mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:00:57 -04:00
DNS refresh() in-case of MinIO can safely re-use the previous values on bare-metal setups, since bare-metal arrangements do not change DNS in any manner commonly. This PR simplifies that, we only ever need DNS caching on bare-metal setups. - On containerized setups do not enable DNS caching at all, as it may have adverse effects on the overall effectiveness of k8s DNS systems. k8s DNS systems are dynamic and expect applications to avoid managing DNS caching themselves, instead provide a cleaner container native caching implementations that must be used. - update IsDocker() detection, including podman runtime - move to minio/dnscache fork for a simpler package
1015 lines
32 KiB
1015 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cmd
import (
fcolor "github.com/fatih/color"
dns2 "github.com/miekg/dns"
consoleoauth2 "github.com/minio/console/pkg/auth/idp/oauth2"
consoleCerts "github.com/minio/console/pkg/certs"
xnet "github.com/minio/pkg/net"
// serverDebugLog will enable debug printing
var serverDebugLog = env.Get("_MINIO_SERVER_DEBUG", config.EnableOff) == config.EnableOn
var (
shardDiskTimeDelta time.Duration
defaultAWSCredProvider []credentials.Provider
func init() {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
if mousetrap.StartedByExplorer() {
fmt.Printf("Don't double-click %s\n", os.Args[0])
fmt.Println("You need to open cmd.exe/PowerShell and run it from the command line")
fmt.Println("Refer to the docs here on how to run it as a Windows Service https://github.com/minio/minio-service/tree/master/windows")
fmt.Println("Press the Enter Key to Exit")
logger.Init(GOPATH, GOROOT)
t, _ := minioVersionToReleaseTime(Version)
if !t.IsZero() {
globalVersionUnix = uint64(t.Unix())
globalIsCICD = env.Get("MINIO_CI_CD", "") != "" || env.Get("CI", "") != ""
// Call to refresh will refresh names in cache.
go func() {
// Baremetal setups set DNS refresh window to 10 minutes.
t := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Minute)
defer t.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-t.C:
case <-GlobalContext.Done():
console.SetColor("Debug", fcolor.New())
defaultAWSCredProvider = []credentials.Provider{
Client: &http.Client{
Transport: NewHTTPTransport(),
var err error
shardDiskTimeDelta, err = time.ParseDuration(env.Get("_MINIO_SHARD_DISKTIME_DELTA", "1m"))
if err != nil {
shardDiskTimeDelta = 1 * time.Minute
// All minio-go API operations shall be performed only once,
// another way to look at this is we are turning off retries.
minio.MaxRetry = 1
const consolePrefix = "CONSOLE_"
func minioConfigToConsoleFeatures() {
os.Setenv("CONSOLE_PBKDF_SALT", globalDeploymentID)
os.Setenv("CONSOLE_PBKDF_PASSPHRASE", globalDeploymentID)
if globalMinioEndpoint != "" {
os.Setenv("CONSOLE_MINIO_SERVER", globalMinioEndpoint)
} else {
// Explicitly set so Console will automatically bypass TLS verification to the local S3 API.
// This will save users from providing a certificate with IP or FQDN SAN that points to the local host.
os.Setenv("CONSOLE_MINIO_SERVER", fmt.Sprintf("%s://", getURLScheme(globalIsTLS), globalMinioPort))
if value := env.Get("MINIO_LOG_QUERY_URL", ""); value != "" {
os.Setenv("CONSOLE_LOG_QUERY_URL", value)
if value := env.Get("MINIO_LOG_QUERY_AUTH_TOKEN", ""); value != "" {
// pass the console subpath configuration
if value := env.Get(config.EnvBrowserRedirectURL, ""); value != "" {
subPath := path.Clean(pathJoin(strings.TrimSpace(globalBrowserRedirectURL.Path), SlashSeparator))
if subPath != SlashSeparator {
os.Setenv("CONSOLE_SUBPATH", subPath)
// Enable if prometheus URL is set.
