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// Copyright (c) 2015-2024 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cmd
import (
xioutil "github.com/minio/minio/internal/ioutil"
type erasureServerPools struct {
poolMetaMutex sync.RWMutex
poolMeta poolMeta
rebalMu sync.RWMutex
rebalMeta *rebalanceMeta
deploymentID [16]byte
distributionAlgo string
serverPools []*erasureSets
// Active decommission canceler
decommissionCancelers []context.CancelFunc
s3Peer *S3PeerSys
mpCache *xsync.MapOf[string, MultipartInfo]
func (z *erasureServerPools) SinglePool() bool {
return len(z.serverPools) == 1
// Initialize new pool of erasure sets.
func newErasureServerPools(ctx context.Context, endpointServerPools EndpointServerPools) (ObjectLayer, error) {
var (
deploymentID string
commonParityDrives int
err error
formats = make([]*formatErasureV3, len(endpointServerPools))
storageDisks = make([][]StorageAPI, len(endpointServerPools))
z = &erasureServerPools{
serverPools: make([]*erasureSets, len(endpointServerPools)),
s3Peer: NewS3PeerSys(endpointServerPools),
distributionAlgo: formatErasureVersionV3DistributionAlgoV3,
// Maximum number of reusable buffers per node at any given point in time.
n := uint64(1024) // single node single/multiple drives set this to 1024 entries
if globalIsDistErasure {
n = 2048
// Avoid allocating more than half of the available memory
if maxN := availableMemory() / (blockSizeV2 * 2); n > maxN {
n = maxN
if globalIsCICD || strconv.IntSize == 32 {
n = 256 // 256MiB for CI/CD environments is sufficient or on 32bit platforms.
// Initialize byte pool once for all sets, bpool size is set to
// setCount * setDriveCount with each memory upto blockSizeV2.
buffers := bpool.NewBytePoolCap(n, blockSizeV2, blockSizeV2*2)
if n >= 16384 {
// pre-populate buffers only n >= 16384 which is (32Gi/2Mi)
// for all setups smaller than this avoid pre-alloc.
var localDrives []StorageAPI
local := endpointServerPools.FirstLocal()
for i, ep := range endpointServerPools {
// If storage class is not set during startup, default values are used
// -- Default for Reduced Redundancy Storage class is, parity = 2
// -- Default for Standard Storage class is, parity = 2 - disks 4, 5
// -- Default for Standard Storage class is, parity = 3 - disks 6, 7
// -- Default for Standard Storage class is, parity = 4 - disks 8 to 16
if commonParityDrives == 0 {
commonParityDrives, err = ecDrivesNoConfig(ep.DrivesPerSet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = storageclass.ValidateParity(commonParityDrives, ep.DrivesPerSet); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parity validation returned an error: %w <- (%d, %d), for pool(%s)", err, commonParityDrives, ep.DrivesPerSet, humanize.Ordinal(i+1))
bootstrapTrace("waitForFormatErasure: loading disks", func() {
storageDisks[i], formats[i], err = waitForFormatErasure(local, ep.Endpoints, i+1,
ep.SetCount, ep.DrivesPerSet, deploymentID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if deploymentID == "" {
// all pools should have same deployment ID
deploymentID = formats[i].ID
// Validate if users brought different DeploymentID pools.
if deploymentID != formats[i].ID {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("all pools must have same deployment ID - expected %s, got %s for pool(%s)", deploymentID, formats[i].ID, humanize.Ordinal(i+1))
bootstrapTrace(fmt.Sprintf("newErasureSets: initializing %s pool", humanize.Ordinal(i+1)), func() {
z.serverPools[i], err = newErasureSets(ctx, ep, storageDisks[i], formats[i], commonParityDrives, i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if deploymentID != "" && bytes.Equal(z.deploymentID[:], []byte{}) {
z.deploymentID = uuid.MustParse(deploymentID)
for _, storageDisk := range storageDisks[i] {
if storageDisk != nil && storageDisk.IsLocal() {
localDrives = append(localDrives, storageDisk)
if !globalIsDistErasure {
globalLocalDrivesMap = make(map[string]StorageAPI, len(localDrives))
for _, drive := range localDrives {
globalLocalDrivesMap[drive.Endpoint().String()] = drive
z.decommissionCancelers = make([]context.CancelFunc, len(z.serverPools))
// Initialize the pool meta, but set it to not save.
// When z.Init below has loaded the poolmeta will be initialized,
// and allowed to save.
z.poolMeta = newPoolMeta(z, poolMeta{})
z.poolMeta.dontSave = true
bootstrapTrace("newSharedLock", func() {
globalLeaderLock = newSharedLock(GlobalContext, z, "leader.lock")
// Start self healing after the object initialization
// so various tasks will be useful
bootstrapTrace("initAutoHeal", func() {
initAutoHeal(GlobalContext, z)
// initialize the object layer.
defer setObjectLayer(z)
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
attempt := 1
for {
var err error
bootstrapTrace(fmt.Sprintf("poolMeta.Init: loading pool metadata, attempt: %d", attempt), func() {
err = z.Init(ctx) // Initializes all pools.
if err != nil {
if !configRetriableErrors(err) {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to initialize backend")
retry := time.Duration(r.Float64() * float64(5*time.Second))
storageLogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("Unable to initialize backend: %w, retrying in %s", err, retry))
// initialize the incomplete uploads cache
z.mpCache = xsync.NewMapOf[string, MultipartInfo]()
go z.cleanupStaleMPCache(ctx)
return z, nil
func (z *erasureServerPools) cleanupStaleMPCache(ctx context.Context) {
timer := time.NewTimer(globalAPIConfig.getStaleUploadsCleanupInterval())
defer timer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-timer.C:
z.mpCache.Range(func(id string, info MultipartInfo) bool {
if time.Since(info.Initiated) >= globalAPIConfig.getStaleUploadsExpiry() {
// No need to notify to peers, each node will delete its own cache.
return true
// Reset for the next interval
func (z *erasureServerPools) NewNSLock(bucket string, objects ...string) RWLocker {
return z.serverPools[0].NewNSLock(bucket, objects...)
// GetDisksID will return disks by their ID.
func (z *erasureServerPools) GetDisksID(ids ...string) []StorageAPI {
idMap := make(map[string]struct{}, len(ids))
for _, id := range ids {
idMap[id] = struct{}{}
res := make([]StorageAPI, 0, len(idMap))
for _, s := range z.serverPools {
for _, set := range s.sets {
for _, disk := range set.getDisks() {
if disk == OfflineDisk {
if id, _ := disk.GetDiskID(); id != "" {
if _, ok := idMap[id]; ok {
res = append(res, disk)
return res
// GetRawData will return all files with a given raw path to the callback.
// Errors are ignored, only errors from the callback are returned.
// For now only direct file paths are supported.
func (z *erasureServerPools) GetRawData(ctx context.Context, volume, file string, fn func(r io.Reader, host string, disk string, filename string, info StatInfo) error) error {
found := 0
for _, s := range z.serverPools {
for _, set := range s.sets {
for _, disk := range set.getDisks() {
if disk == OfflineDisk {
stats, err := disk.StatInfoFile(ctx, volume, file, true)
if err != nil {
for _, si := range stats {
var r io.ReadCloser
if !si.Dir {
r, err = disk.ReadFileStream(ctx, volume, si.Name, 0, si.Size)
if err != nil {
} else {
r = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}))
// Keep disk path instead of ID, to ensure that the downloaded zip file can be
// easily automated with `minio server hostname{1...n}/disk{1...m}`.
err = fn(r, disk.Hostname(), disk.Endpoint().Path, pathJoin(volume, si.Name), si)
if err != nil {
return err
if found == 0 {
return errFileNotFound
return nil
// Return the disks belonging to the poolIdx, and setIdx.
func (z *erasureServerPools) GetDisks(poolIdx, setIdx int) ([]StorageAPI, error) {
if poolIdx < len(z.serverPools) && setIdx < len(z.serverPools[poolIdx].sets) {
return z.serverPools[poolIdx].sets[setIdx].getDisks(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Matching pool %s, set %s not found", humanize.Ordinal(poolIdx+1), humanize.Ordinal(setIdx+1))
// Return the count of disks in each pool
func (z *erasureServerPools) SetDriveCounts() []int {
setDriveCounts := make([]int, len(z.serverPools))
for i := range z.serverPools {
setDriveCounts[i] = z.serverPools[i].SetDriveCount()
return setDriveCounts
type serverPoolsAvailableSpace []poolAvailableSpace
type poolAvailableSpace struct {
Index int
Available uint64 // in bytes
MaxUsedPct int // Used disk percentage of most filled disk, rounded down.
// TotalAvailable - total available space
func (p serverPoolsAvailableSpace) TotalAvailable() uint64 {
total := uint64(0)
for _, z := range p {
total += z.Available
return total
// FilterMaxUsed will filter out any pools that has used percent bigger than max,
// unless all have that, in which case all are preserved.
func (p serverPoolsAvailableSpace) FilterMaxUsed(maxUsed int) {
// We aren't modifying p, only entries in it, so we don't need to receive a pointer.
if len(p) <= 1 {
// Nothing to do.
var ok bool
for _, z := range p {
if z.Available > 0 && z.MaxUsedPct < maxUsed {
ok = true
if !ok {
// All above limit.
// Do not modify
// Remove entries that are above.
for i, z := range p {
if z.Available > 0 && z.MaxUsedPct < maxUsed {
p[i].Available = 0
// getAvailablePoolIdx will return an index that can hold size bytes.
