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synced 2025-03-22 13:34:16 -04:00
Fix a regression in #19733 where TTFB metrics for all APIs except GetObject were removed in v2 and v3 metrics. This causes breakage for existing v2 metrics users. Instead we continue to send TTFB for all APIs in V2 but only send for GetObject in V3.
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2024 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cmd
import (
type collectorPath string
// metricPrefix converts a collector path to a metric name prefix. The path is
// converted to snake-case (by replaced '/' and '-' with '_') and prefixed with
// `minio_`.
func (cp collectorPath) metricPrefix() string {
s := strings.TrimPrefix(string(cp), SlashSeparator)
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, SlashSeparator, "_")
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "-", "_")
return "minio_" + s
// isDescendantOf returns true if it is a descendant of (or the same as)
// `ancestor`.
// For example:
// /a, /a/b, /a/b/c are all descendants of /a.
// /abc or /abd/a are not descendants of /ab.
func (cp collectorPath) isDescendantOf(arg string) bool {
descendant := string(cp)
if descendant == arg {
return true
if len(arg) >= len(descendant) {
return false
if !strings.HasSuffix(arg, SlashSeparator) {
arg += SlashSeparator
return strings.HasPrefix(descendant, arg)
// MetricType - represents the type of a metric.
type MetricType int
const (
// CounterMT - represents a counter metric.
CounterMT MetricType = iota
// GaugeMT - represents a gauge metric.
// HistogramMT - represents a histogram metric.
// rangeL - represents a range label.
const rangeL = "range"
func (mt MetricType) String() string {
switch mt {
case CounterMT:
return "counter"
case GaugeMT:
return "gauge"
case HistogramMT:
return "histogram"
return "*unknown*"
func (mt MetricType) toProm() prometheus.ValueType {
switch mt {
case CounterMT:
return prometheus.CounterValue
case GaugeMT:
return prometheus.GaugeValue
case HistogramMT:
return prometheus.CounterValue
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown metric type: %d", mt))
// MetricDescriptor - represents a metric descriptor.
type MetricDescriptor struct {
Name MetricName
Type MetricType
Help string
VariableLabels []string
// managed values follow:
labelSet map[string]struct{}
func (md *MetricDescriptor) getLabelSet() map[string]struct{} {
if md.labelSet != nil {
return md.labelSet
md.labelSet = make(map[string]struct{}, len(md.VariableLabels))
for _, label := range md.VariableLabels {
md.labelSet[label] = struct{}{}
return md.labelSet
func (md *MetricDescriptor) toPromName(namePrefix string) string {
return prometheus.BuildFQName(namePrefix, "", string(md.Name))
func (md *MetricDescriptor) toPromDesc(namePrefix string, extraLabels map[string]string) *prometheus.Desc {
return prometheus.NewDesc(
md.VariableLabels, extraLabels,
// NewCounterMD - creates a new counter metric descriptor.
func NewCounterMD(name MetricName, help string, labels ...string) MetricDescriptor {
return MetricDescriptor{
Name: name,
Type: CounterMT,
Help: help,
VariableLabels: labels,
// NewGaugeMD - creates a new gauge metric descriptor.
func NewGaugeMD(name MetricName, help string, labels ...string) MetricDescriptor {
return MetricDescriptor{
Name: name,
Type: GaugeMT,
Help: help,
VariableLabels: labels,
type metricValue struct {
Labels map[string]string
Value float64
// MetricValues - type to set metric values retrieved while loading metrics. A
// value of this type is passed to the `MetricsLoaderFn`.
type MetricValues struct {
values map[MetricName][]metricValue
descriptors map[MetricName]MetricDescriptor
func newMetricValues(d map[MetricName]MetricDescriptor) MetricValues {
return MetricValues{
values: make(map[MetricName][]metricValue, len(d)),
descriptors: d,
// ToPromMetrics - converts the internal metric values to Prometheus
// adding the given name prefix. The extraLabels are added to each metric as
// constant labels.
func (m *MetricValues) ToPromMetrics(namePrefix string, extraLabels map[string]string,
) []prometheus.Metric {
metrics := make([]prometheus.Metric, 0, len(m.values))
for metricName, mv := range m.values {
desc := m.descriptors[metricName]
promDesc := desc.toPromDesc(namePrefix, extraLabels)
for _, v := range mv {
// labelValues is in the same order as the variable labels in the
// descriptor.
labelValues := make([]string, 0, len(v.Labels))
for _, k := range desc.VariableLabels {
labelValues = append(labelValues, v.Labels[k])
metrics = append(metrics,
prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDesc, desc.Type.toProm(), v.Value,
return metrics
// Set - sets a metric value along with any provided labels. It is used only
// with Gauge and Counter metrics.
// If the MetricName given here is not present in the `MetricsGroup`'s
// descriptors, this function panics.