if value := env.Get("MINIO_PROMETHEUS_URL", ""); value != "" {
os.Setenv("CONSOLE_PROMETHEUS_URL", value)
if value := env.Get("MINIO_PROMETHEUS_JOB_ID", "minio-job"); value != "" {
// Support additional labels for more granular filtering.
if value := env.Get("MINIO_PROMETHEUS_EXTRA_LABELS", ""); value != "" {
// Enable if LDAP is enabled.
if globalIAMSys.LDAPConfig.Enabled() {
os.Setenv("CONSOLE_LDAP_ENABLED", config.EnableOn)
// Handle animation in welcome page
if value := env.Get(config.EnvBrowserLoginAnimation, "on"); value != "" {
os.Setenv("CONSOLE_ANIMATED_LOGIN", value)
os.Setenv("CONSOLE_MINIO_REGION", globalSite.Region)
func buildOpenIDConsoleConfig() consoleoauth2.OpenIDPCfg {
pcfgs := globalIAMSys.OpenIDConfig.ProviderCfgs
m := make(map[string]consoleoauth2.ProviderConfig, len(pcfgs))
for name, cfg := range pcfgs {
callback := getConsoleEndpoints()[0] + "/oauth_callback"
if cfg.RedirectURI != "" {
callback = cfg.RedirectURI
m[name] = consoleoauth2.ProviderConfig{
URL: cfg.URL.String(),
DisplayName: cfg.DisplayName,
ClientID: cfg.ClientID,
ClientSecret: cfg.ClientSecret,
HMACSalt: globalDeploymentID,
HMACPassphrase: cfg.ClientID,
Scopes: strings.Join(cfg.DiscoveryDoc.ScopesSupported, ","),
Userinfo: cfg.ClaimUserinfo,
RedirectCallbackDynamic: cfg.RedirectURIDynamic,
RedirectCallback: callback,
EndSessionEndpoint: cfg.DiscoveryDoc.EndSessionEndpoint,
RoleArn: cfg.GetRoleArn(),
return m
func initConsoleServer() (*restapi.Server, error) {
// unset all console_ environment variables.
for _, cenv := range env.List(consolePrefix) {
// enable all console environment variables
// set certs dir to minio directory
consoleCerts.GlobalCertsDir = &consoleCerts.ConfigDir{
Path: globalCertsDir.Get(),
consoleCerts.GlobalCertsCADir = &consoleCerts.ConfigDir{
Path: globalCertsCADir.Get(),
// set certs before other console initialization
restapi.GlobalRootCAs, restapi.GlobalPublicCerts, restapi.GlobalTLSCertsManager = globalRootCAs, globalPublicCerts, globalTLSCerts
swaggerSpec, err := loads.Embedded(restapi.SwaggerJSON, restapi.FlatSwaggerJSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
api := operations.NewConsoleAPI(swaggerSpec)
if !serverDebugLog {
// Disable console logging if server debug log is not enabled
noLog := func(string, ...interface{}) {}
restapi.LogInfo = noLog
restapi.LogError = noLog
api.Logger = noLog
// Pass in console application config. This needs to happen before the
// ConfigureAPI() call.
restapi.GlobalMinIOConfig = restapi.MinIOConfig{
OpenIDProviders: buildOpenIDConsoleConfig(),
server := restapi.NewServer(api)
// register all APIs
consolePort, _ := strconv.Atoi(globalMinioConsolePort)
server.Host = globalMinioConsoleHost
server.Port = consolePort
restapi.Port = globalMinioConsolePort
restapi.Hostname = globalMinioConsoleHost
if globalIsTLS {
// If TLS certificates are provided enforce the HTTPS.
