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synced 2025-03-22 05:24:15 -04:00
Change brings in a new signVerifyReader which provides a io.Reader compatible reader, additionally implements Verify() function. Verify() function validates the signature present in the incoming request. This approach is choosen to avoid complexities involved in using io.Pipe(). Thanks to Krishna for his inputs on this. Fixes #2058 Fixes #2054 Fixes #2087
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015, 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file implements helper functions to validate AWS
// Signature Version '4' authorization header.
// This package provides comprehensive helpers for following signature
// types.
// - Based on Authorization header.
// - Based on Query parameters.
// - Based on Form POST policy.
package main
import (
// AWS Signature Version '4' constants.
const (
signV4Algorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"
iso8601Format = "20060102T150405Z"
yyyymmdd = "20060102"
// getCanonicalHeaders generate a list of request headers with their values
func getCanonicalHeaders(signedHeaders http.Header, host string) string {
var headers []string
vals := make(http.Header)
for k, vv := range signedHeaders {
headers = append(headers, strings.ToLower(k))
vals[strings.ToLower(k)] = vv
headers = append(headers, "host")
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, k := range headers {
switch {
case k == "host":
for idx, v := range vals[k] {
if idx > 0 {
return buf.String()
// getSignedHeaders generate a string i.e alphabetically sorted, semicolon-separated list of lowercase request header names
func getSignedHeaders(signedHeaders http.Header) string {
var headers []string
for k := range signedHeaders {
headers = append(headers, strings.ToLower(k))
headers = append(headers, "host")
return strings.Join(headers, ";")
// getCanonicalRequest generate a canonical request of style
// canonicalRequest =
// <HTTPMethod>\n
// <CanonicalURI>\n
// <CanonicalQueryString>\n
// <CanonicalHeaders>\n
// <SignedHeaders>\n
// <HashedPayload>
func getCanonicalRequest(extractedSignedHeaders http.Header, payload, queryStr, urlPath, method, host string) string {
rawQuery := strings.Replace(queryStr, "+", "%20", -1)
encodedPath := getURLEncodedName(urlPath)
// Convert any space strings back to "+".
encodedPath = strings.Replace(encodedPath, "+", "%20", -1)
canonicalRequest := strings.Join([]string{
getCanonicalHeaders(extractedSignedHeaders, host),
}, "\n")
return canonicalRequest
// getScope generate a string of a specific date, an AWS region, and a service.
func getScope(t time.Time, region string) string {
scope := strings.Join([]string{
}, "/")
return scope
// getStringToSign a string based on selected query values.
func getStringToSign(canonicalRequest string, t time.Time, region string) string {
stringToSign := signV4Algorithm + "\n" + t.Format(iso8601Format) + "\n"
stringToSign = stringToSign + getScope(t, region) + "\n"
canonicalRequestBytes := sha256.Sum256([]byte(canonicalRequest))
stringToSign = stringToSign + hex.EncodeToString(canonicalRequestBytes[:])
return stringToSign
// getSigningKey hmac seed to calculate final signature.
func getSigningKey(secretKey string, t time.Time, region string) []byte {
date := sumHMAC([]byte("AWS4"+secretKey), []byte(t.Format(yyyymmdd)))
regionBytes := sumHMAC(date, []byte(region))
service := sumHMAC(regionBytes, []byte("s3"))
signingKey := sumHMAC(service, []byte("aws4_request"))
return signingKey
// getSignature final signature in hexadecimal form.
func getSignature(signingKey []byte, stringToSign string) string {
return hex.EncodeToString(sumHMAC(signingKey, []byte(stringToSign)))
// doesPolicySignatureMatch - Verify query headers with post policy
// - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-HTTPPOSTConstructPolicy.html
// returns true if matches, false otherwise. if error is not nil then it is always false
func doesPolicySignatureMatch(formValues map[string]string) APIErrorCode {
// Access credentials.
cred := serverConfig.GetCredential()
// Server region.
region := serverConfig.GetRegion()
// Parse credential tag.
credHeader, err := parseCredentialHeader("Credential=" + formValues["X-Amz-Credential"])
if err != ErrNone {
return ErrMissingFields
// Verify if the access key id matches.
if credHeader.accessKey != cred.AccessKeyID {
return ErrInvalidAccessKeyID
// Verify if the region is valid.
sRegion := credHeader.scope.region
if !isValidRegion(sRegion, region) {
return ErrInvalidRegion
// Parse date string.
t, e := time.Parse(iso8601Format, formValues["X-Amz-Date"])
if e != nil {
return ErrMalformedDate
// Get signing key.
signingKey := getSigningKey(cred.SecretAccessKey, t, region)
// Get signature.
newSignature := getSignature(signingKey, formValues["Policy"])
// Verify signature.
if newSignature != formValues["X-Amz-Signature"] {
return ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch
return ErrNone
// doesPresignedSignatureMatch - Verify query headers with presigned signature
// - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-query-string-auth.html
// returns true if matches, false otherwise. if error is not nil then it is always false
func doesPresignedSignatureMatch(hashedPayload string, r *http.Request, validateRegion bool) APIErrorCode {
// Access credentials.
cred := serverConfig.GetCredential()
// Server region.
region := serverConfig.GetRegion()
// Copy request
req := *r
// Parse request query string.
preSignValues, err := parsePreSignV4(req.URL.Query())
if err != ErrNone {
return err
// Verify if the access key id matches.
