Add type for headers and create custom marshal to make it easier to read. Group headers and metadata. Restore functionality that will read `xl.meta` in the current dir with no params. Before: ``` { "Headers": [ [ "8M04bTiYRDmEMQGeAsk1yg==", 1639150471630100400, "rLD1Rw==", 1, 6 ], ], "Versions": [ { "Type": 1, "V2Obj": { "CSumAlgo": 1, "DDir": "oC1Xpg4tRfW03g8o8w7Bzg==", "EcAlgo": 1, "EcBSize": 1048576, "EcDist": [ 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], "EcIndex": 1, "EcM": 4, "EcN": 4, "ID": "8M04bTiYRDmEMQGeAsk1yg==", "MTime": 1639150471630100400, "MetaSys": { "x-minio-internal-inline-data": "dHJ1ZQ==" }, "MetaUsr": { "content-type": "application/octet-stream", "etag": "b8252c86fad2d8937300aa92b467a3aa" }, "PartASizes": [ 1000 ], "PartETags": null, "PartNums": [ 1 ], "PartSizes": [ 1000 ], "Size": 1000 } } ] } ``` After: ``` { "Versions": [ { "Header": { "Flags": 6, "ModTime": "2021-12-10T16:34:31.6301004+01:00", "Signature": "acb0f547", "Type": 1, "VersionID": "f0cd386d389844398431019e02c935ca" }, "Idx": 0, "Metadata": { "Type": 1, "V2Obj": { "CSumAlgo": 1, "DDir": "oC1Xpg4tRfW03g8o8w7Bzg==", "EcAlgo": 1, "EcBSize": 1048576, "EcDist": [ 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], "EcIndex": 1, "EcM": 4, "EcN": 4, "ID": "8M04bTiYRDmEMQGeAsk1yg==", "MTime": 1639150471630100400, "MetaSys": { "x-minio-internal-inline-data": "dHJ1ZQ==" }, "MetaUsr": { "content-type": "application/octet-stream", "etag": "b8252c86fad2d8937300aa92b467a3aa" }, "PartASizes": [ 1000 ], "PartETags": null, "PartNums": [ 1 ], "PartSizes": [ 1000 ], "Size": 1000 } } } ] } ```
MinIO Server Debugging Guide

HTTP Trace
HTTP tracing can be enabled by using mc admin trace
minio server /data
Default trace is succinct only to indicate the API operations being called and the HTTP response status.
mc admin trace myminio
To trace entire HTTP request
mc admin trace --verbose myminio
To trace entire HTTP request and also internode communication
mc admin trace --all --verbose myminio
Subnet Health
Subnet Health diagnostics help ensure that the underlying infrastructure that runs MinIO is configured correctly, and is functioning properly. This test is one-shot long running one, that is recommended to be run as soon as the cluster is first provisioned, and each time a failure scenario is encountered. Note that the test incurs majority of the available resources on the system. Care must be taken when using this to debug failure scenario, so as to prevent larger outages. Health tests can be triggered using mc admin subnet health
minio server /data
The command takes no flags
mc admin subnet health myminio
The output printed will be of the form
● Admin Info ... ✔
● CPU ... ✔
● Disk Hardware ... ✔
● Os Info ... ✔
● Mem Info ... ✔
● Process Info ... ✔
● Config ... ✔
● Drive ... ✔
● Net ... ✔
mc: Health data saved to dc-11-health_20200321053323.json.gz
The gzipped output contains debugging information for your system
Decoding Metadata
Metadata is stored in xl.meta
files for erasure coded objects.
Each disk in the set containing the object has this file.
The file format is a binary format and therefore requires tools to view values.
Installing xl-meta
To install, Go must be installed.
Once installed, execute this to install the binary:
go install
Using xl-meta
Executing xl-meta
will look for an xl.meta
in the current folder and decode it to JSON.
It is also possible to specify multiple files or wildcards, for example xl-meta ./**/xl.meta
will output decoded metadata recursively.
It is possible to view what inline data is stored inline in the metadata using --data
parameter xl-meta -data xl.json
will display an id -> data size.
To export inline data to a file use the --export
Remotely Inspecting backend data
mc admin inspect
allows collecting files based on path from all backend drives.
Matching files will be collected in a zip file with their respective host+drive+path.
A MinIO host from October 2021 or later is required for full functionality.
Syntax is mc admin inspect ALIAS/path/to/files
. This can for example be used to collect xl.meta
from objects that are misbehaving.
To collect xl.meta
from a specific object, for example placed at ALIAS/bucket/path/to/file.txt
append /xl.meta
, for instance mc admin inspect ALIAS/bucket/path/to/file.txt/xl.meta
All files can be collected, so this can also be used to retrieve part.*
files, etc.
Wildcards can be used, for example mc admin inspect ALIAS/bucket/path/**/xl.meta
will collect all xl.meta
mc admin inspect ALIAS/bucket/path/to/file.txt/*/part.*
will collect parts for all versions for the object located at bucket/path/to/file.txt
accepts zip files as input and will output all xl.meta
files found within the archive.
