mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 13:34:16 -04:00
One user has seen this following error log: API: CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket=vertica, object=perf-dss-v03/cc2/02596813aecd4e476d810148586c2a3300d00000013557ef_0.gt) Time: 15:44:07 UTC 04/11/2019 RequestID: 159475EFF4DEDFFB RemoteHost: UserAgent: vertica-v9.1.1-5 Error: open /data/.minio.sys/tmp/100bb3ec-6c0d-4a37-8b36-65241050eb02/xl.json: file exists 1: cmd/xl-v1-metadata.go:448:cmd.writeXLMetadata() 2: cmd/xl-v1-metadata.go:501:cmd.writeUniqueXLMetadata.func1() This can happen when CompleteMultipartUpload fails with write quorum, the S3 client will retry (since write quorum is 500 http response), however the second call of CompleteMultipartUpload will fail because this latter doesn't truly use a random uuid under .minio.sys/tmp/ directory but pick the upload id. This commit fixes the behavior to choose a random uuid for generating xl.json
754 lines
23 KiB
754 lines
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* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
func (xl xlObjects) ReloadFormat(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) error {
logger.LogIf(ctx, NotImplemented{})
return NotImplemented{}
func (xl xlObjects) HealFormat(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) (madmin.HealResultItem, error) {
logger.LogIf(ctx, NotImplemented{})
return madmin.HealResultItem{}, NotImplemented{}
// Heals a bucket if it doesn't exist on one of the disks, additionally
// also heals the missing entries for bucket metadata files
// `policy.json, notification.xml, listeners.json`.
func (xl xlObjects) HealBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, dryRun, remove bool) (
result madmin.HealResultItem, err error) {
storageDisks := xl.getDisks()
// get write quorum for an object
writeQuorum := len(storageDisks)/2 + 1
// Heal bucket.
return healBucket(ctx, storageDisks, bucket, writeQuorum, dryRun)
// Heal bucket - create buckets on disks where it does not exist.
func healBucket(ctx context.Context, storageDisks []StorageAPI, bucket string, writeQuorum int,
dryRun bool) (res madmin.HealResultItem, err error) {
// Initialize sync waitgroup.
var wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
// Initialize list of errors.
var dErrs = make([]error, len(storageDisks))
// Disk states slices
beforeState := make([]string, len(storageDisks))
afterState := make([]string, len(storageDisks))
// Make a volume entry on all underlying storage disks.
for index, disk := range storageDisks {
if disk == nil {
dErrs[index] = errDiskNotFound
beforeState[index] = madmin.DriveStateOffline
afterState[index] = madmin.DriveStateOffline
// Make a volume inside a go-routine.
go func(index int, disk StorageAPI) {
defer wg.Done()
if _, serr := disk.StatVol(bucket); serr != nil {
if serr == errDiskNotFound {
beforeState[index] = madmin.DriveStateOffline
afterState[index] = madmin.DriveStateOffline
dErrs[index] = serr
if serr != errVolumeNotFound {
beforeState[index] = madmin.DriveStateCorrupt
afterState[index] = madmin.DriveStateCorrupt
dErrs[index] = serr
beforeState[index] = madmin.DriveStateMissing
afterState[index] = madmin.DriveStateMissing
// mutate only if not a dry-run
if dryRun {
makeErr := disk.MakeVol(bucket)
dErrs[index] = makeErr
if makeErr == nil {
afterState[index] = madmin.DriveStateOk
beforeState[index] = madmin.DriveStateOk
afterState[index] = madmin.DriveStateOk
}(index, disk)
// Wait for all make vol to finish.