if preSignValues.Credential.accessKey != cred.AccessKeyID {
return ErrInvalidAccessKeyID
// Hashed payload mismatch, return content sha256 mismatch.
if hashedPayload != req.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Content-Sha256") {
return ErrContentSHA256Mismatch
// Verify if region is valid.
sRegion := preSignValues.Credential.scope.region
// Should validate region, only if region is set. Some operations
// do not need region validated for example GetBucketLocation.
if validateRegion {
if !isValidRegion(sRegion, region) {
return ErrInvalidRegion
} else {
region = sRegion
// Extract all the signed headers along with its values.
extractedSignedHeaders := extractSignedHeaders(preSignValues.SignedHeaders, req.Header)
// Construct new query.
query := make(url.Values)
if req.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Content-Sha256") != "" {
query.Set("X-Amz-Content-Sha256", hashedPayload)
query.Set("X-Amz-Algorithm", signV4Algorithm)
if time.Now().UTC().Sub(preSignValues.Date) > time.Duration(preSignValues.Expires) {
return ErrExpiredPresignRequest
// Save the date and expires.
t := preSignValues.Date
expireSeconds := int(time.Duration(preSignValues.Expires) / time.Second)
// Construct the query.
query.Set("X-Amz-Date", t.Format(iso8601Format))
query.Set("X-Amz-Expires", strconv.Itoa(expireSeconds))
query.Set("X-Amz-SignedHeaders", getSignedHeaders(extractedSignedHeaders))
query.Set("X-Amz-Credential", cred.AccessKeyID+"/"+getScope(t, sRegion))
// Save other headers available in the request parameters.
for k, v := range req.URL.Query() {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(k), "x-amz") {
query[k] = v
// Get the encoded query.
encodedQuery := query.Encode()
// Verify if date query is same.
if req.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Date") != query.Get("X-Amz-Date") {
return ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch
// Verify if expires query is same.
if req.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Expires") != query.Get("X-Amz-Expires") {
return ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch
// Verify if signed headers query is same.
if req.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-SignedHeaders") != query.Get("X-Amz-SignedHeaders") {
return ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch
// Verify if credential query is same.
if req.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Credential") != query.Get("X-Amz-Credential") {
return ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch
// Verify if sha256 payload query is same.
if req.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Content-Sha256") != "" {
if req.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Content-Sha256") != query.Get("X-Amz-Content-Sha256") {
return ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch
/// Verify finally if signature is same.
// Get canonical request.
presignedCanonicalReq := getCanonicalRequest(extractedSignedHeaders, hashedPayload, encodedQuery, req.URL.Path, req.Method, req.Host)
// Get string to sign from canonical request.
presignedStringToSign := getStringToSign(presignedCanonicalReq, t, region)
// Get hmac presigned signing key.
presignedSigningKey := getSigningKey(cred.SecretAccessKey, t, region)
// Get new signature.
newSignature := getSignature(presignedSigningKey, presignedStringToSign)
// Verify signature.
if req.URL.Query().Get("X-Amz-Signature") != newSignature {
return ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch
return ErrNone
// doesSignatureMatch - Verify authorization header with calculated header in accordance with
// - http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sig-v4-authenticating-requests.html
// returns true if matches, false otherwise. if error is not nil then it is always false
func doesSignatureMatch(hashedPayload string, r *http.Request, validateRegion bool) APIErrorCode {
// Access credentials.
cred := serverConfig.GetCredential()
// Server region.
region := serverConfig.GetRegion()
// Copy request.
req := *r
// Save authorization header.
v4Auth := req.Header.Get("Authorization")
// Parse signature version '4' header.
signV4Values, err := parseSignV4(v4Auth)
if err != ErrNone {
return err
// Hashed payload mismatch, return content sha256 mismatch.
if hashedPayload != req.Header.Get("X-Amz-Content-Sha256") {
return ErrContentSHA256Mismatch
// Extract all the signed headers along with its values.
extractedSignedHeaders := extractSignedHeaders(signV4Values.SignedHeaders, req.Header)
// Verify if the access key id matches.
if signV4Values.Credential.accessKey != cred.AccessKeyID {
return ErrInvalidAccessKeyID
// Verify if region is valid.
sRegion := signV4Values.Credential.scope.region
// Should validate region, only if region is set. Some operations
// do not need region validated for example GetBucketLocation.
if validateRegion {
if !isValidRegion(sRegion, region) {
return ErrInvalidRegion
} else {
region = sRegion
// Extract date, if not present throw error.
var date string
if date = req.Header.Get(http.CanonicalHeaderKey("x-amz-date")); date == "" {
if date = r.Header.Get("Date"); date == "" {
return ErrMissingDateHeader
// Parse date header.
t, e := time.Parse(iso8601Format, date)
if e != nil {
return ErrMalformedDate
// Query string.
queryStr := req.URL.Query().Encode()
// Get canonical request.
canonicalRequest := getCanonicalRequest(extractedSignedHeaders, hashedPayload, queryStr, req.URL.Path, req.Method, req.Host)
// Get string to sign from canonical request.
stringToSign := getStringToSign(canonicalRequest, t, region)
// Get hmac signing key.
signingKey := getSigningKey(cred.SecretAccessKey, t, region)
// Calculate signature.
newSignature := getSignature(signingKey, stringToSign)
// Verify if signature match.
if newSignature != signV4Values.Signature {
return ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch
return ErrNone