Harshavardhana 4550ac6fff
fix: refactor locks to apply them uniquely per node (#11052)
This refactor is done for few reasons below

- to avoid deadlocks in scenarios when number
  of nodes are smaller < actual erasure stripe
  count where in N participating local lockers
  can lead to deadlocks across systems.

- avoids expiry routines to run 1000 of separate
  network operations and routes per disk where
  as each of them are still accessing one single
  local entity.

- it is ideal to have since globalLockServer
  per instance.

- In a 32node deployment however, each server
  group is still concentrated towards the
  same set of lockers that partipicate during
  the write/read phase, unlike previous minio/dsync
  implementation - this potentially avoids send
  32 requests instead we will still send at max
  requests of unique nodes participating in a
  write/read phase.

- reduces overall chattiness on smaller setups.
2020-12-10 07:28:37 -08:00

97 lines
3.5 KiB

PWD := $(shell pwd)
GOPATH := $(shell go env GOPATH)
LDFLAGS := $(shell go run buildscripts/gen-ldflags.go)
GOARCH := $(shell go env GOARCH)
GOOS := $(shell go env GOOS)
VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags)
TAG ?= "minio/minio:$(VERSION)"
all: build
@echo "Checking dependencies"
@(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/
@mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/bin
@which golangci-lint 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing golangci-lint" && curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(GOPATH)/bin v1.27.0)
@which ruleguard 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing ruleguard" && GO111MODULE=off go get
@which msgp 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing msgp" && GO111MODULE=off go get
@which stringer 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing stringer" && GO111MODULE=off go get
@(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/
verifiers: getdeps fmt lint ruleguard check-gen
@go generate ./... >/dev/null
@(! git diff --name-only | grep '_gen.go$$') || (echo "Non-committed changes in auto-generated code is detected, please commit them to proceed." && false)
@echo "Running $@ check"
@GO111MODULE=on gofmt -d cmd/
@GO111MODULE=on gofmt -d pkg/
@echo "Running $@ check"
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/golangci-lint cache clean
@GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/golangci-lint run --timeout=5m --config ./.golangci.yml
@echo "Running $@ check"
@${GOPATH}/bin/ruleguard -rules ruleguard.rules.go
# Builds minio, runs the verifiers then runs the tests.
check: test
test: verifiers build
@echo "Running unit tests"
@GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -tags kqueue ./... 1>/dev/null
test-race: verifiers build
@echo "Running unit tests under -race"
@(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/
# Verify minio binary
@echo "Verifying build with race"
@GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -tags kqueue -trimpath --ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" -o $(PWD)/minio 1>/dev/null
@(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/
# Verify healing of disks with minio binary
@echo "Verify healing build with race"
@GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -race -tags kqueue -trimpath --ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" -o $(PWD)/minio 1>/dev/null
@(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/
# Builds minio locally.
build: checks
@echo "Building minio binary to './minio'"
@GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags kqueue -trimpath --ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" -o $(PWD)/minio 1>/dev/null
hotfix: LDFLAGS := $(shell MINIO_RELEASE="RELEASE" MINIO_HOTFIX="hotfix" go run buildscripts/gen-ldflags.go $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | \
sed 's#RELEASE\.\([0-9]\+\)-\([0-9]\+\)-\([0-9]\+\)T\([0-9]\+\)-\([0-9]\+\)-\([0-9]\+\)Z#\1-\2-\3T\4:\5:\6Z#'))
hotfix: install
docker: checks
@echo "Building minio docker image '$(TAG)'"
@GOOS=linux GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags kqueue -trimpath --ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" -o $(PWD)/minio 1>/dev/null
@docker build -t $(TAG) . -f
# Builds minio and installs it to $GOPATH/bin.
install: build
@echo "Installing minio binary to '$(GOPATH)/bin/minio'"
@mkdir -p $(GOPATH)/bin && cp -f $(PWD)/minio $(GOPATH)/bin/minio
@echo "Installation successful. To learn more, try \"minio --help\"."
@echo "Cleaning up all the generated files"
@find . -name '*.test' | xargs rm -fv
@find . -name '*~' | xargs rm -fv
@rm -rvf minio
@rm -rvf build
@rm -rvf release
@rm -rvf .verify*