mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 09:55:59 -05:00
This change initializes rpc servers associated with disks that are local. It makes object layer initialization on demand, namely on the first request to the object layer. Also adds lock RPC service vendorized minio/dsync
944 lines
28 KiB
944 lines
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015, 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
router "github.com/gorilla/mux"
// Tests should initNSLock only once.
func init() {
// Initialize name space lock.
// TestErrHandler - Golang Testing.T and Testing.B, and gocheck.C satisfy this interface.
// This makes it easy to run the TestServer from any of the tests.
// Using this interface, functionalities to be used in tests can be made generalized, and can be integrated in benchmarks/unit tests/go check suite tests.
type TestErrHandler interface {
Error(args ...interface{})
Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
Failed() bool
Fatal(args ...interface{})
Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
const (
// singleNodeTestStr is the string which is used as notation for Single node ObjectLayer in the unit tests.
singleNodeTestStr string = "FS"
// xLTestStr is the string which is used as notation for XL ObjectLayer in the unit tests.
xLTestStr string = "XL"
const letterBytes = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234569"
const (
letterIdxBits = 6 // 6 bits to represent a letter index
letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1 // All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits
letterIdxMax = 63 / letterIdxBits // # of letter indices fitting in 63 bits
// Random number state.
// We generate random temporary file names so that there's a good
// chance the file doesn't exist yet.
var randN uint32
var randmu sync.Mutex
// reseed - returns a new seed every time the function is called.
func reseed() uint32 {
return uint32(time.Now().UnixNano() + int64(os.Getpid()))
// nextSuffix - provides a new unique suffix every time the function is called.
func nextSuffix() string {
r := randN
// Initial seed required, generate one.
if r == 0 {
r = reseed()
// constants from Numerical Recipes
r = r*1664525 + 1013904223
randN = r
return strconv.Itoa(int(1e9 + r%1e9))[1:]
// TestServer encapsulates an instantiation of a Minio instance with a temporary backend.
// Example usage:
// s := StartTestServer(t,"XL")
// defer s.Stop()
type TestServer struct {
Root string
Disks []string
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
Server *httptest.Server
// Starts the test server and returns the TestServer instance.
func StartTestServer(t TestErrHandler, instanceType string) TestServer {
// create an instance of TestServer.
testServer := TestServer{}
// create temporary backend for the test server.
_, erasureDisks, err := makeTestBackend(instanceType)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed obtaining Temp Backend: <ERROR> %s", err)
root, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s", err)
// Get credential.
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
testServer.Root = root
testServer.Disks = erasureDisks
testServer.AccessKey = credentials.AccessKeyID
testServer.SecretKey = credentials.SecretAccessKey
// Run TestServer.
testServer.Server = httptest.NewServer(configureServerHandler(serverCmdConfig{disks: erasureDisks}))
return testServer
// Configure the server for the test run.
func newTestConfig(bucketLocation string) (rootPath string, err error) {
// Get test root.
rootPath, err = getTestRoot()
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Do this only once here.
// Initialize server config.
if err = initConfig(); err != nil {
return "", err
// Set a default region.
// Save config.
if err = serverConfig.Save(); err != nil {
return "", err
// Return root path.
return rootPath, nil
// Deleting the temporary backend and stopping the server.
func (testServer TestServer) Stop() {
for _, disk := range testServer.Disks {
// Sign given request using Signature V4.
func signRequest(req *http.Request, accessKey, secretKey string) error {
// Get hashed payload.
hashedPayload := req.Header.Get("x-amz-content-sha256")
if hashedPayload == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid hashed payload.")
currTime := time.Now().UTC()
// Set x-amz-date.
req.Header.Set("x-amz-date", currTime.Format(iso8601Format))
// Get header map.
headerMap := make(map[string][]string)
for k, vv := range req.Header {
// If request header key is not in ignored headers, then add it.
if _, ok := ignoredHeaders[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k)]; !ok {
headerMap[strings.ToLower(k)] = vv
// Get header keys.
headers := []string{"host"}
for k := range headerMap {
headers = append(headers, k)
// Get canonical headers.
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, k := range headers {
switch {
case k == "host":
for idx, v := range headerMap[k] {
if idx > 0 {
canonicalHeaders := buf.String()
// Get signed headers.
signedHeaders := strings.Join(headers, ";")
// Get canonical query string.
req.URL.RawQuery = strings.Replace(req.URL.Query().Encode(), "+", "%20", -1)
// Get canonical URI.
canonicalURI := getURLEncodedName(req.URL.Path)
// Get canonical request.
