mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 13:34:16 -04:00
Services are unfrozen before `initBackgroundReplication` is finished. This means that the globalReplicationStats write is racy. Switch to an atomic pointer. Provide the `ReplicationPool` with the stats, so it doesn't have to be grabbed from the atomic pointer on every use. All other loads and checks are nil, and calls return empty values when stats still haven't been initialized.
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2023 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cmd
import (
sse "github.com/minio/minio/internal/bucket/encryption"
objectlock "github.com/minio/minio/internal/bucket/object/lock"
xhttp "github.com/minio/minio/internal/http"
// Multipart objectAPIHandlers
// NewMultipartUploadHandler - New multipart upload.
// Notice: The S3 client can send secret keys in headers for encryption related jobs,
// the handler should ensure to remove these keys before sending them to the object layer.
// Currently these keys are:
// - X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key
// - X-Amz-Copy-Source-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key
func (api objectAPIHandlers) NewMultipartUploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "NewMultipartUpload")
defer logger.AuditLog(ctx, w, r, mustGetClaimsFromToken(r))
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrServerNotInitialized), r.URL)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object, err := unescapePath(vars["object"])
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(ctx, r, policy.PutObjectAction, bucket, object); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
// Check if bucket encryption is enabled
sseConfig, _ := globalBucketSSEConfigSys.Get(bucket)
sseConfig.Apply(r.Header, sse.ApplyOptions{
AutoEncrypt: globalAutoEncryption,
// Validate storage class metadata if present
if sc := r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzStorageClass); sc != "" {
if !storageclass.IsValid(sc) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidStorageClass), r.URL)
encMetadata := map[string]string{}
if crypto.Requested(r.Header) {
if crypto.SSECopy.IsRequested(r.Header) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, errInvalidEncryptionParameters), r.URL)
if crypto.SSEC.IsRequested(r.Header) && crypto.S3.IsRequested(r.Header) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, crypto.ErrIncompatibleEncryptionMethod), r.URL)
if crypto.SSEC.IsRequested(r.Header) && crypto.S3KMS.IsRequested(r.Header) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, crypto.ErrIncompatibleEncryptionMethod), r.URL)
_, sourceReplReq := r.Header[xhttp.MinIOSourceReplicationRequest]
ssecRepHeaders := []string{
ssecRep := false
for _, header := range ssecRepHeaders {
if val := r.Header.Get(header); val != "" {
ssecRep = true
if !(ssecRep && sourceReplReq) {
if err = setEncryptionMetadata(r, bucket, object, encMetadata); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
// Set this for multipart only operations, we need to differentiate during
// decryption if the file was actually multipart or not.
encMetadata[ReservedMetadataPrefix+"Encrypted-Multipart"] = ""
// Extract metadata that needs to be saved.
metadata, err := extractMetadataFromReq(ctx, r)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if objTags := r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzObjectTagging); objTags != "" {
if _, err := tags.ParseObjectTags(objTags); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
metadata[xhttp.AmzObjectTagging] = objTags
if r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzBucketReplicationStatus) == replication.Replica.String() {
metadata[ReservedMetadataPrefixLower+ReplicaStatus] = replication.Replica.String()
metadata[ReservedMetadataPrefixLower+ReplicaTimestamp] = UTCNow().Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
retPerms := isPutActionAllowed(ctx, getRequestAuthType(r), bucket, object, r, policy.PutObjectRetentionAction)
holdPerms := isPutActionAllowed(ctx, getRequestAuthType(r), bucket, object, r, policy.PutObjectLegalHoldAction)
getObjectInfo := objectAPI.GetObjectInfo
retentionMode, retentionDate, legalHold, s3Err := checkPutObjectLockAllowed(ctx, r, bucket, object, getObjectInfo, retPerms, holdPerms)
if s3Err == ErrNone && retentionMode.Valid() {
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockMode)] = string(retentionMode)
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockRetainUntilDate)] = amztime.ISO8601Format(retentionDate.UTC())
if s3Err == ErrNone && legalHold.Status.Valid() {
metadata[strings.ToLower(xhttp.AmzObjectLockLegalHold)] = string(legalHold.Status)
if s3Err != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Err), r.URL)
if dsc := mustReplicate(ctx, bucket, object, getMustReplicateOptions(metadata, "", "", replication.ObjectReplicationType, ObjectOptions{})); dsc.ReplicateAny() {
metadata[ReservedMetadataPrefixLower+ReplicationTimestamp] = UTCNow().Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
metadata[ReservedMetadataPrefixLower+ReplicationStatus] = dsc.PendingStatus()
// We need to preserve the encryption headers set in EncryptRequest,
// so we do not want to override them, copy them instead.
