mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 08:43:40 -04:00
With CoreDNS now supporting etcdv3 as the DNS backend, we can update our federation target to etcdv3. Users will now be able to use etcdv3 server as the federation backbone. Minio will update bucket data to etcdv3 and CoreDNS can pick that data up and serve it as bucket style DNS path.
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"
miniogopolicy "github.com/minio/minio-go/pkg/policy"
// WebGenericArgs - empty struct for calls that don't accept arguments
// for ex. ServerInfo, GenerateAuth
type WebGenericArgs struct{}
// WebGenericRep - reply structure for calls for which reply is success/failure
// for ex. RemoveObject MakeBucket
type WebGenericRep struct {
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// ServerInfoRep - server info reply.
type ServerInfoRep struct {
MinioVersion string
MinioMemory string
MinioPlatform string
MinioRuntime string
MinioGlobalInfo map[string]interface{}
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// ServerInfo - get server info.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) ServerInfo(r *http.Request, args *WebGenericArgs, reply *ServerInfoRep) error {
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
host, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
host = ""
memstats := &runtime.MemStats{}
mem := fmt.Sprintf("Used: %s | Allocated: %s | Used-Heap: %s | Allocated-Heap: %s",
platform := fmt.Sprintf("Host: %s | OS: %s | Arch: %s",
goruntime := fmt.Sprintf("Version: %s | CPUs: %s", runtime.Version(), strconv.Itoa(runtime.NumCPU()))
reply.MinioVersion = Version
reply.MinioGlobalInfo = getGlobalInfo()
reply.MinioMemory = mem
reply.MinioPlatform = platform
reply.MinioRuntime = goruntime
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// StorageInfoRep - contains storage usage statistics.
type StorageInfoRep struct {
StorageInfo StorageInfo `json:"storageInfo"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// StorageInfo - web call to gather storage usage statistics.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) StorageInfo(r *http.Request, args *AuthArgs, reply *StorageInfoRep) error {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
return toJSONError(errServerNotInitialized)
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
reply.StorageInfo = objectAPI.StorageInfo(context.Background())
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// MakeBucketArgs - make bucket args.
type MakeBucketArgs struct {
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
// MakeBucket - creates a new bucket.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) MakeBucket(r *http.Request, args *MakeBucketArgs, reply *WebGenericRep) error {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
return toJSONError(errServerNotInitialized)
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
// Check if bucket is a reserved bucket name or invalid.
if isReservedOrInvalidBucket(args.BucketName) {
return toJSONError(errInvalidBucketName)
if globalDNSConfig != nil {
if _, err := globalDNSConfig.Get(args.BucketName); err != nil {
if err == dns.ErrNoEntriesFound {
// Proceed to creating a bucket.
if err = objectAPI.MakeBucketWithLocation(context.Background(), args.BucketName, globalServerConfig.GetRegion()); err != nil {
return toJSONError(err)
if err = globalDNSConfig.Put(args.BucketName); err != nil {
objectAPI.DeleteBucket(context.Background(), args.BucketName)
return toJSONError(err)
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
return toJSONError(err)
return toJSONError(errBucketAlreadyExists)
if err := objectAPI.MakeBucketWithLocation(context.Background(), args.BucketName, globalServerConfig.GetRegion()); err != nil {
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// RemoveBucketArgs - remove bucket args.
type RemoveBucketArgs struct {
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
// DeleteBucket - removes a bucket, must be empty.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) DeleteBucket(r *http.Request, args *RemoveBucketArgs, reply *WebGenericRep) error {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
return toJSONError(errServerNotInitialized)
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
ctx := context.Background()
deleteBucket := objectAPI.DeleteBucket
if web.CacheAPI() != nil {
deleteBucket = web.CacheAPI().DeleteBucket
if err := deleteBucket(ctx, args.BucketName); err != nil {
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
globalNotificationSys.DeleteBucket(ctx, args.BucketName)
if globalDNSConfig != nil {
if err := globalDNSConfig.Delete(args.BucketName); err != nil {
// Deleting DNS entry failed, attempt to create the bucket again.
objectAPI.MakeBucketWithLocation(ctx, args.BucketName, "")
return toJSONError(err)
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// ListBucketsRep - list buckets response
type ListBucketsRep struct {
Buckets []WebBucketInfo `json:"buckets"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// WebBucketInfo container for list buckets metadata.
type WebBucketInfo struct {
// The name of the bucket.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Date the bucket was created.