// -1 is returned if no serverPools have available space for the size given.
func (z *erasureServerPools) getAvailablePoolIdx(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, size int64) int {
serverPools := z.getServerPoolsAvailableSpace(ctx, bucket, object, size)
serverPools.FilterMaxUsed(100 - (100 * diskReserveFraction))
total := serverPools.TotalAvailable()
if total == 0 {
return -1
// choose when we reach this many
choose := rand.Uint64() % total
atTotal := uint64(0)
for _, pool := range serverPools {
atTotal += pool.Available
if atTotal > choose && pool.Available > 0 {
return pool.Index
// Should not happen, but print values just in case.
storageLogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("reached end of serverPools (total: %v, atTotal: %v, choose: %v)", total, atTotal, choose))
return -1
// getServerPoolsAvailableSpace will return the available space of each pool after storing the content.
// If there is not enough space the pool will return 0 bytes available.
// The size of each will be multiplied by the number of sets.
// Negative sizes are seen as 0 bytes.
func (z *erasureServerPools) getServerPoolsAvailableSpace(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, size int64) serverPoolsAvailableSpace {
serverPools := make(serverPoolsAvailableSpace, len(z.serverPools))
storageInfos := make([][]*DiskInfo, len(z.serverPools))
nSets := make([]int, len(z.serverPools))
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(z.serverPools))
for index := range z.serverPools {
index := index
// Skip suspended pools or pools participating in rebalance for any new
// I/O.
if z.IsSuspended(index) || z.IsPoolRebalancing(index) {
pool := z.serverPools[index]
nSets[index] = pool.setCount
g.Go(func() error {
// Get the set where it would be placed.
storageInfos[index] = getDiskInfos(ctx, pool.getHashedSet(object).getDisks()...)
return nil
}, index)
// Wait for the go routines.
for i, zinfo := range storageInfos {
if zinfo == nil {
serverPools[i] = poolAvailableSpace{Index: i}
var available uint64
if !isMinioMetaBucketName(bucket) {
if avail, err := hasSpaceFor(zinfo, size); err != nil || !avail {
serverPools[i] = poolAvailableSpace{Index: i}
var maxUsedPct int
for _, disk := range zinfo {
if disk == nil || disk.Total == 0 {
available += disk.Total - disk.Used
// set maxUsedPct to the value from the disk with the least space percentage.
if pctUsed := int(disk.Used * 100 / disk.Total); pctUsed > maxUsedPct {
maxUsedPct = pctUsed
// Since we are comparing pools that may have a different number of sets
// we multiply by the number of sets in the pool.
// This will compensate for differences in set sizes
// when choosing destination pool.
// Different set sizes are already compensated by less disks.
available *= uint64(nSets[i])
serverPools[i] = poolAvailableSpace{
Index: i,
Available: available,
MaxUsedPct: maxUsedPct,
return serverPools
// PoolObjInfo represents the state of current object version per pool
type PoolObjInfo struct {
Index int
ObjInfo ObjectInfo
Err error
type poolErrs struct {
Index int
Err error
func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (PoolObjInfo, []poolErrs, error) {
var noReadQuorumPools []poolErrs
poolObjInfos := make([]PoolObjInfo, len(z.serverPools))
poolOpts := make([]ObjectOptions, len(z.serverPools))
for i := range z.serverPools {
poolOpts[i] = opts
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i, pool := range z.serverPools {
go func(i int, pool *erasureSets, opts ObjectOptions) {
defer wg.Done()
// remember the pool index, we may sort the slice original index might be lost.
pinfo := PoolObjInfo{
Index: i,
// do not remove this check as it can lead to inconsistencies
// for all callers of bucket replication.
if !opts.MetadataChg {
opts.VersionID = ""
pinfo.ObjInfo, pinfo.Err = pool.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
poolObjInfos[i] = pinfo
}(i, pool, poolOpts[i])
// Sort the objInfos such that we always serve latest
// this is a defensive change to handle any duplicate
// content that may have been created, we always serve
// the latest object.
sort.Slice(poolObjInfos, func(i, j int) bool {
mtime1 := poolObjInfos[i].ObjInfo.ModTime
mtime2 := poolObjInfos[j].ObjInfo.ModTime
return mtime1.After(mtime2)
defPool := PoolObjInfo{Index: -1}
for _, pinfo := range poolObjInfos {
// skip all objects from suspended pools if asked by the
// caller.
if opts.SkipDecommissioned && z.IsSuspended(pinfo.Index) {
// Skip object if it's from pools participating in a rebalance operation.
if opts.SkipRebalancing && z.IsPoolRebalancing(pinfo.Index) {
if pinfo.Err == nil {
// found a pool
return pinfo, z.poolsWithObject(poolObjInfos, opts), nil
if isErrReadQuorum(pinfo.Err) && !opts.MetadataChg {
// read quorum is returned when the object is visibly
// present but its unreadable, we simply ask the writes to
// schedule to this pool instead. If there is no quorum
// it will fail anyways, however if there is quorum available
// with enough disks online but sufficiently inconsistent to
// break parity threshold, allow them to be overwritten
// or allow new versions to be added.
return pinfo, z.poolsWithObject(poolObjInfos, opts), nil
defPool = pinfo
if !isErrObjectNotFound(pinfo.Err) && !isErrVersionNotFound(pinfo.Err) {
return pinfo, noReadQuorumPools, pinfo.Err
// No object exists or its a delete marker,
// check objInfo to confirm.
if pinfo.ObjInfo.DeleteMarker && pinfo.ObjInfo.Name != "" {
return pinfo, noReadQuorumPools, nil
if opts.ReplicationRequest && opts.DeleteMarker && defPool.Index >= 0 {
// If the request is a delete marker replication request, return a default pool
// in cases where the object does not exist.
// This is to ensure that the delete marker is replicated to the destination.
return defPool, noReadQuorumPools, nil
return PoolObjInfo{}, noReadQuorumPools, toObjectErr(errFileNotFound, bucket, object)
// return all pools with read quorum error or no error for an object with given opts.Note that this array is
// returned in the order of recency of object ModTime.
func (z *erasureServerPools) poolsWithObject(pools []PoolObjInfo, opts ObjectOptions) (errs []poolErrs) {
for _, pool := range pools {
if opts.SkipDecommissioned && z.IsSuspended(pool.Index) {
// Skip object if it's from pools participating in a rebalance operation.
if opts.SkipRebalancing && z.IsPoolRebalancing(pool.Index) {
if isErrReadQuorum(pool.Err) || pool.Err == nil {
errs = append(errs, poolErrs{Err: pool.Err, Index: pool.Index})
return errs
func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolIdxExistingWithOpts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (idx int, err error) {
pinfo, _, err := z.getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
return pinfo.Index, nil
// getPoolIdxExistingNoLock returns the (first) found object pool index containing an object.
// If the object exists, but the latest version is a delete marker, the index with it is still returned.
// If the object does not exist ObjectNotFound error is returned.
// If any other error is found, it is returned.
// The check is skipped if there is only one pool, and 0, nil is always returned in that case.
func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolIdxExistingNoLock(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string) (idx int, err error) {
return z.getPoolIdxExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, ObjectOptions{
NoLock: true,
SkipDecommissioned: true,
SkipRebalancing: true,
func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolIdxNoLock(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, size int64) (idx int, err error) {
idx, err = z.getPoolIdxExistingNoLock(ctx, bucket, object)
if err != nil && !isErrObjectNotFound(err) {
return idx, err
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) {
idx = z.getAvailablePoolIdx(ctx, bucket, object, size)
if idx < 0 {
return -1, toObjectErr(errDiskFull)
return idx, nil
// getPoolIdx returns the found previous object and its corresponding pool idx,
// if none are found falls back to most available space pool, this function is
// designed to be only used by PutObject, CopyObject (newObject creation) and NewMultipartUpload.
func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolIdx(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, size int64) (idx int, err error) {
idx, err = z.getPoolIdxExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, ObjectOptions{
SkipDecommissioned: true,
SkipRebalancing: true,
if err != nil && !isErrObjectNotFound(err) {
return idx, err
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) {
idx = z.getAvailablePoolIdx(ctx, bucket, object, size)
if idx < 0 {
return -1, toObjectErr(errDiskFull)
return idx, nil
func (z *erasureServerPools) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(z.serverPools))
for index := range z.serverPools {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
return z.serverPools[index].Shutdown(ctx)
}, index)
for _, err := range g.Wait() {
if err != nil {
storageLogIf(ctx, err)
// let's the rest shutdown
return nil
// Legacy returns 'true' if distribution algo is CRCMOD
func (z *erasureServerPools) Legacy() (ok bool) {
ok = true
for _, set := range z.serverPools {
ok = ok && set.Legacy()
return ok
func (z *erasureServerPools) BackendInfo() (b madmin.BackendInfo) {
b.Type = madmin.Erasure
scParity := globalStorageClass.GetParityForSC(storageclass.STANDARD)
if scParity < 0 {
scParity = z.serverPools[0].defaultParityCount
rrSCParity := globalStorageClass.GetParityForSC(storageclass.RRS)
// Data blocks can vary per pool, but parity is same.
for i, setDriveCount := range z.SetDriveCounts() {
b.StandardSCData = append(b.StandardSCData, setDriveCount-scParity)
b.RRSCData = append(b.RRSCData, setDriveCount-rrSCParity)
b.DrivesPerSet = append(b.DrivesPerSet, setDriveCount)
b.TotalSets = append(b.TotalSets, z.serverPools[i].setCount)
b.StandardSCParity = scParity
b.RRSCParity = rrSCParity
func (z *erasureServerPools) LocalStorageInfo(ctx context.Context, metrics bool) StorageInfo {
var storageInfo StorageInfo
storageInfos := make([]StorageInfo, len(z.serverPools))
g := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(z.serverPools))
for index := range z.serverPools {
index := index
g.Go(func() error {
storageInfos[index] = z.serverPools[index].LocalStorageInfo(ctx, metrics)
return nil
}, index)
// Wait for the go routines.
storageInfo.Backend = z.BackendInfo()
for _, lstorageInfo := range storageInfos {
storageInfo.Disks = append(storageInfo.Disks, lstorageInfo.Disks...)
return storageInfo
func (z *erasureServerPools) StorageInfo(ctx context.Context, metrics bool) StorageInfo {
return globalNotificationSys.StorageInfo(ctx, z, metrics)
func (z *erasureServerPools) NSScanner(ctx context.Context, updates chan<- DataUsageInfo, wantCycle uint32, healScanMode madmin.HealScanMode) error {
// Updates must be closed before we return.
defer xioutil.SafeClose(updates)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var mu sync.Mutex
var results []dataUsageCache
var firstErr error
allBuckets, err := z.ListBuckets(ctx, BucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
if len(allBuckets) == 0 {
updates <- DataUsageInfo{} // no buckets found update data usage to reflect latest state
return nil
totalResults := 0
resultIndex := -1
for _, z := range z.serverPools {
totalResults += len(z.sets)
results = make([]dataUsageCache, totalResults)
// Collect for each set in serverPools.
for _, z := range z.serverPools {
for _, erObj := range z.sets {
go func(i int, erObj *erasureObjects) {
updates := make(chan dataUsageCache, 1)
defer xioutil.SafeClose(updates)
// Start update collector.
