mirror of https://github.com/minio/minio.git synced 2025-03-28 08:20:58 -04:00
Harshavardhana ae4ee95d25
change default lock retry interval to 50ms ()
competing calls on the same object on versioned bucket
mutating calls on the same object may unexpected have
higher delays.

This can be reproduced with a replicated bucket
overwriting the same object writes, deletes repeatedly.

For longer locks like scanner keep the 1sec interval
2022-08-19 16:21:05 -07:00

688 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package dsync
import (
// Indicator if logging is enabled.
var dsyncLog bool
func init() {
// Check for MINIO_DSYNC_TRACE env variable, if set logging will be enabled for failed REST operations.
dsyncLog = os.Getenv("MINIO_DSYNC_TRACE") == "1"
func log(format string, data ...interface{}) {
if dsyncLog {
console.Printf(format, data...)
const (
// dRWMutexAcquireTimeout - default tolerance limit to wait for lock acquisition before.
drwMutexAcquireTimeout = 1 * time.Second // 1 second.
// dRWMutexRefreshTimeout - default timeout for the refresh call
drwMutexRefreshCallTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// dRWMutexUnlockTimeout - default timeout for the unlock call
drwMutexUnlockCallTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// dRWMutexForceUnlockTimeout - default timeout for the unlock call
drwMutexForceUnlockCallTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// dRWMutexRefreshInterval - default the interval between two refresh calls
drwMutexRefreshInterval = 10 * time.Second
// maximum time to sleep before retrying a failed blocking lock()
lockRetryInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
drwMutexInfinite = 1<<63 - 1
// Timeouts are timeouts for specific operations.
type Timeouts struct {
// Acquire - tolerance limit to wait for lock acquisition before.
Acquire time.Duration
// RefreshCall - timeout for the refresh call
RefreshCall time.Duration
// UnlockCall - timeout for the unlock call
UnlockCall time.Duration
// ForceUnlockCall - timeout for the force unlock call
ForceUnlockCall time.Duration
// DefaultTimeouts contains default timeouts.
var DefaultTimeouts = Timeouts{
Acquire: drwMutexAcquireTimeout,
RefreshCall: drwMutexRefreshCallTimeout,
UnlockCall: drwMutexUnlockCallTimeout,
ForceUnlockCall: drwMutexForceUnlockCallTimeout,
// A DRWMutex is a distributed mutual exclusion lock.
type DRWMutex struct {
Names []string
writeLocks []string // Array of nodes that granted a write lock
readLocks []string // Array of array of nodes that granted reader locks
rng *rand.Rand
m sync.Mutex // Mutex to prevent multiple simultaneous locks from this node
clnt *Dsync
cancelRefresh context.CancelFunc
refreshInterval time.Duration
lockRetryInterval time.Duration
// Granted - represents a structure of a granted lock.
type Granted struct {
index int
lockUID string // Locked if set with UID string, unlocked if empty
func (g *Granted) isLocked() bool {
return isLocked(g.lockUID)
func isLocked(uid string) bool {
return len(uid) > 0
// NewDRWMutex - initializes a new dsync RW mutex.
func NewDRWMutex(clnt *Dsync, names ...string) *DRWMutex {
restClnts, _ := clnt.GetLockers()
return &DRWMutex{
writeLocks: make([]string, len(restClnts)),
readLocks: make([]string, len(restClnts)),
Names: names,
clnt: clnt,
rng: rand.New(&lockedRandSource{src: rand.NewSource(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano())}),
refreshInterval: drwMutexRefreshInterval,
lockRetryInterval: lockRetryInterval,
// Lock holds a write lock on dm.
// If the lock is already in use, the calling go routine
// blocks until the mutex is available.
func (dm *DRWMutex) Lock(id, source string) {
isReadLock := false
dm.lockBlocking(context.Background(), nil, id, source, isReadLock, Options{
Timeout: drwMutexInfinite,
// Options lock options.
type Options struct {
Timeout time.Duration
RetryInterval time.Duration
// GetLock tries to get a write lock on dm before the timeout elapses.
// If the lock is already in use, the calling go routine
// blocks until either the mutex becomes available and return success or
// more time has passed than the timeout value and return false.
func (dm *DRWMutex) GetLock(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc, id, source string, opts Options) (locked bool) {
isReadLock := false
return dm.lockBlocking(ctx, cancel, id, source, isReadLock, opts)
// RLock holds a read lock on dm.
