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synced 2025-03-23 14:04:15 -04:00
Add compile time GOROOT path to the list of prefix of file paths to be removed. Add webhandler function names to the slice that stores function names to terminate logging.
534 lines
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534 lines
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package logger
import (
c "github.com/minio/mc/pkg/console"
// Disable disables all logging, false by default. (used for "go test")
var Disable = false
var trimStrings []string
// Level type
type Level int8
// Enumerated level types
const (
InformationLvl Level = iota + 1
const loggerTimeFormat string = "15:04:05 MST 01/02/2006"
var matchingFuncNames = [...]string{
// add more here ..
func (level Level) String() string {
var lvlStr string
switch level {
case InformationLvl:
lvlStr = "INFO"
case ErrorLvl:
lvlStr = "ERROR"
case FatalLvl:
lvlStr = "FATAL"
return lvlStr
// Console interface describes the methods that needs to be implemented to satisfy the interface requirements.
type Console interface {
json(msg string, args ...interface{})
quiet(msg string, args ...interface{})
pretty(msg string, args ...interface{})
func consoleLog(console Console, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
if jsonFlag {
// Strip escape control characters from json message
msg = ansiRE.ReplaceAllLiteralString(msg, "")
console.json(msg, args...)
} else if quiet {
console.quiet(msg, args...)
} else {
console.pretty(msg, args...)
type traceEntry struct {
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Source []string `json:"source,omitempty"`
Variables map[string]string `json:"variables,omitempty"`
type args struct {
Bucket string `json:"bucket,omitempty"`
Object string `json:"object,omitempty"`
type api struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Args *args `json:"args,omitempty"`
type logEntry struct {
Level string `json:"level"`
Time string `json:"time"`
API *api `json:"api,omitempty"`
RemoteHost string `json:"remotehost,omitempty"`
RequestID string `json:"requestID,omitempty"`
UserAgent string `json:"userAgent,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Trace *traceEntry `json:"error,omitempty"`
// quiet: Hide startup messages if enabled
// jsonFlag: Display in JSON format, if enabled
var (
quiet, jsonFlag bool
// Custom function to format error
errorFmtFunc func(string, error, bool) string
// EnableQuiet - turns quiet option on.
func EnableQuiet() {
quiet = true
// EnableJSON - outputs logs in json format.
func EnableJSON() {
jsonFlag = true
quiet = true
// RegisterUIError registers the specified rendering function. This latter
// will be called for a pretty rendering of fatal errors.
func RegisterUIError(f func(string, error, bool) string) {
errorFmtFunc = f
// Init sets the trimStrings to possible GOPATHs
// and GOROOT directories. Also append github.com/minio/minio
// This is done to clean up the filename, when stack trace is
// displayed when an error happens.
func Init(goPath string, goRoot string) {
var goPathList []string
var goRootList []string
var defaultgoPathList []string
var defaultgoRootList []string
pathSeperator := ":"
// Add all possible GOPATH paths into trimStrings
// Split GOPATH depending on the OS type
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
pathSeperator = ";"
goPathList = strings.Split(goPath, pathSeperator)
goRootList = strings.Split(goRoot, pathSeperator)
defaultgoPathList = strings.Split(build.Default.GOPATH, pathSeperator)
defaultgoRootList = strings.Split(build.Default.GOROOT, pathSeperator)
// Add trim string "{GOROOT}/src/" into trimStrings
trimStrings = []string{filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "src") + string(filepath.Separator)}
// Add all possible path from GOPATH=path1:path2...:pathN
// as "{path#}/src/" into trimStrings
for _, goPathString := range goPathList {
trimStrings = append(trimStrings, filepath.Join(goPathString, "src")+string(filepath.Separator))
for _, goRootString := range goRootList {
trimStrings = append(trimStrings, filepath.Join(goRootString, "src")+string(filepath.Separator))
for _, defaultgoPathString := range defaultgoPathList {
trimStrings = append(trimStrings, filepath.Join(defaultgoPathString, "src")+string(filepath.Separator))
for _, defaultgoRootString := range defaultgoRootList {
trimStrings = append(trimStrings, filepath.Join(defaultgoRootString, "src")+string(filepath.Separator))
// Remove duplicate entries.
trimStrings = uniqueEntries(trimStrings)
// Add "github.com/minio/minio" as the last to cover
// paths like "{GOROOT}/src/github.com/minio/minio"
// and "{GOPATH}/src/github.com/minio/minio"
trimStrings = append(trimStrings, filepath.Join("github.com", "minio", "minio")+string(filepath.Separator))
func trimTrace(f string) string {
for _, trimString := range trimStrings {
f = strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.ToSlash(f), filepath.ToSlash(trimString))
return filepath.FromSlash(f)
func getSource(level int) string {
pc, file, lineNumber, ok := runtime.Caller(level)
if ok {
// Clean up the common prefixes
file = trimTrace(file)
_, funcName := filepath.Split(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name())
return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v:%v()", file, lineNumber, funcName)
return ""
// getTrace method - creates and returns stack trace
func getTrace(traceLevel int) []string {
var trace []string
pc, file, lineNumber, ok := runtime.Caller(traceLevel)
for ok && file != "" {
// Clean up the common prefixes
file = trimTrace(file)
// Get the function name
_, funcName := filepath.Split(runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name())
// Skip duplicate traces that start with file name, "<autogenerated>"
// and also skip traces with function name that starts with "runtime."
if !strings.HasPrefix(file, "<autogenerated>") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(funcName, "runtime.") {
// Form and append a line of stack trace into a
// collection, 'trace', to build full stack trace
trace = append(trace, fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v:%v()", file, lineNumber, funcName))
// Ignore trace logs beyond the following conditions
for _, name := range matchingFuncNames {
if funcName == name {
return trace
// Read stack trace information from PC
pc, file, lineNumber, ok = runtime.Caller(traceLevel)
return trace
// LogIf prints a detailed error message during
// the execution of the server.
func LogIf(ctx context.Context, err error) {
if Disable {
if err == nil {
req := GetReqInfo(ctx)
if req == nil {
req = &ReqInfo{API: "SYSTEM"}
if req.API != "" {
API = req.API
tags := make(map[string]string)
for _, entry := range req.GetTags() {
tags[entry.Key] = entry.Val
// Get full stack trace
trace := getTrace(2)
// Get the cause for the Error
message := err.Error()
// Output the formatted log message at console
var output string
if jsonFlag {
logJSON, err := json.Marshal(&logEntry{
Level: ErrorLvl.String(),
RemoteHost: req.RemoteHost,
RequestID: req.RequestID,
UserAgent: req.UserAgent,
Time: time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
API: &api{Name: API, Args: &args{Bucket: req.BucketName, Object: req.ObjectName}},
Trace: &traceEntry{Message: message, Source: trace, Variables: tags},
if err != nil {
output = string(logJSON)
} else {
// Add a sequence number and formatting for each stack trace
// No formatting is required for the first entry
for i, element := range trace {
trace[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%8v: %s", i+1, element)
tagString := ""
for key, value := range tags {
if value != "" {
if tagString != "" {
tagString += ", "
tagString += key + "=" + value
apiString := "API: " + API + "("
if req.BucketName != "" {
apiString = apiString + "bucket=" + req.BucketName
if req.ObjectName != "" {
apiString = apiString + ", object=" + req.ObjectName
apiString += ")"
timeString := "Time: " + time.Now().Format(loggerTimeFormat)
var requestID string
if req.RequestID != "" {
requestID = "\nRequestID: " + req.RequestID
var remoteHost string
if req.RemoteHost != "" {
remoteHost = "\nRemoteHost: " + req.RemoteHost
var userAgent string
if req.UserAgent != "" {
userAgent = "\nUserAgent: " + req.UserAgent
if len(tags) > 0 {
tagString = "\n " + tagString
var msg = colorFgRed(colorBold(message))
output = fmt.Sprintf("\n%s\n%s%s%s%s\nError: %s%s\n%s",
apiString, timeString, requestID, remoteHost, userAgent,
msg, tagString, strings.Join(trace, "\n"))
// CriticalIf :
// Like LogIf with exit
// It'll be called for fatal error conditions during run-time
func CriticalIf(ctx context.Context, err error) {
if err != nil {
LogIf(ctx, err)
// FatalIf is similar to Fatal() but it ignores passed nil error
func FatalIf(err error, msg string, data ...interface{}) {
if err == nil {
fatal(err, msg, data...)
// Fatal prints only fatal error message without no stack trace
// it will be called for input validation failures
func Fatal(err error, msg string, data ...interface{}) {
fatal(err, msg, data...)
func fatal(err error, msg string, data ...interface{}) {
var errMsg string
if msg != "" {
errMsg = errorFmtFunc(fmt.Sprintf(msg, data...), err, jsonFlag)
} else {
errMsg = err.Error()
consoleLog(fatalMessage, errMsg)
var fatalMessage fatalMsg
type fatalMsg struct {
func (f fatalMsg) json(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
logJSON, err := json.Marshal(&logEntry{
Level: FatalLvl.String(),
Time: time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
Trace: &traceEntry{Message: fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...), Source: []string{getSource(6)}},
if err != nil {
func (f fatalMsg) quiet(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
f.pretty(msg, args...)
var (
logTag = "ERROR"
logBanner = colorBgRed(colorFgWhite(colorBold(logTag))) + " "
emptyBanner = colorBgRed(strings.Repeat(" ", len(logTag))) + " "
minimumWidth = 80
bannerWidth = len(logTag) + 1
func (f fatalMsg) pretty(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
// Build the passed error message
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)
// Check terminal width
termWidth, _, err := terminal.GetSize(0)
if err != nil || termWidth < minimumWidth {
termWidth = minimumWidth
// Calculate available widht without the banner
width := termWidth - bannerWidth
tagPrinted := false
// Print the error message: the following code takes care
// of splitting error text and always pretty printing the
// red banner along with the error message. Since the error
// message itself contains some colored text, we needed
// to use some ANSI control escapes to cursor color state
// and freely move in the screen.
for _, line := range strings.Split(errMsg, "\n") {
if len(line) == 0 {
// No more text to print, just quit.
for {
// Save the attributes of the current cursor helps
// us save the text color of the passed error message
// Print banner with or without the log tag
if !tagPrinted {
tagPrinted = true
} else {
// Restore the text color of the error message
// Continue error message printing
if len(line) > width {
line = line[width:]
} else {
// Exit because this is a fatal error message
var info infoMsg
type infoMsg struct {
func (i infoMsg) json(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
logJSON, err := json.Marshal(&logEntry{
Level: InformationLvl.String(),
Message: fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...),
Time: time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
if err != nil {
func (i infoMsg) quiet(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
i.pretty(msg, args...)
func (i infoMsg) pretty(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
c.Printf(msg, args...)
// Info :
func Info(msg string, data ...interface{}) {
consoleLog(info, msg+"\n", data...)
var startupMessage startUpMsg
type startUpMsg struct {
func (s startUpMsg) json(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
func (s startUpMsg) quiet(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
func (s startUpMsg) pretty(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
c.Printf(msg, args...)
// StartupMessage :
func StartupMessage(msg string, data ...interface{}) {
consoleLog(startupMessage, msg+"\n", data...)