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for info := range updates {
results[i] = info
// Start scanner. Blocks until done.
err := erObj.nsScanner(ctx, allBuckets, wantCycle, updates, healScanMode)
if err != nil {
scannerLogIf(ctx, err)
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
// Cancel remaining...
}(resultIndex, erObj)
updateCloser := make(chan chan struct{})
go func() {
updateTicker := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second)
defer updateTicker.Stop()
var lastUpdate time.Time
// We need to merge since we will get the same buckets from each pool.
// Therefore to get the exact bucket sizes we must merge before we can convert.
var allMerged dataUsageCache
update := func() {
defer mu.Unlock()
allMerged = dataUsageCache{Info: dataUsageCacheInfo{Name: dataUsageRoot}}
for _, info := range results {
if info.Info.LastUpdate.IsZero() {
// Not filled yet.
if allMerged.root() != nil && allMerged.Info.LastUpdate.After(lastUpdate) {
updates <- allMerged.dui(allMerged.Info.Name, allBuckets)
lastUpdate = allMerged.Info.LastUpdate
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case v := <-updateCloser:
case <-updateTicker.C:
ch := make(chan struct{})
select {
case updateCloser <- ch:
case <-ctx.Done():
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = ctx.Err()
defer mu.Unlock()
return firstErr
// MakeBucket - creates a new bucket across all serverPools simultaneously
// even if one of the sets fail to create buckets, we proceed all the successful
// operations.
func (z *erasureServerPools) MakeBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts MakeBucketOptions) error {
// Verify if bucket is valid.
if !isMinioMetaBucketName(bucket) {
if err := s3utils.CheckValidBucketNameStrict(bucket); err != nil {
return BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket}
if !opts.NoLock {
// Lock the bucket name before creating.
lk := z.NewNSLock(minioMetaTmpBucket, bucket+".lck")
lkctx, err := lk.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lk.Unlock(lkctx)
if err := z.s3Peer.MakeBucket(ctx, bucket, opts); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(BucketExists); !ok {
// Delete created buckets, ignoring errors.
z.DeleteBucket(context.Background(), bucket, DeleteBucketOptions{
NoLock: true,
NoRecreate: true,
return err
// If it doesn't exist we get a new, so ignore errors
meta := newBucketMetadata(bucket)
if opts.LockEnabled {
meta.VersioningConfigXML = enabledBucketVersioningConfig
meta.ObjectLockConfigXML = enabledBucketObjectLockConfig
if opts.VersioningEnabled {
meta.VersioningConfigXML = enabledBucketVersioningConfig
if err := meta.Save(context.Background(), z); err != nil {
return toObjectErr(err, bucket)
globalBucketMetadataSys.Set(bucket, meta)
// Success.
return nil
func (z *erasureServerPools) GetObjectNInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, rs *HTTPRangeSpec, h http.Header, opts ObjectOptions) (gr *GetObjectReader, err error) {
if err = checkGetObjArgs(ctx, bucket, object); err != nil {
return nil, err
// This is a special call attempted first to check for SOS-API calls.
gr, err = veeamSOSAPIGetObject(ctx, bucket, object, rs, opts)
if err == nil {
return gr, nil
// reset any error to 'nil' and any reader to be 'nil'
gr = nil
err = nil
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].GetObjectNInfo(ctx, bucket, object, rs, h, opts)
var unlockOnDefer bool
nsUnlocker := func() {}
defer func() {
if unlockOnDefer {
// Acquire lock
if !opts.NoLock {
lock := z.NewNSLock(bucket, object)
lkctx, err := lock.GetRLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
nsUnlocker = func() { lock.RUnlock(lkctx) }
unlockOnDefer = true
checkPrecondFn := opts.CheckPrecondFn
opts.CheckPrecondFn = nil // do not need to apply pre-conditions at lower layer.
opts.NoLock = true // no locks needed at lower levels for getObjectInfo()
objInfo, zIdx, err := z.getLatestObjectInfoWithIdx(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
if objInfo.DeleteMarker {
if opts.VersionID == "" {
return &GetObjectReader{
ObjInfo: objInfo,
}, toObjectErr(errFileNotFound, bucket, object)
// Make sure to return object info to provide extra information.
return &GetObjectReader{
ObjInfo: objInfo,
}, toObjectErr(errMethodNotAllowed, bucket, object)
return nil, err
// check preconditions before reading the stream.
if checkPrecondFn != nil && checkPrecondFn(objInfo) {
return nil, PreConditionFailed{}
opts.NoLock = true
gr, err = z.serverPools[zIdx].GetObjectNInfo(ctx, bucket, object, rs, h, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if unlockOnDefer {
unlockOnDefer = gr.ObjInfo.Inlined
if !unlockOnDefer {
return gr.WithCleanupFuncs(nsUnlocker), nil
return gr, nil
// getLatestObjectInfoWithIdx returns the objectInfo of the latest object from multiple pools (this function
// is present in-case there were duplicate writes to both pools, this function also returns the
// additional index where the latest object exists, that is used to start the GetObject stream.
func (z *erasureServerPools) getLatestObjectInfoWithIdx(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, int, error) {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
results := make([]struct {
zIdx int
oi ObjectInfo
err error
}, len(z.serverPools))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i, pool := range z.serverPools {
go func(i int, pool *erasureSets) {
defer wg.Done()
results[i].zIdx = i
results[i].oi, results[i].err = pool.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
}(i, pool)
// Sort the objInfos such that we always serve latest
// this is a defensive change to handle any duplicate
// content that may have been created, we always serve
// the latest object.
sort.Slice(results, func(i, j int) bool {
a, b := results[i], results[j]
if a.oi.ModTime.Equal(b.oi.ModTime) {
// On tiebreak, select the lowest pool index.
return a.zIdx < b.zIdx
return a.oi.ModTime.After(b.oi.ModTime)
for _, res := range results {
err := res.err
if err == nil {
return res.oi, res.zIdx, nil
if !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
// some errors such as MethodNotAllowed for delete marker
// should be returned upwards.
return res.oi, res.zIdx, err
// When its a delete marker and versionID is empty
// we should simply return the error right away.
if res.oi.DeleteMarker && opts.VersionID == "" {
return res.oi, res.zIdx, err
object = decodeDirObject(object)
if opts.VersionID != "" {
return ObjectInfo{}, -1, VersionNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object, VersionID: opts.VersionID}
return ObjectInfo{}, -1, ObjectNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object}
func (z *erasureServerPools) GetObjectInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) {
if err = checkGetObjArgs(ctx, bucket, object); err != nil {
return objInfo, err
// This is a special call attempted first to check for SOS-API calls.
objInfo, err = veeamSOSAPIHeadObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err == nil {
return objInfo, nil
// reset any error to 'nil', and object info to be empty.
err = nil
objInfo = ObjectInfo{}
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if !opts.NoLock {
opts.NoLock = true // avoid taking locks at lower levels for multi-pool setups.
// Lock the object before reading.
lk := z.NewNSLock(bucket, object)
lkctx, err := lk.GetRLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lk.RUnlock(lkctx)
objInfo, _, err = z.getLatestObjectInfoWithIdx(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
return objInfo, err
// PutObject - writes an object to least used erasure pool.
func (z *erasureServerPools) PutObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, data *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error) {
// Validate put object input args.
if err := checkPutObjectArgs(ctx, bucket, object); err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].PutObject(ctx, bucket, object, data, opts)
idx, err := z.getPoolIdx(ctx, bucket, object, data.Size())
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
if opts.DataMovement && idx == opts.SrcPoolIdx {
return ObjectInfo{}, DataMovementOverwriteErr{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
VersionID: opts.VersionID,
Err: errDataMovementSrcDstPoolSame,
return z.serverPools[idx].PutObject(ctx, bucket, object, data, opts)
func (z *erasureServerPools) deletePrefix(ctx context.Context, bucket string, prefix string) error {
for _, pool := range z.serverPools {
if _, err := pool.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, prefix, ObjectOptions{DeletePrefix: true}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (z *erasureServerPools) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) {
if err = checkDelObjArgs(ctx, bucket, object); err != nil {
return objInfo, err
if !opts.DeletePrefix { // DeletePrefix handles dir object encoding differently.
object = encodeDirObject(object)
// Acquire a write lock before deleting the object.
lk := z.NewNSLock(bucket, object)
lkctx, err := lk.GetLock(ctx, globalDeleteOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lk.Unlock(lkctx)
if opts.DeletePrefix {
return ObjectInfo{}, z.deletePrefix(ctx, bucket, object)
gopts := opts
gopts.NoLock = true
pinfo, noReadQuorumPools, err := z.getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, gopts)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(InsufficientReadQuorum); ok {
return objInfo, InsufficientWriteQuorum{}
return objInfo, err
// Delete marker already present we are not going to create new delete markers.