// If one or more read locks are already in use, it will grant another lock.
// Otherwise the calling go routine blocks until the mutex is available.
func (dm *DRWMutex) RLock(id, source string) {
isReadLock := true
dm.lockBlocking(context.Background(), nil, id, source, isReadLock, Options{
Timeout: drwMutexInfinite,
// GetRLock tries to get a read lock on dm before the timeout elapses.
// If one or more read locks are already in use, it will grant another lock.
// Otherwise the calling go routine blocks until either the mutex becomes
// available and return success or more time has passed than the timeout
// value and return false.
func (dm *DRWMutex) GetRLock(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc, id, source string, opts Options) (locked bool) {
isReadLock := true
return dm.lockBlocking(ctx, cancel, id, source, isReadLock, opts)
// lockBlocking will try to acquire either a read or a write lock
// The function will loop using a built-in timing randomized back-off
// algorithm until either the lock is acquired successfully or more
// time has elapsed than the timeout value.
func (dm *DRWMutex) lockBlocking(ctx context.Context, lockLossCallback func(), id, source string, isReadLock bool, opts Options) (locked bool) {
restClnts, _ := dm.clnt.GetLockers()
// Create lock array to capture the successful lockers
locks := make([]string, len(restClnts))
// Add total timeout
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, opts.Timeout)
defer cancel()
// Tolerance is not set, defaults to half of the locker clients.
tolerance := len(restClnts) / 2
// Quorum is effectively = total clients subtracted with tolerance limit
quorum := len(restClnts) - tolerance
if !isReadLock {
// In situations for write locks, as a special case
// to avoid split brains we make sure to acquire
// quorum + 1 when tolerance is exactly half of the
// total locker clients.
if quorum == tolerance {
log("lockBlocking %s/%s for %#v: lockType readLock(%t), additional opts: %#v, quorum: %d, tolerance: %d, lockClients: %d\n", id, source, dm.Names, isReadLock, opts, quorum, tolerance, len(restClnts))
tolerance = len(restClnts) - quorum
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false
// Try to acquire the lock.
if locked = lock(ctx, dm.clnt, &locks, id, source, isReadLock, tolerance, quorum, dm.Names...); locked {
// If success, copy array to object
if isReadLock {
copy(dm.readLocks, locks)
} else {
copy(dm.writeLocks, locks)
log("lockBlocking %s/%s for %#v: granted\n", id, source, dm.Names)
// Refresh lock continuously and cancel if there is no quorum in the lock anymore
dm.startContinousLockRefresh(lockLossCallback, id, source, quorum)
return locked
lockRetryInterval := dm.lockRetryInterval
if opts.RetryInterval > 0 {
lockRetryInterval = opts.RetryInterval
time.Sleep(time.Duration(dm.rng.Float64() * float64(lockRetryInterval)))
func (dm *DRWMutex) startContinousLockRefresh(lockLossCallback func(), id, source string, quorum int) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
dm.cancelRefresh = cancel
go func() {
defer cancel()
refreshTimer := time.NewTimer(dm.refreshInterval)
defer refreshTimer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-refreshTimer.C:
noQuorum, err := refreshLock(ctx, dm.clnt, id, source, quorum)
if err == nil && noQuorum {
// Clean the lock locally and in remote nodes
forceUnlock(ctx, dm.clnt, id)
// Execute the caller lock loss callback
if lockLossCallback != nil {
func forceUnlock(ctx context.Context, ds *Dsync, id string) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, ds.Timeouts.ForceUnlockCall)
defer cancel()
restClnts, _ := ds.GetLockers()
args := LockArgs{
UID: id,
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for index, c := range restClnts {
// Send refresh request to all nodes
go func(index int, c NetLocker) {
defer wg.Done()
c.ForceUnlock(ctx, args)
}(index, c)
type refreshResult struct {
offline bool
refreshed bool
// Refresh the given lock in all nodes, return true to indicate if a lock
// does not exist in enough quorum nodes.
func refreshLock(ctx context.Context, ds *Dsync, id, source string, quorum int) (bool, error) {
restClnts, _ := ds.GetLockers()
// Create buffered channel of size equal to total number of nodes.
