(stsLDAPUsername, "{LDAPUsername:.*}").
Queries(stsLDAPPassword, "{LDAPPassword:.*}")
func checkAssumeRoleAuth(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) (user auth.Credentials, isErrCodeSTS bool, stsErr STSErrorCode) {
switch getRequestAuthType(r) {
return user, true, ErrSTSAccessDenied
case authTypeSigned:
s3Err := isReqAuthenticated(ctx, r, globalServerRegion, serviceSTS)
if s3Err != ErrNone {
return user, false, STSErrorCode(s3Err)
user, _, s3Err = getReqAccessKeyV4(r, globalServerRegion, serviceSTS)
if s3Err != ErrNone {
return user, false, STSErrorCode(s3Err)
// Temporary credentials or Service accounts cannot generate further temporary credentials.
if user.IsTemp() || user.IsServiceAccount() {
return user, true, ErrSTSAccessDenied
// Session tokens are not allowed in STS AssumeRole requests.
if getSessionToken(r) != "" {
return user, true, ErrSTSAccessDenied
return user, true, ErrSTSNone
// AssumeRole - implementation of AWS STS API AssumeRole to get temporary
// credentials for regular users on Minio.
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/STS/latest/APIReference/API_AssumeRole.html
func (sts *stsAPIHandlers) AssumeRole(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "AssumeRole")
user, isErrCodeSTS, stsErr := checkAssumeRoleAuth(ctx, r)
if stsErr != ErrSTSNone {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, isErrCodeSTS, stsErr, nil)
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
if r.Form.Get(stsVersion) != stsAPIVersion {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSMissingParameter, fmt.Errorf("Invalid STS API version %s, expecting %s", r.Form.Get(stsVersion), stsAPIVersion))
action := r.Form.Get(stsAction)
switch action {
case assumeRole:
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported action %s", action))
ctx = newContext(r, w, action)
defer logger.AuditLog(ctx, w, r, nil)
sessionPolicyStr := r.Form.Get(stsPolicy)
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/STS/latest/APIReference/API_AssumeRole.html
// The plain text that you use for both inline and managed session
// policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters.
if len(sessionPolicyStr) > 2048 {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, fmt.Errorf("Session policy shouldn't exceed 2048 characters"))
if len(sessionPolicyStr) > 0 {
sessionPolicy, err := iampolicy.ParseConfig(bytes.NewReader([]byte(sessionPolicyStr)))
if err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
// Version in policy must not be empty
if sessionPolicy.Version == "" {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, fmt.Errorf("Version cannot be empty expecting '2012-10-17'"))
var err error
m := make(map[string]interface{})
m[expClaim], err = openid.GetDefaultExpiration(r.Form.Get(stsDurationSeconds))
if err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
policies, err := globalIAMSys.PolicyDBGet(user.AccessKey, false)
if err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
policyName := strings.Join(policies, ",")
// This policy is the policy associated with the user
// requesting for temporary credentials. The temporary
// credentials will inherit the same policy requirements.
m[iamPolicyClaimNameOpenID()] = policyName
if len(sessionPolicyStr) > 0 {
m[iampolicy.SessionPolicyName] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(sessionPolicyStr))
secret := globalActiveCred.SecretKey
cred, err := auth.GetNewCredentialsWithMetadata(m, secret)
if err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInternalError, err)
// Set the parent of the temporary access key, this is useful
// in obtaining service accounts by this cred.
cred.ParentUser = user.AccessKey
// Set the newly generated credentials.
if err = globalIAMSys.SetTempUser(cred.AccessKey, cred, policyName); err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInternalError, err)
// Notify all other MinIO peers to reload temp users
for _, nerr := range globalNotificationSys.LoadUser(cred.AccessKey, true) {
if nerr.Err != nil {
logger.GetReqInfo(ctx).SetTags("peerAddress", nerr.Host.String())
logger.LogIf(ctx, nerr.Err)
assumeRoleResponse := &AssumeRoleResponse{
Result: AssumeRoleResult{
Credentials: cred,
assumeRoleResponse.ResponseMetadata.RequestID = w.Header().Get(xhttp.AmzRequestID)
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodeResponse(assumeRoleResponse))
func (sts *stsAPIHandlers) AssumeRoleWithSSO(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "AssumeRoleSSOCommon")
// Parse the incoming form data.