if pinfo.ObjInfo.DeleteMarker && opts.VersionID == "" {
pinfo.ObjInfo.Name = decodeDirObject(object)
return pinfo.ObjInfo, nil
// Datamovement must never be allowed on the same pool.
if opts.DataMovement && opts.SrcPoolIdx == pinfo.Index {
return pinfo.ObjInfo, DataMovementOverwriteErr{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
VersionID: opts.VersionID,
Err: errDataMovementSrcDstPoolSame,
if opts.DataMovement {
objInfo, err = z.serverPools[pinfo.Index].DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
objInfo.Name = decodeDirObject(object)
return objInfo, err
// Delete concurrently in all server pools with read quorum error for unversioned objects.
if len(noReadQuorumPools) > 0 && !opts.Versioned && !opts.VersionSuspended {
return z.deleteObjectFromAllPools(ctx, bucket, object, opts, noReadQuorumPools)
for _, pool := range z.serverPools {
objInfo, err := pool.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil && !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
objInfo.Name = decodeDirObject(object)
return objInfo, err
if err == nil {
objInfo.Name = decodeDirObject(object)
return objInfo, nil
objInfo.Name = decodeDirObject(object)
if opts.VersionID != "" {
return objInfo, VersionNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object, VersionID: opts.VersionID}
return objInfo, ObjectNotFound{Bucket: bucket, Object: object}
func (z *erasureServerPools) deleteObjectFromAllPools(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, opts ObjectOptions, poolIndices []poolErrs) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) {
derrs := make([]error, len(poolIndices))
dobjects := make([]ObjectInfo, len(poolIndices))
// Delete concurrently in all server pools that reported no error or read quorum error
// where the read quorum issue is from metadata inconsistency.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for idx, pe := range poolIndices {
if v, ok := pe.Err.(InsufficientReadQuorum); ok && v.Type != RQInconsistentMeta {
derrs[idx] = InsufficientWriteQuorum{}
pool := z.serverPools[pe.Index]
go func(idx int, pool *erasureSets) {
defer wg.Done()
dobjects[idx], derrs[idx] = pool.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
}(idx, pool)
// the poolIndices array is pre-sorted in order of latest ModTime, we care only about pool with latest object though
// the delete call tries to clean up other pools during DeleteObject call.
objInfo = dobjects[0]
objInfo.Name = decodeDirObject(object)
err = derrs[0]
return objInfo, err
func (z *erasureServerPools) DeleteObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, objects []ObjectToDelete, opts ObjectOptions) ([]DeletedObject, []error) {
derrs := make([]error, len(objects))
dobjects := make([]DeletedObject, len(objects))
objSets := set.NewStringSet()
for i := range derrs {
objects[i].ObjectName = encodeDirObject(objects[i].ObjectName)
derrs[i] = checkDelObjArgs(ctx, bucket, objects[i].ObjectName)
// Acquire a bulk write lock across 'objects'
multiDeleteLock := z.NewNSLock(bucket, objSets.ToSlice()...)
lkctx, err := multiDeleteLock.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
for i := range derrs {
derrs[i] = err
return dobjects, derrs
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer multiDeleteLock.Unlock(lkctx)
// Fetch location of up to 10 objects concurrently.
poolObjIdxMap := map[int][]ObjectToDelete{}
origIndexMap := map[int][]int{}
// Always perform 1/10th of the number of objects per delete
concurrent := len(objects) / 10
if concurrent <= 10 {
// if we cannot get 1/10th then choose the number of
// objects as concurrent.
concurrent = len(objects)
var mu sync.Mutex
eg := errgroup.WithNErrs(len(objects)).WithConcurrency(concurrent)
for j, obj := range objects {
j := j
obj := obj
eg.Go(func() error {
pinfo, _, err := z.getPoolInfoExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, obj.ObjectName, ObjectOptions{
NoLock: true,
if err != nil {
if !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
derrs[j] = err
dobjects[j] = DeletedObject{
ObjectName: decodeDirObject(obj.ObjectName),
VersionID: obj.VersionID,
return nil
// Delete marker already present we are not going to create new delete markers.
if pinfo.ObjInfo.DeleteMarker && obj.VersionID == "" {
dobjects[j] = DeletedObject{
DeleteMarker: pinfo.ObjInfo.DeleteMarker,
DeleteMarkerVersionID: pinfo.ObjInfo.VersionID,
DeleteMarkerMTime: DeleteMarkerMTime{pinfo.ObjInfo.ModTime},
ObjectName: decodeDirObject(pinfo.ObjInfo.Name),
return nil
idx := pinfo.Index
defer mu.Unlock()
poolObjIdxMap[idx] = append(poolObjIdxMap[idx], obj)
origIndexMap[idx] = append(origIndexMap[idx], j)
return nil
}, j)
eg.Wait() // wait to check all the pools.
if len(poolObjIdxMap) > 0 {
// Delete concurrently in all server pools.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for idx, pool := range z.serverPools {
go func(idx int, pool *erasureSets) {
defer wg.Done()
objs := poolObjIdxMap[idx]
if len(objs) == 0 {
orgIndexes := origIndexMap[idx]
deletedObjects, errs := pool.DeleteObjects(ctx, bucket, objs, opts)
for i, derr := range errs {
if derr != nil {
derrs[orgIndexes[i]] = derr
deletedObjects[i].ObjectName = decodeDirObject(deletedObjects[i].ObjectName)
dobjects[orgIndexes[i]] = deletedObjects[i]
}(idx, pool)
return dobjects, derrs
func (z *erasureServerPools) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject string, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) {
if err := checkCopyObjArgs(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject); err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
if err := checkCopyObjArgs(ctx, dstBucket, dstObject); err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
srcObject = encodeDirObject(srcObject)
dstObject = encodeDirObject(dstObject)
cpSrcDstSame := isStringEqual(pathJoin(srcBucket, srcObject), pathJoin(dstBucket, dstObject))
if !dstOpts.NoLock {
ns := z.NewNSLock(dstBucket, dstObject)
lkctx, err := ns.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer ns.Unlock(lkctx)
dstOpts.NoLock = true
poolIdx, err := z.getPoolIdxNoLock(ctx, dstBucket, dstObject, srcInfo.Size)
if err != nil {
return objInfo, err
if cpSrcDstSame && srcInfo.metadataOnly {
// Version ID is set for the destination and source == destination version ID.
if dstOpts.VersionID != "" && srcOpts.VersionID == dstOpts.VersionID {
return z.serverPools[poolIdx].CopyObject(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject, srcInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts)
// Destination is not versioned and source version ID is empty
// perform an in-place update.
if !dstOpts.Versioned && srcOpts.VersionID == "" {
return z.serverPools[poolIdx].CopyObject(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject, srcInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts)
// Destination is versioned, source is not destination version,
// as a special case look for if the source object is not legacy
// from older format, for older format we will rewrite them as
// newer using PutObject() - this is an optimization to save space
if dstOpts.Versioned && srcOpts.VersionID != dstOpts.VersionID && !srcInfo.Legacy {
// CopyObject optimization where we don't create an entire copy
// of the content, instead we add a reference.
srcInfo.versionOnly = true
return z.serverPools[poolIdx].CopyObject(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject, srcInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts)
putOpts := ObjectOptions{
ServerSideEncryption: dstOpts.ServerSideEncryption,
UserDefined: srcInfo.UserDefined,
Versioned: dstOpts.Versioned,
VersionID: dstOpts.VersionID,
MTime: dstOpts.MTime,
NoLock: true,
return z.serverPools[poolIdx].PutObject(ctx, dstBucket, dstObject, srcInfo.PutObjReader, putOpts)
func (z *erasureServerPools) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectsInfo, error) {
return z.listObjectsGeneric(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys, true)
func (z *erasureServerPools) ListObjectsV2(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter string, maxKeys int, fetchOwner bool, startAfter string) (ListObjectsV2Info, error) {
marker := continuationToken
if marker == "" {
marker = startAfter
loi, err := z.listObjectsGeneric(ctx, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys, false)
if err != nil {
return ListObjectsV2Info{}, err
listObjectsV2Info := ListObjectsV2Info{
IsTruncated: loi.IsTruncated,
ContinuationToken: continuationToken,
NextContinuationToken: loi.NextMarker,
Objects: loi.Objects,
Prefixes: loi.Prefixes,
return listObjectsV2Info, err
func (z *erasureServerPools) ListObjectVersions(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, versionMarker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectVersionsInfo, error) {
loi := ListObjectVersionsInfo{}
if marker == "" && versionMarker != "" {
return loi, NotImplemented{}
opts := listPathOptions{
Bucket: bucket,
Prefix: prefix,
Separator: delimiter,
Limit: maxKeysPlusOne(maxKeys, marker != ""),
Marker: marker,
InclDeleted: true,
AskDisks: globalAPIConfig.getListQuorum(),
Versioned: true,
// Shortcut for APN/1.0 Veeam/1.0 Backup/10.0
// It requests unique blocks with a specific prefix.
// We skip scanning the parent directory for
// more objects matching the prefix.
if isVeeamClient(ctx) && strings.HasSuffix(prefix, ".blk") {
opts.BaseDir = prefix
opts.Transient = true
// set bucket metadata in opts
merged, err := z.listPath(ctx, &opts)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
if !isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
storageLogOnceIf(ctx, err, "erasure-list-objects-path-"+bucket)
return loi, toObjectErr(err, bucket)
defer merged.truncate(0) // Release when returning
if contextCanceled(ctx) {
return ListObjectVersionsInfo{}, ctx.Err()
if versionMarker == "" {
o := listPathOptions{Marker: marker}
// If we are not looking for a specific version skip it.
objects := merged.fileInfoVersions(bucket, prefix, delimiter, versionMarker)
loi.IsTruncated = err == nil && len(objects) > 0
if maxKeys > 0 && len(objects) > maxKeys {
objects = objects[:maxKeys]
loi.IsTruncated = true
for _, obj := range objects {
if obj.IsDir && obj.ModTime.IsZero() && delimiter != "" {
// Only add each once.