server.EnabledListeners = []string{"https"}
server.TLSPort = consolePort
// Need to store tls-port, tls-host un config variables so secure.middleware can read from there
restapi.TLSPort = globalMinioConsolePort
restapi.Hostname = globalMinioConsoleHost
return server, nil
// Check for updates and print a notification message
func checkUpdate(mode string) {
updateURL := minioReleaseInfoURL
if runtime.GOOS == globalWindowsOSName {
updateURL = minioReleaseWindowsInfoURL
u, err := url.Parse(updateURL)
if err != nil {
// Its OK to ignore any errors during doUpdate() here.
crTime, err := GetCurrentReleaseTime()
if err != nil {
_, lrTime, err := getLatestReleaseTime(u, 2*time.Second, mode)
if err != nil {
var older time.Duration
var downloadURL string
if lrTime.After(crTime) {
older = lrTime.Sub(crTime)
downloadURL = getDownloadURL(releaseTimeToReleaseTag(lrTime))
updateMsg := prepareUpdateMessage(downloadURL, older)
if updateMsg == "" {
logger.Info(prepareUpdateMessage("Run `mc admin update`", lrTime.Sub(crTime)))
func newConfigDirFromCtx(ctx *cli.Context, option string, getDefaultDir func() string) (*ConfigDir, bool) {
var dir string
var dirSet bool
switch {
case ctx.IsSet(option):
dir = ctx.String(option)
dirSet = true
case ctx.GlobalIsSet(option):
dir = ctx.GlobalString(option)
dirSet = true
// cli package does not expose parent's option option. Below code is workaround.
if dir == "" || dir == getDefaultDir() {
dirSet = false // Unset to false since GlobalIsSet() true is a false positive.
if ctx.Parent().GlobalIsSet(option) {
dir = ctx.Parent().GlobalString(option)
dirSet = true
// Neither local nor global option is provided. In this case, try to use
// default directory.
dir = getDefaultDir()
if dir == "" {
logger.FatalIf(errInvalidArgument, "%s option must be provided", option)
if dir == "" {
logger.FatalIf(errors.New("empty directory"), "%s directory cannot be empty", option)
// Disallow relative paths, figure out absolute paths.
dirAbs, err := filepath.Abs(dir)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to fetch absolute path for %s=%s", option, dir)
logger.FatalIf(mkdirAllIgnorePerm(dirAbs), "Unable to create directory specified %s=%s", option, dir)
return &ConfigDir{path: dirAbs}, dirSet
func handleCommonCmdArgs(ctx *cli.Context) {
// Get "json" flag from command line argument and
// enable json and quite modes if json flag is turned on.
globalCLIContext.JSON = ctx.IsSet("json") || ctx.GlobalIsSet("json")
if globalCLIContext.JSON {
// Get quiet flag from command line argument.
globalCLIContext.Quiet = ctx.IsSet("quiet") || ctx.GlobalIsSet("quiet")
if globalCLIContext.Quiet {
// Get anonymous flag from command line argument.
globalCLIContext.Anonymous = ctx.IsSet("anonymous") || ctx.GlobalIsSet("anonymous")
if globalCLIContext.Anonymous {
// Fetch address option
addr := ctx.GlobalString("address")
if addr == "" || addr == ":"+GlobalMinioDefaultPort {
addr = ctx.String("address")
// Fetch console address option
consoleAddr := ctx.GlobalString("console-address")
if consoleAddr == "" {
consoleAddr = ctx.String("console-address")
if consoleAddr == "" {
p, err := xnet.GetFreePort()
if err != nil {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to get free port for console on the host")
consoleAddr = net.JoinHostPort("", p.String())
if _, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(consoleAddr); err != nil {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to start listening on console port")
if consoleAddr == addr {
logger.FatalIf(errors.New("--console-address cannot be same as --address"), "Unable to start the server")
globalMinioHost, globalMinioPort = mustSplitHostPort(addr)
globalMinioConsoleHost, globalMinioConsolePort = mustSplitHostPort(consoleAddr)
if globalMinioPort == globalMinioConsolePort {
logger.FatalIf(errors.New("--console-address port cannot be same as --address port"), "Unable to start the server")
globalMinioAddr = addr
// Check "no-compat" flag from command line argument.