CreationDate time.Time `json:"creationDate"`
// ListBuckets - list buckets api.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) ListBuckets(r *http.Request, args *WebGenericArgs, reply *ListBucketsRep) error {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
return toJSONError(errServerNotInitialized)
listBuckets := objectAPI.ListBuckets
if web.CacheAPI() != nil {
listBuckets = web.CacheAPI().ListBuckets
authErr := webRequestAuthenticate(r)
if authErr != nil {
return toJSONError(authErr)
// If etcd, dns federation configured list buckets from etcd.
if globalDNSConfig != nil {
dnsBuckets, err := globalDNSConfig.List()
if err != nil {
return toJSONError(err)
for _, dnsRecord := range dnsBuckets {
bucketName := strings.Trim(dnsRecord.Key, "/")
reply.Buckets = append(reply.Buckets, WebBucketInfo{
Name: bucketName,
CreationDate: dnsRecord.CreationDate,
} else {
buckets, err := listBuckets(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return toJSONError(err)
for _, bucket := range buckets {
reply.Buckets = append(reply.Buckets, WebBucketInfo{
Name: bucket.Name,
CreationDate: bucket.Created,
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// ListObjectsArgs - list object args.
type ListObjectsArgs struct {
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
Marker string `json:"marker"`
// ListObjectsRep - list objects response.
type ListObjectsRep struct {
Objects []WebObjectInfo `json:"objects"`
NextMarker string `json:"nextmarker"`
IsTruncated bool `json:"istruncated"`
Writable bool `json:"writable"` // Used by client to show "upload file" button.
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// WebObjectInfo container for list objects metadata.
type WebObjectInfo struct {
// Name of the object
Key string `json:"name"`
// Date and time the object was last modified.
LastModified time.Time `json:"lastModified"`
// Size in bytes of the object.
Size int64 `json:"size"`
// ContentType is mime type of the object.
ContentType string `json:"contentType"`
// ListObjects - list objects api.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) ListObjects(r *http.Request, args *ListObjectsArgs, reply *ListObjectsRep) error {
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
return toJSONError(errServerNotInitialized)
listObjects := objectAPI.ListObjects
if web.CacheAPI() != nil {
listObjects = web.CacheAPI().ListObjects
// Check if anonymous (non-owner) has access to download objects.
readable := globalPolicySys.IsAllowed(policy.Args{
Action: policy.GetObjectAction,
BucketName: args.BucketName,
ConditionValues: getConditionValues(r, ""),
IsOwner: false,
ObjectName: args.Prefix + "/",
// Check if anonymous (non-owner) has access to upload objects.
writable := globalPolicySys.IsAllowed(policy.Args{
Action: policy.PutObjectAction,
BucketName: args.BucketName,
ConditionValues: getConditionValues(r, ""),
IsOwner: false,
ObjectName: args.Prefix + "/",
if authErr := webRequestAuthenticate(r); authErr != nil {
if authErr == errAuthentication {
return toJSONError(authErr)
// Error out anonymous (non-owner) has no access download or upload objects.
if !readable && !writable {
return errAuthentication
reply.Writable = writable
lo, err := listObjects(context.Background(), args.BucketName, args.Prefix, args.Marker, slashSeparator, 1000)
if err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: err.Error()}
reply.NextMarker = lo.NextMarker
reply.IsTruncated = lo.IsTruncated
for _, obj := range lo.Objects {
reply.Objects = append(reply.Objects, WebObjectInfo{
Key: obj.Name,
LastModified: obj.ModTime,
Size: obj.Size,
ContentType: obj.ContentType,
for _, prefix := range lo.Prefixes {
reply.Objects = append(reply.Objects, WebObjectInfo{
Key: prefix,
return nil
// RemoveObjectArgs - args to remove an object, JSON will look like.
