Systemd script is configured to run the binary from /usr/share/minio/bin/.
$ mkdir -p /usr/share/minio/bin/
Download the binary. Find the relevant links for the binary at https://minio.io/downloads/#minio-server.
$ wget -O /usr/share/minio/bin/minio https://dl.minio.io/server/minio/release/linux-amd64/minio
Give execute permission to the Minio binary.
$ chmod +x /usr/share/minio/bin/minio
Create user minio. Systemd is configured with User=minio .
$ useradd minio
Create the Environment configuration file.
$ cat <<EOT >> /etc/default/minio.conf
MINIO_VOLUMES=node1:/tmp/drive1 node2:/drive1 node3:/tmp/drive1 minio4:/tmp/drive1 MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=Server-Access-Key MINIO_SECRET_KEY=Server-Secret-Key EOT
Download and put
$ ( cd /etc/systemd/system/; curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minio/minio/master/dist/linux-systemd/distributed/minio.service )
Enable startup on boot.
$ systemctl enable minio.service
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synced 2025-03-28 00:10:57 -04:00