// With slash delimiter we only get the directory once.
found := false
if delimiter != slashSeparator {
for _, p := range loi.Prefixes {
if found {
found = p == obj.Name
if !found {
loi.Prefixes = append(loi.Prefixes, obj.Name)
} else {
loi.Objects = append(loi.Objects, obj)
if loi.IsTruncated {
last := objects[len(objects)-1]
loi.NextMarker = opts.encodeMarker(last.Name)
loi.NextVersionIDMarker = last.VersionID
return loi, nil
func maxKeysPlusOne(maxKeys int, addOne bool) int {
if maxKeys < 0 || maxKeys > maxObjectList {
maxKeys = maxObjectList
if addOne {
return maxKeys
func (z *erasureServerPools) listObjectsGeneric(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int, v1 bool) (loi ListObjectsInfo, err error) {
opts := listPathOptions{
V1: v1,
Bucket: bucket,
Prefix: prefix,
Separator: delimiter,
Limit: maxKeysPlusOne(maxKeys, marker != ""),
Marker: marker,
InclDeleted: false,
AskDisks: globalAPIConfig.getListQuorum(),
listFn := func(ctx context.Context, opts listPathOptions, limitTo int) (ListObjectsInfo, error) {
var loi ListObjectsInfo
merged, err := z.listPath(ctx, &opts)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
if !isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
storageLogOnceIf(ctx, err, "erasure-list-objects-path-"+bucket)
return loi, toObjectErr(err, bucket)
defer merged.truncate(0) // Release when returning
if contextCanceled(ctx) {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, ctx.Err()
// Default is recursive, if delimiter is set then list non recursive.
objects := merged.fileInfos(bucket, prefix, delimiter)
loi.IsTruncated = err == nil && len(objects) > 0
if limitTo > 0 && len(objects) > limitTo {
objects = objects[:limitTo]
loi.IsTruncated = true
for _, obj := range objects {
if obj.IsDir && obj.ModTime.IsZero() && delimiter != "" {
// Only add each once.
// With slash delimiter we only get the directory once.
found := false
if delimiter != slashSeparator {
for _, p := range loi.Prefixes {
if found {
found = p == obj.Name
if !found {
loi.Prefixes = append(loi.Prefixes, obj.Name)
} else {
loi.Objects = append(loi.Objects, obj)
if loi.IsTruncated {
last := objects[len(objects)-1]
loi.NextMarker = last.Name
if loi.IsTruncated && merged.lastSkippedEntry > loi.NextMarker {
// An object hidden by ILM was found during a truncated listing. Since the number of entries
// fetched from drives is limited by max-keys, we should use the last ILM filtered entry
// as a continuation token if it is lexially higher than the last visible object so that the
// next call of WalkDir() with the max-keys can reach new objects not seen previously.
loi.NextMarker = merged.lastSkippedEntry
if loi.NextMarker != "" {
loi.NextMarker = opts.encodeMarker(loi.NextMarker)
return loi, nil
ri := logger.GetReqInfo(ctx)
hadoop := ri != nil && strings.Contains(ri.UserAgent, "Hadoop ") && strings.Contains(ri.UserAgent, "scala/")
matches := func() bool {
if prefix == "" {
return false
// List of standard files supported by s3a
// that involves a List() on a directory
// where directory is actually an object on
// namespace.
for _, k := range []string{
// Add any other files in future
} {
if strings.HasSuffix(prefix, k) {
return true
return false
if hadoop && delimiter == SlashSeparator && maxKeys == 2 && marker == "" {
// Optimization for Spark/Hadoop workload where spark sends a garbage
// request of this kind
// GET /testbucket/?list-type=2&delimiter=%2F&max-keys=2&prefix=parquet%2F_SUCCESS%2F&fetch-owner=false
// Here spark is expecting that the List() return empty instead, so from MinIO's point
// of view if we simply do a GetObjectInfo() on this prefix by treating it as an object
// We save a lot of calls over the network.
// This happens repeatedly for all objects that are created concurrently() avoiding this
// as a List() call is an important performance improvement.
// Spark based s3a committers are a big enough use-case to have this optimization.
// A sample code to see the improvements is as follows, this sample code is
// simply a read on JSON from MinIO and write it back as "parquet".
// import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
// import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StringType, StructField, StructType}
// object SparkJSONRead {
// def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// val spark:SparkSession = SparkSession.builder()
// .appName("SparkByExample")
// .master("local[1]").getOrCreate()
// spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel("ERROR")
// spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3a.endpoint", "http://minio-lb:9000")
// spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3a.path.style.access", "true")
// spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3a.access.key", "minioadmin")
// spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3a.secret.key", "minioadmin")
// val df = spark.read.json("s3a://testbucket/s3.json")
// df.write.parquet("s3a://testbucket/parquet/")
// }
// }
if matches() {
objInfo, err := z.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, path.Dir(prefix), ObjectOptions{NoLock: true})
if err == nil || objInfo.IsLatest && objInfo.DeleteMarker {
if opts.Lifecycle != nil {
evt := evalActionFromLifecycle(ctx, *opts.Lifecycle, opts.Retention, opts.Replication.Config, objInfo)
if evt.Action.Delete() {
globalExpiryState.enqueueByDays(objInfo, evt, lcEventSrc_s3ListObjects)
if !evt.Action.DeleteRestored() {
// Skip entry if ILM action was DeleteVersionAction or DeleteAction
return loi, nil
return loi, nil
if isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
return loi, err
if contextCanceled(ctx) {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, ctx.Err()
// Hadoop makes the max-keys=2 listing call just to find if the directory is empty or not, or in the case
// of an object to check for object existence. For versioned buckets, MinIO's non-recursive
// call will report top level prefixes in deleted state, whereas spark/hadoop interpret this as non-empty
// and throw a 404 exception. This is especially a problem for spark jobs overwriting the same partition
// repeatedly. This workaround recursively lists the top 3 entries including delete markers to reflect the
// correct state of the directory in the list results.
if strings.HasSuffix(opts.Prefix, SlashSeparator) {
li, err := listFn(ctx, opts, maxKeys)
if err != nil {
return loi, err
if len(li.Objects) == 0 {
prefixes := li.Prefixes[:0]
for _, prefix := range li.Prefixes {
objInfo, _ := z.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, pathJoin(prefix, "_SUCCESS"), ObjectOptions{NoLock: true})
if objInfo.IsLatest && objInfo.DeleteMarker {
prefixes = append(prefixes, prefix)
if len(prefixes) > 0 {
objInfo, _ := z.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, pathJoin(opts.Prefix, "_SUCCESS"), ObjectOptions{NoLock: true})
if objInfo.IsLatest && objInfo.DeleteMarker {
return loi, nil
li.Prefixes = prefixes
return li, nil
if len(prefix) > 0 && maxKeys == 1 && marker == "" {
// Optimization for certain applications like
// - Cohesity
// - Actifio, Splunk etc.
// which send ListObjects requests where the actual object
// itself is the prefix and max-keys=1 in such scenarios
// we can simply verify locally if such an object exists
// to avoid the need for ListObjects().
objInfo, err := z.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, prefix, ObjectOptions{NoLock: true})
if err == nil {
if opts.Lifecycle != nil {
evt := evalActionFromLifecycle(ctx, *opts.Lifecycle, opts.Retention, opts.Replication.Config, objInfo)
if evt.Action.Delete() {
globalExpiryState.enqueueByDays(objInfo, evt, lcEventSrc_s3ListObjects)
if !evt.Action.DeleteRestored() {
// Skip entry if ILM action was DeleteVersionAction or DeleteAction
return loi, nil
loi.Objects = append(loi.Objects, objInfo)
return loi, nil
if isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, err
if contextCanceled(ctx) {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, ctx.Err()
return listFn(ctx, opts, maxKeys)
func (z *erasureServerPools) ListMultipartUploads(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (ListMultipartsInfo, error) {
if err := checkListMultipartArgs(ctx, bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter); err != nil {
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, err
poolResult := ListMultipartsInfo{}
poolResult.MaxUploads = maxUploads
poolResult.KeyMarker = keyMarker
poolResult.Prefix = prefix
poolResult.Delimiter = delimiter
// if no prefix provided, return the list from cache
if prefix == "" {
if _, err := z.GetBucketInfo(ctx, bucket, BucketOptions{}); err != nil {
return ListMultipartsInfo{}, toObjectErr(err, bucket)
z.mpCache.Range(func(_ string, mp MultipartInfo) bool {
poolResult.Uploads = append(poolResult.Uploads, mp)
return true
sort.Slice(poolResult.Uploads, func(i int, j int) bool {
return poolResult.Uploads[i].Initiated.Before(poolResult.Uploads[j].Initiated)
return poolResult, nil
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter, maxUploads)
for idx, pool := range z.serverPools {
if z.IsSuspended(idx) {
result, err := pool.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker,
delimiter, maxUploads)
if err != nil {
return result, err
poolResult.Uploads = append(poolResult.Uploads, result.Uploads...)
return poolResult, nil
// Initiate a new multipart upload on a hashedSet based on object name.
func (z *erasureServerPools) NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (mp *NewMultipartUploadResult, err error) {
if err := checkNewMultipartArgs(ctx, bucket, object); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err == nil && mp != nil {
z.mpCache.Store(mp.UploadID, MultipartInfo{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: mp.UploadID,
Initiated: time.Now(),
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].NewMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
for idx, pool := range z.serverPools {
if z.IsSuspended(idx) || z.IsPoolRebalancing(idx) {
result, err := pool.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, object, "", "", "", maxUploadsList)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If there is a multipart upload with the same bucket/object name,
// create the new multipart in the same pool, this will avoid
// creating two multiparts uploads in two different pools
if len(result.Uploads) != 0 {
return z.serverPools[idx].NewMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
// any parallel writes on the object will block for this poolIdx
// to return since this holds a read lock on the namespace.
