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synced 2025-03-06 08:40:08 -05:00
A batch job will fail if the retry attempt is not provided. The reason is that the code mistakenly gets the retry attempts from the job status rather than the job yaml file. This will also set a default empty prefix for batch expiration. Also this will avoid trimming the prefix since the yaml decoder already does that if no quotes were provided, and we should not trim if quotes were provided and the user provided a leading or a trailing space.
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498 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2023 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cmd
import (
jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/internal/http"
// keyrotate:
// apiVersion: v1
// bucket: BUCKET
// prefix: PREFIX
// encryption:
// type: sse-s3 # valid values are sse-s3 and sse-kms
// key: <new-kms-key> # valid only for sse-kms
// context: <new-kms-key-context> # valid only for sse-kms
// # optional flags based filtering criteria
// # for all objects
// flags:
// filter:
// newerThan: "7d" # match objects newer than this value (e.g. 7d10h31s)
// olderThan: "7d" # match objects older than this value (e.g. 7d10h31s)
// createdAfter: "date" # match objects created after "date"
// createdBefore: "date" # match objects created before "date"
// tags:
// - key: "name"
// value: "pick*" # match objects with tag 'name', with all values starting with 'pick'
// metadata:
// - key: "content-type"
// value: "image/*" # match objects with 'content-type', with all values starting with 'image/'
// kmskey: "key-id" # match objects with KMS key-id (applicable only for sse-kms)
// notify:
// endpoint: "https://notify.endpoint" # notification endpoint to receive job status events
// token: "Bearer xxxxx" # optional authentication token for the notification endpoint
// retry:
// attempts: 10 # number of retries for the job before giving up
// delay: "500ms" # least amount of delay between each retry
//go:generate msgp -file $GOFILE -unexported
// BatchKeyRotationType defines key rotation type
type BatchKeyRotationType string
const (
sses3 BatchKeyRotationType = "sse-s3"
ssekms BatchKeyRotationType = "sse-kms"
// BatchJobKeyRotateEncryption defines key rotation encryption options passed
type BatchJobKeyRotateEncryption struct {
Type BatchKeyRotationType `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
Key string `yaml:"key" json:"key"`
Context string `yaml:"context" json:"context"`
kmsContext kms.Context `msg:"-"`
// Validate validates input key rotation encryption options.
func (e BatchJobKeyRotateEncryption) Validate() error {
if e.Type != sses3 && e.Type != ssekms {
return errInvalidArgument
spaces := strings.HasPrefix(e.Key, " ") || strings.HasSuffix(e.Key, " ")
if e.Type == ssekms && spaces {
return crypto.ErrInvalidEncryptionKeyID
if e.Type == ssekms && GlobalKMS != nil {
ctx := kms.Context{}
if e.Context != "" {
b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(e.Context)
if err != nil {
return err
json := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &ctx); err != nil {
return err
e.kmsContext = kms.Context{}
for k, v := range ctx {
e.kmsContext[k] = v
ctx["MinIO batch API"] = "batchrotate" // Context for a test key operation
if _, err := GlobalKMS.GenerateKey(GlobalContext, &kms.GenerateKeyRequest{Name: e.Key, AssociatedData: ctx}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// BatchKeyRotateFilter holds all the filters currently supported for batch replication
type BatchKeyRotateFilter struct {
NewerThan time.Duration `yaml:"newerThan,omitempty" json:"newerThan"`
OlderThan time.Duration `yaml:"olderThan,omitempty" json:"olderThan"`
CreatedAfter time.Time `yaml:"createdAfter,omitempty" json:"createdAfter"`
CreatedBefore time.Time `yaml:"createdBefore,omitempty" json:"createdBefore"`
Tags []BatchJobKV `yaml:"tags,omitempty" json:"tags"`
Metadata []BatchJobKV `yaml:"metadata,omitempty" json:"metadata"`
KMSKeyID string `yaml:"kmskeyid" json:"kmskey"`
// BatchKeyRotateNotification success or failure notification endpoint for each job attempts
type BatchKeyRotateNotification struct {
Endpoint string `yaml:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"`
Token string `yaml:"token" json:"token"`
// BatchJobKeyRotateFlags various configurations for replication job definition currently includes
// - filter
// - notify
// - retry
type BatchJobKeyRotateFlags struct {
Filter BatchKeyRotateFilter `yaml:"filter" json:"filter"`
Notify BatchJobNotification `yaml:"notify" json:"notify"`
Retry BatchJobRetry `yaml:"retry" json:"retry"`
// BatchJobKeyRotateV1 v1 of batch key rotation job
type BatchJobKeyRotateV1 struct {
APIVersion string `yaml:"apiVersion" json:"apiVersion"`
Flags BatchJobKeyRotateFlags `yaml:"flags" json:"flags"`
Bucket string `yaml:"bucket" json:"bucket"`
Prefix string `yaml:"prefix" json:"prefix"`
Encryption BatchJobKeyRotateEncryption `yaml:"encryption" json:"encryption"`
// Notify notifies notification endpoint if configured regarding job failure or success.