// Initialize heal result info
res = madmin.HealResultItem{
Type: madmin.HealItemBucket,
Bucket: bucket,
DiskCount: len(storageDisks),
for i, before := range beforeState {
if storageDisks[i] != nil {
drive := storageDisks[i].String()
res.Before.Drives = append(res.Before.Drives, madmin.HealDriveInfo{
UUID: "",
Endpoint: drive,
State: before,
res.After.Drives = append(res.After.Drives, madmin.HealDriveInfo{
UUID: "",
Endpoint: drive,
State: afterState[i],
reducedErr := reduceWriteQuorumErrs(ctx, dErrs, bucketOpIgnoredErrs, writeQuorum)
if reducedErr == errXLWriteQuorum {
// Purge successfully created buckets if we don't have writeQuorum.
undoMakeBucket(storageDisks, bucket)
return res, reducedErr
// listAllBuckets lists all buckets from all disks. It also
// returns the occurrence of each buckets in all disks
func listAllBuckets(storageDisks []StorageAPI) (buckets map[string]VolInfo,
bucketsOcc map[string]int, err error) {
buckets = make(map[string]VolInfo)
bucketsOcc = make(map[string]int)
for _, disk := range storageDisks {
if disk == nil {
var volsInfo []VolInfo
volsInfo, err = disk.ListVols()
if err != nil {
if IsErrIgnored(err, bucketMetadataOpIgnoredErrs...) {
return nil, nil, err
for _, volInfo := range volsInfo {
// StorageAPI can send volume names which are
// incompatible with buckets - these are
// skipped, like the meta-bucket.
if isReservedOrInvalidBucket(volInfo.Name, false) {
// Increase counter per bucket name
// Save volume info under bucket name
buckets[volInfo.Name] = volInfo
return buckets, bucketsOcc, nil
// Only heal on disks where we are sure that healing is needed. We can expand
// this list as and when we figure out more errors can be added to this list safely.
func shouldHealObjectOnDisk(xlErr, dataErr error, meta xlMetaV1, quorumModTime time.Time) bool {
switch xlErr {
case errFileNotFound:
return true
case errCorruptedFormat:
return true
if xlErr == nil {
// If xl.json was read fine but there is some problem with the part.N files.
if dataErr == errFileNotFound {
return true
if _, ok := dataErr.(hashMismatchError); ok {
return true
if quorumModTime != meta.Stat.ModTime {
return true
return false
// Heals an object by re-writing corrupt/missing erasure blocks.
func (xl xlObjects) healObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string,
partsMetadata []xlMetaV1, errs []error, latestXLMeta xlMetaV1,
dryRun bool, remove bool, scanMode madmin.HealScanMode) (result madmin.HealResultItem, err error) {
dataBlocks := latestXLMeta.Erasure.DataBlocks
storageDisks := xl.getDisks()
// List of disks having latest version of the object xl.json
// (by modtime).
latestDisks, modTime := listOnlineDisks(storageDisks, partsMetadata, errs)
// List of disks having all parts as per latest xl.json.
availableDisks, dataErrs := disksWithAllParts(ctx, latestDisks, partsMetadata, errs, bucket, object, scanMode)
// Initialize heal result object
result = madmin.HealResultItem{
Type: madmin.HealItemObject,
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
DiskCount: len(storageDisks),
ParityBlocks: latestXLMeta.Erasure.ParityBlocks,
DataBlocks: latestXLMeta.Erasure.DataBlocks,
// Initialize object size to -1, so we can detect if we are
// unable to reliably find the object size.
ObjectSize: -1,
// Loop to find number of disks with valid data, per-drive
// data state and a list of outdated disks on which data needs
// to be healed.
outDatedDisks := make([]StorageAPI, len(storageDisks))
numAvailableDisks := 0
disksToHealCount := 0
for i, v := range availableDisks {
driveState := ""
switch {
case v != nil:
driveState = madmin.DriveStateOk
// If data is sane on any one disk, we can
// extract the correct object size.
