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synced 2025-03-13 21:12:55 -04:00
This implementation is similar to AMQP notifications: * Notifications are published on a single topic as a JSON feed * Topic is configurable, as is the QoS. Uses the paho.mqtt.golang library for the mqtt connection, and supports connections over tcp and websockets, with optional secure tls support. * Additionally the minio server configuration has been bumped up so mqtt configuration can be added. * Configuration migration code is added with tests. MQTT is an ISO standard M2M/IoT messaging protocol and was originally designed for applications for limited bandwidth networks. Today it's use is growing in the IoT space.
392 lines
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392 lines
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2017 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
const azureGatewayTemplate = `NAME:
{{.HelpName}} - {{.Usage}}
{{.HelpName}} {{if .VisibleFlags}}[FLAGS]{{end}} [ENDPOINT]
{{if .VisibleFlags}}
{{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}}
Azure server endpoint. Default ENDPOINT is https://core.windows.net
MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: Username or access key of Azure storage.
MINIO_SECRET_KEY: Password or secret key of Azure storage.
MINIO_BROWSER: To disable web browser access, set this value to "off".
1. Start minio gateway server for Azure Blob Storage backend.
$ export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=azureaccountname
$ export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=azureaccountkey
$ {{.HelpName}}
2. Start minio gateway server for Azure Blob Storage backend on custom endpoint.
$ export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=azureaccountname
$ export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=azureaccountkey
$ {{.HelpName}} https://azure.example.com
var azureBackendCmd = cli.Command{
Name: "azure",
Usage: "Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.",
Action: azureGatewayMain,
CustomHelpTemplate: azureGatewayTemplate,
Flags: append(serverFlags,
Name: "quiet",
Usage: "Disable startup banner.",
HideHelpCommand: true,
const s3GatewayTemplate = `NAME:
{{.HelpName}} - {{.Usage}}
{{.HelpName}} {{if .VisibleFlags}}[FLAGS]{{end}} [ENDPOINT]
{{if .VisibleFlags}}
{{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}}
S3 server endpoint. Default ENDPOINT is https://s3.amazonaws.com
MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: Username or access key of S3 storage.
MINIO_SECRET_KEY: Password or secret key of S3 storage.
MINIO_BROWSER: To disable web browser access, set this value to "off".
1. Start minio gateway server for AWS S3 backend.
$ export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=accesskey
$ export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=secretkey
$ {{.HelpName}}
2. Start minio gateway server for S3 backend on custom endpoint.
$ export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG
$ {{.HelpName}} https://play.minio.io:9000
var s3BackendCmd = cli.Command{
Name: "s3",
Usage: "Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).",
Action: s3GatewayMain,
CustomHelpTemplate: s3GatewayTemplate,
Flags: append(serverFlags,
Name: "quiet",
Usage: "Disable startup banner.",
HideHelpCommand: true,
var gatewayCmd = cli.Command{
Name: "gateway",
Usage: "Start object storage gateway.",
HideHelpCommand: true,
Subcommands: []cli.Command{azureBackendCmd, s3BackendCmd},
// Represents the type of the gateway backend.
type gatewayBackend string
const (
azureBackend gatewayBackend = "azure"
s3Backend gatewayBackend = "s3"
// Add more backends here.
// Returns access and secretkey set from environment variables.
func mustGetGatewayCredsFromEnv() (accessKey, secretKey string) {
// Fetch access keys from environment variables.
accessKey = os.Getenv("MINIO_ACCESS_KEY")
secretKey = os.Getenv("MINIO_SECRET_KEY")
if accessKey == "" || secretKey == "" {
fatalIf(errors.New("Missing credentials"), "Access and secret keys are mandatory to run Minio gateway server.")
return accessKey, secretKey
// Set browser setting from environment variables
func mustSetBrowserSettingFromEnv() {
if browser := os.Getenv("MINIO_BROWSER"); browser != "" {
browserFlag, err := ParseBrowserFlag(browser)
if err != nil {
fatalIf(errors.New("invalid value"), "Unknown value ‘%s’ in MINIO_BROWSER environment variable.", browser)
// browser Envs are set globally, this does not represent
// if browser is turned off or on.
globalIsEnvBrowser = true
globalIsBrowserEnabled = bool(browserFlag)
// Initialize gateway layer depending on the backend type.
// Supported backend types are
// - Azure Blob Storage.
// - Add your favorite backend here.
func newGatewayLayer(backendType gatewayBackend, endpoint, accessKey, secretKey string, secure bool) (GatewayLayer, error) {
switch gatewayBackend(backendType) {
case azureBackend:
return newAzureLayer(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey, secure)
case s3Backend:
return newS3Gateway(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey, secure)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized backend type %s", backendType)
// Initialize a new gateway config.
// DO NOT save this config, this is meant to be
// only used in memory.
func newGatewayConfig(accessKey, secretKey, region string) error {
// Initialize server config.
srvCfg := newServerConfigV19()
// If env is set for a fresh start, save them to config file.
AccessKey: accessKey,
SecretKey: secretKey,
// Set custom region.
// hold the mutex lock before a new config is assigned.