// Panics if `labels` is not a list of ordered label name and label value pairs
// or if all labels for the metric are not provided.
func (m *MetricValues) Set(name MetricName, value float64, labels ...string) {
desc, ok := m.descriptors[name]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("metric has no description: %s", name))
if len(labels)%2 != 0 {
panic("labels must be a list of ordered key-value pairs")
validLabels := desc.getLabelSet()
labelMap := make(map[string]string, len(labels)/2)
for i := 0; i < len(labels); i += 2 {
if _, ok := validLabels[labels[i]]; !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid label: %s (metric: %s)", labels[i], name))
labelMap[labels[i]] = labels[i+1]
if len(labels)/2 != len(validLabels) {
panic("not all labels were given values")
v, ok := m.values[name]
if !ok {
v = make([]metricValue, 0, 1)
// If valid non zero value set the metrics
if value > 0 {
m.values[name] = append(v, metricValue{
Labels: labelMap,
Value: value,
// SetHistogram - sets values for the given MetricName using the provided
// histogram.
// `filterByLabels` is a map of label names to list of allowed label values to
// filter by. Note that this filtering happens before any renaming of labels.
// `renameLabels` is a map of label names to rename. The keys are the original
// label names and the values are the new label names.
// `bucketFilter` is a list of bucket values to filter. If this is non-empty,
// only metrics for the given buckets are added.
// `extraLabels` are additional labels to add to each metric. They are ordered
// label name and value pairs.
func (m *MetricValues) SetHistogram(name MetricName, hist *prometheus.HistogramVec,
filterByLabels map[string]set.StringSet, renameLabels map[string]string, bucketFilter []string,
extraLabels ...string,
) {
if _, ok := m.descriptors[name]; !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("metric has no description: %s", name))
dummyDesc := MetricDescription{}
metricsV2 := getHistogramMetrics(hist, dummyDesc, false)
for _, metric := range metricsV2 {
for label, allowedValues := range filterByLabels {
if !allowedValues.Contains(metric.VariableLabels[label]) {
continue mainLoop
// If a bucket filter is provided, only add metrics for the given
// buckets.
if len(bucketFilter) > 0 && !slices.Contains(bucketFilter, metric.VariableLabels["bucket"]) {
labels := make([]string, 0, len(metric.VariableLabels)*2)
for k, v := range metric.VariableLabels {
if newLabel, ok := renameLabels[k]; ok {
labels = append(labels, newLabel, v)
} else {
labels = append(labels, k, v)
labels = append(labels, extraLabels...)
// If valid non zero value set the metrics
if metric.Value > 0 {
m.Set(name, metric.Value, labels...)
// SetHistogramValues - sets values for the given MetricName using the provided map of
// range to value.
func SetHistogramValues[V uint64 | int64 | float64](m MetricValues, name MetricName, values map[string]V, labels ...string) {
for rng, val := range values {
m.Set(name, float64(val), append(labels, rangeL, rng)...)
// MetricsLoaderFn - represents a function to load metrics from the
// metricsCache.
// Note that returning an error here will cause the Metrics handler to return a
// 500 Internal Server Error.
type MetricsLoaderFn func(context.Context, MetricValues, *metricsCache) error
// JoinLoaders - joins multiple loaders into a single loader. The returned
// loader will call each of the given loaders in order. If any of the loaders
// return an error, the returned loader will return that error.
func JoinLoaders(loaders ...MetricsLoaderFn) MetricsLoaderFn {
return func(ctx context.Context, m MetricValues, c *metricsCache) error {
for _, loader := range loaders {
if err := loader(ctx, m, c); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// BucketMetricsLoaderFn - represents a function to load metrics from the
// metricsCache and the system for a given list of buckets.
// Note that returning an error here will cause the Metrics handler to return a
// 500 Internal Server Error.
type BucketMetricsLoaderFn func(context.Context, MetricValues, *metricsCache, []string) error
// JoinBucketLoaders - joins multiple bucket loaders into a single loader,
// similar to `JoinLoaders`.
func JoinBucketLoaders(loaders ...BucketMetricsLoaderFn) BucketMetricsLoaderFn {
return func(ctx context.Context, m MetricValues, c *metricsCache, b []string) error {
for _, loader := range loaders {
if err := loader(ctx, m, c, b); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// MetricsGroup - represents a group of metrics. It includes a `MetricsLoaderFn`
// function that provides a way to load the metrics from the system. The metrics
// are cached and refreshed after a given timeout.
// For metrics with a `bucket` dimension, a list of buckets argument is required
// to collect the metrics.
// It implements the prometheus.Collector interface for metric groups without a
// bucket dimension. For metric groups with a bucket dimension, use the
// `GetBucketCollector` method to get a `BucketCollector` that implements the
// prometheus.Collector interface.
type MetricsGroup struct {
// Path (relative to the Metrics v3 base endpoint) at which this group of
// metrics is served. This value is converted into a metric name prefix
// using `.metricPrefix()` and is added to each metric returned.