func (r BatchJobKeyRotateV1) Notify(ctx context.Context, ri *batchJobInfo) error {
return notifyEndpoint(ctx, ri, r.Flags.Notify.Endpoint, r.Flags.Notify.Token)
// KeyRotate rotates encryption key of an object
func (r *BatchJobKeyRotateV1) KeyRotate(ctx context.Context, api ObjectLayer, objInfo ObjectInfo) error {
srcBucket := r.Bucket
srcObject := objInfo.Name
if objInfo.DeleteMarker || !objInfo.VersionPurgeStatus.Empty() {
return nil
sseKMS := crypto.S3KMS.IsEncrypted(objInfo.UserDefined)
sseS3 := crypto.S3.IsEncrypted(objInfo.UserDefined)
if !sseKMS && !sseS3 { // neither sse-s3 nor sse-kms disallowed
return errInvalidEncryptionParameters
if sseKMS && r.Encryption.Type == sses3 { // previously encrypted with sse-kms, now sse-s3 disallowed
return errInvalidEncryptionParameters
versioned := globalBucketVersioningSys.PrefixEnabled(srcBucket, srcObject)
versionSuspended := globalBucketVersioningSys.PrefixSuspended(srcBucket, srcObject)
lock := api.NewNSLock(r.Bucket, objInfo.Name)
lkctx, err := lock.GetLock(ctx, globalOperationTimeout)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lock.Unlock(lkctx)
opts := ObjectOptions{
VersionID: objInfo.VersionID,
Versioned: versioned,
VersionSuspended: versionSuspended,
NoLock: true,
obj, err := api.GetObjectInfo(ctx, r.Bucket, objInfo.Name, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
oi := obj.Clone()
var (
newKeyID string
newKeyContext kms.Context
encMetadata := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range oi.UserDefined {
if stringsHasPrefixFold(k, ReservedMetadataPrefixLower) {
encMetadata[k] = v
if (sseKMS || sseS3) && r.Encryption.Type == ssekms {
if err = r.Encryption.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
newKeyID = strings.TrimPrefix(r.Encryption.Key, crypto.ARNPrefix)
newKeyContext = r.Encryption.kmsContext
if err = rotateKey(ctx, []byte{}, newKeyID, []byte{}, r.Bucket, oi.Name, encMetadata, newKeyContext); err != nil {
return err
// Since we are rotating the keys, make sure to update the metadata.
oi.metadataOnly = true
oi.keyRotation = true
for k, v := range encMetadata {
oi.UserDefined[k] = v
if _, err := api.CopyObject(ctx, r.Bucket, oi.Name, r.Bucket, oi.Name, oi, ObjectOptions{
VersionID: oi.VersionID,
}, ObjectOptions{
VersionID: oi.VersionID,
NoLock: true,
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
const (
batchKeyRotationName = "batch-rotate.bin"
batchKeyRotationFormat = 1
batchKeyRotateVersionV1 = 1
batchKeyRotateVersion = batchKeyRotateVersionV1
batchKeyRotateAPIVersion = "v1"
batchKeyRotateJobDefaultRetries = 3
batchKeyRotateJobDefaultRetryDelay = 25 * time.Millisecond
// Start the batch key rottion job, resumes if there was a pending job via "job.ID"
func (r *BatchJobKeyRotateV1) Start(ctx context.Context, api ObjectLayer, job BatchJobRequest) error {
ri := &batchJobInfo{
JobID: job.ID,
JobType: string(job.Type()),
StartTime: job.Started,
if err := ri.loadOrInit(ctx, api, job); err != nil {
return err
if ri.Complete {
return nil
globalBatchJobsMetrics.save(job.ID, ri)
lastObject := ri.Object
retryAttempts := job.KeyRotate.Flags.Retry.Attempts
if retryAttempts <= 0 {
retryAttempts = batchKeyRotateJobDefaultRetries
delay := job.KeyRotate.Flags.Retry.Delay
if delay <= 0 {
delay = batchKeyRotateJobDefaultRetryDelay
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
selectObj := func(info FileInfo) (ok bool) {
if r.Flags.Filter.OlderThan > 0 && time.Since(info.ModTime) < r.Flags.Filter.OlderThan {
// skip all objects that are newer than specified older duration
return false
if r.Flags.Filter.NewerThan > 0 && time.Since(info.ModTime) >= r.Flags.Filter.NewerThan {
// skip all objects that are older than specified newer duration
return false
if !r.Flags.Filter.CreatedAfter.IsZero() && r.Flags.Filter.CreatedAfter.Before(info.ModTime) {
// skip all objects that are created before the specified time.
return false
if !r.Flags.Filter.CreatedBefore.IsZero() && r.Flags.Filter.CreatedBefore.After(info.ModTime) {
// skip all objects that are created after the specified time.