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
if r.Form.Get(stsVersion) != stsAPIVersion {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSMissingParameter, fmt.Errorf("Invalid STS API version %s, expecting %s", r.Form.Get("Version"), stsAPIVersion))
action := r.Form.Get(stsAction)
switch action {
case ldapIdentity:
sts.AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentity(w, r)
case clientGrants, webIdentity:
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported action %s", action))
ctx = newContext(r, w, action)
defer logger.AuditLog(ctx, w, r, nil)
if globalOpenIDValidators == nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSNotInitialized, errServerNotInitialized)
v, err := globalOpenIDValidators.Get("jwt")
if err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
token := r.Form.Get(stsToken)
if token == "" {
token = r.Form.Get(stsWebIdentityToken)
m, err := v.Validate(token, r.Form.Get(stsDurationSeconds))
if err != nil {
switch err {
case openid.ErrTokenExpired:
switch action {
case clientGrants:
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSClientGrantsExpiredToken, err)
case webIdentity:
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSWebIdentityExpiredToken, err)
case auth.ErrInvalidDuration:
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
var subFromToken string
if v, ok := m[subClaim]; ok {
subFromToken, _ = v.(string)
if subFromToken == "" {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, errors.New("STS JWT Token has `sub` claim missing, `sub` claim is mandatory"))
var issFromToken string
if v, ok := m[issClaim]; ok {
issFromToken, _ = v.(string)
// JWT has requested a custom claim with policy value set.
// This is a MinIO STS API specific value, this value should
// be set and configured on your identity provider as part of
// JWT custom claims.
var policyName string
policySet, ok := iampolicy.GetPoliciesFromClaims(m, iamPolicyClaimNameOpenID())
policies := strings.Join(policySet.ToSlice(), ",")
if ok {
policyName = globalIAMSys.CurrentPolicies(policies)
if globalPolicyOPA == nil {
if !ok {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue,
fmt.Errorf("%s claim missing from the JWT token, credentials will not be generated", iamPolicyClaimNameOpenID()))
} else if policyName == "" {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue,
fmt.Errorf("None of the given policies (`%s`) are defined, credentials will not be generated", policies))
m[iamPolicyClaimNameOpenID()] = policyName
sessionPolicyStr := r.Form.Get(stsPolicy)
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/STS/latest/APIReference/API_AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity.html
// The plain text that you use for both inline and managed session
// policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters.
if len(sessionPolicyStr) > 2048 {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, fmt.Errorf("Session policy should not exceed 2048 characters"))
if len(sessionPolicyStr) > 0 {
sessionPolicy, err := iampolicy.ParseConfig(bytes.NewReader([]byte(sessionPolicyStr)))
if err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
// Version in policy must not be empty
if sessionPolicy.Version == "" {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, fmt.Errorf("Invalid session policy version"))
m[iampolicy.SessionPolicyName] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(sessionPolicyStr))
secret := globalActiveCred.SecretKey
cred, err := auth.GetNewCredentialsWithMetadata(m, secret)
if err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInternalError, err)
// https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimStability
// claim is only considered stable when subject and iss are used together
// this is to ensure that ParentUser doesn't change and we get to use
// parentUser as per the requirements for service accounts for OpenID
// based logins.
cred.ParentUser = "jwt:" + subFromToken + ":" + issFromToken
// Set the newly generated credentials.
if err = globalIAMSys.SetTempUser(cred.AccessKey, cred, policyName); err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInternalError, err)
// Notify all other MinIO peers to reload temp users
for _, nerr := range globalNotificationSys.LoadUser(cred.AccessKey, true) {
if nerr.Err != nil {
logger.GetReqInfo(ctx).SetTags("peerAddress", nerr.Host.String())
logger.LogIf(ctx, nerr.Err)
var encodedSuccessResponse []byte
switch action {
case clientGrants:
clientGrantsResponse := &AssumeRoleWithClientGrantsResponse{
Result: ClientGrantsResult{
Credentials: cred,
SubjectFromToken: subFromToken,
clientGrantsResponse.ResponseMetadata.RequestID = w.Header().Get(xhttp.AmzRequestID)
encodedSuccessResponse = encodeResponse(clientGrantsResponse)
case webIdentity:
webIdentityResponse := &AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse{
Result: WebIdentityResult{
Credentials: cred,
SubjectFromWebIdentityToken: subFromToken,
webIdentityResponse.ResponseMetadata.RequestID = w.Header().Get(xhttp.AmzRequestID)
encodedSuccessResponse = encodeResponse(webIdentityResponse)
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodedSuccessResponse)
// AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity - implementation of AWS STS API supporting OAuth2.0
// users from web identity provider such as Facebook, Google, or any OpenID
// Connect-compatible identity provider.