// canonicalRequest =
// <HTTPMethod>\n
// <CanonicalURI>\n
// <CanonicalQueryString>\n
// <CanonicalHeaders>\n
// <SignedHeaders>\n
// <HashedPayload>
canonicalRequest := strings.Join([]string{
}, "\n")
// Get scope.
scope := strings.Join([]string{
}, "/")
stringToSign := "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" + "\n" + currTime.Format(iso8601Format) + "\n"
stringToSign = stringToSign + scope + "\n"
stringToSign = stringToSign + hex.EncodeToString(sum256([]byte(canonicalRequest)))
date := sumHMAC([]byte("AWS4"+secretKey), []byte(currTime.Format(yyyymmdd)))
region := sumHMAC(date, []byte("us-east-1"))
service := sumHMAC(region, []byte("s3"))
signingKey := sumHMAC(service, []byte("aws4_request"))
signature := hex.EncodeToString(sumHMAC(signingKey, []byte(stringToSign)))
// final Authorization header
parts := []string{
"AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" + " Credential=" + accessKey + "/" + scope,
"SignedHeaders=" + signedHeaders,
"Signature=" + signature,
auth := strings.Join(parts, ", ")
req.Header.Set("Authorization", auth)
return nil
// Returns new HTTP request object.
func newTestRequest(method, urlStr string, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeeker) (*http.Request, error) {
if method == "" {
method = "POST"
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, urlStr, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add Content-Length
req.ContentLength = contentLength
// Save for subsequent use
var hashedPayload string
switch {
case body == nil:
hashedPayload = hex.EncodeToString(sum256([]byte{}))
payloadBytes, e := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
hashedPayload = hex.EncodeToString(sum256(payloadBytes))
md5Base64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sumMD5(payloadBytes))
req.Header.Set("Content-Md5", md5Base64)
req.Header.Set("x-amz-content-sha256", hashedPayload)
// Seek back to beginning.
if body != nil {
body.Seek(0, 0)
// Add body
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(body)
} else {
// this is added to avoid panic during ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body).
// th stack trace can be found here https://github.com/minio/minio/pull/2074 .
// This is very similar to https://github.com/golang/go/issues/7527.
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte("")))
return req, nil
// Returns new HTTP request object signed with signature v4.
func newTestSignedRequest(method, urlStr string, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeeker, accessKey, secretKey string) (*http.Request, error) {
req, err := newTestRequest(method, urlStr, contentLength, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = signRequest(req, accessKey, secretKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return req, nil
// Return new WebRPC request object.
func newWebRPCRequest(methodRPC, authorization string, body io.ReadSeeker) (*http.Request, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "/minio/webrpc", nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
if authorization != "" {
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+authorization)
// Seek back to beginning.
if body != nil {
body.Seek(0, 0)
// Add body
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(body)
} else {
// this is added to avoid panic during ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body).
// th stack trace can be found here https://github.com/minio/minio/pull/2074 .
// This is very similar to https://github.com/golang/go/issues/7527.
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte("")))
return req, nil
// Marshal request and return a new HTTP request object to call the webrpc
func newTestWebRPCRequest(rpcMethod string, authorization string, data interface{}) (*http.Request, error) {
type genericJSON struct {
JSONRPC string `json:"jsonrpc"`
ID string `json:"id"`
Method string `json:"method"`
Params interface{} `json:"params"`
encapsulatedData := genericJSON{JSONRPC: "2.0", ID: "1", Method: rpcMethod, Params: data}
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(encapsulatedData)
req, err := newWebRPCRequest(rpcMethod, authorization, bytes.NewReader(jsonData))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return req, nil
type ErrWebRPC struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Data interface{} `json:"data"`
// Unmarshal response and return the webrpc response
func getTestWebRPCResponse(resp *httptest.ResponseRecorder, data interface{}) error {
type rpcReply struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
JSONRPC string `json:"jsonrpc"`
Result interface{} `json:"result"`
Error *ErrWebRPC `json:"error"`
reply := &rpcReply{Result: &data}
err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(reply)
if err != nil {
return err
// For the moment, web handlers errors code are not meaningful
// Return only the error message
if reply.Error != nil {
return errors.New(reply.Error.Message)
return nil
// creates the temp backend setup.
