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synced 2025-03-22 05:24:15 -04:00
Change brings in a new signVerifyReader which provides a io.Reader compatible reader, additionally implements Verify() function. Verify() function validates the signature present in the incoming request. This approach is choosen to avoid complexities involved in using io.Pipe(). Thanks to Krishna for his inputs on this. Fixes #2058 Fixes #2054 Fixes #2087
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
jwtgo "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
// isJWTReqAuthenticated validates if any incoming request to be a
// valid JWT authenticated request.
func isJWTReqAuthenticated(req *http.Request) bool {
jwt := initJWT()
token, e := jwtgo.ParseFromRequest(req, func(token *jwtgo.Token) (interface{}, error) {
if _, ok := token.Method.(*jwtgo.SigningMethodHMAC); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"])
return []byte(jwt.SecretAccessKey), nil
if e != nil {
return false
return token.Valid
// WebGenericArgs - empty struct for calls that don't accept arguments
// for ex. ServerInfo, GenerateAuth
type WebGenericArgs struct{}
// WebGenericRep - reply structure for calls for which reply is success/failure
// for ex. RemoveObject MakeBucket
type WebGenericRep struct {
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// ServerInfoRep - server info reply.
type ServerInfoRep struct {
MinioVersion string
MinioMemory string
MinioPlatform string
MinioRuntime string
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// ServerInfo - get server info.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) ServerInfo(r *http.Request, args *WebGenericArgs, reply *ServerInfoRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
host, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
host = ""
memstats := &runtime.MemStats{}
mem := fmt.Sprintf("Used: %s | Allocated: %s | Used-Heap: %s | Allocated-Heap: %s",
platform := fmt.Sprintf("Host: %s | OS: %s | Arch: %s",
goruntime := fmt.Sprintf("Version: %s | CPUs: %s", runtime.Version(), strconv.Itoa(runtime.NumCPU()))
reply.MinioVersion = minioVersion
reply.MinioMemory = mem
reply.MinioPlatform = platform
reply.MinioRuntime = goruntime
reply.UIVersion = miniobrowser.UIVersion
return nil
// StorageInfoRep - contains storage usage statistics.
type StorageInfoRep struct {
StorageInfo StorageInfo `json:"storageInfo"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// StorageInfo - web call to gather storage usage statistics.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) StorageInfo(r *http.Request, args *GenericArgs, reply *StorageInfoRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
reply.UIVersion = miniobrowser.UIVersion
reply.StorageInfo = web.ObjectAPI.StorageInfo()
return nil
// MakeBucketArgs - make bucket args.
type MakeBucketArgs struct {
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
// MakeBucket - make a bucket.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) MakeBucket(r *http.Request, args *MakeBucketArgs, reply *WebGenericRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
reply.UIVersion = miniobrowser.UIVersion
if err := web.ObjectAPI.MakeBucket(args.BucketName); err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: err.Error()}
return nil
// ListBucketsRep - list buckets response
type ListBucketsRep struct {
Buckets []WebBucketInfo `json:"buckets"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// WebBucketInfo container for list buckets metadata.
type WebBucketInfo struct {
// The name of the bucket.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Date the bucket was created.
CreationDate time.Time `json:"creationDate"`
// ListBuckets - list buckets api.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) ListBuckets(r *http.Request, args *WebGenericArgs, reply *ListBucketsRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
buckets, err := web.ObjectAPI.ListBuckets()
if err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: err.Error()}
for _, bucket := range buckets {
// List all buckets which are not private.
if bucket.Name != path.Base(reservedBucket) {
reply.Buckets = append(reply.Buckets, WebBucketInfo{
Name: bucket.Name,
CreationDate: bucket.Created,
reply.UIVersion = miniobrowser.UIVersion
return nil
// ListObjectsArgs - list object args.
type ListObjectsArgs struct {
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
// ListObjectsRep - list objects response.
type ListObjectsRep struct {
Objects []WebObjectInfo `json:"objects"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// WebObjectInfo container for list objects metadata.
type WebObjectInfo struct {
// Name of the object
Key string `json:"name"`
// Date and time the object was last modified.
LastModified time.Time `json:"lastModified"`
// Size in bytes of the object.
Size int64 `json:"size"`
// ContentType is mime type of the object.
ContentType string `json:"contentType"`
// ListObjects - list objects api.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) ListObjects(r *http.Request, args *ListObjectsArgs, reply *ListObjectsRep) error {
marker := ""
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
for {
lo, err := web.ObjectAPI.ListObjects(args.BucketName, args.Prefix, marker, "/", 1000)
if err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: err.Error()}
marker = lo.NextMarker
for _, obj := range lo.Objects {
reply.Objects = append(reply.Objects, WebObjectInfo{
Key: obj.Name,
LastModified: obj.ModTime,
Size: obj.Size,
for _, prefix := range lo.Prefixes {
reply.Objects = append(reply.Objects, WebObjectInfo{
Key: prefix,
if !lo.IsTruncated {
reply.UIVersion = miniobrowser.UIVersion
return nil
// RemoveObjectArgs - args to remove an object
type RemoveObjectArgs struct {
TargetHost string `json:"targetHost"`
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
ObjectName string `json:"objectName"`
// RemoveObject - removes an object.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) RemoveObject(r *http.Request, args *RemoveObjectArgs, reply *WebGenericRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
reply.UIVersion = miniobrowser.UIVersion
if err := web.ObjectAPI.DeleteObject(args.BucketName, args.ObjectName); err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: err.Error()}
return nil
// LoginArgs - login arguments.