For example:
$ mc admin inspect play/test123/test*/xl.meta
mc: File data successfully downloaded as
$ xl-meta
"bf6178f9-4014-4008-9699-86f2fac62226/test123/testw3c.pdf/xl.meta": {"Versions":[{"Type":1,"V2Obj":{"ID":"aGEA/ZUOR4ueRIZsAgfDqA==","DDir":"9MMwM47bS+K6KvQqN3hlDw==","EcAlgo":1,"EcM":2,"EcN":2,"EcBSize":1048576,"EcIndex":4,"EcDist":[4,1,2,3],"CSumAlgo":1,"PartNums":[1],"PartETags":[""],"PartSizes":[101974],"PartASizes":[176837],"Size":101974,"MTime":1634106631319256439,"MetaSys":{"X-Minio-Internal-compression":"a2xhdXNwb3N0L2NvbXByZXNzL3My","X-Minio-Internal-actual-size":"MTc2ODM3","x-minio-internal-objectlock-legalhold-timestamp":"MjAyMS0xMC0xOVQyMjozNTo0Ni4zNTE4MDU3NTda"},"MetaUsr":{"x-amz-object-lock-mode":"COMPLIANCE","x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date":"2022-10-13T06:30:31.319Z","etag":"67ed8f49b7137cb957858ce468f2e79e","content-type":"application/pdf","x-amz-object-lock-legal-hold":"OFF"}}}]},
"fe012443-6ba9-4ef2-bb94-b729d2060c78/test123/testw3c.pdf/xl.meta": {"Versions":[{"Type":1,"V2Obj":{"ID":"aGEA/ZUOR4ueRIZsAgfDqA==","DDir":"9MMwM47bS+K6KvQqN3hlDw==","EcAlgo":1,"EcM":2,"EcN":2,"EcBSize":1048576,"EcIndex":1,"EcDist":[4,1,2,3],"CSumAlgo":1,"PartNums":[1],"PartETags":[""],"PartSizes":[101974],"PartASizes":[176837],"Size":101974,"MTime":1634106631319256439,"MetaSys":{"X-Minio-Internal-compression":"a2xhdXNwb3N0L2NvbXByZXNzL3My","X-Minio-Internal-actual-size":"MTc2ODM3","x-minio-internal-objectlock-legalhold-timestamp":"MjAyMS0xMC0xOVQyMjozNTo0Ni4zNTE4MDU3NTda"},"MetaUsr":{"content-type":"application/pdf","x-amz-object-lock-legal-hold":"OFF","x-amz-object-lock-mode":"COMPLIANCE","x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date":"2022-10-13T06:30:31.319Z","etag":"67ed8f49b7137cb957858ce468f2e79e"}}}]},
"5dcb9f38-08ea-4728-bb64-5cecc7102436/test123/testw3c.pdf/xl.meta": {"Versions":[{"Type":1,"V2Obj":{"ID":"aGEA/ZUOR4ueRIZsAgfDqA==","DDir":"9MMwM47bS+K6KvQqN3hlDw==","EcAlgo":1,"EcM":2,"EcN":2,"EcBSize":1048576,"EcIndex":2,"EcDist":[4,1,2,3],"CSumAlgo":1,"PartNums":[1],"PartETags":[""],"PartSizes":[101974],"PartASizes":[176837],"Size":101974,"MTime":1634106631319256439,"MetaSys":{"X-Minio-Internal-compression":"a2xhdXNwb3N0L2NvbXByZXNzL3My","X-Minio-Internal-actual-size":"MTc2ODM3","x-minio-internal-objectlock-legalhold-timestamp":"MjAyMS0xMC0xOVQyMjozNTo0Ni4zNTE4MDU3NTda"},"MetaUsr":{"content-type":"application/pdf","x-amz-object-lock-legal-hold":"OFF","x-amz-object-lock-mode":"COMPLIANCE","x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date":"2022-10-13T06:30:31.319Z","etag":"67ed8f49b7137cb957858ce468f2e79e"}}}]},
"48beacc7-4be0-4660-9026-4eceaf147504/test123/testw3c.pdf/xl.meta": {"Versions":[{"Type":1,"V2Obj":{"ID":"aGEA/ZUOR4ueRIZsAgfDqA==","DDir":"9MMwM47bS+K6KvQqN3hlDw==","EcAlgo":1,"EcM":2,"EcN":2,"EcBSize":1048576,"EcIndex":3,"EcDist":[4,1,2,3],"CSumAlgo":1,"PartNums":[1],"PartETags":[""],"PartSizes":[101974],"PartASizes":[176837],"Size":101974,"MTime":1634106631319256439,"MetaSys":{"X-Minio-Internal-compression":"a2xhdXNwb3N0L2NvbXByZXNzL3My","X-Minio-Internal-actual-size":"MTc2ODM3","x-minio-internal-objectlock-legalhold-timestamp":"MjAyMS0xMC0xOVQyMjozNTo0Ni4zNTE4MDU3NTda"},"MetaUsr":{"x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date":"2022-10-13T06:30:31.319Z","x-amz-object-lock-legal-hold":"OFF","etag":"67ed8f49b7137cb957858ce468f2e79e","content-type":"application/pdf","x-amz-object-lock-mode":"COMPLIANCE"}}}]}
Optionally --encrypt
can be specified. This will output an encrypted file and a decryption key:
$ mc admin inspect --encrypt play/test123/test*/*/part.*
mc: Encrypted file data successfully downloaded as inspect.ad2b43d8.enc
mc: Decryption key: ad2b43d847fdb14e54c5836200177f7158b3f745433525f5d23c0e0208e50c9948540b54
mc: The decryption key will ONLY be shown here. It cannot be recovered.
mc: The encrypted file can safely be shared without the decryption key.
mc: Even with the decryption key, data stored with encryption cannot be accessed.
This file can be decrypted using the decryption tool below:
Installing decryption tool
To install, Go must be installed.
Once installed, execute this to install the binary:
go install
To decrypt the file above:
$ inspect -key=ad2b43d847fdb14e54c5836200177f7158b3f745433525f5d23c0e0208e50c9948540b54 inspect.ad2b43d8.enc
Output decrypted to
If --key
is not specified an interactive prompt will ask for it.
The file name will contain the beginning of the key. This can be used to verify that the key is for the encrypted file.