mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 14:34:16 -04:00
While healing the latest changes of expiry rules across sites if target had pre existing transition rules, they were getting overwritten as cloned latest expiry rules from remote site were getting written as is. Fixed the same and added test cases as well. Signed-off-by: Shubhendu Ram Tripathi <shubhendu@minio.io>
299 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
299 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
trap 'catch $LINENO' ERR
# shellcheck disable=SC2120
catch() {
if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
echo "error on line $1"
for site in sitea siteb sitec sited; do
echo "$site server logs ========="
cat "/tmp/${site}_1.log"
echo "==========================="
cat "/tmp/${site}_2.log"
echo "Cleaning up instances of MinIO"
pkill minio
pkill -9 minio
rm -rf /tmp/multisitea
rm -rf /tmp/multisiteb
rm -rf /tmp/multisitec
rm -rf /tmp/multisited
rm -rf /tmp/data
set -e
export MINIO_CI_CD=1
export MINIO_BROWSER=off
export MINIO_ROOT_USER="minio"
export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD="minio123"
export MINIO_KMS_SECRET_KEY=my-minio-key:OSMM+vkKUTCvQs9YL/CVMIMt43HFhkUpqJxTmGl6rYw=
if [ ! -f ./mc ]; then
wget --quiet -O mc https://dl.minio.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mc &&
chmod +x mc
minio server --address "{1...4}" \
"{5...8}" >/tmp/sitea_1.log 2>&1 &
minio server --address "{1...4}" \
"{5...8}" >/tmp/sitea_2.log 2>&1 &
minio server --address "{1...4}" \
"{5...8}" >/tmp/siteb_1.log 2>&1 &
minio server --address "{1...4}" \
"{5...8}" >/tmp/siteb_2.log 2>&1 &
minio server --address "{1...4}" \
"{5...8}" >/tmp/sitec_1.log 2>&1 &
minio server --address "{1...4}" \
"{5...8}" >/tmp/sitec_2.log 2>&1 &
minio server --address "{1...4}" \
"{5...8}" >/tmp/sited_1.log 2>&1 &
minio server --address "{1...4}" \
"{5...8}" >/tmp/sited_2.log 2>&1 &
# Wait to make sure all MinIO instances are up
sleep 20s
export MC_HOST_sitea=http://minio:minio123@
export MC_HOST_siteb=http://minio:minio123@
export MC_HOST_sitec=http://minio:minio123@
export MC_HOST_sited=http://minio:minio123@
./mc mb sitea/bucket
./mc mb sitec/bucket
## Setup site replication
./mc admin replicate add sitea siteb --replicate-ilm-expiry
## Add warm tier
./mc ilm tier add minio sitea WARM-TIER --endpoint http://localhost:9006 --access-key minio --secret-key minio123 --bucket bucket
## Add ILM rules
./mc ilm add sitea/bucket --transition-days 0 --transition-tier WARM-TIER --transition-days 0 --noncurrent-expire-days 2 --expire-days 3 --prefix "myprefix" --tags "tag1=val1&tag2=val2"
./mc ilm rule list sitea/bucket
## Check ilm expiry flag
./mc admin replicate info sitea --json
flag1=$(./mc admin replicate info sitea --json | jq '.sites[0]."replicate-ilm-expiry"')
flag2=$(./mc admin replicate info sitea --json | jq '.sites[1]."replicate-ilm-expiry"')
if [ "$flag1" != "true" ]; then
echo "BUG: Expected ILM expiry replication not set for 'sitea'"
exit 1
if [ "$flag2" != "true" ]; then
echo "BUG: Expected ILM expiry replication not set for 'siteb'"
exit 1
## Check if ILM expiry rules replicated
sleep 20
./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket
count=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules | length')
if [ $count -ne 1 ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry rules not replicated to 'siteb'"
exit 1
## Check replication of rules content
expDays=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Expiration.Days')
noncurrentDays=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].NoncurrentVersionExpiration.NoncurrentDays')
if [ $expDays -ne 3 ]; then
echo "BUG: Incorrect expiry days '${expDays}' set for 'siteb'"
exit 1
if [ $noncurrentDays -ne 2 ]; then
echo "BUG: Incorrect non current expiry days '${noncurrentDays}' set for siteb"
exit 1
## Make sure transition rule not replicated to siteb
tranDays=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Transition.Days')
if [ "${tranDays}" != "null" ]; then
echo "BUG: Transition rules as well copied to siteb"
exit 1