type LoginArgs struct {
Username string `json:"username" form:"username"`
Password string `json:"password" form:"password"`
// LoginRep - login reply.
type LoginRep struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// Login - user login handler.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) Login(r *http.Request, args *LoginArgs, reply *LoginRep) error {
jwt := initJWT()
if jwt.Authenticate(args.Username, args.Password) {
token, err := jwt.GenerateToken(args.Username)
if err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: err.Error()}
reply.Token = token
reply.UIVersion = miniobrowser.UIVersion
return nil
return &json2.Error{Message: "Invalid credentials"}
// GenerateAuthReply - reply for GenerateAuth
type GenerateAuthReply struct {
AccessKey string `json:"accessKey"`
SecretKey string `json:"secretKey"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
func (web webAPIHandlers) GenerateAuth(r *http.Request, args *WebGenericArgs, reply *GenerateAuthReply) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
cred := mustGenAccessKeys()
reply.AccessKey = cred.AccessKeyID
reply.SecretKey = cred.SecretAccessKey
reply.UIVersion = miniobrowser.UIVersion
return nil
// SetAuthArgs - argument for SetAuth
type SetAuthArgs struct {
AccessKey string `json:"accessKey"`
SecretKey string `json:"secretKey"`
// SetAuthReply - reply for SetAuth
type SetAuthReply struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// SetAuth - Set accessKey and secretKey credentials.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) SetAuth(r *http.Request, args *SetAuthArgs, reply *SetAuthReply) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
if !isValidAccessKey.MatchString(args.AccessKey) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Invalid Access Key"}
if !isValidSecretKey.MatchString(args.SecretKey) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Invalid Secret Key"}
cred := credential{args.AccessKey, args.SecretKey}
if err := serverConfig.Save(); err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: err.Error()}
jwt := initJWT()
if !jwt.Authenticate(args.AccessKey, args.SecretKey) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Invalid credentials"}
token, err := jwt.GenerateToken(args.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: err.Error()}
reply.Token = token
reply.UIVersion = miniobrowser.UIVersion
return nil
// GetAuthReply - Reply current credentials.
type GetAuthReply struct {
AccessKey string `json:"accessKey"`
SecretKey string `json:"secretKey"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// GetAuth - return accessKey and secretKey credentials.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) GetAuth(r *http.Request, args *WebGenericArgs, reply *GetAuthReply) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
creds := serverConfig.GetCredential()
reply.AccessKey = creds.AccessKeyID
reply.SecretKey = creds.SecretAccessKey
reply.UIVersion = miniobrowser.UIVersion
return nil
// Upload - file upload handler.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) Upload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errInvalidToken)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object := vars["object"]
// FIXME: Allow file upload handler to set content-type, content-encoding.
if _, err := web.ObjectAPI.PutObject(bucket, object, -1, r.Body, nil); err != nil {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, err)
// Download - file download handler.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) Download(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object := vars["object"]
token := r.URL.Query().Get("token")
jwt := initJWT()
jwttoken, e := jwtgo.Parse(token, func(token *jwtgo.Token) (interface{}, error) {
if _, ok := token.Method.(*jwtgo.SigningMethodHMAC); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"])
return []byte(jwt.SecretAccessKey), nil
if e != nil || !jwttoken.Valid {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errInvalidToken)
// Add content disposition.
w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf("attachment; filename=\"%s\"", filepath.Base(object)))
objInfo, err := web.ObjectAPI.GetObjectInfo(bucket, object)
if err != nil {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, err)
offset := int64(0)
err = web.ObjectAPI.GetObject(bucket, object, offset, objInfo.Size, w)
if err != nil {
/// No need to print error, response writer already written to.
// writeWebErrorResponse - set HTTP status code and write error description to the body.
func writeWebErrorResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) {
// Handle invalid token as a special case.
if err == errInvalidToken {
// Convert error type to api error code.
var apiErrCode APIErrorCode
switch err.(type) {
case StorageFull:
apiErrCode = ErrStorageFull
case BucketNotFound:
apiErrCode = ErrNoSuchBucket
case BucketNameInvalid:
apiErrCode = ErrInvalidBucketName
case BadDigest:
apiErrCode = ErrBadDigest
case IncompleteBody:
apiErrCode = ErrIncompleteBody
case ObjectExistsAsDirectory:
apiErrCode = ErrObjectExistsAsDirectory
case ObjectNotFound:
apiErrCode = ErrNoSuchKey
case ObjectNameInvalid:
apiErrCode = ErrNoSuchKey
case InsufficientWriteQuorum:
apiErrCode = ErrWriteQuorum
case InsufficientReadQuorum:
apiErrCode = ErrReadQuorum
apiErrCode = ErrInternalError
apiErr := getAPIError(apiErrCode)