for k, v := range encMetadata {
metadata[k] = v
// Ensure that metadata does not contain sensitive information
if isCompressible(r.Header, object) {
// Storing the compression metadata.
metadata[ReservedMetadataPrefix+"compression"] = compressionAlgorithmV2
opts, err := putOptsFromReq(ctx, r, bucket, object, metadata)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if opts.PreserveETag != "" ||
r.Header.Get(xhttp.IfMatch) != "" ||
r.Header.Get(xhttp.IfNoneMatch) != "" {
opts.CheckPrecondFn = func(oi ObjectInfo) bool {
if _, err := DecryptObjectInfo(&oi, r); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
return true
return checkPreconditionsPUT(ctx, w, r, oi, opts)
checksumType := hash.NewChecksumType(r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzChecksumAlgo))
if checksumType.Is(hash.ChecksumInvalid) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidRequestParameter), r.URL)
} else if checksumType.IsSet() && !checksumType.Is(hash.ChecksumTrailing) {
opts.WantChecksum = &hash.Checksum{Type: checksumType}
newMultipartUpload := objectAPI.NewMultipartUpload
res, err := newMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
response := generateInitiateMultipartUploadResponse(bucket, object, res.UploadID)
if res.ChecksumAlgo != "" {
w.Header().Set(xhttp.AmzChecksumAlgo, res.ChecksumAlgo)
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse(response)
// Write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodedSuccessResponse)
// CopyObjectPartHandler - uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source.
func (api objectAPIHandlers) CopyObjectPartHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "CopyObjectPart")
defer logger.AuditLog(ctx, w, r, mustGetClaimsFromToken(r))
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrServerNotInitialized), r.URL)
if crypto.S3KMS.IsRequested(r.Header) { // SSE-KMS is not supported
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrNotImplemented), r.URL)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
dstBucket := vars["bucket"]
dstObject, err := unescapePath(vars["object"])
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(ctx, r, policy.PutObjectAction, dstBucket, dstObject); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
// Read escaped copy source path to check for parameters.
cpSrcPath := r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzCopySource)
var vid string
if u, err := url.Parse(cpSrcPath); err == nil {
vid = strings.TrimSpace(u.Query().Get(xhttp.VersionID))
// Note that url.Parse does the unescaping
cpSrcPath = u.Path
srcBucket, srcObject := path2BucketObject(cpSrcPath)
// If source object is empty or bucket is empty, reply back invalid copy source.
if srcObject == "" || srcBucket == "" {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidCopySource), r.URL)
if vid != "" && vid != nullVersionID {
_, err := uuid.Parse(vid)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, VersionNotFound{
Bucket: srcBucket,
Object: srcObject,
VersionID: vid,
}), r.URL)
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(ctx, r, policy.GetObjectAction, srcBucket, srcObject); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
uploadID := r.Form.Get(xhttp.UploadID)
partIDString := r.Form.Get(xhttp.PartNumber)
partID, err := strconv.Atoi(partIDString)
if err != nil || partID <= 0 {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidPart), r.URL)
// check partID with maximum part ID for multipart objects
if isMaxPartID(partID) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidMaxParts), r.URL)
var srcOpts, dstOpts ObjectOptions
srcOpts, err = copySrcOpts(ctx, r, srcBucket, srcObject)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
srcOpts.VersionID = vid
// convert copy src and dst encryption options for GET/PUT calls
getOpts := ObjectOptions{VersionID: srcOpts.VersionID}
if srcOpts.ServerSideEncryption != nil {
getOpts.ServerSideEncryption = encrypt.SSE(srcOpts.ServerSideEncryption)
dstOpts, err = copyDstOpts(ctx, r, dstBucket, dstObject, nil)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
getObjectNInfo := objectAPI.GetObjectNInfo
// Get request range.