// if the option is
// FS: Returns a temp single disk setup initializes FS Backend.
// XL: Returns a 16 temp single disk setup and initializse XL Backend.
func makeTestBackend(instanceType string) (ObjectLayer, []string, error) {
switch instanceType {
case "FS":
objLayer, fsroot, err := getSingleNodeObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
return nil, []string{}, err
return objLayer, []string{fsroot}, err
case "XL":
objectLayer, erasureDisks, err := getXLObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
return nil, []string{}, err
return objectLayer, erasureDisks, err
errMsg := "Invalid instance type, Only FS and XL are valid options"
return nil, []string{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed obtaining Temp XL layer: <ERROR> %s", errMsg)
var src = rand.NewSource(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano())
// Function to generate random string for bucket/object names.
func randString(n int) string {
b := make([]byte, n)
// A rand.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax letters!
for i, cache, remain := n-1, src.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; {
if remain == 0 {
cache, remain = src.Int63(), letterIdxMax
if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
b[i] = letterBytes[idx]
cache >>= letterIdxBits
return string(b)
// generate random object name.
func getRandomObjectName() string {
return randString(16)
// generate random bucket name.
func getRandomBucketName() string {
return randString(60)
// TruncateWriter - Writes `n` bytes, then returns with number of bytes written.
// differs from iotest.TruncateWriter, the difference is commented in the Write method.
func TruncateWriter(w io.Writer, n int64) io.Writer {
return &truncateWriter{w, n}
type truncateWriter struct {
w io.Writer
n int64
func (t *truncateWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if t.n <= 0 {
return len(p), nil
// real write
n = len(p)
if int64(n) > t.n {
n = int(t.n)
n, err = t.w.Write(p[0:n])
t.n -= int64(n)
// Removed from iotest.TruncateWriter.
// Need the Write method to return truncated number of bytes written, not the size of the buffer requested to be written.
// if err == nil {
// n = len(p)
// }
// NewEOFWriter returns a Writer that writes to w,
// but returns EOF error after writing n bytes.
func NewEOFWriter(w io.Writer, n int64) io.Writer {
return &EOFWriter{w, n}
type EOFWriter struct {
w io.Writer
n int64
// io.Writer implementation designed to error out with io.EOF after reading `n` bytes.
func (t *EOFWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if t.n <= 0 {
return -1, io.EOF
// real write
n = len(p)
if int64(n) > t.n {
n = int(t.n)
n, err = t.w.Write(p[0:n])
t.n -= int64(n)
if err == nil {
n = len(p)
// queryEncode - encodes query values in their URL encoded form.
func queryEncode(v url.Values) string {
if v == nil {
return ""
var buf bytes.Buffer
keys := make([]string, 0, len(v))
for k := range v {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
vs := v[k]
prefix := urlEncodePath(k) + "="
for _, v := range vs {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
return buf.String()
// urlEncodePath encode the strings from UTF-8 byte representations to HTML hex escape sequences
// This is necessary since regular url.Parse() and url.Encode() functions do not support UTF-8
// non english characters cannot be parsed due to the nature in which url.Encode() is written
// This function on the other hand is a direct replacement for url.Encode() technique to support
// pretty much every UTF-8 character.
func urlEncodePath(pathName string) string {
// if object matches reserved string, no need to encode them
reservedNames := regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.~/]+$")
if reservedNames.MatchString(pathName) {
return pathName
var encodedPathname string
for _, s := range pathName {
if 'A' <= s && s <= 'Z' || 'a' <= s && s <= 'z' || '0' <= s && s <= '9' { // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark)
encodedPathname = encodedPathname + string(s)
switch s {
case '-', '_', '.', '~', '/': // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark)
encodedPathname = encodedPathname + string(s)
len := utf8.RuneLen(s)
if len < 0 {
// if utf8 cannot convert return the same string as is
return pathName
u := make([]byte, len)
utf8.EncodeRune(u, s)
for _, r := range u {
hex := hex.EncodeToString([]byte{r})
encodedPathname = encodedPathname + "%" + strings.ToUpper(hex)
return encodedPathname
// construct URL for http requests for bucket operations.
func makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string, queryValues url.Values) string {
urlStr := endPoint + "/"
if bucketName != "" {
urlStr = urlStr + bucketName + "/"
if objectName != "" {
urlStr = urlStr + urlEncodePath(objectName)
if len(queryValues) > 0 {
urlStr = urlStr + "?" + queryEncode(queryValues)
return urlStr
// return URL for uploading object into the bucket.
func getPutObjectURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, url.Values{})
// return URL for fetching object from the bucket.
func getGetObjectURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, url.Values{})
// return URL for deleting the object from the bucket.
func getDeleteObjectURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, url.Values{})
// return URL for deleting multiple objects from a bucket.
func getMultiDeleteObjectURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("delete", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for HEAD on the object.
func getHeadObjectURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, url.Values{})
// return url to be used while copying the object.
func getCopyObjectURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, url.Values{})
// return URL for inserting bucket notification.
func getPutNotificationURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("notification", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for fetching bucket notification.
func getGetNotificationURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("notification", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for inserting bucket policy.
func getPutPolicyURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("policy", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for fetching bucket policy.
func getGetPolicyURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("policy", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for deleting bucket policy.
func getDeletePolicyURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("policy", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for creating the bucket.
func getMakeBucketURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", url.Values{})
// return URL for listing buckets.
func getListBucketURL(endPoint string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, "", "", url.Values{})
// return URL for HEAD on the bucket.
func getHEADBucketURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", url.Values{})
// return URL for deleting the bucket.
func getDeleteBucketURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", url.Values{})
// return URL for listing objects in the bucket with V1 legacy API.
func getListObjectsV1URL(endPoint, bucketName string, maxKeys string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
if maxKeys != "" {
queryValue.Set("max-keys", maxKeys)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for listing objects in the bucket with V2 API.
func getListObjectsV2URL(endPoint, bucketName string, maxKeys string, fetchOwner string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("list-type", "2") // Enables list objects V2 URL.
if maxKeys != "" {
queryValue.Set("max-keys", maxKeys)
if fetchOwner != "" {
queryValue.Set("fetch-owner", fetchOwner)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for a new multipart upload.
func getNewMultipartURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("uploads", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, queryValue)
// return URL for a new multipart upload.
func getPartUploadURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, uploadID, partNumber string) string {
queryValues := url.Values{}
queryValues.Set("uploadId", uploadID)
queryValues.Set("partNumber", partNumber)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, queryValues)
// return URL for aborting multipart upload.
func getAbortMultipartUploadURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, uploadID string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("uploadId", uploadID)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, queryValue)
// return URL for a new multipart upload.
func getListMultipartURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("uploads", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for a new multipart upload.
func getListMultipartURLWithParams(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, uploadID, maxParts string) string {
queryValues := url.Values{}
queryValues.Set("uploadId", uploadID)
queryValues.Set("max-parts", maxParts)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, queryValues)
// return URL for completing multipart upload.
// complete multipart upload request is sent after all parts are uploaded.
func getCompleteMultipartUploadURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, uploadID string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("uploadId", uploadID)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, queryValue)
// returns temp root directory. `
func getTestRoot() (string, error) {
return ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "api-")
// getXLObjectLayer - Instantiates XL object layer and returns it.
func getXLObjectLayer() (ObjectLayer, []string, error) {
var nDisks = 16 // Maximum disks.
var erasureDisks []string
for i := 0; i < nDisks; i++ {
path, err := ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "minio-")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
erasureDisks = append(erasureDisks, path)
objLayer, err := newXLObjects(erasureDisks, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Disabling the cache for integration tests.
// Should use the object layer tests for validating cache.
if xl, ok := objLayer.(xlObjects); ok {
xl.objCacheEnabled = false
return objLayer, erasureDisks, nil
// getSingleNodeObjectLayer - Instantiates single node object layer and returns it.
func getSingleNodeObjectLayer() (ObjectLayer, string, error) {
// Make a temporary directory to use as the obj.
fsDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "minio-")
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
// Create the obj.
objLayer, err := newFSObjects(fsDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
return objLayer, fsDir, nil
// removeRoots - Cleans up initialized directories during tests.
func removeRoots(roots []string) {
for _, root := range roots {
//removeDiskN - removes N disks from supplied disk slice.
func removeDiskN(disks []string, n int) {
if n > len(disks) {
n = len(disks)
for _, disk := range disks[:n] {
// Regular object test type.
type objTestType func(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler)
// Special object test type for disk not found situations.
type objTestDiskNotFoundType func(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, dirs []string, t *testing.T)
// ExecObjectLayerTest - executes object layer tests.
