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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2017 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
router "github.com/gorilla/mux"
// GetObjectHandler - GET Object
// ----------
// This implementation of the GET operation retrieves object. To use GET,
// you must have READ access to the object.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) GetObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var object, bucket string
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket = vars["bucket"]
object = vars["object"]
// Fetch object stat info.
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrServerNotInitialized, r.URL)
reqAuthType := getRequestAuthType(r)
switch reqAuthType {
case authTypePresignedV2, authTypeSignedV2:
// Signature V2 validation.
s3Error := isReqAuthenticatedV2(r)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
errorIf(errSignatureMismatch, dumpRequest(r))
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
case authTypeSigned, authTypePresigned:
s3Error := isReqAuthenticated(r, serverConfig.GetRegion())
if s3Error != ErrNone {
errorIf(errSignatureMismatch, dumpRequest(r))
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
getObjectInfo := objectAPI.GetObjectInfo
if reqAuthType == authTypeAnonymous {
getObjectInfo = objectAPI.AnonGetObjectInfo
objInfo, err := getObjectInfo(bucket, object)
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to fetch object info.")
apiErr := toAPIErrorCode(err)
if apiErr == ErrNoSuchKey {
apiErr = errAllowableObjectNotFound(bucket, r)
writeErrorResponse(w, apiErr, r.URL)
// Get request range.
var hrange *httpRange
rangeHeader := r.Header.Get("Range")
if rangeHeader != "" {
if hrange, err = parseRequestRange(rangeHeader, objInfo.Size); err != nil {
// Handle only errInvalidRange
// Ignore other parse error and treat it as regular Get request like Amazon S3.
if err == errInvalidRange {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrInvalidRange, r.URL)
// log the error.
errorIf(err, "Invalid request range")
// Validate pre-conditions if any.
if checkPreconditions(w, r, objInfo) {
// Get the object.
var startOffset int64
length := objInfo.Size
if hrange != nil {
startOffset = hrange.offsetBegin
length = hrange.getLength()
// Indicates if any data was written to the http.ResponseWriter
dataWritten := false
// io.Writer type which keeps track if any data was written.
writer := funcToWriter(func(p []byte) (int, error) {
if !dataWritten {
// Set headers on the first write.
// Set standard object headers.
setObjectHeaders(w, objInfo, hrange)
// Set any additional requested response headers.
setGetRespHeaders(w, r.URL.Query())
dataWritten = true
return w.Write(p)
getObject := objectAPI.GetObject
if reqAuthType == authTypeAnonymous {
getObject = objectAPI.AnonGetObject
// Reads the object at startOffset and writes to mw.
if err := getObject(bucket, object, startOffset, length, writer); err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to write to client.")
if !dataWritten {
// Error response only if no data has been written to client yet. i.e if
// partial data has already been written before an error
// occurred then no point in setting StatusCode and
// sending error XML.
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
if !dataWritten {
// If ObjectAPI.GetObject did not return error and no data has
// been written it would mean that it is a 0-byte object.
// call wrter.Write(nil) to set appropriate headers.
// HeadObjectHandler - HEAD Object
// -----------
// The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object itself.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) HeadObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var object, bucket string
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket = vars["bucket"]
object = vars["object"]
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponseHeadersOnly(w, ErrServerNotInitialized)
reqAuthType := getRequestAuthType(r)
switch reqAuthType {
case authTypePresignedV2, authTypeSignedV2:
// Signature V2 validation.
s3Error := isReqAuthenticatedV2(r)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
errorIf(errSignatureMismatch, dumpRequest(r))
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
case authTypeSigned, authTypePresigned:
s3Error := isReqAuthenticated(r, serverConfig.GetRegion())
if s3Error != ErrNone {
errorIf(errSignatureMismatch, dumpRequest(r))
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
getObjectInfo := objectAPI.GetObjectInfo
if reqAuthType == authTypeAnonymous {
getObjectInfo = objectAPI.AnonGetObjectInfo
objInfo, err := getObjectInfo(bucket, object)
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to fetch object info.")
apiErr := toAPIErrorCode(err)
if apiErr == ErrNoSuchKey {
apiErr = errAllowableObjectNotFound(bucket, r)
writeErrorResponse(w, apiErr, r.URL)
// Validate pre-conditions if any.
if checkPreconditions(w, r, objInfo) {
// Set standard object headers.
setObjectHeaders(w, objInfo, nil)
// Successful response.
// DeleteMultipleObjectsHandler - deletes multiple objects.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) DeleteMultipleObjectsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrServerNotInitialized, r.URL)
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(r, bucket, "s3:DeleteObject", serverConfig.GetRegion()); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
// Content-Length is required and should be non-zero
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html
if r.ContentLength <= 0 {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrMissingContentLength, r.URL)
// Content-Md5 is requied should be set
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html
if _, ok := r.Header["Content-Md5"]; !ok {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrMissingContentMD5, r.URL)
// Allocate incoming content length bytes.
deleteXMLBytes := make([]byte, r.ContentLength)
// Read incoming body XML bytes.
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r.Body, deleteXMLBytes); err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to read HTTP body.")
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrInternalError, r.URL)
// Unmarshal list of keys to be deleted.
deleteObjects := &DeleteObjectsRequest{}
if err := xml.Unmarshal(deleteXMLBytes, deleteObjects); err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to unmarshal delete objects request XML.")
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrMalformedXML, r.URL)
var dErrs = make([]error, len(deleteObjects.Objects))
// Delete all requested objects in parallel.
for index, object := range deleteObjects.Objects {
dErr := objectAPI.DeleteObject(bucket, object.ObjectName)
if dErr != nil {
dErrs[index] = dErr
// Collect deleted objects and errors if any.
var deletedObjects []ObjectIdentifier
var deleteErrors []DeleteError
for index, err := range dErrs {
object := deleteObjects.Objects[index]
// Success deleted objects are collected separately.
if err == nil {
deletedObjects = append(deletedObjects, object)
if _, ok := errorCause(err).(ObjectNotFound); ok {
// If the object is not found it should be
// accounted as deleted as per S3 spec.
deletedObjects = append(deletedObjects, object)
errorIf(err, "Unable to delete object. %s", object.ObjectName)
// Error during delete should be collected separately.
deleteErrors = append(deleteErrors, DeleteError{
Code: errorCodeResponse[toAPIErrorCode(err)].Code,
Message: errorCodeResponse[toAPIErrorCode(err)].Description,
Key: object.ObjectName,
// Generate response
response := generateMultiDeleteResponse(deleteObjects.Quiet, deletedObjects, deleteErrors)
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse(response)
// Write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodedSuccessResponse)
// PutBucketPolicyHandler - PUT Bucket policy
// -----------------
// This implementation of the PUT operation uses the policy
// subresource to add to or replace a policy on a bucket
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) PutBucketPolicyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
objAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrServerNotInitialized, r.URL)
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(r, "", "", serverConfig.GetRegion()); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
// Before proceeding validate if bucket exists.
_, err := objAPI.GetBucketInfo(bucket)
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to find bucket info.")
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
// If Content-Length is unknown or zero, deny the
// request. PutBucketPolicy always needs a Content-Length.
if r.ContentLength == -1 || r.ContentLength == 0 {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrMissingContentLength, r.URL)
// If Content-Length is greater than maximum allowed policy size.
if r.ContentLength > maxAccessPolicySize {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrEntityTooLarge, r.URL)
// Read access policy up to maxAccessPolicySize.
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/access-policy-language-overview.html
// bucket policies are limited to 20KB in size, using a limit reader.
policyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(r.Body, maxAccessPolicySize))
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to read from client.")
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
policyInfo := policy.BucketAccessPolicy{}
if err = json.Unmarshal(policyBytes, &policyInfo); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
if err = objAPI.SetBucketPolicies(bucket, policyInfo); err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
// Success.
// DeleteBucketPolicyHandler - DELETE Bucket policy
// -----------------
// This implementation of the DELETE operation uses the policy
// subresource to add to remove a policy on a bucket.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) DeleteBucketPolicyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
objAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrServerNotInitialized, r.URL)
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(r, "", "", serverConfig.GetRegion()); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
// Before proceeding validate if bucket exists.
_, err := objAPI.GetBucketInfo(bucket)
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to find bucket info.")
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
// Delete bucket access policy, by passing an empty policy
// struct.
// Success.
// GetBucketPolicyHandler - GET Bucket policy
// -----------------
// This operation uses the policy
// subresource to return the policy of a specified bucket.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) GetBucketPolicyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
objAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrServerNotInitialized, r.URL)
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(r, "", "", serverConfig.GetRegion()); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
// Before proceeding validate if bucket exists.
_, err := objAPI.GetBucketInfo(bucket)
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to find bucket info.")
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
bp, err := objAPI.GetBucketPolicies(bucket)
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to read bucket policy.")
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
policyBytes, err := json.Marshal(bp)
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to read bucket policy.")
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
// Write to client.
// GetBucketNotificationHandler - This implementation of the GET
// operation uses the notification subresource to return the
// notification configuration of a bucket. If notifications are
// not enabled on the bucket, the operation returns an empty
// NotificationConfiguration element.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) GetBucketNotificationHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrNotImplemented, r.URL)
// PutBucketNotificationHandler - Minio notification feature enables
// you to receive notifications when certain events happen in your bucket.
// Using this API, you can replace an existing notification configuration.
// The configuration is an XML file that defines the event types that you
// want Minio to publish and the destination where you want Minio to publish
// an event notification when it detects an event of the specified type.
// By default, your bucket has no event notifications configured. That is,
// the notification configuration will be an empty NotificationConfiguration.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) PutBucketNotificationHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrNotImplemented, r.URL)
// ListenBucketNotificationHandler - list bucket notifications.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) ListenBucketNotificationHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrNotImplemented, r.URL)
// PutBucketHandler - PUT Bucket
// ----------
// This implementation of the PUT operation creates a new bucket for authenticated request
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) PutBucketHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrServerNotInitialized, r.URL)
// PutBucket does not have any bucket action.
s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(r, "", "", globalMinioDefaultRegion)
if s3Error == ErrInvalidRegion {
// Clients like boto3 send putBucket() call signed with region that is configured.
s3Error = checkRequestAuthType(r, "", "", serverConfig.GetRegion())
if s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
// Validate if incoming location constraint is valid, reject
// requests which do not follow valid region requirements.
location, s3Error := parseLocationConstraint(r)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
// validating region here, because isValidLocationConstraint
// reads body which has been read already. So only validating
// region here.
serverRegion := serverConfig.GetRegion()
if serverRegion != location {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrInvalidRegion, r.URL)
bucketLock := globalNSMutex.NewNSLock(bucket, "")
defer bucketLock.Unlock()
// Proceed to creating a bucket.
err := objectAPI.MakeBucketWithLocation(bucket, location)
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to create a bucket.")
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
// Make sure to add Location information here only for bucket
w.Header().Set("Location", getLocation(r))
// DeleteBucketHandler - Delete bucket
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) DeleteBucketHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrServerNotInitialized, r.URL)
// DeleteBucket does not have any bucket action.
if s3Error := checkRequestAuthType(r, "", "", serverConfig.GetRegion()); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
// Attempt to delete bucket.
if err := objectAPI.DeleteBucket(bucket); err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to delete a bucket.")
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
// Write success response.
// ListObjectsV1Handler - GET Bucket (List Objects) Version 1.
// --------------------------
// This implementation of the GET operation returns some or all (up to 1000)
// of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request parameters as selection
// criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) ListObjectsV1Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrServerNotInitialized, r.URL)
reqAuthType := getRequestAuthType(r)
switch reqAuthType {
case authTypePresignedV2, authTypeSignedV2:
// Signature V2 validation.
s3Error := isReqAuthenticatedV2(r)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
errorIf(errSignatureMismatch, dumpRequest(r))
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
case authTypeSigned, authTypePresigned:
s3Error := isReqAuthenticated(r, serverConfig.GetRegion())
if s3Error != ErrNone {
errorIf(errSignatureMismatch, dumpRequest(r))
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
// Extract all the litsObjectsV1 query params to their native values.
prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys, _ := getListObjectsV1Args(r.URL.Query())
// Validate all the query params before beginning to serve the request.
if s3Error := validateListObjectsArgs(prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys); s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
listObjects := objectAPI.ListObjects
if reqAuthType == authTypeAnonymous {
listObjects = objectAPI.AnonListObjects
// Inititate a list objects operation based on the input params.
// On success would return back ListObjectsInfo object to be
// marshalled into S3 compatible XML header.
listObjectsInfo, err := listObjects(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys)
if err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to list objects.")
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
response := generateListObjectsV1Response(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys, listObjectsInfo)
// Write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodeResponse(response))
// HeadBucketHandler - HEAD Bucket
// ----------
// This operation is useful to determine if a bucket exists.
// The operation returns a 200 OK if the bucket exists and you
// have permission to access it. Otherwise, the operation might
// return responses such as 404 Not Found and 403 Forbidden.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) HeadBucketHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponseHeadersOnly(w, ErrServerNotInitialized)
reqAuthType := getRequestAuthType(r)
switch reqAuthType {
case authTypePresignedV2, authTypeSignedV2:
// Signature V2 validation.
s3Error := isReqAuthenticatedV2(r)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
errorIf(errSignatureMismatch, dumpRequest(r))
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
case authTypeSigned, authTypePresigned:
s3Error := isReqAuthenticated(r, serverConfig.GetRegion())
if s3Error != ErrNone {
errorIf(errSignatureMismatch, dumpRequest(r))
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
getBucketInfo := objectAPI.GetBucketInfo
if reqAuthType == authTypeAnonymous {
getBucketInfo = objectAPI.AnonGetBucketInfo
if _, err := getBucketInfo(bucket); err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to fetch bucket info.")
writeErrorResponseHeadersOnly(w, toAPIErrorCode(err))
// GetBucketLocationHandler - GET Bucket location.
// -------------------------
// This operation returns bucket location.
func (api gatewayAPIHandlers) GetBucketLocationHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := router.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrServerNotInitialized, r.URL)
reqAuthType := getRequestAuthType(r)
switch reqAuthType {
case authTypePresignedV2, authTypeSignedV2:
// Signature V2 validation.
s3Error := isReqAuthenticatedV2(r)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
errorIf(errSignatureMismatch, dumpRequest(r))
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
case authTypeSigned, authTypePresigned:
s3Error := isReqAuthenticated(r, globalMinioDefaultRegion)
if s3Error == ErrInvalidRegion {
// Clients like boto3 send getBucketLocation() call signed with region that is configured.
s3Error = isReqAuthenticated(r, serverConfig.GetRegion())
if s3Error != ErrNone {
errorIf(errSignatureMismatch, dumpRequest(r))
writeErrorResponse(w, s3Error, r.URL)
getBucketInfo := objectAPI.GetBucketInfo
if reqAuthType == authTypeAnonymous {
getBucketInfo = objectAPI.AnonGetBucketInfo
if _, err := getBucketInfo(bucket); err != nil {
errorIf(err, "Unable to fetch bucket info.")
writeErrorResponse(w, toAPIErrorCode(err), r.URL)
// Generate response.
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse(LocationResponse{})
// Get current region.
region := serverConfig.GetRegion()
if region != globalMinioDefaultRegion {
encodedSuccessResponse = encodeResponse(LocationResponse{
Location: region,
// Write success response.
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, encodedSuccessResponse)