2018-10-16 20:39:44 -07:00
2018-10-16 20:39:44 -07:00

Minio multi-user Quickstart Guide Slack

This document explains how to add, revoke users. Multi-user as name implies means Minio supports long term users other than default credentials, each of these users can be configured to deny or allow access to buckets, resources.

Get started

In this document we will explain in detail on how to configure multiple users.

1. Prerequisites

2. Create a new user and policy

Create new canned policy getonly with newuser.json use mc admin policies. This policy enables users to download all objects in my-bucketname.

cat > getonly.json << EOF
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
      "Sid": ""

mc admin policies add myminio getonly getonly.json

Create a new user newuser on Minio use mc admin users, additionally specify getonly canned policy for this newuser.

mc admin users add myminio newuser newuser123 getonly

3. Disable user

Disable user newuser.

mc admin users disable myminio newuser

4. Remove user

Remove the user newuser.

mc admin users remove myminio newuser

5. List all users

List all enabled and disabled users.

mc admin users list myminio

Explore Further