return false
if len(r.Flags.Filter.Tags) > 0 {
// Only parse object tags if tags filter is specified.
tagMap := map[string]string{}
tagStr := info.Metadata[xhttp.AmzObjectTagging]
if len(tagStr) != 0 {
t, err := tags.ParseObjectTags(tagStr)
if err != nil {
return false
tagMap = t.ToMap()
for _, kv := range r.Flags.Filter.Tags {
for t, v := range tagMap {
if kv.Match(BatchJobKV{Key: t, Value: v}) {
return true
// None of the provided tags filter match skip the object
return false
if len(r.Flags.Filter.Metadata) > 0 {
for _, kv := range r.Flags.Filter.Metadata {
for k, v := range info.Metadata {
if !stringsHasPrefixFold(k, "x-amz-meta-") && !isStandardHeader(k) {
// We only need to match x-amz-meta or standardHeaders
if kv.Match(BatchJobKV{Key: k, Value: v}) {
return true
// None of the provided metadata filters match skip the object.
return false
if r.Flags.Filter.KMSKeyID != "" {
if v, ok := info.Metadata[xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryptionKmsID]; ok && strings.TrimPrefix(v, crypto.ARNPrefix) != r.Flags.Filter.KMSKeyID {
return false
return true
workerSize, err := strconv.Atoi(env.Get("_MINIO_BATCH_KEYROTATION_WORKERS", strconv.Itoa(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)/2)))
if err != nil {
return err
wk, err := workers.New(workerSize)
if err != nil {
// invalid worker size.
return err
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
results := make(chan itemOrErr[ObjectInfo], 100)
if err := api.Walk(ctx, r.Bucket, r.Prefix, results, WalkOptions{
Marker: lastObject,
Filter: selectObj,
}); err != nil {
// Do not need to retry if we can't list objects on source.
return err
failed := false
for res := range results {
if res.Err != nil {
failed = true
batchLogIf(ctx, res.Err)
result := res.Item
sseKMS := crypto.S3KMS.IsEncrypted(result.UserDefined)
sseS3 := crypto.S3.IsEncrypted(result.UserDefined)
if !sseKMS && !sseS3 { // neither sse-s3 nor sse-kms disallowed
go func() {
defer wk.Give()
for attempts := 1; attempts <= retryAttempts; attempts++ {
stopFn := globalBatchJobsMetrics.trace(batchJobMetricKeyRotation, job.ID, attempts)
success := true
if err := r.KeyRotate(ctx, api, result); err != nil {
stopFn(result, err)
batchLogIf(ctx, err)
success = false
if attempts >= retryAttempts {
auditOptions := AuditLogOptions{
Event: "KeyRotate",
APIName: "StartBatchJob",
Bucket: result.Bucket,
Object: result.Name,
VersionID: result.VersionID,
Error: err.Error(),
auditLogInternal(ctx, auditOptions)
} else {
stopFn(result, nil)
ri.trackCurrentBucketObject(r.Bucket, result, success, attempts)
globalBatchJobsMetrics.save(job.ID, ri)
// persist in-memory state to disk after every 10secs.
batchLogIf(ctx, ri.updateAfter(ctx, api, 10*time.Second, job))
if success {
if delay > 0 {
time.Sleep(delay + time.Duration(rnd.Float64()*float64(delay)))
if wait := globalBatchConfig.KeyRotationWait(); wait > 0 {
ri.Complete = !failed && ri.ObjectsFailed == 0
ri.Failed = failed || ri.ObjectsFailed > 0
globalBatchJobsMetrics.save(job.ID, ri)
// persist in-memory state to disk.
batchLogIf(ctx, ri.updateAfter(ctx, api, 0, job))
if err := r.Notify(ctx, ri); err != nil {
batchLogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("unable to notify %v", err))
return nil
//msgp:ignore batchKeyRotationJobError
type batchKeyRotationJobError struct {
Code string
Description string
HTTPStatusCode int
func (e batchKeyRotationJobError) Error() string {
return e.Description
// Validate validates the job definition input
func (r *BatchJobKeyRotateV1) Validate(ctx context.Context, job BatchJobRequest, o ObjectLayer) error {
if r == nil {
return nil
if r.APIVersion != batchKeyRotateAPIVersion {
return errInvalidArgument
if r.Bucket == "" {
return errInvalidArgument
if _, err := o.GetBucketInfo(ctx, r.Bucket, BucketOptions{}); err != nil {
if isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
return batchKeyRotationJobError{
Code: "NoSuchSourceBucket",
Description: "The specified source bucket does not exist",
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
return err
if GlobalKMS == nil {
return errKMSNotConfigured
if err := r.Encryption.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
for _, tag := range r.Flags.Filter.Tags {
if err := tag.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
for _, meta := range r.Flags.Filter.Metadata {
if err := meta.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
return r.Flags.Retry.Validate()