globalCLIContext.StrictS3Compat = true
if ctx.IsSet("no-compat") || ctx.GlobalIsSet("no-compat") {
globalCLIContext.StrictS3Compat = false
// Set all config, certs and CAs directories.
var configSet, certsSet bool
globalConfigDir, configSet = newConfigDirFromCtx(ctx, "config-dir", defaultConfigDir.Get)
globalCertsDir, certsSet = newConfigDirFromCtx(ctx, "certs-dir", defaultCertsDir.Get)
// Remove this code when we deprecate and remove config-dir.
// This code is to make sure we inherit from the config-dir
// option if certs-dir is not provided.
if !certsSet && configSet {
globalCertsDir = &ConfigDir{path: filepath.Join(globalConfigDir.Get(), certsDir)}
globalCertsCADir = &ConfigDir{path: filepath.Join(globalCertsDir.Get(), certsCADir)}
logger.FatalIf(mkdirAllIgnorePerm(globalCertsCADir.Get()), "Unable to create certs CA directory at %s", globalCertsCADir.Get())
type envKV struct {
Key string
Value string
Skip bool
func (e envKV) String() string {
if e.Skip {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", e.Key, e.Value)
func parsEnvEntry(envEntry string) (envKV, error) {
envEntry = strings.TrimSpace(envEntry)
if envEntry == "" {
// Skip all empty lines
return envKV{
Skip: true,
}, nil
if strings.HasPrefix(envEntry, "#") {
// Skip commented lines
return envKV{
Skip: true,
}, nil
envTokens := strings.SplitN(strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(envEntry, "export")), config.EnvSeparator, 2)
if len(envTokens) != 2 {
return envKV{}, fmt.Errorf("envEntry malformed; %s, expected to be of form 'KEY=value'", envEntry)
key := envTokens[0]
val := envTokens[1]
// Remove quotes from the value if found
if len(val) >= 2 {
quote := val[0]
if (quote == '"' || quote == '\'') && val[len(val)-1] == quote {
val = val[1 : len(val)-1]
return envKV{
Key: key,
Value: val,
}, nil
// Similar to os.Environ returns a copy of strings representing
// the environment values from a file, in the form "key, value".
// in a structured form.
func minioEnvironFromFile(envConfigFile string) ([]envKV, error) {
f, err := Open(envConfigFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
var ekvs []envKV
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
ekv, err := parsEnvEntry(scanner.Text())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ekv.Skip {
// Skips empty lines
ekvs = append(ekvs, ekv)
if err = scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ekvs, nil
func readFromSecret(sp string) (string, error) {
// Supports reading path from docker secrets, filename is
// relative to /run/secrets/ position.
if isFile(pathJoin("/run/secrets/", sp)) {
sp = pathJoin("/run/secrets/", sp)
credBuf, err := os.ReadFile(sp)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) { // ignore if file doesn't exist.