// Save the new config globally.
// unlock the mutex.
serverConfig = srvCfg
return nil
// Return endpoint.
func parseGatewayEndpoint(arg string) (endPoint string, secure bool, err error) {
schemeSpecified := len(strings.Split(arg, "://")) > 1
if !schemeSpecified {
// Default connection will be "secure".
arg = "https://" + arg
u, err := url.Parse(arg)
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
switch u.Scheme {
case "http":
return u.Host, false, nil
case "https":
return u.Host, true, nil
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized scheme %s", u.Scheme)
// Validate gateway arguments.
func validateGatewayArguments(serverAddr, endpointAddr string) error {
if err := CheckLocalServerAddr(serverAddr); err != nil {
return err
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
_, port := mustSplitHostPort(serverAddr)
// On macOS, if a process already listens on LOCALIPADDR:PORT, net.Listen() falls back
// to IPv6 address i.e minio will start listening on IPv6 address whereas another
// (non-)minio process is listening on IPv4 of given port.
// To avoid this error situation we check for port availability only for macOS.
if err := checkPortAvailability(port); err != nil {
return err
if endpointAddr != "" {
// Reject the endpoint if it points to the gateway handler itself.
sameTarget, err := sameLocalAddrs(endpointAddr, serverAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
if sameTarget {
return errors.New("endpoint points to the local gateway")
return nil
// Handler for 'minio gateway azure' command line.
func azureGatewayMain(ctx *cli.Context) {
if ctx.Args().Present() && ctx.Args().First() == "help" {
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "azure", 1)
gatewayMain(ctx, azureBackend)
// Handler for 'minio gateway s3' command line.
func s3GatewayMain(ctx *cli.Context) {
if ctx.Args().Present() && ctx.Args().First() == "help" {
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "s3", 1)
gatewayMain(ctx, s3Backend)
// Handler for 'minio gateway'.
func gatewayMain(ctx *cli.Context, backendType gatewayBackend) {
// Fetch access and secret key from env.
accessKey, secretKey := mustGetGatewayCredsFromEnv()
// Fetch browser env setting
// Initialize new gateway config.
newGatewayConfig(accessKey, secretKey, globalMinioDefaultRegion)
// Get quiet flag from command line argument.
quietFlag := ctx.Bool("quiet") || ctx.GlobalBool("quiet")
if quietFlag {
serverAddr := ctx.String("address")
endpointAddr := ctx.Args().Get(0)
err := validateGatewayArguments(serverAddr, endpointAddr)
fatalIf(err, "Invalid argument")
// Second argument is endpoint. If no endpoint is specified then the
// gateway implementation should use a default setting.
endPoint, secure, err := parseGatewayEndpoint(endpointAddr)
fatalIf(err, "Unable to parse endpoint")
// Create certs path for SSL configuration.
fatalIf(createConfigDir(), "Unable to create configuration directory")
newObject, err := newGatewayLayer(backendType, endPoint, accessKey, secretKey, secure)
fatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize gateway layer")
initNSLock(false) // Enable local namespace lock.
router := mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true)
// credentials Envs are set globally.
globalIsEnvCreds = true
// Register web router when its enabled.
if globalIsBrowserEnabled {
aerr := registerWebRouter(router)
fatalIf(aerr, "Unable to configure web browser")
registerGatewayAPIRouter(router, newObject)
var handlerFns = []HandlerFunc{
// Validate all the incoming paths.
// Limits all requests size to a maximum fixed limit
// Adds 'crossdomain.xml' policy handler to serve legacy flash clients.
// Validates all incoming requests to have a valid date header.
// Redirect some pre-defined browser request paths to a static location prefix.
// Validates if incoming request is for restricted buckets.
// Adds cache control for all browser requests.
// Validates all incoming requests to have a valid date header.
// CORS setting for all browser API requests.
// Validates all incoming URL resources, for invalid/unsupported
// resources client receives a HTTP error.
// Auth handler verifies incoming authorization headers and
// routes them accordingly. Client receives a HTTP error for
// invalid/unsupported signatures.
// Add new handlers here.
apiServer := NewServerMux(serverAddr, registerHandlers(router, handlerFns...))
_, _, globalIsSSL, err = getSSLConfig()
fatalIf(err, "Invalid SSL key file")
// Start server, automatically configures TLS if certs are available.
go func() {
cert, key := "", ""
if globalIsSSL {
cert, key = getPublicCertFile(), getPrivateKeyFile()
aerr := apiServer.ListenAndServe(cert, key)
fatalIf(aerr, "Failed to start minio server")
// Once endpoints are finalized, initialize the new object api.
globalObjectAPI = newObject
// Prints the formatted startup message once object layer is initialized.
if !quietFlag {
mode := ""
if gatewayBackend(backendType) == azureBackend {
mode = globalMinioModeGatewayAzure
} else if gatewayBackend(backendType) == s3Backend {
mode = globalMinioModeGatewayS3
apiEndpoints := getAPIEndpoints(apiServer.Addr)
printGatewayStartupMessage(apiEndpoints, accessKey, secretKey, backendType)