idx, err := z.getPoolIdx(ctx, bucket, object, -1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if opts.DataMovement && idx == opts.SrcPoolIdx {
return nil, DataMovementOverwriteErr{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
VersionID: opts.VersionID,
Err: errDataMovementSrcDstPoolSame,
return z.serverPools[idx].NewMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
// Copies a part of an object from source hashedSet to destination hashedSet.
func (z *erasureServerPools) CopyObjectPart(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, destBucket, destObject string, uploadID string, partID int, startOffset int64, length int64, srcInfo ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions) (PartInfo, error) {
if err := checkNewMultipartArgs(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject); err != nil {
return PartInfo{}, err
return z.PutObjectPart(ctx, destBucket, destObject, uploadID, partID,
srcInfo.PutObjReader, dstOpts)
// PutObjectPart - writes part of an object to hashedSet based on the object name.
func (z *erasureServerPools) PutObjectPart(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, partID int, data *PutObjReader, opts ObjectOptions) (PartInfo, error) {
if err := checkPutObjectPartArgs(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID); err != nil {
return PartInfo{}, err
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].PutObjectPart(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partID, data, opts)
for idx, pool := range z.serverPools {
if z.IsSuspended(idx) {
pi, err := pool.PutObjectPart(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partID, data, opts)
if err == nil {
return pi, nil
if _, ok := err.(InvalidUploadID); ok {
// Look for information on the next pool
// Any other unhandled errors such as quorum return.
return PartInfo{}, err
return PartInfo{}, InvalidUploadID{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
func (z *erasureServerPools) GetMultipartInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) (MultipartInfo, error) {
if err := checkListPartsArgs(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID); err != nil {
return MultipartInfo{}, err
uploadIDLock := z.NewNSLock(bucket, pathJoin(object, uploadID))
lkctx, err := uploadIDLock.GetRLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return MultipartInfo{}, err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer uploadIDLock.RUnlock(lkctx)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].GetMultipartInfo(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
for idx, pool := range z.serverPools {
if z.IsSuspended(idx) {
mi, err := pool.GetMultipartInfo(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
if err == nil {
return mi, nil
if _, ok := err.(InvalidUploadID); ok {
// upload id not found, continue to the next pool.
// any other unhandled error return right here.
return MultipartInfo{}, err
return MultipartInfo{}, InvalidUploadID{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
// ListObjectParts - lists all uploaded parts to an object in hashedSet.
func (z *erasureServerPools) ListObjectParts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, partNumberMarker int, maxParts int, opts ObjectOptions) (ListPartsInfo, error) {
if err := checkListPartsArgs(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID); err != nil {
return ListPartsInfo{}, err
uploadIDLock := z.NewNSLock(bucket, pathJoin(object, uploadID))
lkctx, err := uploadIDLock.GetRLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return ListPartsInfo{}, err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer uploadIDLock.RUnlock(lkctx)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].ListObjectParts(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partNumberMarker, maxParts, opts)
for idx, pool := range z.serverPools {
if z.IsSuspended(idx) {
result, err := pool.ListObjectParts(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partNumberMarker, maxParts, opts)
if err == nil {
return result, nil
if _, ok := err.(InvalidUploadID); ok {
return ListPartsInfo{}, err
return ListPartsInfo{}, InvalidUploadID{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
// Aborts an in-progress multipart operation on hashedSet based on the object name.
func (z *erasureServerPools) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, opts ObjectOptions) (err error) {
if err := checkAbortMultipartArgs(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID); err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err == nil {
globalNotificationSys.DeleteUploadID(ctx, uploadID)
lk := z.NewNSLock(bucket, pathJoin(object, uploadID))
lkctx, err := lk.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lk.Unlock(lkctx)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].AbortMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
for idx, pool := range z.serverPools {
if z.IsSuspended(idx) {
err := pool.AbortMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
if err == nil {
return nil
if _, ok := err.(InvalidUploadID); ok {
// upload id not found move to next pool
return err
return InvalidUploadID{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
// CompleteMultipartUpload - completes a pending multipart transaction, on hashedSet based on object name.
func (z *erasureServerPools) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, uploadedParts []CompletePart, opts ObjectOptions) (objInfo ObjectInfo, err error) {
if err = checkCompleteMultipartArgs(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID); err != nil {
return objInfo, err
defer func() {
if err == nil {
globalNotificationSys.DeleteUploadID(ctx, uploadID)
// Hold write locks to verify uploaded parts, also disallows any
// parallel PutObjectPart() requests.
uploadIDLock := z.NewNSLock(bucket, pathJoin(object, uploadID))
wlkctx, err := uploadIDLock.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return objInfo, err
ctx = wlkctx.Context()
defer uploadIDLock.Unlock(wlkctx)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, uploadedParts, opts)
for idx, pool := range z.serverPools {
if z.IsSuspended(idx) {
objInfo, err = pool.CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, uploadedParts, opts)
if err == nil {
return objInfo, nil
if _, ok := err.(InvalidUploadID); ok {
// upload id not found move to next pool
return objInfo, err
return objInfo, InvalidUploadID{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
UploadID: uploadID,
// GetBucketInfo - returns bucket info from one of the erasure coded serverPools.
func (z *erasureServerPools) GetBucketInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts BucketOptions) (bucketInfo BucketInfo, err error) {
bucketInfo, err = z.s3Peer.GetBucketInfo(ctx, bucket, opts)
if err != nil {
return bucketInfo, toObjectErr(err, bucket)
meta, err := globalBucketMetadataSys.Get(bucket)
if err == nil {
bucketInfo.Created = meta.Created
bucketInfo.Versioning = meta.Versioning()
bucketInfo.ObjectLocking = meta.ObjectLocking()
return bucketInfo, nil
// ClearUploadID deletes given uploadID from cache
func (z *erasureServerPools) ClearUploadID(uploadID string) error {
return nil
// DeleteBucket - deletes a bucket on all serverPools simultaneously,
// even if one of the serverPools fail to delete buckets, we proceed to
// undo a successful operation.
func (z *erasureServerPools) DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts DeleteBucketOptions) error {
if isMinioMetaBucketName(bucket) {
return BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket}
// Verify if bucket is valid.
if err := s3utils.CheckValidBucketName(bucket); err != nil {
return BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket}
if !opts.NoLock {
// Lock the bucket name before creating.
lk := z.NewNSLock(minioMetaTmpBucket, bucket+".lck")
lkctx, err := lk.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lk.Unlock(lkctx)
if !opts.Force {
results := make(chan itemOrErr[ObjectInfo])
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Minute)
defer cancel()
err := z.Walk(ctx, bucket, "", results, WalkOptions{Limit: 1})
if err != nil {
s3LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("unable to verify if the bucket %s is empty: %w", bucket, err))
return toObjectErr(err, bucket)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case r, found := <-results:
if found {
if r.Err != nil {
s3LogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("unable to verify if the bucket %s is empty: %w", bucket, r.Err))
return toObjectErr(r.Err, bucket)
return toObjectErr(errVolumeNotEmpty, bucket)
// Always pass force to the lower level
opts.Force = true
err := z.s3Peer.DeleteBucket(ctx, bucket, opts)
if err == nil || isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
// If site replication is configured, hold on to deleted bucket state until sites sync
if opts.SRDeleteOp == MarkDelete {
z.s3Peer.MakeBucket(context.Background(), pathJoin(minioMetaBucket, bucketMetaPrefix, deletedBucketsPrefix, bucket), MakeBucketOptions{})
if err == nil {
// Purge the entire bucket metadata entirely.
z.deleteAll(context.Background(), minioMetaBucket, pathJoin(bucketMetaPrefix, bucket))
return toObjectErr(err, bucket)
// deleteAll will rename bucket+prefix unconditionally across all disks to
// minioMetaTmpDeletedBucket + unique uuid,
// Note that set distribution is ignored so it should only be used in cases where
// data is not distributed across sets. Errors are logged but individual
// disk failures are not returned.
func (z *erasureServerPools) deleteAll(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string) {
for _, servers := range z.serverPools {
for _, set := range servers.sets {
set.deleteAll(ctx, bucket, prefix)
var listBucketsCache = cachevalue.New[[]BucketInfo]()
// List all buckets from one of the serverPools, we are not doing merge
// sort here just for simplification. As per design it is assumed
// that all buckets are present on all serverPools.
func (z *erasureServerPools) ListBuckets(ctx context.Context, opts BucketOptions) (buckets []BucketInfo, err error) {
if opts.Cached {
cachevalue.Opts{ReturnLastGood: true, NoWait: true},
func(ctx context.Context) ([]BucketInfo, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
buckets, err = z.s3Peer.ListBuckets(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !opts.NoMetadata {
for i := range buckets {
createdAt, err := globalBucketMetadataSys.CreatedAt(buckets[i].Name)
if err == nil {
buckets[i].Created = createdAt
return buckets, nil
return listBucketsCache.GetWithCtx(ctx)
buckets, err = z.s3Peer.ListBuckets(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !opts.NoMetadata {
for i := range buckets {
createdAt, err := globalBucketMetadataSys.CreatedAt(buckets[i].Name)
if err == nil {
buckets[i].Created = createdAt
return buckets, nil
func (z *erasureServerPools) HealFormat(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) (madmin.HealResultItem, error) {
// Acquire lock on format.json
formatLock := z.NewNSLock(minioMetaBucket, formatConfigFile)
lkctx, err := formatLock.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return madmin.HealResultItem{}, err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer formatLock.Unlock(lkctx)
r := madmin.HealResultItem{
Type: madmin.HealItemMetadata,
Detail: "disk-format",
var countNoHeal int
for _, pool := range z.serverPools {
result, err := pool.HealFormat(ctx, dryRun)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, errNoHealRequired) {
healingLogOnceIf(ctx, err, "erasure-heal-format")
// Count errNoHealRequired across all serverPools,
// to return appropriate error to the caller
if errors.Is(err, errNoHealRequired) {
r.DiskCount += result.DiskCount
r.SetCount += result.SetCount
r.Before.Drives = append(r.Before.Drives, result.Before.Drives...)
r.After.Drives = append(r.After.Drives, result.After.Drives...)