CollectorPath collectorPath
// List of all metric descriptors that could be returned by the loader.
Descriptors []MetricDescriptor
// (Optional) Extra (constant) label KV pairs to be added to each metric in
// the group.
ExtraLabels map[string]string
// Loader functions to load metrics. Only one of these will be set. Metrics
// returned by these functions must be present in the `Descriptors` list.
loader MetricsLoaderFn
bucketLoader BucketMetricsLoaderFn
// Cache for all metrics groups. Set via `.SetCache` method.
cache *metricsCache
// managed values follow:
// map of metric descriptors by metric name.
descriptorMap map[MetricName]MetricDescriptor
// For bucket metrics, the list of buckets is stored here. It is used in the
// Collect() call. This is protected by the `bucketsLock`.
bucketsLock sync.Mutex
buckets []string
// NewMetricsGroup creates a new MetricsGroup. To create a metrics group for
// metrics with a `bucket` dimension (label), use `NewBucketMetricsGroup`.
// The `loader` function loads metrics from the cache and the system.
func NewMetricsGroup(path collectorPath, descriptors []MetricDescriptor,
loader MetricsLoaderFn,
) *MetricsGroup {
mg := &MetricsGroup{
CollectorPath: path,
Descriptors: descriptors,
loader: loader,
return mg
// NewBucketMetricsGroup creates a new MetricsGroup for metrics with a `bucket`
// dimension (label).
// The `loader` function loads metrics from the cache and the system for a given
// list of buckets.
func NewBucketMetricsGroup(path collectorPath, descriptors []MetricDescriptor,
loader BucketMetricsLoaderFn,
) *MetricsGroup {
mg := &MetricsGroup{
CollectorPath: path,
Descriptors: descriptors,
bucketLoader: loader,
return mg
// AddExtraLabels - adds extra (constant) label KV pairs to the metrics group.
// This is a helper to initialize the `ExtraLabels` field. The argument is a
// list of ordered label name and value pairs.
func (mg *MetricsGroup) AddExtraLabels(labels ...string) {
if len(labels)%2 != 0 {
panic("Labels must be an ordered list of name value pairs")
if mg.ExtraLabels == nil {
mg.ExtraLabels = make(map[string]string, len(labels))
for i := 0; i < len(labels); i += 2 {
mg.ExtraLabels[labels[i]] = labels[i+1]
// IsBucketMetricsGroup - returns true if the given MetricsGroup is a bucket
// metrics group.
func (mg *MetricsGroup) IsBucketMetricsGroup() bool {
return mg.bucketLoader != nil
// Describe - implements prometheus.Collector interface.
func (mg *MetricsGroup) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
for _, desc := range mg.Descriptors {
ch <- desc.toPromDesc(mg.CollectorPath.metricPrefix(), mg.ExtraLabels)
// Collect - implements prometheus.Collector interface.
func (mg *MetricsGroup) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
metricValues := newMetricValues(mg.descriptorMap)
var err error
if mg.IsBucketMetricsGroup() {
err = mg.bucketLoader(GlobalContext, metricValues, mg.cache, mg.buckets)
} else {
err = mg.loader(GlobalContext, metricValues, mg.cache)
// There is no way to handle errors here, so we panic the current goroutine
// and the Metrics API handler returns a 500 HTTP status code. This should
// normally not happen, and usually indicates a bug.
logger.CriticalIf(GlobalContext, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get metrics"))
promMetrics := metricValues.ToPromMetrics(mg.CollectorPath.metricPrefix(),
for _, metric := range promMetrics {
ch <- metric
// LockAndSetBuckets - locks the buckets and sets the given buckets. It returns
// a function to unlock the buckets.
func (mg *MetricsGroup) LockAndSetBuckets(buckets []string) func() {
mg.buckets = buckets
return func() {
// MetricFQN - returns the fully qualified name for the given metric name.
func (mg *MetricsGroup) MetricFQN(name MetricName) string {
v, ok := mg.descriptorMap[name]
if !ok {
// This should never happen.
return ""
return v.toPromName(mg.CollectorPath.metricPrefix())
func (mg *MetricsGroup) validate() {
if len(mg.Descriptors) == 0 {
panic("Descriptors must be set")
// For bools A and B, A XOR B <=> A != B.
isExactlyOneSet := (mg.loader == nil) != (mg.bucketLoader == nil)
if !isExactlyOneSet {
panic("Exactly one Loader function must be set")
mg.descriptorMap = make(map[MetricName]MetricDescriptor, len(mg.Descriptors))
for _, desc := range mg.Descriptors {
mg.descriptorMap[desc.Name] = desc
// SetCache is a helper to initialize MetricsGroup. It sets the cache object.
func (mg *MetricsGroup) SetCache(c *metricsCache) {
mg.cache = c