var rs *HTTPRangeSpec
var parseRangeErr error
if rangeHeader := r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzCopySourceRange); rangeHeader != "" {
rs, parseRangeErr = parseCopyPartRangeSpec(rangeHeader)
} else {
// This check is to see if client specified a header but the value
// is empty for 'x-amz-copy-source-range'
_, ok := r.Header[xhttp.AmzCopySourceRange]
if ok {
parseRangeErr = errInvalidRange
checkCopyPartPrecondFn := func(o ObjectInfo) bool {
if _, err := DecryptObjectInfo(&o, r); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
return true
if checkCopyObjectPartPreconditions(ctx, w, r, o) {
return true
if parseRangeErr != nil {
writeCopyPartErr(ctx, w, parseRangeErr, r.URL)
// Range header mismatch is pre-condition like failure
// so return true to indicate Range precondition failed.
return true
return false
getOpts.CheckPrecondFn = checkCopyPartPrecondFn
gr, err := getObjectNInfo(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject, rs, r.Header, getOpts)
if err != nil {
if isErrPreconditionFailed(err) {
if globalBucketVersioningSys.PrefixEnabled(srcBucket, srcObject) && gr != nil {
// Versioning enabled quite possibly object is deleted might be delete-marker
// if present set the headers, no idea why AWS S3 sets these headers.
if gr.ObjInfo.VersionID != "" && gr.ObjInfo.DeleteMarker {
w.Header()[xhttp.AmzVersionID] = []string{gr.ObjInfo.VersionID}
w.Header()[xhttp.AmzDeleteMarker] = []string{strconv.FormatBool(gr.ObjInfo.DeleteMarker)}
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
defer gr.Close()
srcInfo := gr.ObjInfo
actualPartSize, err := srcInfo.GetActualSize()
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if err := enforceBucketQuotaHard(ctx, dstBucket, actualPartSize); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
// Special care for CopyObjectPart
if partRangeErr := checkCopyPartRangeWithSize(rs, actualPartSize); partRangeErr != nil {
writeCopyPartErr(ctx, w, partRangeErr, r.URL)
// Get the object offset & length
startOffset, length, err := rs.GetOffsetLength(actualPartSize)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
// maximum copy size for multipart objects in a single operation
if isMaxObjectSize(length) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrEntityTooLarge), r.URL)
if isRemoteCopyRequired(ctx, srcBucket, dstBucket, objectAPI) {
var dstRecords []dns.SrvRecord
dstRecords, err = globalDNSConfig.Get(dstBucket)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
// Send PutObject request to appropriate instance (in federated deployment)
core, rerr := getRemoteInstanceClient(r, getHostFromSrv(dstRecords))
if rerr != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, rerr), r.URL)
popts := minio.PutObjectPartOptions{
SSE: dstOpts.ServerSideEncryption,
partInfo, err := core.PutObjectPart(ctx, dstBucket, dstObject, uploadID, partID, gr, length, popts)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
response := generateCopyObjectPartResponse(partInfo.ETag, partInfo.LastModified)
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse(response)
// Write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodedSuccessResponse)
actualPartSize = length
var reader io.Reader = etag.NewReader(ctx, gr, nil, nil)
mi, err := objectAPI.GetMultipartInfo(ctx, dstBucket, dstObject, uploadID, dstOpts)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
_, isEncrypted := crypto.IsEncrypted(mi.UserDefined)
// Read compression metadata preserved in the init multipart for the decision.