return "", nil
return "", err
return string(bytes.TrimSpace(credBuf)), nil
func loadEnvVarsFromFiles() {
if env.IsSet(config.EnvAccessKeyFile) {
accessKey, err := readFromSecret(env.Get(config.EnvAccessKeyFile, ""))
if err != nil {
"Unable to validate credentials inherited from the secret file(s)")
if accessKey != "" {
os.Setenv(config.EnvRootUser, accessKey)
if env.IsSet(config.EnvSecretKeyFile) {
secretKey, err := readFromSecret(env.Get(config.EnvSecretKeyFile, ""))
if err != nil {
"Unable to validate credentials inherited from the secret file(s)")
if secretKey != "" {
os.Setenv(config.EnvRootPassword, secretKey)
if env.IsSet(config.EnvRootUserFile) {
rootUser, err := readFromSecret(env.Get(config.EnvRootUserFile, ""))
if err != nil {
"Unable to validate credentials inherited from the secret file(s)")
if rootUser != "" {
os.Setenv(config.EnvRootUser, rootUser)
if env.IsSet(config.EnvRootPasswordFile) {
rootPassword, err := readFromSecret(env.Get(config.EnvRootPasswordFile, ""))
if err != nil {
"Unable to validate credentials inherited from the secret file(s)")
if rootPassword != "" {
os.Setenv(config.EnvRootPassword, rootPassword)
if env.IsSet(kms.EnvKMSSecretKeyFile) {
kmsSecret, err := readFromSecret(env.Get(kms.EnvKMSSecretKeyFile, ""))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to read the KMS secret key inherited from secret file")
if kmsSecret != "" {
os.Setenv(kms.EnvKMSSecretKey, kmsSecret)
if env.IsSet(config.EnvConfigEnvFile) {
ekvs, err := minioEnvironFromFile(env.Get(config.EnvConfigEnvFile, ""))
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to read the config environment file")
for _, ekv := range ekvs {
os.Setenv(ekv.Key, ekv.Value)
func handleCommonEnvVars() {
var err error
globalBrowserEnabled, err = config.ParseBool(env.Get(config.EnvBrowser, config.EnableOn))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrInvalidBrowserValue(err), "Invalid MINIO_BROWSER value in environment variable")
if globalBrowserEnabled {
if redirectURL := env.Get(config.EnvBrowserRedirectURL, ""); redirectURL != "" {
u, err := xnet.ParseHTTPURL(redirectURL)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Invalid MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL value in environment variable")
// Look for if URL has invalid values and return error.
if !((u.Scheme == "http" || u.Scheme == "https") &&
u.Opaque == "" &&
!u.ForceQuery && u.RawQuery == "" && u.Fragment == "") {
err := fmt.Errorf("URL contains unexpected resources, expected URL to be one of http(s)://console.example.com or as a subpath via API endpoint http(s)://minio.example.com/minio format: %v", u)
logger.Fatal(err, "Invalid MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL value is environment variable")
globalBrowserRedirectURL = u
if serverURL := env.Get(config.EnvMinIOServerURL, ""); serverURL != "" {
u, err := xnet.ParseHTTPURL(serverURL)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Invalid MINIO_SERVER_URL value in environment variable")
// Look for if URL has invalid values and return error.
if !((u.Scheme == "http" || u.Scheme == "https") &&
(u.Path == "/" || u.Path == "") && u.Opaque == "" &&
!u.ForceQuery && u.RawQuery == "" && u.Fragment == "") {
err := fmt.Errorf("URL contains unexpected resources, expected URL to be of http(s)://minio.example.com format: %v", u)
logger.Fatal(err, "Invalid MINIO_SERVER_URL value is environment variable")
u.Path = "" // remove any path component such as `/`
globalMinioEndpoint = u.String()
globalMinioEndpointURL = u
globalFSOSync, err = config.ParseBool(env.Get(config.EnvFSOSync, config.EnableOff))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrInvalidFSOSyncValue(err), "Invalid MINIO_FS_OSYNC value in environment variable")
if rootDiskSize := env.Get(config.EnvRootDiskThresholdSize, ""); rootDiskSize != "" {
size, err := humanize.ParseBytes(rootDiskSize)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid %s value in environment variable", config.EnvRootDiskThresholdSize))
globalRootDiskThreshold = size
domains := env.Get(config.EnvDomain, "")
if len(domains) != 0 {
for _, domainName := range strings.Split(domains, config.ValueSeparator) {
if _, ok := dns2.IsDomainName(domainName); !ok {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrInvalidDomainValue(nil).Msg("Unknown value `%s`", domainName),
"Invalid MINIO_DOMAIN value in environment variable")
globalDomainNames = append(globalDomainNames, domainName)
lcpSuf := lcpSuffix(globalDomainNames)
for _, domainName := range globalDomainNames {
if domainName == lcpSuf && len(globalDomainNames) > 1 {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrOverlappingDomainValue(nil).Msg("Overlapping domains `%s` not allowed", globalDomainNames),
"Invalid MINIO_DOMAIN value in environment variable")
publicIPs := env.Get(config.EnvPublicIPs, "")
if len(publicIPs) != 0 {
minioEndpoints := strings.Split(publicIPs, config.ValueSeparator)
domainIPs := set.NewStringSet()
for _, endpoint := range minioEndpoints {
if net.ParseIP(endpoint) == nil {
// Checking if the IP is a DNS entry.