ch := make(chan refreshResult, len(restClnts))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
args := LockArgs{
UID: id,
for index, c := range restClnts {
// Send refresh request to all nodes
go func(index int, c NetLocker) {
defer wg.Done()
if c == nil {
ch <- refreshResult{offline: true}
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, ds.Timeouts.RefreshCall)
defer cancel()
refreshed, err := c.Refresh(ctx, args)
if err != nil {
ch <- refreshResult{offline: true}
log("dsync: Unable to call Refresh failed with %s for %#v at %s\n", err, args, c)
} else {
ch <- refreshResult{refreshed: refreshed}
log("dsync: Refresh returned false for %#v at %s\n", args, c)
}(index, c)
// Wait until we have either
// a) received all refresh responses
// b) received too many refreshed for quorum to be still possible
// c) timed out
lockNotFound, lockRefreshed := 0, 0
done := false
for i := 0; i < len(restClnts); i++ {
select {
case refreshResult := <-ch:
if refreshResult.offline {
if refreshResult.refreshed {
} else {
if lockRefreshed >= quorum || lockNotFound > len(restClnts)-quorum {
done = true
case <-ctx.Done():
// Refreshing is canceled
return false, ctx.Err()
if done {
// We may have some unused results in ch, release them async.
go func() {
for range ch {
noQuorum := lockNotFound > len(restClnts)-quorum
return noQuorum, nil
// lock tries to acquire the distributed lock, returning true or false.
func lock(ctx context.Context, ds *Dsync, locks *[]string, id, source string, isReadLock bool, tolerance, quorum int, names ...string) bool {
for i := range *locks {
(*locks)[i] = ""
restClnts, owner := ds.GetLockers()
// Create buffered channel of size equal to total number of nodes.
ch := make(chan Granted, len(restClnts))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
args := LockArgs{
Owner: owner,
UID: id,
Resources: names,
Source: source,
Quorum: quorum,
// Combined timeout for the lock attempt.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, ds.Timeouts.Acquire)
defer cancel()
for index, c := range restClnts {
// broadcast lock request to all nodes
go func(index int, isReadLock bool, c NetLocker) {
defer wg.Done()
g := Granted{index: index}
if c == nil {
log("dsync: nil locker\n")
ch <- g
var locked bool
var err error
if isReadLock {
if locked, err = c.RLock(context.Background(), args); err != nil {
log("dsync: Unable to call RLock failed with %s for %#v at %s\n", err, args, c)
} else {
if locked, err = c.Lock(context.Background(), args); err != nil {
log("dsync: Unable to call Lock failed with %s for %#v at %s\n", err, args, c)
if locked {
g.lockUID = args.UID
ch <- g
}(index, isReadLock, c)
// Wait until we have either
// a) received all lock responses
// b) received too many 'non-'locks for quorum to be still possible
// c) timed out
i, locksFailed := 0, 0
done := false
for ; i < len(restClnts); i++ { // Loop until we acquired all locks
select {
case grant := <-ch:
if grant.isLocked() {
// Mark that this node has acquired the lock
(*locks)[grant.index] = grant.lockUID
} else {
if locksFailed > tolerance {
// We know that we are not going to get the lock anymore,
// so exit out and release any locks that did get acquired
done = true
case <-ctx.Done():
// Capture timedout locks as failed or took too long
if locksFailed > tolerance {
// We know that we are not going to get the lock anymore,
// so exit out and release any locks that did get acquired
done = true
if done {
quorumLocked := checkQuorumLocked(locks, quorum) && locksFailed <= tolerance
if !quorumLocked {
log("dsync: Unable to acquire lock in quorum %#v\n", args)
// Release all acquired locks without quorum.
if !releaseAll(ds, tolerance, owner, locks, isReadLock, restClnts, names...) {
log("Unable to release acquired locks, these locks will expire automatically %#v\n", args)
// We may have some unused results in ch, release them async.
go func() {
for grantToBeReleased := range ch {
if grantToBeReleased.isLocked() {
// release abandoned lock
log("Releasing abandoned lock\n")
sendRelease(ds, restClnts[grantToBeReleased.index],
owner, grantToBeReleased.lockUID, isReadLock, names...)