// Eg:-
// $ curl https://minio:9000/?Action=AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity&WebIdentityToken=<jwt>
func (sts *stsAPIHandlers) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
sts.AssumeRoleWithSSO(w, r)
// AssumeRoleWithClientGrants - implementation of AWS STS extension API supporting
// OAuth2.0 client credential grants.
// Eg:-
// $ curl https://minio:9000/?Action=AssumeRoleWithClientGrants&Token=<jwt>
func (sts *stsAPIHandlers) AssumeRoleWithClientGrants(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
sts.AssumeRoleWithSSO(w, r)
// AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentity - implements user auth against LDAP server
func (sts *stsAPIHandlers) AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentity(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "AssumeRoleWithLDAPIdentity")
defer logger.AuditLog(ctx, w, r, nil, stsLDAPPassword)
// Parse the incoming form data.
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
if r.Form.Get(stsVersion) != stsAPIVersion {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSMissingParameter,
fmt.Errorf("Invalid STS API version %s, expecting %s", r.Form.Get("Version"), stsAPIVersion))
ldapUsername := r.Form.Get(stsLDAPUsername)
ldapPassword := r.Form.Get(stsLDAPPassword)
if ldapUsername == "" || ldapPassword == "" {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSMissingParameter, fmt.Errorf("LDAPUsername and LDAPPassword cannot be empty"))
action := r.Form.Get(stsAction)
switch action {
case ldapIdentity:
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported action %s", action))
sessionPolicyStr := r.Form.Get(stsPolicy)
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/STS/latest/APIReference/API_AssumeRole.html
// The plain text that you use for both inline and managed session
// policies shouldn't exceed 2048 characters.
if len(sessionPolicyStr) > 2048 {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, fmt.Errorf("Session policy should not exceed 2048 characters"))
if len(sessionPolicyStr) > 0 {
sessionPolicy, err := iampolicy.ParseConfig(bytes.NewReader([]byte(sessionPolicyStr)))
if err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
// Version in policy must not be empty
if sessionPolicy.Version == "" {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, fmt.Errorf("Version needs to be specified in session policy"))
ldapUserDN, groupDistNames, err := globalLDAPConfig.Bind(ldapUsername, ldapPassword)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("LDAP server error: %w", err)
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue, err)
// Check if this user or their groups have a policy applied.
ldapPolicies, _ := globalIAMSys.PolicyDBGet(ldapUserDN, false, groupDistNames...)
if len(ldapPolicies) == 0 && globalPolicyOPA == nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInvalidParameterValue,
fmt.Errorf("expecting a policy to be set for user `%s` or one of their groups: `%s` - rejecting this request",
ldapUserDN, strings.Join(groupDistNames, "`,`")))
expiryDur := globalLDAPConfig.GetExpiryDuration()
m := map[string]interface{}{
expClaim: UTCNow().Add(expiryDur).Unix(),
ldapUsername: ldapUsername,
ldapUser: ldapUserDN,
if len(sessionPolicyStr) > 0 {
m[iampolicy.SessionPolicyName] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(sessionPolicyStr))
secret := globalActiveCred.SecretKey
cred, err := auth.GetNewCredentialsWithMetadata(m, secret)
if err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInternalError, err)
// Set the parent of the temporary access key, this is useful
// in obtaining service accounts by this cred.
cred.ParentUser = ldapUserDN
// Set this value to LDAP groups, LDAP user can be part
// of large number of groups
cred.Groups = groupDistNames
// Set the newly generated credentials, policyName is empty on purpose
// LDAP policies are applied automatically using their ldapUser, ldapGroups
// mapping.
if err = globalIAMSys.SetTempUser(cred.AccessKey, cred, ""); err != nil {
writeSTSErrorResponse(ctx, w, true, ErrSTSInternalError, err)
// Notify all other MinIO peers to reload temp users
for _, nerr := range globalNotificationSys.LoadUser(cred.AccessKey, true) {
if nerr.Err != nil {
logger.GetReqInfo(ctx).SetTags("peerAddress", nerr.Host.String())
logger.LogIf(ctx, nerr.Err)
ldapIdentityResponse := &AssumeRoleWithLDAPResponse{
Result: LDAPIdentityResult{
Credentials: cred,
ldapIdentityResponse.ResponseMetadata.RequestID = w.Header().Get(xhttp.AmzRequestID)
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse(ldapIdentityResponse)
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodedSuccessResponse)