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synced 2025-03-23 14:04:15 -04:00
With CoreDNS now supporting etcdv3 as the DNS backend, we can update our federation target to etcdv3. Users will now be able to use etcdv3 server as the federation backbone. Minio will update bucket data to etcdv3 and CoreDNS can pick that data up and serve it as bucket style DNS path.
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2017, 2018 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
etcd "github.com/coreos/etcd/clientv3"
// Check for updates and print a notification message
func checkUpdate(mode string) {
// Its OK to ignore any errors during doUpdate() here.
if updateMsg, _, currentReleaseTime, latestReleaseTime, err := getUpdateInfo(2*time.Second, mode); err == nil {
if globalInplaceUpdateDisabled {
} else {
logger.StartupMessage(prepareUpdateMessage("Run `minio update`", latestReleaseTime.Sub(currentReleaseTime)))
// Initialize and load config from remote etcd or local config directory
func initConfig() {
if globalEtcdClient != nil {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 20*time.Second)
resp, err := globalEtcdClient.Get(ctx, getConfigFile())
// This means there are no entries in etcd with config file
// So create a new config
if err == nil && resp.Count == 0 {
logger.FatalIf(newConfig(), "Unable to initialize minio config for the first time.")
logger.Info("Created minio configuration file successfully at %v", globalEtcdClient.Endpoints())
} else {
// This means there is an entry in etcd, update it if required and proceed
if err == nil && resp.Count > 0 {
logger.FatalIf(migrateConfig(), "Config migration failed.")
logger.FatalIf(loadConfig(), "Unable to load config version: '%s'.", serverConfigVersion)
} else {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to load config version: '%s'.", serverConfigVersion)
if isFile(getConfigFile()) {
logger.FatalIf(migrateConfig(), "Config migration failed")
logger.FatalIf(loadConfig(), "Unable to load the configuration file")
} else {
// Config file does not exist, we create it fresh and return upon success.
logger.FatalIf(newConfig(), "Unable to initialize minio config for the first time")
logger.Info("Created minio configuration file successfully at " + getConfigDir())
func handleCommonCmdArgs(ctx *cli.Context) {
var configDir string
if ctx.IsSet("config-dir") {
configDir = ctx.String("config-dir")
} else if ctx.GlobalIsSet("config-dir") {
configDir = ctx.GlobalString("config-dir")
// cli package does not expose parent's "config-dir" option. Below code is workaround.
if configDir == "" || configDir == getConfigDir() {
if ctx.Parent().GlobalIsSet("config-dir") {
configDir = ctx.Parent().GlobalString("config-dir")
} else {
// Neither local nor global config-dir option is provided. In this case, try to use
// default config directory.
configDir = getConfigDir()
if configDir == "" {
logger.FatalIf(errors.New("missing option"), "config-dir option must be provided")
if configDir == "" {
logger.FatalIf(errors.New("empty directory"), "Configuration directory cannot be empty")
// Disallow relative paths, figure out absolute paths.
configDirAbs, err := filepath.Abs(configDir)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to fetch absolute path for config directory %s", configDir)
func handleCommonEnvVars() {
// Start profiler if env is set.
if profiler := os.Getenv("_MINIO_PROFILER"); profiler != "" {
globalProfiler = startProfiler(profiler)
accessKey := os.Getenv("MINIO_ACCESS_KEY")
secretKey := os.Getenv("MINIO_SECRET_KEY")
if accessKey != "" && secretKey != "" {
cred, err := auth.CreateCredentials(accessKey, secretKey)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(uiErrInvalidCredentials(err), "Unable to validate credentials inherited from the shell environment")
// credential Envs are set globally.
globalIsEnvCreds = true
globalActiveCred = cred
if browser := os.Getenv("MINIO_BROWSER"); browser != "" {
browserFlag, err := ParseBoolFlag(browser)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(uiErrInvalidBrowserValue(nil).Msg("Unknown value `%s`", browser), "Unable to validate MINIO_BROWSER environment variable")
// browser Envs are set globally, this does not represent
// if browser is turned off or on.
globalIsEnvBrowser = true
globalIsBrowserEnabled = bool(browserFlag)
traceFile := os.Getenv("MINIO_HTTP_TRACE")
if traceFile != "" {
var err error
globalHTTPTraceFile, err = os.OpenFile(traceFile, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0660)
logger.FatalIf(err, "error opening file %s", traceFile)
etcdEndpointsEnv, ok := os.LookupEnv("MINIO_ETCD_ENDPOINTS")
if ok {
etcdEndpoints := strings.Split(etcdEndpointsEnv, ",")
var err error
globalEtcdClient, err = etcd.New(etcd.Config{
Endpoints: etcdEndpoints,
DialTimeout: defaultDialTimeout,
DialKeepAliveTime: defaultDialKeepAlive,
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize etcd with %s", etcdEndpoints)
globalDomainName, globalIsEnvDomainName = os.LookupEnv("MINIO_DOMAIN")
minioEndpointsEnv, ok := os.LookupEnv("MINIO_PUBLIC_IPS")
if ok {
minioEndpoints := strings.Split(minioEndpointsEnv, ",")
globalDomainIPs = set.NewStringSet()
for i, ip := range minioEndpoints {
if net.ParseIP(ip) == nil {
logger.FatalIf(errInvalidArgument, "Unable to initialize Minio server with invalid MINIO_PUBLIC_IPS[%d]: %s", i, ip)
if globalDomainName != "" && !globalDomainIPs.IsEmpty() && globalEtcdClient != nil {
var err error
globalDNSConfig, err = dns.NewCoreDNS(globalDomainName, globalDomainIPs, globalMinioPort, globalEtcdClient)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize DNS config for %s.", globalDomainName)
if drives := os.Getenv("MINIO_CACHE_DRIVES"); drives != "" {
driveList, err := parseCacheDrives(strings.Split(drives, cacheEnvDelimiter))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to parse MINIO_CACHE_DRIVES value (%s)", drives)
globalCacheDrives = driveList
globalIsDiskCacheEnabled = true
if excludes := os.Getenv("MINIO_CACHE_EXCLUDE"); excludes != "" {
excludeList, err := parseCacheExcludes(strings.Split(excludes, cacheEnvDelimiter))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to parse MINIO_CACHE_EXCLUDE value (`%s`)", excludes)
globalCacheExcludes = excludeList
if expiryStr := os.Getenv("MINIO_CACHE_EXPIRY"); expiryStr != "" {
expiry, err := strconv.Atoi(expiryStr)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(uiErrInvalidCacheExpiryValue(err), "Unable to parse MINIO_CACHE_EXPIRY value (`%s`)", expiryStr)
globalCacheExpiry = expiry
if maxUseStr := os.Getenv("MINIO_CACHE_MAXUSE"); maxUseStr != "" {
maxUse, err := strconv.Atoi(maxUseStr)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(uiErrInvalidCacheMaxUse(err), "Unable to parse MINIO_CACHE_MAXUSE value (`%s`)", maxUseStr)
// maxUse should be a valid percentage.
if maxUse > 0 && maxUse <= 100 {
globalCacheMaxUse = maxUse
// In place update is true by default if the MINIO_UPDATE is not set
// or is not set to 'off', if MINIO_UPDATE is set to 'off' then
// in-place update is off.
globalInplaceUpdateDisabled = strings.EqualFold(os.Getenv("MINIO_UPDATE"), "off")
// Validate and store the storage class env variables only for XL/Dist XL setups
if globalIsXL {
var err error
// Check for environment variables and parse into storageClass struct
if ssc := os.Getenv(standardStorageClassEnv); ssc != "" {
globalStandardStorageClass, err = parseStorageClass(ssc)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Invalid value set in environment variable %s", standardStorageClassEnv)
if rrsc := os.Getenv(reducedRedundancyStorageClassEnv); rrsc != "" {
globalRRStorageClass, err = parseStorageClass(rrsc)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Invalid value set in environment variable %s", reducedRedundancyStorageClassEnv)
// Validation is done after parsing both the storage classes. This is needed because we need one
// storage class value to deduce the correct value of the other storage class.
if globalRRStorageClass.Scheme != "" {
err = validateParity(globalStandardStorageClass.Parity, globalRRStorageClass.Parity)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Invalid value set in environment variable %s", reducedRedundancyStorageClassEnv)
globalIsStorageClass = true
if globalStandardStorageClass.Scheme != "" {
err = validateParity(globalStandardStorageClass.Parity, globalRRStorageClass.Parity)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Invalid value set in environment variable %s", standardStorageClassEnv)
globalIsStorageClass = true
// Get WORM environment variable.
if worm := os.Getenv("MINIO_WORM"); worm != "" {
wormFlag, err := ParseBoolFlag(worm)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(uiErrInvalidWormValue(nil).Msg("Unknown value `%s`", worm), "Unable to validate MINIO_WORM environment variable")
// worm Envs are set globally, this does not represent
// if worm is turned off or on.
globalIsEnvWORM = true
globalWORMEnabled = bool(wormFlag)