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synced 2025-03-06 08:40:08 -05:00
This commit changes the config/IAM encryption process. Instead of encrypting config data (users, policies etc.) with the root credentials MinIO now encrypts this data with a KMS - if configured. Therefore, this PR moves the MinIO-KMS configuration (via env. variables) to a "top-level" configuration. The KMS configuration cannot be stored in the config file since it is used to decrypt the config file in the first place. As a consequence, this commit also removes support for Hashicorp Vault - which has been deprecated anyway. Signed-off-by: Andreas Auernhammer <aead@mail.de>
481 lines
16 KiB
481 lines
16 KiB
* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2017-2019 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
dns2 "github.com/miekg/dns"
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/http"
// serverDebugLog will enable debug printing
var serverDebugLog = env.Get("_MINIO_SERVER_DEBUG", config.EnableOff) == config.EnableOn
func init() {
logger.Init(GOPATH, GOROOT)
// Inject into config package.
config.Logger.Info = logger.Info
config.Logger.LogIf = logger.LogIf
if IsKubernetes() || IsDocker() || IsBOSH() || IsDCOS() || IsKubernetesReplicaSet() || IsPCFTile() {
// 30 seconds matches the orchestrator DNS TTLs, have
// a 5 second timeout to lookup from DNS servers.
globalDNSCache = xhttp.NewDNSCache(30*time.Second, 5*time.Second, logger.LogOnceIf)
} else {
// On bare-metals DNS do not change often, so it is
// safe to assume a higher timeout upto 10 minutes.
globalDNSCache = xhttp.NewDNSCache(10*time.Minute, 5*time.Second, logger.LogOnceIf)
globalForwarder = handlers.NewForwarder(&handlers.Forwarder{
PassHost: true,
RoundTripper: newGatewayHTTPTransport(1 * time.Hour),
Logger: func(err error) {
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err)
globalTransitionState = newTransitionState()
console.SetColor("Debug", color.New())
func verifyObjectLayerFeatures(name string, objAPI ObjectLayer) {
if (GlobalKMS != nil) && !objAPI.IsEncryptionSupported() {
"Encryption support is requested but '%s' does not support encryption", name)
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "gateway") {
if GlobalGatewaySSE.IsSet() && GlobalKMS == nil {
uiErr := config.ErrInvalidGWSSEEnvValue(nil).Msg("MINIO_GATEWAY_SSE set but KMS is not configured")
logger.Fatal(uiErr, "Unable to start gateway with SSE")
if globalCompressConfig.Enabled && !objAPI.IsCompressionSupported() {
"Compression support is requested but '%s' does not support compression", name)
// Check for updates and print a notification message
func checkUpdate(mode string) {
updateURL := minioReleaseInfoURL
if runtime.GOOS == globalWindowsOSName {
updateURL = minioReleaseWindowsInfoURL
u, err := url.Parse(updateURL)
if err != nil {
// Its OK to ignore any errors during doUpdate() here.
crTime, err := GetCurrentReleaseTime()
if err != nil {
_, lrTime, err := getLatestReleaseTime(u, 2*time.Second, mode)
if err != nil {
var older time.Duration
var downloadURL string
if lrTime.After(crTime) {
older = lrTime.Sub(crTime)
downloadURL = getDownloadURL(releaseTimeToReleaseTag(lrTime))
updateMsg := prepareUpdateMessage(downloadURL, older)
if updateMsg == "" {
logStartupMessage(prepareUpdateMessage("Run `mc admin update`", lrTime.Sub(crTime)))
func newConfigDirFromCtx(ctx *cli.Context, option string, getDefaultDir func() string) (*ConfigDir, bool) {
var dir string
var dirSet bool
switch {
case ctx.IsSet(option):
dir = ctx.String(option)
dirSet = true
case ctx.GlobalIsSet(option):
dir = ctx.GlobalString(option)
dirSet = true
// cli package does not expose parent's option option. Below code is workaround.
if dir == "" || dir == getDefaultDir() {
dirSet = false // Unset to false since GlobalIsSet() true is a false positive.
if ctx.Parent().GlobalIsSet(option) {
dir = ctx.Parent().GlobalString(option)
dirSet = true
// Neither local nor global option is provided. In this case, try to use
// default directory.
dir = getDefaultDir()
if dir == "" {
logger.FatalIf(errInvalidArgument, "%s option must be provided", option)
if dir == "" {
logger.FatalIf(errors.New("empty directory"), "%s directory cannot be empty", option)
// Disallow relative paths, figure out absolute paths.
dirAbs, err := filepath.Abs(dir)
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to fetch absolute path for %s=%s", option, dir)
logger.FatalIf(mkdirAllIgnorePerm(dirAbs), "Unable to create directory specified %s=%s", option, dir)
return &ConfigDir{path: dirAbs}, dirSet
func handleCommonCmdArgs(ctx *cli.Context) {
// Get "json" flag from command line argument and
// enable json and quite modes if json flag is turned on.