// No heal returned by all serverPools, return errNoHealRequired
if countNoHeal == len(z.serverPools) {
return r, errNoHealRequired
return r, nil
func (z *erasureServerPools) HealBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (madmin.HealResultItem, error) {
// .metadata.bin healing is not needed here, it is automatically healed via read() call.
return z.s3Peer.HealBucket(ctx, bucket, opts)
// Walk a bucket, optionally prefix recursively, until we have returned
// all the contents of the provided bucket+prefix.
func (z *erasureServerPools) Walk(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, results chan<- itemOrErr[ObjectInfo], opts WalkOptions) error {
if err := checkListObjsArgs(ctx, bucket, prefix, ""); err != nil {
return err
parentCtx := ctx
ctx, cancelCause := context.WithCancelCause(ctx)
var entries []chan metaCacheEntry
for poolIdx, erasureSet := range z.serverPools {
for setIdx, set := range erasureSet.sets {
set := set
listOut := make(chan metaCacheEntry, 1)
entries = append(entries, listOut)
disks, infos, _ := set.getOnlineDisksWithHealingAndInfo(true)
if len(disks) == 0 {
err := fmt.Errorf("Walk: no online disks found in (set:%d pool:%d) %w", setIdx, poolIdx, errErasureReadQuorum)
return err
go func() {
defer xioutil.SafeClose(listOut)
send := func(e metaCacheEntry) {
if e.isDir() {
// Ignore directories.
select {
case listOut <- e:
case <-ctx.Done():
askDisks := getListQuorum(opts.AskDisks, set.setDriveCount)
if askDisks == -1 {
newDisks := getQuorumDisks(disks, infos, (len(disks)+1)/2)
if newDisks != nil {
// If we found disks signature in quorum, we proceed to list
// from a single drive, shuffling of the drives is subsequently.
disks = newDisks
askDisks = 1
} else {
// If we did not find suitable disks, perform strict quorum listing
// as no disk agrees on quorum anymore.
askDisks = getListQuorum("strict", set.setDriveCount)
// Special case: ask all disks if the drive count is 4
if set.setDriveCount == 4 || askDisks > len(disks) {
askDisks = len(disks) // use all available drives
var fallbackDisks []StorageAPI
if askDisks > 0 && len(disks) > askDisks {
rand.Shuffle(len(disks), func(i, j int) {
disks[i], disks[j] = disks[j], disks[i]
fallbackDisks = disks[askDisks:]
disks = disks[:askDisks]
requestedVersions := 0
if opts.LatestOnly {
requestedVersions = 1
// However many we ask, versions must exist on ~50%
listingQuorum := (askDisks + 1) / 2
// How to resolve partial results.
resolver := metadataResolutionParams{
dirQuorum: listingQuorum,
objQuorum: listingQuorum,
bucket: bucket,
requestedVersions: requestedVersions,
path := baseDirFromPrefix(prefix)
filterPrefix := strings.Trim(strings.TrimPrefix(prefix, path), slashSeparator)
if path == prefix {
filterPrefix = ""
lopts := listPathRawOptions{
disks: disks,
fallbackDisks: fallbackDisks,
bucket: bucket,
path: path,
filterPrefix: filterPrefix,
recursive: true,
forwardTo: opts.Marker,
perDiskLimit: opts.Limit,
minDisks: listingQuorum,
reportNotFound: false,
agreed: send,
partial: func(entries metaCacheEntries, _ []error) {
entry, ok := entries.resolve(&resolver)
if ok {
finished: nil,
if err := listPathRaw(ctx, lopts); err != nil {
cancelCause(fmt.Errorf("listPathRaw returned %w: opts(%#v)", err, lopts))
// Convert and filter merged entries.
merged := make(chan metaCacheEntry, 100)
vcfg, _ := globalBucketVersioningSys.Get(bucket)
errCh := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
sentErr := false
sendErr := func(err error) {
if !sentErr {
select {
case results <- itemOrErr[ObjectInfo]{Err: err}:
sentErr = true
case <-parentCtx.Done():
defer func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
send := func(oi ObjectInfo) bool {
select {
case results <- itemOrErr[ObjectInfo]{Item: oi}:
return true
case <-ctx.Done():
return false
for entry := range merged {
if opts.LatestOnly {
fi, err := entry.fileInfo(bucket)
if err != nil {
if opts.Filter != nil {
if opts.Filter(fi) {
if !send(fi.ToObjectInfo(bucket, fi.Name, vcfg != nil && vcfg.Versioned(fi.Name))) {
} else {
if !send(fi.ToObjectInfo(bucket, fi.Name, vcfg != nil && vcfg.Versioned(fi.Name))) {
fivs, err := entry.fileInfoVersions(bucket)
if err != nil {
// Note: entry.fileInfoVersions returns versions sorted in reverse chronological order based on ModTime
if opts.VersionsSort == WalkVersionsSortAsc {
for _, version := range fivs.Versions {
if opts.Filter != nil {
if opts.Filter(version) {
if !send(version.ToObjectInfo(bucket, version.Name, vcfg != nil && vcfg.Versioned(version.Name))) {
} else {
if !send(version.ToObjectInfo(bucket, version.Name, vcfg != nil && vcfg.Versioned(version.Name))) {
if err := <-errCh; err != nil {
go func() {
defer close(errCh)
// Merge all entries from all disks.
// We leave quorum at 1, since entries are already resolved to have the desired quorum.
// mergeEntryChannels will close 'merged' channel upon completion or cancellation.
errCh <- mergeEntryChannels(ctx, entries, merged, 1)
return nil
// HealObjectFn closure function heals the object.
type HealObjectFn func(bucket, object, versionID string, scanMode madmin.HealScanMode) error
// List a prefix or a single object versions and heal
func (z *erasureServerPools) HealObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, opts madmin.HealOpts, healObjectFn HealObjectFn) error {
healEntry := func(bucket string, entry metaCacheEntry, scanMode madmin.HealScanMode) error {
if entry.isDir() {
return nil
// We might land at .metacache, .trash, .multipart
// no need to heal them skip, only when bucket
// is '.minio.sys'
if bucket == minioMetaBucket {
if wildcard.Match("buckets/*/.metacache/*", entry.name) {
return nil
if wildcard.Match("tmp/*", entry.name) {
return nil
if wildcard.Match("multipart/*", entry.name) {
return nil
if wildcard.Match("tmp-old/*", entry.name) {
return nil
fivs, err := entry.fileInfoVersions(bucket)
if err != nil {
return healObjectFn(bucket, entry.name, "", scanMode)
if opts.Remove && !opts.DryRun {
err := z.CheckAbandonedParts(ctx, bucket, entry.name, opts)
if err != nil {
healingLogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("unable to check object %s/%s for abandoned data: %w", bucket, entry.name, err))
for _, version := range fivs.Versions {
err := healObjectFn(bucket, version.Name, version.VersionID, scanMode)
if err != nil && !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return err
return nil
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
var poolErrs [][]error
for idx, erasureSet := range z.serverPools {
if opts.Pool != nil && *opts.Pool != idx {
if z.IsSuspended(idx) {
errs := make([]error, len(erasureSet.sets))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for idx, set := range erasureSet.sets {
if opts.Set != nil && *opts.Set != idx {
go func(idx int, set *erasureObjects) {
defer wg.Done()
errs[idx] = set.listAndHeal(ctx, bucket, prefix, opts.Recursive, opts.ScanMode, healEntry)
}(idx, set)
poolErrs = append(poolErrs, errs)
for _, errs := range poolErrs {
for _, err := range errs {
if err == nil {
return err
return nil
func (z *erasureServerPools) HealObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, versionID string, opts madmin.HealOpts) (madmin.HealResultItem, error) {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
errs := make([]error, len(z.serverPools))
results := make([]madmin.HealResultItem, len(z.serverPools))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for idx, pool := range z.serverPools {
if z.IsSuspended(idx) {
go func(idx int, pool *erasureSets) {
defer wg.Done()
result, err := pool.HealObject(ctx, bucket, object, versionID, opts)
result.Object = decodeDirObject(result.Object)
errs[idx] = err
results[idx] = result
}(idx, pool)
// Return the first nil error
for idx, err := range errs {
if err == nil {
return results[idx], nil
// No pool returned a nil error, return the first non 'not found' error
for idx, err := range errs {
if !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return results[idx], err
hr := madmin.HealResultItem{
Type: madmin.HealItemObject,
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
VersionID: versionID,
// At this stage, all errors are 'not found'
if versionID != "" {
return hr, VersionNotFound{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
VersionID: versionID,
return hr, ObjectNotFound{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
func (z *erasureServerPools) getPoolAndSet(id string) (poolIdx, setIdx, diskIdx int, err error) {
for poolIdx := range z.serverPools {
format := z.serverPools[poolIdx].format
for setIdx, set := range format.Erasure.Sets {
for i, diskID := range set {
if diskID == id {
return poolIdx, setIdx, i, nil
return -1, -1, -1, fmt.Errorf("DriveID(%s) %w", id, errDiskNotFound)
const (
vmware = "VMWare"
// HealthOptions takes input options to return specific information
type HealthOptions struct {
Maintenance bool
DeploymentType string
NoLogging bool
// HealthResult returns the current state of the system, also
// additionally with any specific heuristic information which
// was queried
type HealthResult struct {
Healthy bool
HealthyRead bool
HealingDrives int
ESHealth []struct {
Maintenance bool
PoolID, SetID int
Healthy bool
HealthyRead bool
HealthyDrives int
HealingDrives int
ReadQuorum int
WriteQuorum int
WriteQuorum int
ReadQuorum int
UsingDefaults bool
func (hr HealthResult) String() string {
var str strings.Builder
for i, es := range hr.ESHealth {
str.WriteString("(Pool: ")
str.WriteString(" Set: ")
str.WriteString(" Healthy: ")
if i == 0 {
} else {
str.WriteString(") | ")
return str.String()
// Health - returns current status of the object layer health,
// provides if write access exists across sets, additionally
// can be used to query scenarios if health may be lost
// if this node is taken down by an external orchestrator.
