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synced 2025-03-21 13:04:15 -04:00
- over the course of a project history every maintainer needs to update its dependency packages, the problem essentially with godep is manipulating GOPATH - this manipulation leads to static objects created at different locations which end up conflicting with the overall functionality of golang. This also leads to broken builds. There is no easier way out of this other than asking developers to do 'godep restore' all the time. Which perhaps as a practice doesn't sound like a clean solution. On the other hand 'godep restore' has its own set of problems. - govendor is a right tool but a stop gap tool until we wait for golangs official 1.5 version which fixes this vendoring issue once and for all. - govendor provides consistency in terms of how import paths should be handled unlike manipulation GOPATH. This has advantages - no more compiled objects being referenced in GOPATH and build time GOPATH manging which leads to conflicts. - proper import paths referencing the exact package a project is dependent on. govendor is simple and provides the minimal necessary tooling to achieve this. For now this is the right solution.
604 lines
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604 lines
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// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mux
import (
// Route stores information to match a request and build URLs.
type Route struct {
// Parent where the route was registered (a Router).
parent parentRoute
// Request handler for the route.
handler http.Handler
// List of matchers.
matchers []matcher
// Manager for the variables from host and path.
regexp *routeRegexpGroup
// If true, when the path pattern is "/path/", accessing "/path" will
// redirect to the former and vice versa.
strictSlash bool
// If true, this route never matches: it is only used to build URLs.
buildOnly bool
// The name used to build URLs.
name string
// Error resulted from building a route.
err error
buildVarsFunc BuildVarsFunc
// Match matches the route against the request.
func (r *Route) Match(req *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
if r.buildOnly || r.err != nil {
return false
// Match everything.
for _, m := range r.matchers {
if matched := m.Match(req, match); !matched {
return false
// Yay, we have a match. Let's collect some info about it.
if match.Route == nil {
match.Route = r
if match.Handler == nil {
match.Handler = r.handler
if match.Vars == nil {
match.Vars = make(map[string]string)
// Set variables.
if r.regexp != nil {
r.regexp.setMatch(req, match, r)
return true
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Route attributes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetError returns an error resulted from building the route, if any.
func (r *Route) GetError() error {
return r.err
// BuildOnly sets the route to never match: it is only used to build URLs.
func (r *Route) BuildOnly() *Route {
r.buildOnly = true
return r
// Handler --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handler sets a handler for the route.
func (r *Route) Handler(handler http.Handler) *Route {
if r.err == nil {
r.handler = handler
return r
// HandlerFunc sets a handler function for the route.
func (r *Route) HandlerFunc(f func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) *Route {
return r.Handler(http.HandlerFunc(f))
// GetHandler returns the handler for the route, if any.
func (r *Route) GetHandler() http.Handler {
return r.handler
// Name -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name sets the name for the route, used to build URLs.
// If the name was registered already it will be overwritten.
func (r *Route) Name(name string) *Route {
if r.name != "" {
r.err = fmt.Errorf("mux: route already has name %q, can't set %q",
r.name, name)
if r.err == nil {
r.name = name
r.getNamedRoutes()[name] = r
return r
// GetName returns the name for the route, if any.
func (r *Route) GetName() string {
return r.name
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Matchers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// matcher types try to match a request.
type matcher interface {
Match(*http.Request, *RouteMatch) bool
// addMatcher adds a matcher to the route.
func (r *Route) addMatcher(m matcher) *Route {
if r.err == nil {
r.matchers = append(r.matchers, m)
return r
// addRegexpMatcher adds a host or path matcher and builder to a route.
func (r *Route) addRegexpMatcher(tpl string, matchHost, matchPrefix, matchQuery bool) error {
if r.err != nil {
return r.err
r.regexp = r.getRegexpGroup()
if !matchHost && !matchQuery {
if len(tpl) == 0 || tpl[0] != '/' {
return fmt.Errorf("mux: path must start with a slash, got %q", tpl)
if r.regexp.path != nil {
tpl = strings.TrimRight(r.regexp.path.template, "/") + tpl
rr, err := newRouteRegexp(tpl, matchHost, matchPrefix, matchQuery, r.strictSlash)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, q := range r.regexp.queries {
if err = uniqueVars(rr.varsN, q.varsN); err != nil {
return err
if matchHost {
if r.regexp.path != nil {
if err = uniqueVars(rr.varsN, r.regexp.path.varsN); err != nil {
return err
r.regexp.host = rr
} else {
if r.regexp.host != nil {
if err = uniqueVars(rr.varsN, r.regexp.host.varsN); err != nil {
return err
if matchQuery {
r.regexp.queries = append(r.regexp.queries, rr)
} else {
r.regexp.path = rr
return nil
// Headers --------------------------------------------------------------------
// headerMatcher matches the request against header values.
type headerMatcher map[string]string
func (m headerMatcher) Match(r *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
return matchMapWithString(m, r.Header, true)
// Headers adds a matcher for request header values.
// It accepts a sequence of key/value pairs to be matched. For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.Headers("Content-Type", "application/json",
// "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
// The above route will only match if both request header values match.