result.ObjectSize = partsMetadata[i].Stat.Size
result.ParityBlocks = partsMetadata[i].Erasure.ParityBlocks
result.DataBlocks = partsMetadata[i].Erasure.DataBlocks
case errs[i] == errDiskNotFound, dataErrs[i] == errDiskNotFound:
driveState = madmin.DriveStateOffline
case errs[i] == errFileNotFound, errs[i] == errVolumeNotFound:
case dataErrs[i] == errFileNotFound, dataErrs[i] == errVolumeNotFound:
driveState = madmin.DriveStateMissing
// all remaining cases imply corrupt data/metadata
driveState = madmin.DriveStateCorrupt
var drive string
if storageDisks[i] != nil {
drive = storageDisks[i].String()
if shouldHealObjectOnDisk(errs[i], dataErrs[i], partsMetadata[i], modTime) {
outDatedDisks[i] = storageDisks[i]
result.Before.Drives = append(result.Before.Drives, madmin.HealDriveInfo{
UUID: "",
Endpoint: drive,
State: driveState,
result.After.Drives = append(result.After.Drives, madmin.HealDriveInfo{
UUID: "",
Endpoint: drive,
State: driveState,
result.Before.Drives = append(result.Before.Drives, madmin.HealDriveInfo{
UUID: "",
Endpoint: drive,
State: driveState,
result.After.Drives = append(result.After.Drives, madmin.HealDriveInfo{
UUID: "",
Endpoint: drive,
State: driveState,
// If less than read quorum number of disks have all the parts
// of the data, we can't reconstruct the erasure-coded data.
if numAvailableDisks < dataBlocks {
// Check if xl.json, and corresponding parts are also missing.
if m, ok := isObjectDangling(partsMetadata, errs, dataErrs); ok {
writeQuorum := m.Erasure.DataBlocks + 1
if m.Erasure.DataBlocks == 0 {
writeQuorum = len(storageDisks)/2 + 1
if !dryRun && remove {
err = xl.deleteObject(ctx, bucket, object, writeQuorum, false)
return defaultHealResult(latestXLMeta, storageDisks, errs, bucket, object), err
return result, toObjectErr(errXLReadQuorum, bucket, object)
if disksToHealCount == 0 {
// Nothing to heal!
return result, nil
// After this point, only have to repair data on disk - so
// return if it is a dry-run
if dryRun {
return result, nil
// Latest xlMetaV1 for reference. If a valid metadata is not
// present, it is as good as object not found.
latestMeta, pErr := pickValidXLMeta(ctx, partsMetadata, modTime, dataBlocks)
if pErr != nil {
return result, toObjectErr(pErr, bucket, object)
// Clear data files of the object on outdated disks
for _, disk := range outDatedDisks {
// Before healing outdated disks, we need to remove
// xl.json and part files from "bucket/object/" so
// that rename(minioMetaBucket, "tmp/tmpuuid/",
// "bucket", "object/") succeeds.
if disk == nil {
// Not an outdated disk.
// List and delete the object directory,
files, derr := disk.ListDir(bucket, object, -1, "")
if derr == nil {
for _, entry := range files {
_ = disk.DeleteFile(bucket,
pathJoin(object, entry))
// Reorder so that we have data disks first and parity disks next.
latestDisks = shuffleDisks(latestDisks, latestMeta.Erasure.Distribution)
outDatedDisks = shuffleDisks(outDatedDisks, latestMeta.Erasure.Distribution)
partsMetadata = shufflePartsMetadata(partsMetadata, latestMeta.Erasure.Distribution)
for i := range outDatedDisks {
if outDatedDisks[i] == nil {
partsMetadata[i] = newXLMetaFromXLMeta(latestMeta)
// We write at temporary location and then rename to final location.
tmpID := mustGetUUID()
// Heal each part. erasureHealFile() will write the healed
// part to .minio/tmp/uuid/ which needs to be renamed later to
// the final location.
