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synced 2025-03-11 20:20:09 -04:00
Ref #3229 After review with @abperiasamy we decided to remove all the unnecessary options - MINIO_BROWSER (Implemented as a security feature but now deemed obsolete since even if blocking access to MINIO_BROWSER, s3 API port is open) - MINIO_CACHE_EXPIRY (Defaults to 72h) - MINIO_MAXCONN (No one used this option and we don't test this) - MINIO_ENABLE_FSMETA (Enable FSMETA all the time) Remove --ignore-disks option - this option was implemented when XL layer would initialize the backend disks and heal them automatically to disallow XL accidentally using the root partition itself this option was introduced. This behavior has been changed XL no longer automatically initializes `format.json` a HEAL is controlled activity, so ignore-disks is not useful anymore. This change also addresses the problems of our documentation going forward and keeps things simple. This patch brings in reduction of options and defaulting them to a valid known inputs. This patch also serves as a guideline of limiting many ways to do the same thing.
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321 lines
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
router "github.com/gorilla/mux"
const lockRPCPath = "/minio/lock"
const lockMaintenanceLoop = 1 * time.Minute
const lockCheckValidityInterval = 2 * time.Minute
// LockArgs besides lock name, holds Token and Timestamp for session
// authentication and validation server restart.
type LockArgs struct {
Name string
Token string
Timestamp time.Time
Node string
RPCPath string
UID string
// SetToken - sets the token to the supplied value.
func (l *LockArgs) SetToken(token string) {
l.Token = token
// SetTimestamp - sets the timestamp to the supplied value.
func (l *LockArgs) SetTimestamp(tstamp time.Time) {
l.Timestamp = tstamp
// lockRequesterInfo stores various info from the client for each lock that is requested
type lockRequesterInfo struct {
writer bool // Bool whether write or read lock
node string // Network address of client claiming lock
rpcPath string // RPC path of client claiming lock
uid string // Uid to uniquely identify request of client
timestamp time.Time // Timestamp set at the time of initialization
timeLastCheck time.Time // Timestamp for last check of validity of lock
// isWriteLock returns whether the lock is a write or read lock
func isWriteLock(lri []lockRequesterInfo) bool {
return len(lri) == 1 && lri[0].writer
// lockServer is type for RPC handlers
type lockServer struct {
rpcPath string
mutex sync.Mutex
lockMap map[string][]lockRequesterInfo
// Register distributed NS lock handlers.
func registerDistNSLockRouter(mux *router.Router, serverConfig serverCmdConfig) error {
lockServers := newLockServers(serverConfig)
return registerStorageLockers(mux, lockServers)
// Create one lock server for every local storage rpc server.
func newLockServers(srvConfig serverCmdConfig) (lockServers []*lockServer) {
for _, ep := range srvConfig.endpoints {
// Not local storage move to the next node.
if !isLocalStorage(ep) {
// Create handler for lock RPCs
locker := &lockServer{
rpcPath: getPath(ep),
mutex: sync.Mutex{},
lockMap: make(map[string][]lockRequesterInfo),
// Start loop for stale lock maintenance
go func() {
// Start with random sleep time, so as to avoid "synchronous checks" between servers
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Float64() * float64(lockMaintenanceLoop)))
for {
lockServers = append(lockServers, locker)
return lockServers
// registerStorageLockers - register locker rpc handlers for net/rpc library clients
func registerStorageLockers(mux *router.Router, lockServers []*lockServer) error {
for _, lockServer := range lockServers {
lockRPCServer := rpc.NewServer()
err := lockRPCServer.RegisterName("Dsync", lockServer)
if err != nil {
return traceError(err)
lockRouter := mux.PathPrefix(reservedBucket).Subrouter()
lockRouter.Path(path.Join("/lock", lockServer.rpcPath)).Handler(lockRPCServer)
return nil
/// Distributed lock handlers
// LoginHandler - handles LoginHandler RPC call.
func (l *lockServer) LoginHandler(args *RPCLoginArgs, reply *RPCLoginReply) error {
jwt, err := newJWT(defaultInterNodeJWTExpiry)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = jwt.Authenticate(args.Username, args.Password); err != nil {
return err
token, err := jwt.GenerateToken(args.Username)
if err != nil {
return err
reply.Token = token
reply.Timestamp = time.Now().UTC()
reply.ServerVersion = Version
return nil
// Lock - rpc handler for (single) write lock operation.
func (l *lockServer) Lock(args *LockArgs, reply *bool) error {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
if err := l.validateLockArgs(args); err != nil {
return err
_, *reply = l.lockMap[args.Name]
if !*reply { // No locks held on the given name, so claim write lock
l.lockMap[args.Name] = []lockRequesterInfo{
writer: true,
node: args.Node,
rpcPath: args.RPCPath,
uid: args.UID,
timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
timeLastCheck: time.Now().UTC(),
*reply = !*reply // Negate *reply to return true when lock is granted or false otherwise
return nil
// Unlock - rpc handler for (single) write unlock operation.