// {
// "bucketname": "testbucket",
// "objects": [
// "photos/hawaii/",
// "photos/maldives/",
// "photos/sanjose.jpg"
// ]
// }
type RemoveObjectArgs struct {
Objects []string `json:"objects"` // Contains objects, prefixes.
BucketName string `json:"bucketname"` // Contains bucket name.
// RemoveObject - removes an object, or all the objects at a given prefix.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) RemoveObject(r *http.Request, args *RemoveObjectArgs, reply *WebGenericRep) error {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
return toJSONError(errServerNotInitialized)
listObjects := objectAPI.ListObjects
if web.CacheAPI() != nil {
listObjects = web.CacheAPI().ListObjects
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
if args.BucketName == "" || len(args.Objects) == 0 {
return toJSONError(errInvalidArgument)
var err error
for _, objectName := range args.Objects {
// If not a directory, remove the object.
if !hasSuffix(objectName, slashSeparator) && objectName != "" {
// Deny if WORM is enabled
if globalWORMEnabled {
if _, err = objectAPI.GetObjectInfo(context.Background(), args.BucketName, objectName); err == nil {
return toJSONError(errMethodNotAllowed)
if err = deleteObject(nil, objectAPI, web.CacheAPI(), args.BucketName, objectName, r); err != nil {
break next
// For directories, list the contents recursively and remove.
marker := ""
for {
var lo ListObjectsInfo
lo, err = listObjects(context.Background(), args.BucketName, objectName, marker, "", 1000)
if err != nil {
break next
marker = lo.NextMarker
for _, obj := range lo.Objects {
err = deleteObject(nil, objectAPI, web.CacheAPI(), args.BucketName, obj.Name, r)
if err != nil {
break next
if !lo.IsTruncated {
if err != nil && !isErrObjectNotFound(err) {
// Ignore object not found error.
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName, "")
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// LoginArgs - login arguments.
type LoginArgs struct {
Username string `json:"username" form:"username"`
Password string `json:"password" form:"password"`
// LoginRep - login reply.
type LoginRep struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// Login - user login handler.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) Login(r *http.Request, args *LoginArgs, reply *LoginRep) error {
token, err := authenticateWeb(args.Username, args.Password)
if err != nil {
return toJSONError(err)
reply.Token = token
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// GenerateAuthReply - reply for GenerateAuth
type GenerateAuthReply struct {
AccessKey string `json:"accessKey"`
SecretKey string `json:"secretKey"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
func (web webAPIHandlers) GenerateAuth(r *http.Request, args *WebGenericArgs, reply *GenerateAuthReply) error {
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
cred, err := auth.GetNewCredentials()
if err != nil {
return toJSONError(err)
reply.AccessKey = cred.AccessKey
reply.SecretKey = cred.SecretKey
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// SetAuthArgs - argument for SetAuth
type SetAuthArgs struct {
AccessKey string `json:"accessKey"`
SecretKey string `json:"secretKey"`
// SetAuthReply - reply for SetAuth
type SetAuthReply struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
PeerErrMsgs map[string]string `json:"peerErrMsgs"`
// SetAuth - Set accessKey and secretKey credentials.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) SetAuth(r *http.Request, args *SetAuthArgs, reply *SetAuthReply) error {
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
// If creds are set through ENV disallow changing credentials.
if globalIsEnvCreds || globalWORMEnabled {
return toJSONError(errChangeCredNotAllowed)
creds, err := auth.CreateCredentials(args.AccessKey, args.SecretKey)
if err != nil {
return toJSONError(err)
// Acquire lock before updating global configuration.
defer globalServerConfigMu.Unlock()
// Update credentials in memory
prevCred := globalServerConfig.SetCredential(creds)
// Persist updated credentials.
if err = globalServerConfig.Save(getConfigFile()); err != nil {
// Save the current creds when failed to update.