## Check replication of rules prefix and tags
prefix=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Prefix' | sed 's/"//g')
tagName1=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[0].Key' | sed 's/"//g')
tagVal1=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[0].Value' | sed 's/"//g')
tagName2=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[1].Key' | sed 's/"//g')
tagVal2=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[1].Value' | sed 's/"//g')
if [ "${prefix}" != "myprefix" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry rules prefix not replicated to 'siteb'"
exit 1
if [ "${tagName1}" != "tag1" ] || [ "${tagVal1}" != "val1" ] || [ "${tagName2}" != "tag2" ] || [ "${tagVal2}" != "val2" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry rules tags not replicated to 'siteb'"
exit 1
## Check edit of ILM expiry rule and its replication
id=$(./mc ilm rule list sitea/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[] | select(.Expiration.Days==3) | .ID' | sed 's/"//g')
./mc ilm edit --id "${id}" --expire-days "100" sitea/bucket
sleep 30
count1=$(./mc ilm rule list sitea/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Expiration.Days')
count2=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Expiration.Days')
if [ $count1 -ne 100 ]; then
echo "BUG: Expiration days not changed on 'sitea'"
exit 1
if [ $count2 -ne 100 ]; then
echo "BUG: Modified ILM expiry rule not replicated to 'siteb'"
exit 1
## Check disabling of ILM expiry rules replication
./mc admin replicate update sitea --disable-ilm-expiry-replication
flag=$(./mc admin replicate info sitea --json | jq '.sites[] | select (.name=="sitea") | ."replicate-ilm-expiry"')
if [ "$flag" != "false" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry replication not disabled for 'sitea'"
exit 1
flag=$(./mc admin replicate info siteb --json | jq '.sites[] | select (.name=="sitea") | ."replicate-ilm-expiry"')
if [ "$flag" != "false" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry replication not disabled for 'siteb'"
exit 1
## Perform individual updates of rules to sites
./mc ilm edit --id "${id}" --expire-days "999" sitea/bucket
sleep 1
./mc ilm edit --id "${id}" --expire-days "888" siteb/bucket # when ilm expiry re-enabled, this should win
## Check re-enabling of ILM expiry rules replication
./mc admin replicate update sitea --enable-ilm-expiry-replication
flag=$(./mc admin replicate info sitea --json | jq '.sites[] | select (.name=="sitea") | ."replicate-ilm-expiry"')
if [ "$flag" != "true" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry replication not enabled for 'sitea'"
exit 1
flag=$(./mc admin replicate info siteb --json | jq '.sites[] | select (.name=="sitea") | ."replicate-ilm-expiry"')
if [ "$flag" != "true" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry replication not enabled for 'siteb'"
exit 1
## Check if latest updated rules get replicated to all sites post re-enable of ILM expiry rules replication
sleep 30
count1=$(./mc ilm rule list sitea/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Expiration.Days')
count2=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Expiration.Days')
if [ $count1 -ne 888 ]; then
echo "BUG: Latest expiration days not updated on 'sitea'"
exit 1
if [ $count2 -ne 888 ]; then
echo "BUG: Latest expiration days not updated on 'siteb'"
exit 1
## Check to make sure sitea transition rule is not overwritten
transDays=$(./mc ilm rule list sitea/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Transition.Days')
if [ $transDays -ne 0 ] || [ "${transDays}" == "null" ]; then
echo "BUG: Transition rule on sitea seems to be overwritten"
exit 1
## Check replication of edit of prefix, tags and status of ILM Expiry Rules
./mc ilm rule edit --id "${id}" --prefix "newprefix" --tags "ntag1=nval1&ntag2=nval2" --disable sitea/bucket
sleep 30
nprefix=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Prefix' | sed 's/"//g')
ntagName1=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[0].Key' | sed 's/"//g')
ntagVal1=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[0].Value' | sed 's/"//g')
