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synced 2025-03-13 21:12:55 -04:00
Returns a valid config.json of the setup. In case of distributed setup, it checks if quorum or more number of nodes have the same config.json.
492 lines
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492 lines
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2014-2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
// localAdminClient - represents admin operation to be executed locally.
type localAdminClient struct {
// remoteAdminClient - represents admin operation to be executed
// remotely, via RPC.
type remoteAdminClient struct {
// adminCmdRunner - abstracts local and remote execution of admin
// commands like service stop and service restart.
type adminCmdRunner interface {
Restart() error
ListLocks(bucket, prefix string, duration time.Duration) ([]VolumeLockInfo, error)
ReInitDisks() error
Uptime() (time.Duration, error)
GetConfig() ([]byte, error)
// Restart - Sends a message over channel to the go-routine
// responsible for restarting the process.
func (lc localAdminClient) Restart() error {
globalServiceSignalCh <- serviceRestart
return nil
// ListLocks - Fetches lock information from local lock instrumentation.
func (lc localAdminClient) ListLocks(bucket, prefix string, duration time.Duration) ([]VolumeLockInfo, error) {
return listLocksInfo(bucket, prefix, duration), nil
// Restart - Sends restart command to remote server via RPC.
func (rc remoteAdminClient) Restart() error {
args := AuthRPCArgs{}
reply := AuthRPCReply{}
return rc.Call("Admin.Restart", &args, &reply)
// ListLocks - Sends list locks command to remote server via RPC.
func (rc remoteAdminClient) ListLocks(bucket, prefix string, duration time.Duration) ([]VolumeLockInfo, error) {
listArgs := ListLocksQuery{
bucket: bucket,
prefix: prefix,
duration: duration,
var reply ListLocksReply
if err := rc.Call("Admin.ListLocks", &listArgs, &reply); err != nil {
return nil, err
return reply.volLocks, nil
// ReInitDisks - There is nothing to do here, heal format REST API
// handler has already formatted and reinitialized the local disks.
func (lc localAdminClient) ReInitDisks() error {
return nil
// ReInitDisks - Signals peers via RPC to reinitialize their disks and
// object layer.
func (rc remoteAdminClient) ReInitDisks() error {
args := AuthRPCArgs{}
reply := AuthRPCReply{}
return rc.Call("Admin.ReInitDisks", &args, &reply)
// Uptime - Returns the uptime of this server. Timestamp is taken
// after object layer is initialized.
func (lc localAdminClient) Uptime() (time.Duration, error) {
if globalBootTime.IsZero() {
return time.Duration(0), errServerNotInitialized
return time.Now().UTC().Sub(globalBootTime), nil
// Uptime - returns the uptime of the server to which the RPC call is made.
func (rc remoteAdminClient) Uptime() (time.Duration, error) {
args := AuthRPCArgs{}
reply := UptimeReply{}
err := rc.Call("Admin.Uptime", &args, &reply)
if err != nil {
return time.Duration(0), err
return reply.Uptime, nil
// GetConfig - returns config.json of the local server.
func (lc localAdminClient) GetConfig() ([]byte, error) {
if serverConfig == nil {
return nil, errors.New("config not present")
return json.Marshal(serverConfig)
// GetConfig - returns config.json of the remote server.
func (rc remoteAdminClient) GetConfig() ([]byte, error) {
args := AuthRPCArgs{}
reply := ConfigReply{}
if err := rc.Call("Admin.GetConfig", &args, &reply); err != nil {
return nil, err
return reply.Config, nil
// adminPeer - represents an entity that implements Restart methods.
type adminPeer struct {
addr string
cmdRunner adminCmdRunner
// type alias for a collection of adminPeer.
type adminPeers []adminPeer
// makeAdminPeers - helper function to construct a collection of adminPeer.
func makeAdminPeers(eps []*url.URL) adminPeers {
var servicePeers []adminPeer
// map to store peers that are already added to ret
seenAddr := make(map[string]bool)
// add local (self) as peer in the array
servicePeers = append(servicePeers, adminPeer{
seenAddr[globalMinioAddr] = true
serverCred := serverConfig.GetCredential()
// iterate over endpoints to find new remote peers and add
// them to ret.