// Alternatively, you can provide a regular expression and match the header as follows:
// r.Headers("Content-Type", "application/(text|json)",
// "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
// The above route will the same as the previous example, with the addition of matching
// application/text as well.
// It the value is an empty string, it will match any value if the key is set.
func (r *Route) Headers(pairs ...string) *Route {
if r.err == nil {
var headers map[string]string
headers, r.err = mapFromPairsToString(pairs...)
return r.addMatcher(headerMatcher(headers))
return r
// headerRegexMatcher matches the request against the route given a regex for the header
type headerRegexMatcher map[string]*regexp.Regexp
func (m headerRegexMatcher) Match(r *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
return matchMapWithRegex(m, r.Header, true)
// Regular expressions can be used with headers as well.
// It accepts a sequence of key/value pairs, where the value has regex support. For example
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.HeadersRegexp("Content-Type", "application/(text|json)",
// "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
// The above route will only match if both the request header matches both regular expressions.
// It the value is an empty string, it will match any value if the key is set.
func (r *Route) HeadersRegexp(pairs ...string) *Route {
if r.err == nil {
var headers map[string]*regexp.Regexp
headers, r.err = mapFromPairsToRegex(pairs...)
return r.addMatcher(headerRegexMatcher(headers))
return r
// Host -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Host adds a matcher for the URL host.
// It accepts a template with zero or more URL variables enclosed by {}.
// Variables can define an optional regexp pattern to be matched:
// - {name} matches anything until the next dot.
// - {name:pattern} matches the given regexp pattern.
// For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.Host("www.domain.com")
// r.Host("{subdomain}.domain.com")
// r.Host("{subdomain:[a-z]+}.domain.com")
// Variable names must be unique in a given route. They can be retrieved
// calling mux.Vars(request).
func (r *Route) Host(tpl string) *Route {
r.err = r.addRegexpMatcher(tpl, true, false, false)
return r
// MatcherFunc ----------------------------------------------------------------
// MatcherFunc is the function signature used by custom matchers.
type MatcherFunc func(*http.Request, *RouteMatch) bool
func (m MatcherFunc) Match(r *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
return m(r, match)
// MatcherFunc adds a custom function to be used as request matcher.
func (r *Route) MatcherFunc(f MatcherFunc) *Route {
return r.addMatcher(f)
// Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------
// methodMatcher matches the request against HTTP methods.
type methodMatcher []string
func (m methodMatcher) Match(r *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
return matchInArray(m, r.Method)
// Methods adds a matcher for HTTP methods.
// It accepts a sequence of one or more methods to be matched, e.g.:
// "GET", "POST", "PUT".
func (r *Route) Methods(methods ...string) *Route {
for k, v := range methods {
methods[k] = strings.ToUpper(v)
return r.addMatcher(methodMatcher(methods))
// Path -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Path adds a matcher for the URL path.
// It accepts a template with zero or more URL variables enclosed by {}. The
// template must start with a "/".
// Variables can define an optional regexp pattern to be matched:
// - {name} matches anything until the next slash.
// - {name:pattern} matches the given regexp pattern.
// For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.Path("/products/").Handler(ProductsHandler)
// r.Path("/products/{key}").Handler(ProductsHandler)
// r.Path("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}").
// Handler(ArticleHandler)
// Variable names must be unique in a given route. They can be retrieved
// calling mux.Vars(request).
func (r *Route) Path(tpl string) *Route {
r.err = r.addRegexpMatcher(tpl, false, false, false)
return r
// PathPrefix -----------------------------------------------------------------
// PathPrefix adds a matcher for the URL path prefix. This matches if the given
// template is a prefix of the full URL path. See Route.Path() for details on
// the tpl argument.
// Note that it does not treat slashes specially ("/foobar/" will be matched by
// the prefix "/foo") so you may want to use a trailing slash here.
// Also note that the setting of Router.StrictSlash() has no effect on routes
// with a PathPrefix matcher.
func (r *Route) PathPrefix(tpl string) *Route {
r.err = r.addRegexpMatcher(tpl, false, true, false)
return r
// Query ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Queries adds a matcher for URL query values.
// It accepts a sequence of key/value pairs. Values may define variables.
// For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.Queries("foo", "bar", "id", "{id:[0-9]+}")
// The above route will only match if the URL contains the defined queries
// values, e.g.: ?foo=bar&id=42.
// It the value is an empty string, it will match any value if the key is set.
// Variables can define an optional regexp pattern to be matched:
// - {name} matches anything until the next slash.
// - {name:pattern} matches the given regexp pattern.
func (r *Route) Queries(pairs ...string) *Route {
length := len(pairs)
if length%2 != 0 {
r.err = fmt.Errorf(
"mux: number of parameters must be multiple of 2, got %v", pairs)
return nil
for i := 0; i < length; i += 2 {
if r.err = r.addRegexpMatcher(pairs[i]+"="+pairs[i+1], false, false, true); r.err != nil {
return r
return r
// Schemes --------------------------------------------------------------------
// schemeMatcher matches the request against URL schemes.
type schemeMatcher []string
func (m schemeMatcher) Match(r *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
return matchInArray(m, r.URL.Scheme)
// Schemes adds a matcher for URL schemes.