_, isCompressed := mi.UserDefined[ReservedMetadataPrefix+"compression"]
// Compress only if the compression is enabled during initial multipart.
var idxCb func() []byte
if isCompressed {
wantEncryption := crypto.Requested(r.Header) || isEncrypted
s2c, cb := newS2CompressReader(reader, actualPartSize, wantEncryption)
idxCb = cb
defer s2c.Close()
reader = etag.Wrap(s2c, reader)
length = -1
srcInfo.Reader, err = hash.NewReader(ctx, reader, length, "", "", actualPartSize)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
dstOpts, err = copyDstOpts(ctx, r, dstBucket, dstObject, mi.UserDefined)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
dstOpts.IndexCB = idxCb
rawReader := srcInfo.Reader
pReader := NewPutObjReader(rawReader)
var objectEncryptionKey crypto.ObjectKey
if isEncrypted {
if !crypto.SSEC.IsRequested(r.Header) && crypto.SSEC.IsEncrypted(mi.UserDefined) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrSSEMultipartEncrypted), r.URL)
if crypto.S3.IsEncrypted(mi.UserDefined) && crypto.SSEC.IsRequested(r.Header) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrSSEMultipartEncrypted), r.URL)
var key []byte
if crypto.SSEC.IsRequested(r.Header) {
key, err = ParseSSECustomerRequest(r)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
key, err = decryptObjectMeta(key, dstBucket, dstObject, mi.UserDefined)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
copy(objectEncryptionKey[:], key)
partEncryptionKey := objectEncryptionKey.DerivePartKey(uint32(partID))
encReader, err := sio.EncryptReader(reader, sio.Config{Key: partEncryptionKey[:], CipherSuites: fips.DARECiphers()})
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
reader = etag.Wrap(encReader, reader)
wantSize := int64(-1)
if length >= 0 {
info := ObjectInfo{Size: length}
wantSize = info.EncryptedSize()
srcInfo.Reader, err = hash.NewReader(ctx, reader, wantSize, "", "", actualPartSize)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
pReader, err = pReader.WithEncryption(srcInfo.Reader, &objectEncryptionKey)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if dstOpts.IndexCB != nil {
dstOpts.IndexCB = compressionIndexEncrypter(objectEncryptionKey, dstOpts.IndexCB)
srcInfo.PutObjReader = pReader
copyObjectPart := objectAPI.CopyObjectPart
// Copy source object to destination, if source and destination
// object is same then only metadata is updated.
partInfo, err := copyObjectPart(ctx, srcBucket, srcObject, dstBucket, dstObject, uploadID, partID,
startOffset, length, srcInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if isEncrypted {
sseS3 := crypto.S3.IsRequested(r.Header) || crypto.S3.IsEncrypted(mi.UserDefined)
partInfo.ETag = tryDecryptETag(objectEncryptionKey[:], partInfo.ETag, sseS3)
response := generateCopyObjectPartResponse(partInfo.ETag, partInfo.LastModified)
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse(response)
// Write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodedSuccessResponse)
// PutObjectPartHandler - uploads an incoming part for an ongoing multipart operation.
func (api objectAPIHandlers) PutObjectPartHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "PutObjectPart")
defer logger.AuditLog(ctx, w, r, mustGetClaimsFromToken(r))
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrServerNotInitialized), r.URL)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object, err := unescapePath(vars["object"])
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
// X-Amz-Copy-Source shouldn't be set for this call.
if _, ok := r.Header[xhttp.AmzCopySource]; ok {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidCopySource), r.URL)
clientETag, err := etag.FromContentMD5(r.Header)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidDigest), r.URL)
// if Content-Length is unknown/missing, throw away
size := r.ContentLength
rAuthType := getRequestAuthType(r)
// For auth type streaming signature, we need to gather a different content length.