erasure, err := NewErasure(ctx, latestMeta.Erasure.DataBlocks,
latestMeta.Erasure.ParityBlocks, latestMeta.Erasure.BlockSize)
if err != nil {
return result, toObjectErr(err, bucket, object)
erasureInfo := latestMeta.Erasure
for partIndex := 0; partIndex < len(latestMeta.Parts); partIndex++ {
partName := latestMeta.Parts[partIndex].Name
partSize := latestMeta.Parts[partIndex].Size
partActualSize := latestMeta.Parts[partIndex].ActualSize
partNumber := latestMeta.Parts[partIndex].Number
tillOffset := erasure.ShardFileTillOffset(0, partSize, partSize)
readers := make([]io.ReaderAt, len(latestDisks))
checksumAlgo := erasureInfo.GetChecksumInfo(partName).Algorithm
for i, disk := range latestDisks {
if disk == OfflineDisk {
checksumInfo := partsMetadata[i].Erasure.GetChecksumInfo(partName)
readers[i] = newBitrotReader(disk, bucket, pathJoin(object, partName), tillOffset, checksumAlgo, checksumInfo.Hash, erasure.ShardSize())
writers := make([]io.Writer, len(outDatedDisks))
for i, disk := range outDatedDisks {
if disk == OfflineDisk {
writers[i] = newBitrotWriter(disk, minioMetaTmpBucket, pathJoin(tmpID, partName), tillOffset, checksumAlgo, erasure.ShardSize())
hErr := erasure.Heal(ctx, readers, writers, partSize)
if hErr != nil {
return result, toObjectErr(hErr, bucket, object)
// outDatedDisks that had write errors should not be
// written to for remaining parts, so we nil it out.
for i, disk := range outDatedDisks {
if disk == nil {
// A non-nil stale disk which did not receive
// a healed part checksum had a write error.
if writers[i] == nil {
outDatedDisks[i] = nil
partsMetadata[i].AddObjectPart(partNumber, partName, "", partSize, partActualSize)
partsMetadata[i].Erasure.AddChecksumInfo(ChecksumInfo{partName, checksumAlgo, bitrotWriterSum(writers[i])})
// If all disks are having errors, we give up.
if disksToHealCount == 0 {
return result, fmt.Errorf("all disks without up-to-date data had write errors")
// Cleanup in case of xl.json writing failure
writeQuorum := latestMeta.Erasure.DataBlocks + 1
defer xl.deleteObject(ctx, minioMetaTmpBucket, tmpID, writeQuorum, false)
// Generate and write `xl.json` generated from other disks.
outDatedDisks, aErr := writeUniqueXLMetadata(ctx, outDatedDisks, minioMetaTmpBucket, tmpID,
partsMetadata, diskCount(outDatedDisks))
if aErr != nil {
return result, toObjectErr(aErr, bucket, object)
// Rename from tmp location to the actual location.
for _, disk := range outDatedDisks {
if disk == nil {
// Attempt a rename now from healed data to final location.
aErr = disk.RenameFile(minioMetaTmpBucket, retainSlash(tmpID), bucket,
if aErr != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, aErr)
return result, toObjectErr(aErr, bucket, object)
for i, v := range result.Before.Drives {
if v.Endpoint == disk.String() {
result.After.Drives[i].State = madmin.DriveStateOk
// Set the size of the object in the heal result
result.ObjectSize = latestMeta.Stat.Size
return result, nil
// healObjectDir - heals object directory specifically, this special call
// is needed since we do not have a special backend format for directories.
func (xl xlObjects) healObjectDir(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, dryRun bool) (hr madmin.HealResultItem, err error) {
storageDisks := xl.getDisks()
// Initialize heal result object
hr = madmin.HealResultItem{
Type: madmin.HealItemObject,
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
DiskCount: len(storageDisks),
ParityBlocks: len(storageDisks) / 2,
DataBlocks: len(storageDisks) / 2,
ObjectSize: 0,
hr.Before.Drives = make([]madmin.HealDriveInfo, len(storageDisks))
hr.After.Drives = make([]madmin.HealDriveInfo, len(storageDisks))
errs := statAllDirs(ctx, storageDisks, bucket, object)
if isObjectDirDangling(errs) {
for i, err := range errs {
if err == nil {
storageDisks[i].DeleteFile(bucket, object)
// Prepare object creation in all disks
for i, err := range errs {
var drive string
if storageDisks[i] != nil {
drive = storageDisks[i].String()
switch err {
case errDiskNotFound:
hr.Before.Drives[i] = madmin.HealDriveInfo{State: madmin.DriveStateOffline}
hr.After.Drives[i] = madmin.HealDriveInfo{State: madmin.DriveStateOffline}
case errVolumeNotFound:
hr.Before.Drives[i] = madmin.HealDriveInfo{Endpoint: drive, State: madmin.DriveStateMissing}
hr.After.Drives[i] = madmin.HealDriveInfo{Endpoint: drive, State: madmin.DriveStateMissing}
hr.Before.Drives[i] = madmin.HealDriveInfo{Endpoint: drive, State: madmin.DriveStateCorrupt}
hr.After.Drives[i] = madmin.HealDriveInfo{Endpoint: drive, State: madmin.DriveStateCorrupt}
if dryRun {
return hr, nil
for i, err := range errs {
switch err {
case errVolumeNotFound:
merr := storageDisks[i].MakeVol(pathJoin(bucket, object))
switch merr {
case nil, errVolumeExists:
hr.After.Drives[i].State = madmin.DriveStateOk
case errDiskNotFound:
hr.After.Drives[i].State = madmin.DriveStateOffline
logger.LogIf(ctx, merr)
hr.After.Drives[i].State = madmin.DriveStateCorrupt
return hr, nil
// Populates default heal result item entries with possible values when we are returning prematurely.