addrs, err := globalDNSCache.LookupHost(GlobalContext, endpoint)
if err != nil {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize MinIO server with [%s] invalid entry found in MINIO_PUBLIC_IPS", endpoint)
for _, addr := range addrs {
} else {
// Add found interfaces IP address to global domain IPS,
// loopback addresses will be naturally dropped.
domainIPs := mustGetLocalIP4()
for _, host := range globalEndpoints.Hostnames() {
// In place update is true by default if the MINIO_UPDATE is not set
// or is not set to 'off', if MINIO_UPDATE is set to 'off' then
// in-place update is off.
globalInplaceUpdateDisabled = strings.EqualFold(env.Get(config.EnvUpdate, config.EnableOn), config.EnableOff)
// Check if the supported credential env vars,
// Warn user if deprecated environment variables,
// "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY" and "MINIO_SECRET_KEY", are defined
// Check all error conditions first
if !env.IsSet(config.EnvRootUser) && env.IsSet(config.EnvRootPassword) {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrMissingEnvCredentialRootUser(nil), "Unable to start MinIO")
} else if env.IsSet(config.EnvRootUser) && !env.IsSet(config.EnvRootPassword) {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrMissingEnvCredentialRootPassword(nil), "Unable to start MinIO")
} else if !env.IsSet(config.EnvRootUser) && !env.IsSet(config.EnvRootPassword) {
if !env.IsSet(config.EnvAccessKey) && env.IsSet(config.EnvSecretKey) {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrMissingEnvCredentialAccessKey(nil), "Unable to start MinIO")
} else if env.IsSet(config.EnvAccessKey) && !env.IsSet(config.EnvSecretKey) {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrMissingEnvCredentialSecretKey(nil), "Unable to start MinIO")
// At this point, either both environment variables
// are defined or both are not defined.
// Check both cases and authenticate them if correctly defined
var user, password string
var hasCredentials bool
if env.IsSet(config.EnvRootUser) && env.IsSet(config.EnvRootPassword) {
user = env.Get(config.EnvRootUser, "")
password = env.Get(config.EnvRootPassword, "")
hasCredentials = true
} else if env.IsSet(config.EnvAccessKey) && env.IsSet(config.EnvSecretKey) {
user = env.Get(config.EnvAccessKey, "")
password = env.Get(config.EnvSecretKey, "")
hasCredentials = true
if hasCredentials {
cred, err := auth.CreateCredentials(user, password)
if err != nil {
"Unable to validate credentials inherited from the shell environment")
if env.IsSet(config.EnvAccessKey) && env.IsSet(config.EnvSecretKey) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: %s and %s are deprecated.\n"+
" Please use %s and %s",
config.EnvAccessKey, config.EnvSecretKey,
config.EnvRootUser, config.EnvRootPassword)
globalActiveCred = cred
globalCredViaEnv = true
} else {
globalActiveCred = auth.DefaultCredentials
globalDisableFreezeOnBoot = env.Get("_MINIO_DISABLE_API_FREEZE_ON_BOOT", "") == "true" || serverDebugLog
// Initialize KMS global variable after valiadating and loading the configuration.