// It accepts a sequence of schemes to be matched, e.g.: "http", "https".
func (r *Route) Schemes(schemes ...string) *Route {
for k, v := range schemes {
schemes[k] = strings.ToLower(v)
return r.addMatcher(schemeMatcher(schemes))
// BuildVarsFunc --------------------------------------------------------------
// BuildVarsFunc is the function signature used by custom build variable
// functions (which can modify route variables before a route's URL is built).
type BuildVarsFunc func(map[string]string) map[string]string
// BuildVarsFunc adds a custom function to be used to modify build variables
// before a route's URL is built.
func (r *Route) BuildVarsFunc(f BuildVarsFunc) *Route {
r.buildVarsFunc = f
return r
// Subrouter ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subrouter creates a subrouter for the route.
// It will test the inner routes only if the parent route matched. For example:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// s := r.Host("www.domain.com").Subrouter()
// s.HandleFunc("/products/", ProductsHandler)
// s.HandleFunc("/products/{key}", ProductHandler)
// s.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}"), ArticleHandler)
// Here, the routes registered in the subrouter won't be tested if the host
// doesn't match.
func (r *Route) Subrouter() *Router {
router := &Router{parent: r, strictSlash: r.strictSlash}
return router
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// URL building
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// URL builds a URL for the route.
// It accepts a sequence of key/value pairs for the route variables. For
// example, given this route:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler).
// Name("article")
// ...a URL for it can be built using:
// url, err := r.Get("article").URL("category", "technology", "id", "42")
// ...which will return an url.URL with the following path:
// "/articles/technology/42"
// This also works for host variables:
// r := mux.NewRouter()
// r.Host("{subdomain}.domain.com").
// HandleFunc("/articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}", ArticleHandler).
// Name("article")
// // url.String() will be "http://news.domain.com/articles/technology/42"
// url, err := r.Get("article").URL("subdomain", "news",
// "category", "technology",
// "id", "42")
// All variables defined in the route are required, and their values must
// conform to the corresponding patterns.
func (r *Route) URL(pairs ...string) (*url.URL, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.err
if r.regexp == nil {
return nil, errors.New("mux: route doesn't have a host or path")
values, err := r.prepareVars(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var scheme, host, path string
if r.regexp.host != nil {
// Set a default scheme.
scheme = "http"
if host, err = r.regexp.host.url(values); err != nil {
return nil, err
if r.regexp.path != nil {
if path, err = r.regexp.path.url(values); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &url.URL{
Scheme: scheme,
Host: host,
Path: path,
}, nil
// URLHost builds the host part of the URL for a route. See Route.URL().
// The route must have a host defined.
func (r *Route) URLHost(pairs ...string) (*url.URL, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.err
if r.regexp == nil || r.regexp.host == nil {
return nil, errors.New("mux: route doesn't have a host")
values, err := r.prepareVars(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
host, err := r.regexp.host.url(values)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &url.URL{
Scheme: "http",
Host: host,
}, nil
// URLPath builds the path part of the URL for a route. See Route.URL().
// The route must have a path defined.
func (r *Route) URLPath(pairs ...string) (*url.URL, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.err
if r.regexp == nil || r.regexp.path == nil {
return nil, errors.New("mux: route doesn't have a path")
values, err := r.prepareVars(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
path, err := r.regexp.path.url(values)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &url.URL{
Path: path,
}, nil
// prepareVars converts the route variable pairs into a map. If the route has a
// BuildVarsFunc, it is invoked.
func (r *Route) prepareVars(pairs ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
m, err := mapFromPairsToString(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.buildVars(m), nil
func (r *Route) buildVars(m map[string]string) map[string]string {
if r.parent != nil {
m = r.parent.buildVars(m)
if r.buildVarsFunc != nil {
m = r.buildVarsFunc(m)
return m
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// parentRoute
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// parentRoute allows routes to know about parent host and path definitions.
type parentRoute interface {
getNamedRoutes() map[string]*Route
getRegexpGroup() *routeRegexpGroup
buildVars(map[string]string) map[string]string
// getNamedRoutes returns the map where named routes are registered.
func (r *Route) getNamedRoutes() map[string]*Route {
if r.parent == nil {
// During tests router is not always set.
r.parent = NewRouter()
return r.parent.getNamedRoutes()
// getRegexpGroup returns regexp definitions from this route.
func (r *Route) getRegexpGroup() *routeRegexpGroup {
if r.regexp == nil {
if r.parent == nil {
// During tests router is not always set.
r.parent = NewRouter()
regexp := r.parent.getRegexpGroup()
if regexp == nil {
r.regexp = new(routeRegexpGroup)
} else {
// Copy.
r.regexp = &routeRegexpGroup{
host: regexp.host,
path: regexp.path,
queries: regexp.queries,
return r.regexp