globalCLIContext.JSON = ctx.IsSet("json") || ctx.GlobalIsSet("json")
if globalCLIContext.JSON {
// Get quiet flag from command line argument.
globalCLIContext.Quiet = ctx.IsSet("quiet") || ctx.GlobalIsSet("quiet")
if globalCLIContext.Quiet {
// Get anonymous flag from command line argument.
globalCLIContext.Anonymous = ctx.IsSet("anonymous") || ctx.GlobalIsSet("anonymous")
if globalCLIContext.Anonymous {
// Fetch address option
globalCLIContext.Addr = ctx.GlobalString("address")
if globalCLIContext.Addr == "" || globalCLIContext.Addr == ":"+GlobalMinioDefaultPort {
globalCLIContext.Addr = ctx.String("address")
// Check "no-compat" flag from command line argument.
globalCLIContext.StrictS3Compat = true
if ctx.IsSet("no-compat") || ctx.GlobalIsSet("no-compat") {
globalCLIContext.StrictS3Compat = false
// Set all config, certs and CAs directories.
var configSet, certsSet bool
globalConfigDir, configSet = newConfigDirFromCtx(ctx, "config-dir", defaultConfigDir.Get)
globalCertsDir, certsSet = newConfigDirFromCtx(ctx, "certs-dir", defaultCertsDir.Get)
// Remove this code when we deprecate and remove config-dir.
// This code is to make sure we inherit from the config-dir
// option if certs-dir is not provided.
if !certsSet && configSet {
globalCertsDir = &ConfigDir{path: filepath.Join(globalConfigDir.Get(), certsDir)}
globalCertsCADir = &ConfigDir{path: filepath.Join(globalCertsDir.Get(), certsCADir)}
logger.FatalIf(mkdirAllIgnorePerm(globalCertsCADir.Get()), "Unable to create certs CA directory at %s", globalCertsCADir.Get())
func handleCommonEnvVars() {
wormEnabled, err := config.LookupWorm()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrInvalidWormValue(err), "Invalid worm configuration")
if wormEnabled {
logger.Fatal(errors.New("WORM is deprecated"), "global MINIO_WORM support is removed, please downgrade your server or migrate to https://github.com/minio/minio/tree/master/docs/retention")
globalBrowserEnabled, err = config.ParseBool(env.Get(config.EnvBrowser, config.EnableOn))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrInvalidBrowserValue(err), "Invalid MINIO_BROWSER value in environment variable")
globalFSOSync, err = config.ParseBool(env.Get(config.EnvFSOSync, config.EnableOff))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrInvalidFSOSyncValue(err), "Invalid MINIO_FS_OSYNC value in environment variable")
domains := env.Get(config.EnvDomain, "")
if len(domains) != 0 {
for _, domainName := range strings.Split(domains, config.ValueSeparator) {
if _, ok := dns2.IsDomainName(domainName); !ok {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrInvalidDomainValue(nil).Msg("Unknown value `%s`", domainName),
"Invalid MINIO_DOMAIN value in environment variable")
globalDomainNames = append(globalDomainNames, domainName)
lcpSuf := lcpSuffix(globalDomainNames)
for _, domainName := range globalDomainNames {
if domainName == lcpSuf && len(globalDomainNames) > 1 {
logger.Fatal(config.ErrOverlappingDomainValue(nil).Msg("Overlapping domains `%s` not allowed", globalDomainNames),
"Invalid MINIO_DOMAIN value in environment variable")
publicIPs := env.Get(config.EnvPublicIPs, "")
if len(publicIPs) != 0 {
minioEndpoints := strings.Split(publicIPs, config.ValueSeparator)
var domainIPs = set.NewStringSet()
for _, endpoint := range minioEndpoints {
if net.ParseIP(endpoint) == nil {
// Checking if the IP is a DNS entry.
addrs, err := net.LookupHost(endpoint)
if err != nil {
logger.FatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize MinIO server with [%s] invalid entry found in MINIO_PUBLIC_IPS", endpoint)
for _, addr := range addrs {
} else {
// Add found interfaces IP address to global domain IPS,
// loopback addresses will be naturally dropped.
domainIPs := mustGetLocalIP4()
for _, host := range globalEndpoints.Hostnames() {
// In place update is true by default if the MINIO_UPDATE is not set
// or is not set to 'off', if MINIO_UPDATE is set to 'off' then
// in-place update is off.