switch rAuthType {
// Check signature types that must have content length
case authTypeStreamingSigned, authTypeStreamingSignedTrailer, authTypeStreamingUnsignedTrailer:
if sizeStr, ok := r.Header[xhttp.AmzDecodedContentLength]; ok {
if sizeStr[0] == "" {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrMissingContentLength), r.URL)
size, err = strconv.ParseInt(sizeStr[0], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if size == -1 {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrMissingContentLength), r.URL)
uploadID := r.Form.Get(xhttp.UploadID)
partIDString := r.Form.Get(xhttp.PartNumber)
partID, err := strconv.Atoi(partIDString)
if err != nil || partID <= 0 {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidPart), r.URL)
// maximum size for multipart objects in a single operation
if isMaxObjectSize(size) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrEntityTooLarge), r.URL)
// check partID with maximum part ID for multipart objects
if isMaxPartID(partID) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidMaxParts), r.URL)
var (
md5hex = clientETag.String()
sha256hex = ""
reader io.Reader = r.Body
s3Error APIErrorCode
if s3Error = isPutActionAllowed(ctx, rAuthType, bucket, object, r, policy.PutObjectAction); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
switch rAuthType {
case authTypeStreamingSigned, authTypeStreamingSignedTrailer:
// Initialize stream signature verifier.
reader, s3Error = newSignV4ChunkedReader(r, rAuthType == authTypeStreamingSignedTrailer)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
case authTypeStreamingUnsignedTrailer:
// Initialize stream signature verifier.
reader, s3Error = newUnsignedV4ChunkedReader(r, true)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
case authTypeSignedV2, authTypePresignedV2:
if s3Error = isReqAuthenticatedV2(r); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
case authTypePresigned, authTypeSigned:
if s3Error = reqSignatureV4Verify(r, globalSite.Region(), serviceS3); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
if !skipContentSha256Cksum(r) {
sha256hex = getContentSha256Cksum(r, serviceS3)
if err := enforceBucketQuotaHard(ctx, bucket, size); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
actualSize := size
// get encryption options
var opts ObjectOptions
if crypto.SSEC.IsRequested(r.Header) {
opts, err = getOpts(ctx, r, bucket, object)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
mi, err := objectAPI.GetMultipartInfo(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
// Read compression metadata preserved in the init multipart for the decision.
_, isCompressed := mi.UserDefined[ReservedMetadataPrefix+"compression"]
var idxCb func() []byte
if isCompressed {
actualReader, err := hash.NewReader(ctx, reader, size, md5hex, sha256hex, actualSize)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if err = actualReader.AddChecksum(r, false); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidChecksum), r.URL)
// Set compression metrics.
wantEncryption := crypto.Requested(r.Header)
s2c, cb := newS2CompressReader(actualReader, actualSize, wantEncryption)
idxCb = cb
defer s2c.Close()
reader = etag.Wrap(s2c, actualReader)
size = -1 // Since compressed size is un-predictable.
md5hex = "" // Do not try to verify the content.
sha256hex = ""
var forceMD5 []byte
// Optimization: If SSE-KMS and SSE-C did not request Content-Md5. Use uuid as etag. Optionally enable this also
// for server that is started with `--no-compat`.