// Creates single node and XL ObjectLayer instance and runs test for both the layers.
func ExecObjectLayerTest(t TestErrHandler, objTest objTestType) {
objLayer, fsDir, err := getSingleNodeObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Initialization of object layer failed for single node setup: %s", err)
// Executing the object layer tests for single node setup.
objTest(objLayer, singleNodeTestStr, t)
objLayer, fsDirs, err := getXLObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Initialization of object layer failed for XL setup: %s", err)
// Executing the object layer tests for XL.
objTest(objLayer, xLTestStr, t)
defer removeRoots(append(fsDirs, fsDir))
// ExecObjectLayerDiskNotFoundTest - executes object layer tests while deleting
// disks in between tests. Creates XL ObjectLayer instance and runs test for XL layer.
func ExecObjectLayerDiskNotFoundTest(t *testing.T, objTest objTestDiskNotFoundType) {
objLayer, fsDirs, err := getXLObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Initialization of object layer failed for XL setup: %s", err)
// Executing the object layer tests for XL.
objTest(objLayer, xLTestStr, fsDirs, t)
defer removeRoots(fsDirs)
// Special object test type for stale files situations.
type objTestStaleFilesType func(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, dirs []string, t *testing.T)
// ExecObjectLayerStaleFilesTest - executes object layer tests those leaves stale
// files/directories under .minio/tmp. Creates XL ObjectLayer instance and runs test for XL layer.
func ExecObjectLayerStaleFilesTest(t *testing.T, objTest objTestStaleFilesType) {
objLayer, fsDirs, err := getXLObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Initialization of object layer failed for XL setup: %s", err)
// Executing the object layer tests for XL.
objTest(objLayer, xLTestStr, fsDirs, t)
defer removeRoots(fsDirs)
// Takes in XL/FS object layer, and the list of API end points to be tested/required, registers the API end points and returns the HTTP handler.
// Need isolated registration of API end points while writing unit tests for end points.
// All the API end points are registered only for the default case.
func initTestAPIEndPoints(objLayer ObjectLayer, apiFunctions []string) http.Handler {
// initialize a new mux router.
// goriilla/mux is the library used to register all the routes and handle them.
muxRouter := router.NewRouter()
// All object storage operations are registered as HTTP handlers on `objectAPIHandlers`.
// When the handlers get a HTTP request they use the underlyting ObjectLayer to perform operations.
api := objectAPIHandlers{
ObjectAPI: func() ObjectLayer { return objLayer },
// API Router.
apiRouter := muxRouter.NewRoute().PathPrefix("/").Subrouter()
// Bucket router.
bucket := apiRouter.PathPrefix("/{bucket}").Subrouter()
// Iterate the list of API functions requested for and register them in mux HTTP handler.
for _, apiFunction := range apiFunctions {
switch apiFunction {
// Register GetObject handler.
case "GetObject`":
// Register GetObject handler.
case "CopyObject`":
bucket.Methods("PUT").Path("/{object:.+}").HeadersRegexp("X-Amz-Copy-Source", ".*?(\\/|%2F).*?").HandlerFunc(api.CopyObjectHandler)
// Register PutBucket Policy handler.
case "PutBucketPolicy":
bucket.Methods("PUT").HandlerFunc(api.PutBucketPolicyHandler).Queries("policy", "")
// Register Delete bucket HTTP policy handler.
case "DeleteBucketPolicy":
bucket.Methods("DELETE").HandlerFunc(api.DeleteBucketPolicyHandler).Queries("policy", "")
// Register Get Bucket policy HTTP Handler.
case "GetBucketPolicy":
bucket.Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(api.GetBucketPolicyHandler).Queries("policy", "")
// Register Post Bucket policy function.
case "PostBucketPolicy":
bucket.Methods("POST").HeadersRegexp("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data*").HandlerFunc(api.PostPolicyBucketHandler)
// Register all api endpoints by default.
registerAPIRouter(muxRouter, api)
// No need to register any more end points, all the end points are registered.
return muxRouter
func initTestWebRPCEndPoint(objLayer ObjectLayer) http.Handler {
// Initialize Web.
webHandlers := &webAPIHandlers{
ObjectAPI: objLayer,
// Initialize router.
muxRouter := router.NewRouter()
registerWebRouter(muxRouter, webHandlers)
return muxRouter