// It depends on KMS env variables and global cli flags.
func handleKMSConfig() {
if env.IsSet(kms.EnvKMSSecretKey) && env.IsSet(kms.EnvKESEndpoint) {
logger.Fatal(errors.New("ambigious KMS configuration"), fmt.Sprintf("The environment contains %q as well as %q", kms.EnvKMSSecretKey, kms.EnvKESEndpoint))
if env.IsSet(kms.EnvKMSSecretKey) {
KMS, err := kms.Parse(env.Get(kms.EnvKMSSecretKey, ""))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to parse the KMS secret key inherited from the shell environment")
GlobalKMS = KMS
if env.IsSet(kms.EnvKESEndpoint) {
if env.IsSet(kms.EnvKESAPIKey) {
if env.IsSet(kms.EnvKESClientKey) {
logger.Fatal(errors.New("ambigious KMS configuration"), fmt.Sprintf("The environment contains %q as well as %q", kms.EnvKESAPIKey, kms.EnvKESClientKey))
if env.IsSet(kms.EnvKESClientCert) {
logger.Fatal(errors.New("ambigious KMS configuration"), fmt.Sprintf("The environment contains %q as well as %q", kms.EnvKESAPIKey, kms.EnvKESClientCert))
var endpoints []string
for _, endpoint := range strings.Split(env.Get(kms.EnvKESEndpoint, ""), ",") {
if strings.TrimSpace(endpoint) == "" {
if !ellipses.HasEllipses(endpoint) {
endpoints = append(endpoints, endpoint)
patterns, err := ellipses.FindEllipsesPatterns(endpoint)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid KES endpoint %q", endpoint))
for _, lbls := range patterns.Expand() {
endpoints = append(endpoints, strings.Join(lbls, ""))
rootCAs, err := certs.GetRootCAs(env.Get(kms.EnvKESServerCA, globalCertsCADir.Get()))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to load X.509 root CAs for KES from %q", env.Get(kms.EnvKESServerCA, globalCertsCADir.Get())))
var kmsConf kms.Config
if env.IsSet(kms.EnvKESAPIKey) {
key, err := kes.ParseAPIKey(env.Get(kms.EnvKESAPIKey, ""))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to parse KES API key from %q", env.Get(kms.EnvKESAPIKey, "")))
kmsConf = kms.Config{
Endpoints: endpoints,
Enclave: env.Get(kms.EnvKESEnclave, ""),
DefaultKeyID: env.Get(kms.EnvKESKeyName, ""),
APIKey: key,
RootCAs: rootCAs,
} else {
loadX509KeyPair := func(certFile, keyFile string) (tls.Certificate, error) {
// Manually load the certificate and private key into memory.
// We need to check whether the private key is encrypted, and
// if so, decrypt it using the user-provided password.
certBytes, err := os.ReadFile(certFile)
if err != nil {
return tls.Certificate{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load KES client certificate as specified by the shell environment: %v", err)
keyBytes, err := os.ReadFile(keyFile)
if err != nil {
return tls.Certificate{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load KES client private key as specified by the shell environment: %v", err)
privateKeyPEM, rest := pem.Decode(bytes.TrimSpace(keyBytes))
if len(rest) != 0 {
return tls.Certificate{}, errors.New("Unable to load KES client private key as specified by the shell environment: private key contains additional data")
if x509.IsEncryptedPEMBlock(privateKeyPEM) {
keyBytes, err = x509.DecryptPEMBlock(privateKeyPEM, []byte(env.Get(kms.EnvKESClientPassword, "")))
if err != nil {
return tls.Certificate{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to decrypt KES client private key as specified by the shell environment: %v", err)
keyBytes = pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: privateKeyPEM.Type, Bytes: keyBytes})
certificate, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certBytes, keyBytes)
if err != nil {
return tls.Certificate{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load KES client certificate as specified by the shell environment: %v", err)
return certificate, nil
reloadCertEvents := make(chan tls.Certificate, 1)
certificate, err := certs.NewCertificate(env.Get(kms.EnvKESClientCert, ""), env.Get(kms.EnvKESClientKey, ""), loadX509KeyPair)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Failed to load KES client certificate")
certificate.Watch(context.Background(), 15*time.Minute, syscall.SIGHUP)
kmsConf = kms.Config{
Endpoints: endpoints,
Enclave: env.Get(kms.EnvKESEnclave, ""),
DefaultKeyID: env.Get(kms.EnvKESKeyName, ""),
Certificate: certificate,
ReloadCertEvents: reloadCertEvents,
RootCAs: rootCAs,
KMS, err := kms.NewWithConfig(kmsConf)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to initialize a connection to KES as specified by the shell environment")
// We check that the default key ID exists or try to create it otherwise.