if !etag.ContentMD5Requested(r.Header) && (crypto.S3KMS.IsEncrypted(mi.UserDefined) || crypto.SSEC.IsRequested(r.Header) || !globalServerCtxt.StrictS3Compat) {
forceMD5 = mustGetUUIDBytes()
hashReader, err := hash.NewReaderWithOpts(ctx, reader, hash.Options{
Size: size,
MD5Hex: md5hex,
SHA256Hex: sha256hex,
ActualSize: actualSize,
DisableMD5: false,
ForceMD5: forceMD5,
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if err := hashReader.AddChecksum(r, size < 0); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidChecksum), r.URL)
pReader := NewPutObjReader(hashReader)
_, isEncrypted := crypto.IsEncrypted(mi.UserDefined)
_, replicationStatus := mi.UserDefined[xhttp.AmzBucketReplicationStatus]
_, sourceReplReq := r.Header[xhttp.MinIOSourceReplicationRequest]
var objectEncryptionKey crypto.ObjectKey
if isEncrypted {
if !crypto.SSEC.IsRequested(r.Header) && crypto.SSEC.IsEncrypted(mi.UserDefined) && !replicationStatus {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrSSEMultipartEncrypted), r.URL)
opts, err = putOptsFromReq(ctx, r, bucket, object, mi.UserDefined)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
var key []byte
if crypto.SSEC.IsRequested(r.Header) {
key, err = ParseSSECustomerRequest(r)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if !(sourceReplReq && crypto.SSEC.IsEncrypted(mi.UserDefined)) {
// Calculating object encryption key
key, err = decryptObjectMeta(key, bucket, object, mi.UserDefined)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
copy(objectEncryptionKey[:], key)
partEncryptionKey := objectEncryptionKey.DerivePartKey(uint32(partID))
in := io.Reader(hashReader)
if size > encryptBufferThreshold {
// The encryption reads in blocks of 64KB.
// We add a buffer on bigger files to reduce the number of syscalls upstream.
in = bufio.NewReaderSize(hashReader, encryptBufferSize)
reader, err = sio.EncryptReader(in, sio.Config{Key: partEncryptionKey[:], CipherSuites: fips.DARECiphers()})
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
wantSize := int64(-1)
if size >= 0 {
info := ObjectInfo{Size: size}
wantSize = info.EncryptedSize()
// do not try to verify encrypted content
hashReader, err = hash.NewReader(ctx, etag.Wrap(reader, hashReader), wantSize, "", "", actualSize)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if err := hashReader.AddChecksum(r, true); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidChecksum), r.URL)
pReader, err = pReader.WithEncryption(hashReader, &objectEncryptionKey)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if idxCb != nil {
idxCb = compressionIndexEncrypter(objectEncryptionKey, idxCb)
opts.EncryptFn = metadataEncrypter(objectEncryptionKey)
opts.IndexCB = idxCb
opts.ReplicationRequest = sourceReplReq
putObjectPart := objectAPI.PutObjectPart
partInfo, err := putObjectPart(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partID, pReader, opts)
if err != nil {
// Verify if the underlying error is signature mismatch.
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
etag := partInfo.ETag
if kind, encrypted := crypto.IsEncrypted(mi.UserDefined); encrypted {
switch kind {
case crypto.S3KMS:
w.Header().Set(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryption, xhttp.AmzEncryptionKMS)
w.Header().Set(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryptionKmsID, mi.KMSKeyID())
if kmsCtx, ok := mi.UserDefined[crypto.MetaContext]; ok {
w.Header().Set(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryptionKmsContext, kmsCtx)
if len(etag) >= 32 && strings.Count(etag, "-") != 1 {
etag = etag[len(etag)-32:]
case crypto.S3:
w.Header().Set(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryption, xhttp.AmzEncryptionAES)
etag, _ = DecryptETag(objectEncryptionKey, ObjectInfo{ETag: etag})
case crypto.SSEC:
w.Header().Set(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm, r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm))
w.Header().Set(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerKeyMD5, r.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerKeyMD5))
if len(etag) >= 32 && strings.Count(etag, "-") != 1 {
etag = etag[len(etag)-32:]
// We must not use the http.Header().Set method here because some (broken)
// clients expect the ETag header key to be literally "ETag" - not "Etag" (case-sensitive).