return quorumLocked
// checkFailedUnlocks determines whether we have sufficiently unlocked all
// resources to ensure no deadlocks for future callers
func checkFailedUnlocks(locks []string, tolerance int) bool {
unlocksFailed := 0
for lockID := range locks {
if isLocked(locks[lockID]) {
// Unlock failures are higher than tolerance limit
// for this instance of unlocker, we should let the
// caller know that lock is not successfully released
// yet.
if len(locks)-tolerance == tolerance {
// Incase of split brain scenarios where
// tolerance is exactly half of the len(*locks)
// then we need to make sure we have unlocked
// upto tolerance+1 - especially for RUnlock
// to ensure that we don't end up with active
// read locks on the resource after unlocking
// only half of the lockers.
return unlocksFailed >= tolerance
return unlocksFailed > tolerance
// checkQuorumLocked determines whether we have locked the required quorum of underlying locks or not
func checkQuorumLocked(locks *[]string, quorum int) bool {
count := 0
for _, uid := range *locks {
if isLocked(uid) {
return count >= quorum
// releaseAll releases all locks that are marked as locked
func releaseAll(ds *Dsync, tolerance int, owner string, locks *[]string, isReadLock bool, restClnts []NetLocker, names ...string) bool {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for lockID := range restClnts {
go func(lockID int) {
defer wg.Done()
if sendRelease(ds, restClnts[lockID], owner, (*locks)[lockID], isReadLock, names...) {
(*locks)[lockID] = ""
// Return true if releaseAll was successful, otherwise we return 'false'
// to indicate we haven't sufficiently unlocked lockers to avoid deadlocks.
// Caller may use this as an indication to call again.
return !checkFailedUnlocks(*locks, tolerance)
// Unlock unlocks the write lock.
// It is a run-time error if dm is not locked on entry to Unlock.
func (dm *DRWMutex) Unlock() {
restClnts, owner := dm.clnt.GetLockers()
// create temp array on stack
locks := make([]string, len(restClnts))
defer dm.m.Unlock()
// Check if minimally a single bool is set in the writeLocks array
lockFound := false
for _, uid := range dm.writeLocks {
if isLocked(uid) {
lockFound = true
if !lockFound {
panic("Trying to Unlock() while no Lock() is active")
// Copy write locks to stack array
copy(locks, dm.writeLocks)
// Tolerance is not set, defaults to half of the locker clients.
tolerance := len(restClnts) / 2
isReadLock := false
for !releaseAll(dm.clnt, tolerance, owner, &locks, isReadLock, restClnts, dm.Names...) {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(dm.rng.Float64() * float64(dm.lockRetryInterval)))
// RUnlock releases a read lock held on dm.
// It is a run-time error if dm is not locked on entry to RUnlock.
func (dm *DRWMutex) RUnlock() {
restClnts, owner := dm.clnt.GetLockers()
// create temp array on stack
locks := make([]string, len(restClnts))
defer dm.m.Unlock()
// Check if minimally a single bool is set in the writeLocks array
lockFound := false
for _, uid := range dm.readLocks {
if isLocked(uid) {
lockFound = true
if !lockFound {
panic("Trying to RUnlock() while no RLock() is active")
// Copy write locks to stack array
copy(locks, dm.readLocks)
// Tolerance is not set, defaults to half of the locker clients.
tolerance := len(restClnts) / 2
isReadLock := true
for !releaseAll(dm.clnt, tolerance, owner, &locks, isReadLock, restClnts, dm.Names...) {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(dm.rng.Float64() * float64(dm.lockRetryInterval)))
// sendRelease sends a release message to a node that previously granted a lock
func sendRelease(ds *Dsync, c NetLocker, owner string, uid string, isReadLock bool, names ...string) bool {
if c == nil {
log("Unable to call RUnlock failed with %s\n", errors.New("netLocker is offline"))
return false
if len(uid) == 0 {
return false
args := LockArgs{
Owner: owner,
UID: uid,
Resources: names,
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), ds.Timeouts.UnlockCall)
defer cancel()
if isReadLock {
if _, err := c.RUnlock(ctx, args); err != nil {
log("dsync: Unable to call RUnlock failed with %s for %#v at %s\n", err, args, c)
return false
} else {
if _, err := c.Unlock(ctx, args); err != nil {
log("dsync: Unable to call Unlock failed with %s for %#v at %s\n", err, args, c)
return false
return true