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err)
return toJSONError(err)
if errs := globalNotificationSys.SetCredentials(creds); len(errs) != 0 {
reply.PeerErrMsgs = make(map[string]string)
for host, err := range errs {
err = fmt.Errorf("Unable to update credentials on server %v: %v", host, err)
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err)
reply.PeerErrMsgs[host.String()] = err.Error()
} else {
reply.Token = newAuthToken()
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// GetAuthReply - Reply current credentials.
type GetAuthReply struct {
AccessKey string `json:"accessKey"`
SecretKey string `json:"secretKey"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// GetAuth - return accessKey and secretKey credentials.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) GetAuth(r *http.Request, args *WebGenericArgs, reply *GetAuthReply) error {
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
creds := globalServerConfig.GetCredential()
reply.AccessKey = creds.AccessKey
reply.SecretKey = creds.SecretKey
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// URLTokenReply contains the reply for CreateURLToken.
type URLTokenReply struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// CreateURLToken creates a URL token (short-lived) for GET requests.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) CreateURLToken(r *http.Request, args *WebGenericArgs, reply *URLTokenReply) error {
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
creds := globalServerConfig.GetCredential()
token, err := authenticateURL(creds.AccessKey, creds.SecretKey)
if err != nil {
return toJSONError(err)
reply.Token = token
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
return nil
// Upload - file upload handler.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) Upload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errServerNotInitialized)
putObject := objectAPI.PutObject
if web.CacheAPI() != nil {
putObject = web.CacheAPI().PutObject
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object := vars["object"]
if authErr := webRequestAuthenticate(r); authErr != nil {
if authErr == errAuthentication {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errAuthentication)
// Check if anonymous (non-owner) has access to upload objects.
if !globalPolicySys.IsAllowed(policy.Args{
Action: policy.PutObjectAction,
BucketName: bucket,
ConditionValues: getConditionValues(r, ""),
IsOwner: false,
ObjectName: object,
}) {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errAuthentication)
// Require Content-Length to be set in the request
size := r.ContentLength
if size < 0 {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errSizeUnspecified)
// Extract incoming metadata if any.
metadata, err := extractMetadata(context.Background(), r)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrInternalError, r.URL)
hashReader, err := hash.NewReader(r.Body, size, "", "")
if err != nil {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, err)
// Deny if WORM is enabled
if globalWORMEnabled {
if _, err = objectAPI.GetObjectInfo(context.Background(), bucket, object); err == nil {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errMethodNotAllowed)
objInfo, err := putObject(context.Background(), bucket, object, hashReader, metadata)
if err != nil {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, err)
// Notify object created event.
EventName: event.ObjectCreatedPut,
BucketName: bucket,
Object: objInfo,
ReqParams: extractReqParams(r),
// Download - file download handler.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) Download(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errServerNotInitialized)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object := vars["object"]
token := r.URL.Query().Get("token")
if !isAuthTokenValid(token) {
// Check if anonymous (non-owner) has access to download objects.
if !globalPolicySys.IsAllowed(policy.Args{
Action: policy.GetObjectAction,
BucketName: bucket,
ConditionValues: getConditionValues(r, ""),
IsOwner: false,
ObjectName: object,
}) {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errAuthentication)
getObject := objectAPI.GetObject
if web.CacheAPI() != nil {
getObject = web.CacheAPI().GetObject
// Add content disposition.
w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf("attachment; filename=\"%s\"", path.Base(object)))
if err := getObject(context.Background(), bucket, object, 0, -1, w, ""); err != nil {
/// No need to print error, response writer already written to.
// DownloadZipArgs - Argument for downloading a bunch of files as a zip file.
// JSON will look like:
// '{"bucketname":"testbucket","prefix":"john/pics/","objects":["hawaii/","maldives/","sanjose.jpg"]}'
type DownloadZipArgs struct {
Objects []string `json:"objects"` // can be files or sub-directories
Prefix string `json:"prefix"` // current directory in the browser-ui
BucketName string `json:"bucketname"` // bucket name.
// Takes a list of objects and creates a zip file that sent as the response body.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) DownloadZip(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errServerNotInitialized)
getObject := objectAPI.GetObject
if web.CacheAPI() != nil {
getObject = web.CacheAPI().GetObject
listObjects := objectAPI.ListObjects
if web.CacheAPI() != nil {
listObjects = web.CacheAPI().ListObjects
// Auth is done after reading the body to accommodate for anonymous requests
// when bucket policy is enabled.
var args DownloadZipArgs
tenKB := 10 * 1024 // To limit r.Body to take care of misbehaving anonymous client.