globalInplaceUpdateDisabled = strings.EqualFold(env.Get(config.EnvUpdate, config.EnableOn), config.EnableOff)
if env.IsSet(config.EnvAccessKey) || env.IsSet(config.EnvSecretKey) {
cred, err := auth.CreateCredentials(env.Get(config.EnvAccessKey, ""), env.Get(config.EnvSecretKey, ""))
if err != nil {
"Unable to validate credentials inherited from the shell environment")
globalActiveCred = cred
if env.IsSet(config.EnvRootUser) || env.IsSet(config.EnvRootPassword) {
cred, err := auth.CreateCredentials(env.Get(config.EnvRootUser, ""), env.Get(config.EnvRootPassword, ""))
if err != nil {
"Unable to validate credentials inherited from the shell environment")
globalActiveCred = cred
if env.IsSet(config.EnvKMSSecretKey) && env.IsSet(config.EnvKESEndpoint) {
logger.Fatal(errors.New("ambigious KMS configuration"), fmt.Sprintf("The environment contains %q as well as %q", config.EnvKMSSecretKey, config.EnvKESEndpoint))
switch {
case env.IsSet(config.EnvKMSSecretKey) && env.IsSet(config.EnvKESEndpoint):
logger.Fatal(errors.New("ambigious KMS configuration"), fmt.Sprintf("The environment contains %q as well as %q", config.EnvKMSSecretKey, config.EnvKESEndpoint))
case env.IsSet(config.EnvKMSMasterKey) && env.IsSet(config.EnvKESEndpoint):
logger.Fatal(errors.New("ambigious KMS configuration"), fmt.Sprintf("The environment contains %q as well as %q", config.EnvKMSMasterKey, config.EnvKESEndpoint))
if env.IsSet(config.EnvKMSSecretKey) {
KMS, err := kms.Parse(env.Get(config.EnvKMSSecretKey, ""))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to parse the KMS secret key inherited from the shell environment")
GlobalKMS = KMS
} else if env.IsSet(config.EnvKMSMasterKey) {
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, errors.New("legacy KMS configuration"), fmt.Sprintf("The environment variable %q is deprecated and will be removed in the future", config.EnvKMSMasterKey))
v := strings.SplitN(env.Get(config.EnvKMSMasterKey, ""), ":", 2)
if len(v) != 2 {
logger.Fatal(errors.New("invalid "+config.EnvKMSMasterKey), "Unable to parse the KMS secret key inherited from the shell environment")
secretKey, err := hex.DecodeString(v[1])
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to parse the KMS secret key inherited from the shell environment")
KMS, err := kms.New(v[0], secretKey)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to parse the KMS secret key inherited from the shell environment")
GlobalKMS = KMS
if env.IsSet(config.EnvKESEndpoint) {
kesEndpoints, err := crypto.ParseKESEndpoints(env.Get(config.EnvKESEndpoint, ""))
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to parse the KES endpoints inherited from the shell environment")
KMS, err := crypto.NewKes(crypto.KesConfig{
Enabled: true,
Endpoint: kesEndpoints,
DefaultKeyID: env.Get(config.EnvKESKeyName, ""),
CertFile: env.Get(config.EnvKESClientCert, ""),
KeyFile: env.Get(config.EnvKESClientKey, ""),
CAPath: env.Get(config.EnvKESServerCA, globalCertsCADir.Get()),
Transport: newCustomHTTPTransportWithHTTP2(&tls.Config{RootCAs: globalRootCAs}, defaultDialTimeout)(),
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal(err, "Unable to initialize a connection to KES as specified by the shell environment")
GlobalKMS = KMS
func logStartupMessage(msg string) {
if globalConsoleSys != nil {
globalConsoleSys.Send(msg, string(logger.All))
func getTLSConfig() (x509Certs []*x509.Certificate, manager *certs.Manager, secureConn bool, err error) {
if !(isFile(getPublicCertFile()) && isFile(getPrivateKeyFile())) {
return nil, nil, false, nil
if x509Certs, err = config.ParsePublicCertFile(getPublicCertFile()); err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, err
manager, err = certs.NewManager(GlobalContext, getPublicCertFile(), getPrivateKeyFile(), config.LoadX509KeyPair)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, err
// MinIO has support for multiple certificates. It expects the following structure:
// certs/
// │
// ├─ public.crt
// ├─ private.key
// │
// ├─ example.com/
// │ │
// │ ├─ public.crt
// │ └─ private.key
// └─ foobar.org/
// │
// ├─ public.crt
// └─ private.key
// ...
// Therefore, we read all filenames in the cert directory and check
// for each directory whether it contains a public.crt and private.key.
// If so, we try to add it to certificate manager.
root, err := os.Open(globalCertsDir.Get())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, err
defer root.Close()
files, err := root.Readdir(-1)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, err
for _, file := range files {
// Ignore all
// - regular files
// - "CAs" directory
// - any directory which starts with ".."
if file.Mode().IsRegular() || file.Name() == "CAs" || strings.HasPrefix(file.Name(), "..") {
if file.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
file, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join(root.Name(), file.Name()))
if err != nil {
// not accessible ignore
if !file.IsDir() {
var (
certFile = filepath.Join(root.Name(), file.Name(), publicCertFile)
keyFile = filepath.Join(root.Name(), file.Name(), privateKeyFile)
if !isFile(certFile) || !isFile(keyFile) {
if err = manager.AddCertificate(certFile, keyFile); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Unable to load TLS certificate '%s,%s': %w", certFile, keyFile, err)
logger.LogIf(GlobalContext, err, logger.Minio)
secureConn = true
return x509Certs, manager, secureConn, nil
// contextCanceled returns whether a context is canceled.
func contextCanceled(ctx context.Context) bool {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return true
return false