for _, ep := range eps {
if ep.Host == "" {
// Check if the remote host has been added already
if !seenAddr[ep.Host] {
cfg := authConfig{
accessKey: serverCred.AccessKey,
secretKey: serverCred.SecretKey,
serverAddr: ep.Host,
secureConn: globalIsSSL,
serviceEndpoint: path.Join(minioReservedBucketPath, adminPath),
serviceName: "Admin",
servicePeers = append(servicePeers, adminPeer{
addr: ep.Host,
cmdRunner: &remoteAdminClient{newAuthRPCClient(cfg)},
seenAddr[ep.Host] = true
return servicePeers
// Initialize global adminPeer collection.
func initGlobalAdminPeers(eps []*url.URL) {
globalAdminPeers = makeAdminPeers(eps)
// invokeServiceCmd - Invoke Restart command.
func invokeServiceCmd(cp adminPeer, cmd serviceSignal) (err error) {
switch cmd {
case serviceRestart:
err = cp.cmdRunner.Restart()
return err
// sendServiceCmd - Invoke Restart command on remote peers
// adminPeer followed by on the local peer.
func sendServiceCmd(cps adminPeers, cmd serviceSignal) {
// Send service command like stop or restart to all remote nodes and finally run on local node.
errs := make([]error, len(cps))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
remotePeers := cps[1:]
for i := range remotePeers {
go func(idx int) {
defer wg.Done()
// we use idx+1 because remotePeers slice is 1 position shifted w.r.t cps
errs[idx+1] = invokeServiceCmd(remotePeers[idx], cmd)
errs[0] = invokeServiceCmd(cps[0], cmd)
// listPeerLocksInfo - fetch list of locks held on the given bucket,
// matching prefix held longer than duration from all peer servers.
func listPeerLocksInfo(peers adminPeers, bucket, prefix string, duration time.Duration) ([]VolumeLockInfo, error) {
// Used to aggregate volume lock information from all nodes.
allLocks := make([][]VolumeLockInfo, len(peers))
errs := make([]error, len(peers))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
localPeer := peers[0]
remotePeers := peers[1:]
for i, remotePeer := range remotePeers {
go func(idx int, remotePeer adminPeer) {
defer wg.Done()
// `remotePeers` is right-shifted by one position relative to `peers`
allLocks[idx], errs[idx] = remotePeer.cmdRunner.ListLocks(bucket, prefix, duration)
}(i+1, remotePeer)
allLocks[0], errs[0] = localPeer.cmdRunner.ListLocks(bucket, prefix, duration)
// Summarizing errors received for ListLocks RPC across all
// nodes. N B the possible unavailability of quorum in errors
// applies only to distributed setup.
errCount, err := reduceErrs(errs, []error{})
if err != nil {
if errCount >= (len(peers)/2 + 1) {
return nil, err
return nil, InsufficientReadQuorum{}
// Group lock information across nodes by (bucket, object)
// pair. For readability only.
paramLockMap := make(map[nsParam][]VolumeLockInfo)
for _, nodeLocks := range allLocks {
for _, lockInfo := range nodeLocks {
param := nsParam{
volume: lockInfo.Bucket,
path: lockInfo.Object,
paramLockMap[param] = append(paramLockMap[param], lockInfo)
groupedLockInfos := []VolumeLockInfo{}
for _, volLocks := range paramLockMap {
groupedLockInfos = append(groupedLockInfos, volLocks...)
return groupedLockInfos, nil
// reInitPeerDisks - reinitialize disks and object layer on peer servers to use the new format.
func reInitPeerDisks(peers adminPeers) error {
errs := make([]error, len(peers))
// Send ReInitDisks RPC call to all nodes.
// for local adminPeer this is a no-op.
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i, peer := range peers {
go func(idx int, peer adminPeer) {
defer wg.Done()
errs[idx] = peer.cmdRunner.ReInitDisks()
}(i, peer)
return nil
// uptimeSlice - used to sort uptimes in chronological order.
type uptimeSlice []struct {
err error
uptime time.Duration
func (ts uptimeSlice) Len() int {
return len(ts)
func (ts uptimeSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return ts[i].uptime < ts[j].uptime
func (ts uptimeSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
ts[i], ts[j] = ts[j], ts[i]
// getPeerUptimes - returns the uptime since the last time read quorum
// was established on success. Otherwise returns errXLReadQuorum.
func getPeerUptimes(peers adminPeers) (time.Duration, error) {
// In a single node Erasure or FS backend setup the uptime of
// the setup is the uptime of the single minio server
// instance.
if !globalIsDistXL {
return time.Now().UTC().Sub(globalBootTime), nil
uptimes := make(uptimeSlice, len(peers))
// Get up time of all servers.