// Therefore, we have to set the ETag directly as map entry.
w.Header()[xhttp.ETag] = []string{"\"" + etag + "\""}
hash.TransferChecksumHeader(w, r)
// CompleteMultipartUploadHandler - Complete multipart upload.
func (api objectAPIHandlers) CompleteMultipartUploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "CompleteMultipartUpload")
defer logger.AuditLog(ctx, w, r, mustGetClaimsFromToken(r))
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object, err := unescapePath(vars["object"])
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrServerNotInitialized), r.URL)
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(ctx, r, policy.PutObjectAction, bucket, object); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
// Get upload id.
uploadID, _, _, _, s3Error := getObjectResources(r.Form)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
// Content-Length is required and should be non-zero
if r.ContentLength <= 0 {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrMissingPart), r.URL)
complMultipartUpload := &CompleteMultipartUpload{}
if err = xmlDecoder(r.Body, complMultipartUpload, r.ContentLength); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if len(complMultipartUpload.Parts) == 0 {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrMissingPart), r.URL)
if !sort.SliceIsSorted(complMultipartUpload.Parts, func(i, j int) bool {
return complMultipartUpload.Parts[i].PartNumber < complMultipartUpload.Parts[j].PartNumber
}) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidPartOrder), r.URL)
// Reject retention or governance headers if set, CompleteMultipartUpload spec
// does not use these headers, and should not be passed down to checkPutObjectLockAllowed
if objectlock.IsObjectLockRequested(r.Header) || objectlock.IsObjectLockGovernanceBypassSet(r.Header) {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidRequest), r.URL)
if _, _, _, s3Err := checkPutObjectLockAllowed(ctx, r, bucket, object, objectAPI.GetObjectInfo, ErrNone, ErrNone); s3Err != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Err), r.URL)
completeMultiPartUpload := objectAPI.CompleteMultipartUpload
versioned := globalBucketVersioningSys.PrefixEnabled(bucket, object)
suspended := globalBucketVersioningSys.PrefixSuspended(bucket, object)
os := newObjSweeper(bucket, object).WithVersioning(versioned, suspended)
if !globalTierConfigMgr.Empty() {
// Get appropriate object info to identify the remote object to delete
goiOpts := os.GetOpts()
if goi, gerr := objectAPI.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, object, goiOpts); gerr == nil {
opts, err := completeMultipartOpts(ctx, r, bucket, object)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
opts.Versioned = versioned
opts.VersionSuspended = suspended
// First, we compute the ETag of the multipart object.
// The ETag of a multi-part object is always:
// ETag := MD5(ETag_p1, ETag_p2, ...)+"-N" (N being the number of parts)
// This is independent of encryption. An encrypted multipart
// object also has an ETag that is the MD5 of its part ETags.
// The fact the in case of encryption the ETag of a part is
// not the MD5 of the part content does not change that.
var completeETags []etag.ETag
for _, part := range complMultipartUpload.Parts {
ETag, err := etag.Parse(part.ETag)
if err != nil {
completeETags = append(completeETags, ETag)
multipartETag := etag.Multipart(completeETags...)
opts.UserDefined["etag"] = multipartETag.String()
if opts.PreserveETag != "" ||
r.Header.Get(xhttp.IfMatch) != "" ||
r.Header.Get(xhttp.IfNoneMatch) != "" {
opts.CheckPrecondFn = func(oi ObjectInfo) bool {
if _, err := DecryptObjectInfo(&oi, r); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
return true
return checkPreconditionsPUT(ctx, w, r, oi, opts)
objInfo, err := completeMultiPartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, complMultipartUpload.Parts, opts)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
opts.EncryptFn, err = objInfo.metadataEncryptFn(r.Header)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
if r.Header.Get(xMinIOExtract) == "true" && HasSuffix(object, archiveExt) {
opts := ObjectOptions{VersionID: objInfo.VersionID, MTime: objInfo.ModTime}
if _, err := updateObjectMetadataWithZipInfo(ctx, objectAPI, bucket, object, opts); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
setPutObjHeaders(w, objInfo, false, r.Header)
if dsc := mustReplicate(ctx, bucket, object, objInfo.getMustReplicateOptions(replication.ObjectReplicationType, opts)); dsc.ReplicateAny() {
scheduleReplication(ctx, objInfo, objectAPI, dsc, replication.ObjectReplicationType)
if _, ok := r.Header[xhttp.MinIOSourceReplicationRequest]; ok {
actualSize, _ := objInfo.GetActualSize()
defer globalReplicationStats.Load().UpdateReplicaStat(bucket, actualSize)
// Get object location.