decodeErr := json.NewDecoder(io.LimitReader(r.Body, int64(tenKB))).Decode(&args)
if decodeErr != nil {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, decodeErr)
token := r.URL.Query().Get("token")
if !isAuthTokenValid(token) {
for _, object := range args.Objects {
// Check if anonymous (non-owner) has access to download objects.
if !globalPolicySys.IsAllowed(policy.Args{
Action: policy.GetObjectAction,
BucketName: args.BucketName,
ConditionValues: getConditionValues(r, ""),
IsOwner: false,
ObjectName: pathJoin(args.Prefix, object),
}) {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errAuthentication)
archive := zip.NewWriter(w)
defer archive.Close()
getObjectInfo := objectAPI.GetObjectInfo
if web.CacheAPI() != nil {
getObjectInfo = web.CacheAPI().GetObjectInfo
for _, object := range args.Objects {
// Writes compressed object file to the response.
zipit := func(objectName string) error {
info, err := getObjectInfo(context.Background(), args.BucketName, objectName)
if err != nil {
return err
header := &zip.FileHeader{
Name: strings.TrimPrefix(objectName, args.Prefix),
Method: zip.Deflate,
UncompressedSize64: uint64(info.Size),
UncompressedSize: uint32(info.Size),
writer, err := archive.CreateHeader(header)
if err != nil {
writeWebErrorResponse(w, errUnexpected)
return err
return getObject(context.Background(), args.BucketName, objectName, 0, info.Size, writer, "")
if !hasSuffix(object, slashSeparator) {
// If not a directory, compress the file and write it to response.
err := zipit(pathJoin(args.Prefix, object))
if err != nil {
// For directories, list the contents recursively and write the objects as compressed
// date to the response writer.
marker := ""
for {
lo, err := listObjects(context.Background(), args.BucketName, pathJoin(args.Prefix, object), marker, "", 1000)
if err != nil {
marker = lo.NextMarker
for _, obj := range lo.Objects {
err = zipit(obj.Name)
if err != nil {
if !lo.IsTruncated {
// GetBucketPolicyArgs - get bucket policy args.
type GetBucketPolicyArgs struct {
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
// GetBucketPolicyRep - get bucket policy reply.
type GetBucketPolicyRep struct {
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
Policy miniogopolicy.BucketPolicy `json:"policy"`
// GetBucketPolicy - get bucket policy for the requested prefix.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) GetBucketPolicy(r *http.Request, args *GetBucketPolicyArgs, reply *GetBucketPolicyRep) error {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
return toJSONError(errServerNotInitialized)
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
bucketPolicy, err := objectAPI.GetBucketPolicy(context.Background(), args.BucketName)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(BucketPolicyNotFound); !ok {
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
policyInfo, err := PolicyToBucketAccessPolicy(bucketPolicy)
if err != nil {
// This should not happen.
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
reply.Policy = miniogopolicy.GetPolicy(policyInfo.Statements, args.BucketName, args.Prefix)
return nil
// ListAllBucketPoliciesArgs - get all bucket policies.
type ListAllBucketPoliciesArgs struct {
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
// BucketAccessPolicy - Collection of canned bucket policy at a given prefix.
type BucketAccessPolicy struct {
Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
Policy miniogopolicy.BucketPolicy `json:"policy"`
// ListAllBucketPoliciesRep - get all bucket policy reply.
type ListAllBucketPoliciesRep struct {
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
Policies []BucketAccessPolicy `json:"policies"`
// ListAllBucketPolicies - get all bucket policy.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) ListAllBucketPolicies(r *http.Request, args *ListAllBucketPoliciesArgs, reply *ListAllBucketPoliciesRep) error {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
return toJSONError(errServerNotInitialized)
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
bucketPolicy, err := objectAPI.GetBucketPolicy(context.Background(), args.BucketName)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(BucketPolicyNotFound); !ok {
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
policyInfo, err := PolicyToBucketAccessPolicy(bucketPolicy)
if err != nil {
// This should not happen.