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i, peer := range peers {
go func(idx int, peer adminPeer) {
defer wg.Done()
uptimes[idx].uptime, uptimes[idx].err = peer.cmdRunner.Uptime()
}(i, peer)
// Sort uptimes in chronological order.
// Pick the readQuorum'th uptime in chronological order. i.e,
// the time at which read quorum was (re-)established.
readQuorum := len(uptimes) / 2
validCount := 0
latestUptime := time.Duration(0)
for _, uptime := range uptimes {
if uptime.err != nil {
errorIf(uptime.err, "Unable to fetch uptime")
if validCount >= readQuorum {
latestUptime = uptime.uptime
// Less than readQuorum "Admin.Uptime" RPC call returned
// successfully, so read-quorum unavailable.
if validCount < readQuorum {
return time.Duration(0), InsufficientReadQuorum{}
return latestUptime, nil
// getPeerConfig - Fetches config.json from all nodes in the setup and
// returns the one that occurs in a majority of them.
func getPeerConfig(peers adminPeers) ([]byte, error) {
if !globalIsDistXL {
return peers[0].cmdRunner.GetConfig()
errs := make([]error, len(peers))
configs := make([][]byte, len(peers))
// Get config from all servers.
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i, peer := range peers {
go func(idx int, peer adminPeer) {
defer wg.Done()
configs[idx], errs[idx] = peer.cmdRunner.GetConfig()
}(i, peer)
// Find the maximally occurring config among peers in a
// distributed setup.
serverConfigs := make([]serverConfigV13, len(peers))
for i, configBytes := range configs {
if errs[i] != nil {
// Unmarshal the received config files.
err := json.Unmarshal(configBytes, &serverConfigs[i])
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Failed to unmarshal serverConfig from ", peers[i].addr)
return nil, err
configJSON, err := getValidServerConfig(serverConfigs, errs)
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to find a valid server config")
return nil, traceError(err)
// Return the config.json that was present quorum or more
// number of disks.
return json.Marshal(configJSON)
// getValidServerConfig - finds the server config that is present in
// quorum or more number of servers.
func getValidServerConfig(serverConfigs []serverConfigV13, errs []error) (serverConfigV13, error) {
// majority-based quorum
quorum := len(serverConfigs)/2 + 1
// Count the number of disks a config.json was found in.
configCounter := make([]int, len(serverConfigs))
// We group equal serverConfigs by the lowest index of the
// same value; e.g, let us take the following serverConfigs
// in a 4-node setup,
// serverConfigs == [c1, c2, c1, c1]
// configCounter == [3, 1, 0, 0]
// c1, c2 are the only distinct values that appear. c1 is
// identified by 0, the lowest index it appears in and c2 is
// identified by 1. So, we need to find the number of times
// each of these distinct values occur.
// Invariants:
// 1. At the beginning of the i-th iteration, the number of
// unique configurations seen so far is equal to the number of
// non-zero counter values in config[:i].
// 2. At the beginning of the i-th iteration, the sum of
// elements of configCounter[:i] is equal to the number of
// non-error configurations seen so far.
// For each of the serverConfig ...
for i := range serverConfigs {
// Skip nodes where getConfig failed.
if errs[i] != nil {
// Check if it is equal to any of the configurations
// seen so far. If j == i is reached then we have an
// unseen configuration.
for j := 0; j <= i; j++ {
if j < i && configCounter[j] == 0 {
// serverConfigs[j] is known to be
// equal to a value that was already
// seen. See example above for
// clarity.
} else if j < i && reflect.DeepEqual(serverConfigs[i], serverConfigs[j]) {
// serverConfigs[i] is equal to
// serverConfigs[j], update
// serverConfigs[j]'s counter since it
// is the lower index.
} else if j == i {
// serverConfigs[i] is equal to no
// other value seen before. It is
// unique so far.
configCounter[i] = 1
} // else invariants specified above are violated.
// We find the maximally occurring server config and check if
// there is quorum.
var configJSON serverConfigV13
maxOccurrence := 0
for i, count := range configCounter {
if maxOccurrence < count {
maxOccurrence = count
configJSON = serverConfigs[i]
// If quorum nodes don't agree.
if maxOccurrence < quorum {
return serverConfigV13{}, errXLWriteQuorum
return configJSON, nil