func (z *erasureServerPools) Health(ctx context.Context, opts HealthOptions) HealthResult {
reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("maintenance", strconv.FormatBool(opts.Maintenance))
type setInfo struct {
online int
healing int
var drivesHealing int
erasureSetUpCount := make([][]setInfo, len(z.serverPools))
for i := range z.serverPools {
erasureSetUpCount[i] = make([]setInfo, len(z.serverPools[i].sets))
storageInfo := z.StorageInfo(ctx, false)
for _, disk := range storageInfo.Disks {
if opts.Maintenance {
_, ok := globalLocalDrivesMap[disk.Endpoint]
if ok {
if disk.PoolIndex > -1 && disk.SetIndex > -1 {
if disk.State == madmin.DriveStateOk {
si := erasureSetUpCount[disk.PoolIndex][disk.SetIndex]
if disk.Healing {
erasureSetUpCount[disk.PoolIndex][disk.SetIndex] = si
b := z.BackendInfo()
poolReadQuorums := make([]int, len(b.StandardSCData))
poolWriteQuorums := make([]int, len(b.StandardSCData))
for i, data := range b.StandardSCData {
poolReadQuorums[i] = data
poolWriteQuorums[i] = data
if data == b.StandardSCParity {
poolWriteQuorums[i] = data + 1
// Check if disks are healing on in-case of VMware vsphere deployments.
if opts.Maintenance && opts.DeploymentType == vmware {
if drivesHealing > 0 {
healingLogIf(logger.SetReqInfo(ctx, reqInfo), fmt.Errorf("Total drives to be healed %d", drivesHealing))
var usingDefaults bool
if globalStorageClass.GetParityForSC(storageclass.STANDARD) < 0 {
usingDefaults = true
var maximumWriteQuorum int
for _, writeQuorum := range poolWriteQuorums {
if maximumWriteQuorum == 0 {
maximumWriteQuorum = writeQuorum
if writeQuorum > maximumWriteQuorum {
maximumWriteQuorum = writeQuorum
var maximumReadQuorum int
for _, readQuorum := range poolReadQuorums {
if maximumReadQuorum == 0 {
maximumReadQuorum = readQuorum
if readQuorum > maximumReadQuorum {
maximumReadQuorum = readQuorum
result := HealthResult{
Healthy: true,
HealthyRead: true,
WriteQuorum: maximumWriteQuorum,
ReadQuorum: maximumReadQuorum,
UsingDefaults: usingDefaults, // indicates if config was not initialized and we are using defaults on this node.
for poolIdx := range erasureSetUpCount {
for setIdx := range erasureSetUpCount[poolIdx] {
result.ESHealth = append(result.ESHealth, struct {
Maintenance bool
PoolID, SetID int
Healthy bool
HealthyRead bool
HealthyDrives, HealingDrives int
ReadQuorum, WriteQuorum int
Maintenance: opts.Maintenance,
SetID: setIdx,
PoolID: poolIdx,
Healthy: erasureSetUpCount[poolIdx][setIdx].online >= poolWriteQuorums[poolIdx],
HealthyRead: erasureSetUpCount[poolIdx][setIdx].online >= poolReadQuorums[poolIdx],
HealthyDrives: erasureSetUpCount[poolIdx][setIdx].online,
HealingDrives: erasureSetUpCount[poolIdx][setIdx].healing,
ReadQuorum: poolReadQuorums[poolIdx],
WriteQuorum: poolWriteQuorums[poolIdx],
healthy := erasureSetUpCount[poolIdx][setIdx].online >= poolWriteQuorums[poolIdx]
if !healthy && !opts.NoLogging {
storageLogIf(logger.SetReqInfo(ctx, reqInfo),
fmt.Errorf("Write quorum could not be established on pool: %d, set: %d, expected write quorum: %d, drives-online: %d",
poolIdx, setIdx, poolWriteQuorums[poolIdx], erasureSetUpCount[poolIdx][setIdx].online), logger.FatalKind)
result.Healthy = result.Healthy && healthy
healthyRead := erasureSetUpCount[poolIdx][setIdx].online >= poolReadQuorums[poolIdx]
if !healthyRead && !opts.NoLogging {
storageLogIf(logger.SetReqInfo(ctx, reqInfo),
fmt.Errorf("Read quorum could not be established on pool: %d, set: %d, expected read quorum: %d, drives-online: %d",
poolIdx, setIdx, poolReadQuorums[poolIdx], erasureSetUpCount[poolIdx][setIdx].online))
result.HealthyRead = result.HealthyRead && healthyRead
if opts.Maintenance {
result.Healthy = result.Healthy && drivesHealing == 0
result.HealthyRead = result.HealthyRead && drivesHealing == 0
result.HealingDrives = drivesHealing
return result
// PutObjectMetadata - replace or add tags to an existing object
func (z *erasureServerPools) PutObjectMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error) {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].PutObjectMetadata(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if !opts.NoLock {
// Lock the object before updating metadata.
lk := z.NewNSLock(bucket, object)
lkctx, err := lk.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lk.Unlock(lkctx)
opts.MetadataChg = true
opts.NoLock = true
// We don't know the size here set 1GiB at least.
idx, err := z.getPoolIdxExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
return z.serverPools[idx].PutObjectMetadata(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
// PutObjectTags - replace or add tags to an existing object
func (z *erasureServerPools) PutObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, tags string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error) {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].PutObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, tags, opts)
if !opts.NoLock {
// Lock the object before updating tags.
lk := z.NewNSLock(bucket, object)
lkctx, err := lk.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lk.Unlock(lkctx)
opts.MetadataChg = true
opts.NoLock = true
// We don't know the size here set 1GiB at least.
idx, err := z.getPoolIdxExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
return z.serverPools[idx].PutObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, tags, opts)
// DeleteObjectTags - delete object tags from an existing object
func (z *erasureServerPools) DeleteObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (ObjectInfo, error) {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].DeleteObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if !opts.NoLock {
// Lock the object before deleting tags.
lk := z.NewNSLock(bucket, object)
lkctx, err := lk.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lk.Unlock(lkctx)
opts.MetadataChg = true
opts.NoLock = true
idx, err := z.getPoolIdxExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
return ObjectInfo{}, err
return z.serverPools[idx].DeleteObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
// GetObjectTags - get object tags from an existing object
func (z *erasureServerPools) GetObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) (*tags.Tags, error) {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].GetObjectTags(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
oi, _, err := z.getLatestObjectInfoWithIdx(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tags.ParseObjectTags(oi.UserTags)
// TransitionObject - transition object content to target tier.
func (z *erasureServerPools) TransitionObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].TransitionObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if !opts.NoLock {
// Acquire write lock before starting to transition the object.
lk := z.NewNSLock(bucket, object)
lkctx, err := lk.GetLock(ctx, globalDeleteOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lk.Unlock(lkctx)
// Avoid transitioning an object from a pool being decommissioned.
opts.SkipDecommissioned = true
opts.NoLock = true
idx, err := z.getPoolIdxExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
return z.serverPools[idx].TransitionObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
// RestoreTransitionedObject - restore transitioned object content locally on this cluster.
func (z *erasureServerPools) RestoreTransitionedObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts ObjectOptions) error {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].RestoreTransitionedObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if !opts.NoLock {
// Acquire write lock before restoring transitioned object
lk := z.NewNSLock(bucket, object)
lkctx, err := lk.GetLock(ctx, globalDeleteOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lk.Unlock(lkctx)
// Avoid restoring object from a pool being decommissioned.
opts.SkipDecommissioned = true
opts.NoLock = true
idx, err := z.getPoolIdxExistingWithOpts(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
return z.serverPools[idx].RestoreTransitionedObject(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
func (z *erasureServerPools) CheckAbandonedParts(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, opts madmin.HealOpts) error {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return z.serverPools[0].CheckAbandonedParts(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
errs := make([]error, len(z.serverPools))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for idx, pool := range z.serverPools {
if z.IsSuspended(idx) {
go func(idx int, pool *erasureSets) {
defer wg.Done()
err := pool.CheckAbandonedParts(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil && !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
errs[idx] = err
}(idx, pool)
for _, err := range errs {
return err
return nil
// DecomTieredObject - moves tiered object to another pool during decommissioning.
func (z *erasureServerPools) DecomTieredObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, fi FileInfo, opts ObjectOptions) error {
object = encodeDirObject(object)
if z.SinglePool() {
return fmt.Errorf("error decommissioning %s/%s", bucket, object)
if !opts.NoLock {
ns := z.NewNSLock(bucket, object)
lkctx, err := ns.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer ns.Unlock(lkctx)
opts.NoLock = true
idx, err := z.getPoolIdxNoLock(ctx, bucket, object, fi.Size)
if err != nil {
return err
if opts.DataMovement && idx == opts.SrcPoolIdx {
return DataMovementOverwriteErr{
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
VersionID: opts.VersionID,
Err: errDataMovementSrcDstPoolSame,
return z.serverPools[idx].DecomTieredObject(ctx, bucket, object, fi, opts)