func (l *lockServer) Unlock(args *LockArgs, reply *bool) error {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
if err := l.validateLockArgs(args); err != nil {
return err
var lri []lockRequesterInfo
if lri, *reply = l.lockMap[args.Name]; !*reply { // No lock is held on the given name
return fmt.Errorf("Unlock attempted on an unlocked entity: %s", args.Name)
if *reply = isWriteLock(lri); !*reply { // Unless it is a write lock
return fmt.Errorf("Unlock attempted on a read locked entity: %s (%d read locks active)", args.Name, len(lri))
if !l.removeEntry(args.Name, args.UID, &lri) {
return fmt.Errorf("Unlock unable to find corresponding lock for uid: %s", args.UID)
return nil
// RLock - rpc handler for read lock operation.
func (l *lockServer) RLock(args *LockArgs, reply *bool) error {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
if err := l.validateLockArgs(args); err != nil {
return err
lrInfo := lockRequesterInfo{
writer: false,
node: args.Node,
rpcPath: args.RPCPath,
uid: args.UID,
timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
timeLastCheck: time.Now().UTC(),
if lri, ok := l.lockMap[args.Name]; ok {
if *reply = !isWriteLock(lri); *reply { // Unless there is a write lock
l.lockMap[args.Name] = append(l.lockMap[args.Name], lrInfo)
} else { // No locks held on the given name, so claim (first) read lock
l.lockMap[args.Name] = []lockRequesterInfo{lrInfo}
*reply = true
return nil
// RUnlock - rpc handler for read unlock operation.
func (l *lockServer) RUnlock(args *LockArgs, reply *bool) error {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
if err := l.validateLockArgs(args); err != nil {
return err
var lri []lockRequesterInfo
if lri, *reply = l.lockMap[args.Name]; !*reply { // No lock is held on the given name
return fmt.Errorf("RUnlock attempted on an unlocked entity: %s", args.Name)
if *reply = !isWriteLock(lri); !*reply { // A write-lock is held, cannot release a read lock
return fmt.Errorf("RUnlock attempted on a write locked entity: %s", args.Name)
if !l.removeEntry(args.Name, args.UID, &lri) {
return fmt.Errorf("RUnlock unable to find corresponding read lock for uid: %s", args.UID)
return nil
// ForceUnlock - rpc handler for force unlock operation.
func (l *lockServer) ForceUnlock(args *LockArgs, reply *bool) error {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
if err := l.validateLockArgs(args); err != nil {
return err
if len(args.UID) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("ForceUnlock called with non-empty UID: %s", args.UID)
if _, ok := l.lockMap[args.Name]; ok { // Only clear lock when set
delete(l.lockMap, args.Name) // Remove the lock (irrespective of write or read lock)
*reply = true
return nil
// Expired - rpc handler for expired lock status.
func (l *lockServer) Expired(args *LockArgs, reply *bool) error {
defer l.mutex.Unlock()
if err := l.validateLockArgs(args); err != nil {
return err
// Lock found, proceed to verify if belongs to given uid.
if lri, ok := l.lockMap[args.Name]; ok {
// Check whether uid is still active
for _, entry := range lri {
if entry.uid == args.UID {
*reply = false // When uid found, lock is still active so return not expired.
return nil // When uid found *reply is set to true.
// When we get here lock is no longer active due to either args.Name
// being absent from map or uid not found for given args.Name
*reply = true
return nil
// nameLockRequesterInfoPair is a helper type for lock maintenance
type nameLockRequesterInfoPair struct {
name string
lri lockRequesterInfo
// lockMaintenance loops over locks that have been active for some time and checks back
// with the original server whether it is still alive or not
// Following logic inside ignores the errors generated for Dsync.Active operation.
// - server at client down
// - some network error (and server is up normally)
// We will ignore the error, and we will retry later to get a resolve on this lock
func (l *lockServer) lockMaintenance(interval time.Duration) {
// Get list of long lived locks to check for staleness.
nlripLongLived := getLongLivedLocks(l.lockMap, interval)
// Validate if long lived locks are indeed clean.
for _, nlrip := range nlripLongLived {
// Initialize client based on the long live locks.
c := newClient(nlrip.lri.node, nlrip.lri.rpcPath, isSSL())
var expired bool
// Call back to original server verify whether the lock is still active (based on name & uid)
c.Call("Dsync.Expired", &LockArgs{
Name: nlrip.name,
UID: nlrip.lri.uid,
}, &expired)
c.Close() // Close the connection regardless of the call response.
// For successful response, verify if lock is indeed active or stale.
if expired {
// The lock is no longer active at server that originated the lock
// So remove the lock from the map.
l.removeEntryIfExists(nlrip) // Purge the stale entry if it exists.