// This is to ensure that in any circumstance we are not returning empty arrays with wrong values.
func defaultHealResult(latestXLMeta xlMetaV1, storageDisks []StorageAPI, errs []error, bucket, object string) madmin.HealResultItem {
// Initialize heal result object
result := madmin.HealResultItem{
Type: madmin.HealItemObject,
Bucket: bucket,
Object: object,
DiskCount: len(storageDisks),
// Initialize object size to -1, so we can detect if we are
// unable to reliably find the object size.
ObjectSize: -1,
if latestXLMeta.IsValid() {
result.ObjectSize = latestXLMeta.Stat.Size
for index, disk := range storageDisks {
if disk == nil {
result.Before.Drives = append(result.Before.Drives, madmin.HealDriveInfo{
UUID: "",
State: madmin.DriveStateOffline,
result.After.Drives = append(result.After.Drives, madmin.HealDriveInfo{
UUID: "",
State: madmin.DriveStateOffline,
drive := disk.String()
driveState := madmin.DriveStateCorrupt
switch errs[index] {
case errFileNotFound, errVolumeNotFound:
driveState = madmin.DriveStateMissing
result.Before.Drives = append(result.Before.Drives, madmin.HealDriveInfo{
UUID: "",
Endpoint: drive,
State: driveState,
result.After.Drives = append(result.After.Drives, madmin.HealDriveInfo{
UUID: "",
Endpoint: drive,
State: driveState,
if !latestXLMeta.IsValid() {
// Default to most common configuration for erasure blocks.
result.ParityBlocks = len(storageDisks) / 2
result.DataBlocks = len(storageDisks) / 2
} else {
result.ParityBlocks = latestXLMeta.Erasure.ParityBlocks
result.DataBlocks = latestXLMeta.Erasure.DataBlocks
return result
// Stat all directories.
func statAllDirs(ctx context.Context, storageDisks []StorageAPI, bucket, prefix string) []error {
var errs = make([]error, len(storageDisks))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for index, disk := range storageDisks {
if disk == nil {
go func(index int, disk StorageAPI) {
defer wg.Done()
entries, err := disk.ListDir(bucket, prefix, 1, "")
if err != nil {
errs[index] = err
if len(entries) > 0 {
errs[index] = errVolumeNotEmpty
}(index, disk)
return errs
// ObjectDir is considered dangling/corrupted if any only
// if total disks - a combination of corrupted and missing
// files is lesser than N/2+1 number of disks.
func isObjectDirDangling(errs []error) (ok bool) {
var notFoundDir int
for _, readErr := range errs {
if readErr == errFileNotFound {
return notFoundDir > len(errs)/2
// Object is considered dangling/corrupted if any only
// if total disks - a combination of corrupted and missing
// files is lesser than number of data blocks.
func isObjectDangling(metaArr []xlMetaV1, errs []error, dataErrs []error) (validMeta xlMetaV1, ok bool) {
// We can consider an object data not reliable
// when xl.json is not found in read quorum disks.