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
for prefix, policy := range miniogopolicy.GetPolicies(policyInfo.Statements, args.BucketName, "") {
bucketName, objectPrefix := urlPath2BucketObjectName(prefix)
objectPrefix = strings.TrimSuffix(objectPrefix, "*")
reply.Policies = append(reply.Policies, BucketAccessPolicy{
Bucket: bucketName,
Prefix: objectPrefix,
Policy: policy,
return nil
// SetBucketPolicyWebArgs - set bucket policy args.
type SetBucketPolicyWebArgs struct {
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
Policy string `json:"policy"`
// SetBucketPolicy - set bucket policy.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) SetBucketPolicy(r *http.Request, args *SetBucketPolicyWebArgs, reply *WebGenericRep) error {
objectAPI := web.ObjectAPI()
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
if objectAPI == nil {
return toJSONError(errServerNotInitialized)
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
policyType := miniogopolicy.BucketPolicy(args.Policy)
if !policyType.IsValidBucketPolicy() {
return &json2.Error{
Message: "Invalid policy type " + args.Policy,
ctx := context.Background()
bucketPolicy, err := objectAPI.GetBucketPolicy(ctx, args.BucketName)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(BucketPolicyNotFound); !ok {
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
policyInfo, err := PolicyToBucketAccessPolicy(bucketPolicy)
if err != nil {
// This should not happen.
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
policyInfo.Statements = miniogopolicy.SetPolicy(policyInfo.Statements, policyType, args.BucketName, args.Prefix)
if len(policyInfo.Statements) == 0 {
if err = objectAPI.DeleteBucketPolicy(ctx, args.BucketName); err != nil {
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
return nil
bucketPolicy, err = BucketAccessPolicyToPolicy(policyInfo)
if err != nil {
// This should not happen.
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
// Parse validate and save bucket policy.
if err := objectAPI.SetBucketPolicy(ctx, args.BucketName, bucketPolicy); err != nil {
return toJSONError(err, args.BucketName)
globalPolicySys.Set(args.BucketName, *bucketPolicy)
globalNotificationSys.SetBucketPolicy(ctx, args.BucketName, bucketPolicy)
return nil
// PresignedGetArgs - presigned-get API args.
type PresignedGetArgs struct {
// Host header required for signed headers.
HostName string `json:"host"`
// Bucket name of the object to be presigned.
BucketName string `json:"bucket"`
// Object name to be presigned.
ObjectName string `json:"object"`
// Expiry in seconds.
Expiry int64 `json:"expiry"`
// PresignedGetRep - presigned-get URL reply.
type PresignedGetRep struct {
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// Presigned URL of the object.
URL string `json:"url"`
// PresignedGET - returns presigned-Get url.
func (web *webAPIHandlers) PresignedGet(r *http.Request, args *PresignedGetArgs, reply *PresignedGetRep) error {
if !isHTTPRequestValid(r) {
return toJSONError(errAuthentication)
if args.BucketName == "" || args.ObjectName == "" {
return &json2.Error{
Message: "Bucket and Object are mandatory arguments.",
reply.UIVersion = browser.UIVersion
reply.URL = presignedGet(args.HostName, args.BucketName, args.ObjectName, args.Expiry)
return nil
// Returns presigned url for GET method.
func presignedGet(host, bucket, object string, expiry int64) string {
cred := globalServerConfig.GetCredential()
region := globalServerConfig.GetRegion()
accessKey := cred.AccessKey
secretKey := cred.SecretKey
date := UTCNow()
dateStr := date.Format(iso8601Format)
credential := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", accessKey, getScope(date, region))
var expiryStr = "604800" // Default set to be expire in 7days.
if expiry < 604800 && expiry > 0 {
expiryStr = strconv.FormatInt(expiry, 10)
query := url.Values{}
query.Set("X-Amz-Algorithm", signV4Algorithm)
query.Set("X-Amz-Credential", credential)
query.Set("X-Amz-Date", dateStr)
query.Set("X-Amz-Expires", expiryStr)
query.Set("X-Amz-SignedHeaders", "host")
queryStr := s3utils.QueryEncode(query)
path := "/" + path.Join(bucket, object)
// "host" is the only header required to be signed for Presigned URLs.