// This implicitly checks that we can communicate to KES. We don't treat
// a policy error as failure condition since MinIO may not have the permission
// to create keys - just to generate/decrypt data encryption keys.
if err = KMS.CreateKey(context.Background(), env.Get(kms.EnvKESKeyName, "")); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, kes.ErrKeyExists) && !errors.Is(err, kes.ErrNotAllowed) {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to initialize a connection to KES as specified by the shell environment")
GlobalKMS = KMS
func getTLSConfig() (x509Certs []*x509.Certificate, manager *certs.Manager, secureConn bool, err error) {
if !(isFile(getPublicCertFile()) && isFile(getPrivateKeyFile())) {
return nil, nil, false, nil
if x509Certs, err = config.ParsePublicCertFile(getPublicCertFile()); err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, err
manager, err = certs.NewManager(GlobalContext, getPublicCertFile(), getPrivateKeyFile(), config.LoadX509KeyPair)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, err
// MinIO has support for multiple certificates. It expects the following structure:
// certs/
// │
// ├─ public.crt
// ├─ private.key
// │
// ├─ example.com/
// │ │
// │ ├─ public.crt
// │ └─ private.key
// └─ foobar.org/
// │
// ├─ public.crt
// └─ private.key
// ...
// Therefore, we read all filenames in the cert directory and check
// for each directory whether it contains a public.crt and private.key.
// If so, we try to add it to certificate manager.
root, err := Open(globalCertsDir.Get())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, err
defer root.Close()
files, err := root.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, err
for _, file := range files {
// Ignore all
// - regular files
// - "CAs" directory
// - any directory which starts with ".."
if file.Mode().IsRegular() || file.Name() == "CAs" || strings.HasPrefix(file.Name(), "..") {
if file.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
file, err = Stat(filepath.Join(root.Name(), file.Name()))
if err != nil {
// not accessible ignore
if !file.IsDir() {
var (
certFile = filepath.Join(root.Name(), file.Name(), publicCertFile)
keyFile = filepath.Join(root.Name(), file.Name(), privateKeyFile)
if !isFile(certFile) || !isFile(keyFile) {
if err = manager.AddCertificate(certFile, keyFile); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Unable to load TLS certificate '%s,%s': %w", certFile, keyFile, err)
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err, logger.Minio)
secureConn = true
// Certs might be symlinks, reload them every 10 seconds.
manager.UpdateReloadDuration(10 * time.Second)
// syscall.SIGHUP to reload the certs.
return x509Certs, manager, secureConn, nil
// contextCanceled returns whether a context is canceled.
func contextCanceled(ctx context.Context) bool {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return true
return false
// bgContext returns a context that can be used for async operations.
// Cancellation/timeouts are removed, so parent cancellations/timeout will
// not propagate from parent.
// Context values are preserved.
// This can be used for goroutines that live beyond the parent context.
func bgContext(parent context.Context) context.Context {
return bgCtx{parent: parent}
type bgCtx struct {
parent context.Context
func (a bgCtx) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return nil
func (a bgCtx) Err() error {
return nil
func (a bgCtx) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
return time.Time{}, false
func (a bgCtx) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
return a.parent.Value(key)