// or when xl.json is not readable in read quorum disks.
var notFoundXLJSON, corruptedXLJSON int
for _, readErr := range errs {
if readErr == errFileNotFound {
} else if readErr == errCorruptedFormat {
var notFoundParts int
for i := range dataErrs {
// Only count part errors, if the error is not
// same as xl.json error. This is to avoid
// double counting when both parts and xl.json
// are not available.
if errs[i] != dataErrs[i] {
if dataErrs[i] == errFileNotFound {
for _, m := range metaArr {
if !m.IsValid() {
validMeta = m
// We couldn't find any valid meta we are indeed corrupted, return true right away.
if validMeta.Erasure.DataBlocks == 0 {
return validMeta, true
// We have valid meta, now verify if we have enough files with parity blocks.
return validMeta, corruptedXLJSON+notFoundXLJSON+notFoundParts > validMeta.Erasure.ParityBlocks
// HealObject - heal the given object, automatically deletes the object if stale/corrupted if `remove` is true.
func (xl xlObjects) HealObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, dryRun bool, remove bool, scanMode madmin.HealScanMode) (hr madmin.HealResultItem, err error) {
// Create context that also contains information about the object and bucket.
// The top level handler might not have this information.
reqInfo := logger.GetReqInfo(ctx)
var newReqInfo *logger.ReqInfo
if reqInfo != nil {
newReqInfo = logger.NewReqInfo(reqInfo.RemoteHost, reqInfo.UserAgent, reqInfo.DeploymentID, reqInfo.RequestID, reqInfo.API, bucket, object)
} else {
newReqInfo = logger.NewReqInfo("", "", globalDeploymentID, "", "Heal", bucket, object)
healCtx := logger.SetReqInfo(context.Background(), newReqInfo)
// Healing directories handle it separately.
if hasSuffix(object, slashSeparator) {
return xl.healObjectDir(healCtx, bucket, object, dryRun)
storageDisks := xl.getDisks()
// Read metadata files from all the disks
partsMetadata, errs := readAllXLMetadata(healCtx, storageDisks, bucket, object)
// Check if the object is dangling, if yes and user requested
// remove we simply delete it from namespace.
if m, ok := isObjectDangling(partsMetadata, errs, []error{}); ok {
writeQuorum := m.Erasure.DataBlocks + 1
if m.Erasure.DataBlocks == 0 {
writeQuorum = len(xl.getDisks())/2 + 1
if !dryRun && remove {
err = xl.deleteObject(healCtx, bucket, object, writeQuorum, false)
return defaultHealResult(xlMetaV1{}, storageDisks, errs, bucket, object), err
latestXLMeta, err := getLatestXLMeta(healCtx, partsMetadata, errs)
if err != nil {
return defaultHealResult(xlMetaV1{}, storageDisks, errs, bucket, object), toObjectErr(err, bucket, object)
// Lock the object before healing.
objectLock := xl.nsMutex.NewNSLock(bucket, object)
if lerr := objectLock.GetRLock(globalHealingTimeout); lerr != nil {
return defaultHealResult(latestXLMeta, storageDisks, errs, bucket, object), lerr
defer objectLock.RUnlock()
errCount := 0
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
if errCount == len(errs) {
// Only if we get errors from all the disks we return error. Else we need to
// continue to return filled madmin.HealResultItem struct which includes info
// on what disks the file is available etc.
if reducedErr := reduceReadQuorumErrs(ctx, errs, nil, latestXLMeta.Erasure.DataBlocks); reducedErr != nil {
if m, ok := isObjectDangling(partsMetadata, errs, []error{}); ok {
writeQuorum := m.Erasure.DataBlocks + 1
if m.Erasure.DataBlocks == 0 {
writeQuorum = len(storageDisks)/2 + 1
if !dryRun && remove {
err = xl.deleteObject(ctx, bucket, object, writeQuorum, false)
return defaultHealResult(latestXLMeta, storageDisks, errs, bucket, object), toObjectErr(reducedErr, bucket, object)
// Heal the object.
return xl.healObject(healCtx, bucket, object, partsMetadata, errs, latestXLMeta, dryRun, remove, scanMode)