location := getObjectLocation(r, globalDomainNames, bucket, object)
// Generate complete multipart response.
response := generateCompleteMultipartUploadResponse(bucket, object, location, objInfo, r.Header)
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse(response)
// Write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodedSuccessResponse)
// Notify object created event.
evt := eventArgs{
EventName: event.ObjectCreatedCompleteMultipartUpload,
BucketName: bucket,
Object: objInfo,
ReqParams: extractReqParams(r),
RespElements: extractRespElements(w),
UserAgent: r.UserAgent(),
Host: handlers.GetSourceIP(r),
if objInfo.NumVersions > int(scannerExcessObjectVersions.Load()) {
evt.EventName = event.ObjectManyVersions
auditLogInternal(context.Background(), AuditLogOptions{
Event: "scanner:manyversions",
APIName: "CompleteMultipartUpload",
Bucket: objInfo.Bucket,
Object: objInfo.Name,
VersionID: objInfo.VersionID,
Status: http.StatusText(http.StatusOK),
// Remove the transitioned object whose object version is being overwritten.
if !globalTierConfigMgr.Empty() {
// Schedule object for immediate transition if eligible.
enqueueTransitionImmediate(objInfo, lcEventSrc_s3CompleteMultipartUpload)
// AbortMultipartUploadHandler - Abort multipart upload
func (api objectAPIHandlers) AbortMultipartUploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "AbortMultipartUpload")
defer logger.AuditLog(ctx, w, r, mustGetClaimsFromToken(r))
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object, err := unescapePath(vars["object"])
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrServerNotInitialized), r.URL)
abortMultipartUpload := objectAPI.AbortMultipartUpload
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(ctx, r, policy.AbortMultipartUploadAction, bucket, object); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
uploadID, _, _, _, s3Error := getObjectResources(r.Form)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
opts := ObjectOptions{}
if err := abortMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, opts); err != nil {
switch err.(type) {
case InvalidUploadID:
// Do not have return an error for non-existent upload-id
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
// ListObjectPartsHandler - List object parts
func (api objectAPIHandlers) ListObjectPartsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "ListObjectParts")
defer logger.AuditLog(ctx, w, r, mustGetClaimsFromToken(r))
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object, err := unescapePath(vars["object"])
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrServerNotInitialized), r.URL)
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(ctx, r, policy.ListMultipartUploadPartsAction, bucket, object); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
uploadID, partNumberMarker, maxParts, encodingType, s3Error := getObjectResources(r.Form)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
if partNumberMarker < 0 {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidPartNumberMarker), r.URL)
if maxParts < 0 {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidMaxParts), r.URL)
opts := ObjectOptions{}
listPartsInfo, err := objectAPI.ListObjectParts(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partNumberMarker, maxParts, opts)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
// We have to adjust the size of encrypted parts since encrypted parts
// are slightly larger due to encryption overhead.
// Further, we have to adjust the ETags of parts when using SSE-S3.
// Due to AWS S3, SSE-S3 encrypted parts return the plaintext ETag
// being the content MD5 of that particular part. This is not the
// case for SSE-C and SSE-KMS objects.
if kind, ok := crypto.IsEncrypted(listPartsInfo.UserDefined); ok {
var objectEncryptionKey []byte
if kind == crypto.S3 {
objectEncryptionKey, err = decryptObjectMeta(nil, bucket, object, listPartsInfo.UserDefined)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
for i, p := range listPartsInfo.Parts {
listPartsInfo.Parts[i].ETag = tryDecryptETag(objectEncryptionKey, p.ETag, kind == crypto.S3)
listPartsInfo.Parts[i].Size = p.ActualSize
response := generateListPartsResponse(listPartsInfo, encodingType)
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse(response)
// Write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodedSuccessResponse)