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synced 2025-03-24 14:34:16 -04:00
This fix removes logrus package dependency and refactors the console logging as the only logging mechanism by removing file logging support. It rearranges the log message format and adds stack trace information whenever trace information is not available in the error structure. It also adds `--json` flag support for server logging. When minio server is started with `--json` flag, all log messages are displayed in json format, with no start-up and informational log messages. Fixes #5265 #5220 #5197
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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2017 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
miniohttp "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/http"
var (
gatewayCmd = cli.Command{
Name: "gateway",
Usage: "Start object storage gateway.",
Flags: append(serverFlags, globalFlags...),
HideHelpCommand: true,
// RegisterGatewayCommand registers a new command for gateway.
func RegisterGatewayCommand(cmd cli.Command) error {
cmd.Flags = append(append(cmd.Flags, append(cmd.Flags, serverFlags...)...), globalFlags...)
gatewayCmd.Subcommands = append(gatewayCmd.Subcommands, cmd)
return nil
// ParseGatewayEndpoint - Return endpoint.
func ParseGatewayEndpoint(arg string) (endPoint string, secure bool, err error) {
schemeSpecified := len(strings.Split(arg, "://")) > 1
if !schemeSpecified {
// Default connection will be "secure".
arg = "https://" + arg
u, err := url.Parse(arg)
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
switch u.Scheme {
case "http":
return u.Host, false, nil
case "https":
return u.Host, true, nil
return "", false, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized scheme %s", u.Scheme)
// ValidateGatewayArguments - Validate gateway arguments.
func ValidateGatewayArguments(serverAddr, endpointAddr string) error {
if err := CheckLocalServerAddr(serverAddr); err != nil {
return err
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
_, port := mustSplitHostPort(serverAddr)
// On macOS, if a process already listens on LOCALIPADDR:PORT, net.Listen() falls back
// to IPv6 address i.e minio will start listening on IPv6 address whereas another
// (non-)minio process is listening on IPv4 of given port.
// To avoid this error situation we check for port availability only for macOS.
if err := checkPortAvailability(port); err != nil {
return err
if endpointAddr != "" {
// Reject the endpoint if it points to the gateway handler itself.
sameTarget, err := sameLocalAddrs(endpointAddr, serverAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
if sameTarget {
return fmt.Errorf("endpoint points to the local gateway")
return nil
// StartGateway - handler for 'minio gateway <name>'.
func StartGateway(ctx *cli.Context, gw Gateway) {
if gw == nil {
fatalIf(errUnexpected, "Gateway implementation not initialized, exiting.")
// Validate if we have access, secret set through environment.
gatewayName := gw.Name()
if ctx.Args().First() == "help" {
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, gatewayName, 1)
// Get "json" flag from command line argument and
// enable json and quite modes if jason flag is turned on.
jsonFlag := ctx.Bool("json") || ctx.GlobalBool("json")
if jsonFlag {
// Get quiet flag from command line argument.
quietFlag := ctx.Bool("quiet") || ctx.GlobalBool("quiet")
if quietFlag {
// Fetch address option
gatewayAddr := ctx.GlobalString("address")
if gatewayAddr == ":"+globalMinioPort {
gatewayAddr = ctx.String("address")
// Handle common command args.
// Handle common env vars.
// Validate if we have access, secret set through environment.
if !globalIsEnvCreds {
errorIf(fmt.Errorf("Access and secret keys not set"), "Access and Secret keys should be set through ENVs for backend [%s]", gatewayName)
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, gatewayName, 1)
// Create certs path.
fatalIf(createConfigDir(), "Unable to create configuration directories.")
// Initialize gateway config.
// Init the error tracing module.
errors.Init(GOPATH, "github.com/minio/minio")
// Check and load SSL certificates.
var err error
globalPublicCerts, globalRootCAs, globalTLSCertificate, globalIsSSL, err = getSSLConfig()
fatalIf(err, "Invalid SSL certificate file")
// Set system resources to maximum.
errorIf(setMaxResources(), "Unable to change resource limit")
initNSLock(false) // Enable local namespace lock.
newObject, err := gw.NewGatewayLayer(globalServerConfig.GetCredential())
fatalIf(err, "Unable to initialize gateway layer")
router := mux.NewRouter().SkipClean(true)
// Register web router when its enabled.
if globalIsBrowserEnabled {
fatalIf(registerWebRouter(router), "Unable to configure web browser")
registerGatewayAPIRouter(router, newObject)
var handlerFns = []HandlerFunc{
// Validate all the incoming paths.
// Limits all requests size to a maximum fixed limit
// Adds 'crossdomain.xml' policy handler to serve legacy flash clients.
// Validates all incoming requests to have a valid date header.
// Redirect some pre-defined browser request paths to a static location prefix.
// Validates if incoming request is for restricted buckets.
// Adds cache control for all browser requests.
// Validates all incoming requests to have a valid date header.
// CORS setting for all browser API requests.
// Validates all incoming URL resources, for invalid/unsupported
// resources client receives a HTTP error.
// Auth handler verifies incoming authorization headers and
// routes them accordingly. Client receives a HTTP error for
// invalid/unsupported signatures.
// Add new handlers here.
globalHTTPServer = miniohttp.NewServer([]string{gatewayAddr}, registerHandlers(router, handlerFns...), globalTLSCertificate)
// Start server, automatically configures TLS if certs are available.
go func() {
globalHTTPServerErrorCh <- globalHTTPServer.Start()
signal.Notify(globalOSSignalCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
// Once endpoints are finalized, initialize the new object api.
globalObjectAPI = newObject
// Prints the formatted startup message once object layer is initialized.
if !quietFlag {
mode := globalMinioModeGatewayPrefix + gatewayName
// Check update mode.
// Print a warning message if gateway is not ready for production before the startup banner.
if !gw.Production() {
log.Println(colorYellow("\n *** Warning: Not Ready for Production ***"))
// Print gateway startup message.
printGatewayStartupMessage(getAPIEndpoints(gatewayAddr), gatewayName)