extractedSignedHeaders := make(http.Header)
extractedSignedHeaders.Set("host", host)
canonicalRequest := getCanonicalRequest(extractedSignedHeaders, unsignedPayload, queryStr, path, "GET")
stringToSign := getStringToSign(canonicalRequest, date, getScope(date, region))
signingKey := getSigningKey(secretKey, date, region)
signature := getSignature(signingKey, stringToSign)
// Construct the final presigned URL.
return host + s3utils.EncodePath(path) + "?" + queryStr + "&" + "X-Amz-Signature=" + signature
// toJSONError converts regular errors into more user friendly
// and consumable error message for the browser UI.
func toJSONError(err error, params ...string) (jerr *json2.Error) {
apiErr := toWebAPIError(err)
jerr = &json2.Error{
Message: apiErr.Description,
switch apiErr.Code {
// Reserved bucket name provided.
case "AllAccessDisabled":
if len(params) > 0 {
jerr = &json2.Error{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("All access to this bucket %s has been disabled.", params[0]),
// Bucket name invalid with custom error message.
case "InvalidBucketName":
if len(params) > 0 {
jerr = &json2.Error{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Bucket Name %s is invalid. Lowercase letters, period, hyphen, numerals are the only allowed characters and should be minimum 3 characters in length.", params[0]),
// Bucket not found custom error message.
case "NoSuchBucket":
if len(params) > 0 {
jerr = &json2.Error{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("The specified bucket %s does not exist.", params[0]),
// Object not found custom error message.
case "NoSuchKey":
if len(params) > 1 {
jerr = &json2.Error{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("The specified key %s does not exist", params[1]),
// Add more custom error messages here with more context.
return jerr
// toWebAPIError - convert into error into APIError.
func toWebAPIError(err error) APIError {
if err == errAuthentication {
return APIError{
Code: "AccessDenied",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden,
Description: err.Error(),
} else if err == errServerNotInitialized {
return APIError{
Code: "XMinioServerNotInitialized",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusServiceUnavailable,
Description: err.Error(),
} else if err == auth.ErrInvalidAccessKeyLength {
return APIError{
Code: "AccessDenied",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden,
Description: err.Error(),
} else if err == auth.ErrInvalidSecretKeyLength {
return APIError{
Code: "AccessDenied",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden,
Description: err.Error(),
} else if err == errInvalidAccessKeyID {
return APIError{
Code: "AccessDenied",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusForbidden,
Description: err.Error(),
} else if err == errSizeUnspecified {
return APIError{
Code: "InvalidRequest",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Description: err.Error(),
} else if err == errChangeCredNotAllowed {
return APIError{
Code: "MethodNotAllowed",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
Description: err.Error(),
} else if err == errInvalidBucketName {
return APIError{
Code: "InvalidBucketName",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Description: err.Error(),
} else if err == errInvalidArgument {
return APIError{
Code: "InvalidArgument",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Description: err.Error(),
} else if err == errMethodNotAllowed {
return getAPIError(ErrMethodNotAllowed)
// Convert error type to api error code.
switch err.(type) {
case StorageFull:
return getAPIError(ErrStorageFull)
case BucketNotFound:
return getAPIError(ErrNoSuchBucket)
case BucketExists:
return getAPIError(ErrBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou)
case BucketNameInvalid:
return getAPIError(ErrInvalidBucketName)
case hash.BadDigest:
return getAPIError(ErrBadDigest)
case IncompleteBody:
return getAPIError(ErrIncompleteBody)
case ObjectExistsAsDirectory:
return getAPIError(ErrObjectExistsAsDirectory)
case ObjectNotFound:
return getAPIError(ErrNoSuchKey)
case ObjectNameInvalid:
return getAPIError(ErrNoSuchKey)
case InsufficientWriteQuorum:
return getAPIError(ErrWriteQuorum)
case InsufficientReadQuorum:
return getAPIError(ErrReadQuorum)
case PolicyNesting:
return getAPIError(ErrPolicyNesting)
case NotImplemented:
return APIError{
Code: "NotImplemented",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
Description: "Functionality not implemented",
// Log unexpected and unhandled errors.
logger.LogIf(context.Background(), err)
return APIError{
Code: "InternalError",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Description: err.Error(),
// writeWebErrorResponse - set HTTP status code and write error description to the body.
func writeWebErrorResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) {
apiErr := toWebAPIError(err)