ntagName2=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[1].Key' | sed 's/"//g')
ntagVal2=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[1].Value' | sed 's/"//g')
st=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Status' | sed 's/"//g')
if [ "${nprefix}" != "newprefix" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry rules prefix not replicated to 'siteb'"
exit 1
if [ "${ntagName1}" != "ntag1" ] || [ "${ntagVal1}" != "nval1" ] || [ "${ntagName2}" != "ntag2" ] || [ "${ntagVal2}" != "nval2" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry rules tags not replicated to 'siteb'"
exit 1
if [ "${st}" != "Disabled" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry rules status not replicated to 'siteb'"
exit 1
## Check replication of deleted ILM expiry rules
./mc ilm rule remove --id "${id}" sitea/bucket
sleep 30
# should error as rule doesnt exist
error=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.error.cause.message' | sed 's/"//g')
if [ "$error" != "The lifecycle configuration does not exist" ]; then
echo "BUG: Removed ILM expiry rule not replicated to 'siteb'"
exit 1
## Check addition of new replication site to existing site replication setup
# Add rules again as previous tests removed all
./mc ilm add sitea/bucket --transition-days 0 --transition-tier WARM-TIER --transition-days 0 --noncurrent-expire-days 2 --expire-days 3 --prefix "myprefix" --tags "tag1=val1&tag2=val2"
./mc admin replicate add sitea siteb sited
sleep 30
# Check site replication info and status for new site
sitesCount=$(mc admin replicate info sited --json | jq '.sites | length')
if [ ${sitesCount} -ne 3 ]; then
echo "BUG: New site 'sited' not appearing in site replication info"
exit 1
flag3=$(./mc admin replicate info sited --json | jq '.sites[2]."replicate-ilm-expiry"')
if [ "${flag3}" != "true" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry replication not enabled for 'sited'"
exit 1
rulesCount=$(./mc ilm rule list sited/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules | length')
if [ ${rulesCount} -ne 1 ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry rules not replicated to 'sited'"
exit 1
prefix=$(./mc ilm rule list sited/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Prefix' | sed 's/"//g')
tagName1=$(./mc ilm rule list sited/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[0].Key' | sed 's/"//g')
tagVal1=$(./mc ilm rule list sited/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[0].Value' | sed 's/"//g')
tagName2=$(./mc ilm rule list sited/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[1].Key' | sed 's/"//g')
tagVal2=$(./mc ilm rule list sited/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Filter.And.Tags[1].Value' | sed 's/"//g')
if [ "${prefix}" != "myprefix" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry rules prefix not replicated to 'sited'"
exit 1
if [ "${tagName1}" != "tag1" ] || [ "${tagVal1}" != "val1" ] || [ "${tagName2}" != "tag2" ] || [ "${tagVal2}" != "val2" ]; then
echo "BUG: ILM expiry rules tags not replicated to 'sited'"
exit 1
## Check replication of deleted ILM expiry rules when target has transition part as well
## Only the expiry part of rules should get removed as part if replication of removal from
## other site
id=$(./mc ilm rule list siteb/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[] | select(.Expiration.Days==3) | .ID' | sed 's/"//g')
# Remove rule from siteb
./mc ilm rule remove --id "${id}" siteb/bucket
sleep 30 # allow to replicate
# sitea should still contain the transition portion of rule
transitionRuleDays=$(./mc ilm rule list sitea/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Transition.Days')
expirationRuleDet=$(./mc ilm rule list sitea/bucket --json | jq '.config.Rules[0].Expiration')
if [ ${transitionRuleDays} -ne 0 ]; then
echo "BUG: Transition rules not retained as part of replication of deleted ILM expiry rules on 'sitea'"
exit 1
if [ ${expirationRuleDet} != null ]; then
echo "BUG: removed ILM expiry rule not replicated to 'sitea'"
exit 1