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synced 2025-03-20 04:24:19 -04:00
- over the course of a project history every maintainer needs to update its dependency packages, the problem essentially with godep is manipulating GOPATH - this manipulation leads to static objects created at different locations which end up conflicting with the overall functionality of golang. This also leads to broken builds. There is no easier way out of this other than asking developers to do 'godep restore' all the time. Which perhaps as a practice doesn't sound like a clean solution. On the other hand 'godep restore' has its own set of problems. - govendor is a right tool but a stop gap tool until we wait for golangs official 1.5 version which fixes this vendoring issue once and for all. - govendor provides consistency in terms of how import paths should be handled unlike manipulation GOPATH. This has advantages - no more compiled objects being referenced in GOPATH and build time GOPATH manging which leads to conflicts. - proper import paths referencing the exact package a project is dependent on. govendor is simple and provides the minimal necessary tooling to achieve this. For now this is the right solution.
470 lines
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470 lines
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// Copyright 2012 The Gorilla Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mux
import (
// NewRouter returns a new router instance.
func NewRouter() *Router {
return &Router{namedRoutes: make(map[string]*Route), KeepContext: false}
// Router registers routes to be matched and dispatches a handler.
// It implements the http.Handler interface, so it can be registered to serve
// requests:
// var router = mux.NewRouter()
// func main() {
// http.Handle("/", router)
// }
// Or, for Google App Engine, register it in a init() function:
// func init() {
// http.Handle("/", router)
// }
// This will send all incoming requests to the router.
type Router struct {
// Configurable Handler to be used when no route matches.
NotFoundHandler http.Handler
// Parent route, if this is a subrouter.
parent parentRoute
// Routes to be matched, in order.
routes []*Route
// Routes by name for URL building.
namedRoutes map[string]*Route
// See Router.StrictSlash(). This defines the flag for new routes.
strictSlash bool
// If true, do not clear the request context after handling the request
KeepContext bool
// Match matches registered routes against the request.
func (r *Router) Match(req *http.Request, match *RouteMatch) bool {
for _, route := range r.routes {
if route.Match(req, match) {
return true
return false
// ServeHTTP dispatches the handler registered in the matched route.
// When there is a match, the route variables can be retrieved calling
// mux.Vars(request).
func (r *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Clean path to canonical form and redirect.
if p := cleanPath(req.URL.Path); p != req.URL.Path {
// Added 3 lines (Philip Schlump) - It was droping the query string and #whatever from query.
// This matches with fix in go 1.2 r.c. 4 for same problem. Go Issue:
// http://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=5252
url := *req.URL
url.Path = p
p = url.String()
w.Header().Set("Location", p)
var match RouteMatch
var handler http.Handler
if r.Match(req, &match) {
handler = match.Handler
setVars(req, match.Vars)
setCurrentRoute(req, match.Route)
if handler == nil {
handler = r.NotFoundHandler
if handler == nil {
handler = http.NotFoundHandler()
if !r.KeepContext {
defer context.Clear(req)
handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
// Get returns a route registered with the given name.
func (r *Router) Get(name string) *Route {
return r.getNamedRoutes()[name]
// GetRoute returns a route registered with the given name. This method
// was renamed to Get() and remains here for backwards compatibility.
func (r *Router) GetRoute(name string) *Route {
return r.getNamedRoutes()[name]
// StrictSlash defines the trailing slash behavior for new routes. The initial
// value is false.
// When true, if the route path is "/path/", accessing "/path" will redirect
// to the former and vice versa. In other words, your application will always
// see the path as specified in the route.
// When false, if the route path is "/path", accessing "/path/" will not match
// this route and vice versa.
// Special case: when a route sets a path prefix using the PathPrefix() method,
// strict slash is ignored for that route because the redirect behavior can't
// be determined from a prefix alone. However, any subrouters created from that
// route inherit the original StrictSlash setting.
func (r *Router) StrictSlash(value bool) *Router {
r.strictSlash = value
return r
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// parentRoute
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getNamedRoutes returns the map where named routes are registered.
func (r *Router) getNamedRoutes() map[string]*Route {
if r.namedRoutes == nil {
if r.parent != nil {
r.namedRoutes = r.parent.getNamedRoutes()
} else {
r.namedRoutes = make(map[string]*Route)
return r.namedRoutes
// getRegexpGroup returns regexp definitions from the parent route, if any.
func (r *Router) getRegexpGroup() *routeRegexpGroup {
if r.parent != nil {
return r.parent.getRegexpGroup()
return nil
func (r *Router) buildVars(m map[string]string) map[string]string {
if r.parent != nil {
m = r.parent.buildVars(m)
return m
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Route factories
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewRoute registers an empty route.
func (r *Router) NewRoute() *Route {
route := &Route{parent: r, strictSlash: r.strictSlash}
r.routes = append(r.routes, route)
return route
// Handle registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path.
// See Route.Path() and Route.Handler().
func (r *Router) Handle(path string, handler http.Handler) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Path(path).Handler(handler)
// HandleFunc registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path.
// See Route.Path() and Route.HandlerFunc().
func (r *Router) HandleFunc(path string, f func(http.ResponseWriter,
*http.Request)) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Path(path).HandlerFunc(f)
// Headers registers a new route with a matcher for request header values.
// See Route.Headers().
func (r *Router) Headers(pairs ...string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Headers(pairs...)
// Host registers a new route with a matcher for the URL host.
// See Route.Host().
func (r *Router) Host(tpl string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Host(tpl)
// MatcherFunc registers a new route with a custom matcher function.
// See Route.MatcherFunc().
func (r *Router) MatcherFunc(f MatcherFunc) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().MatcherFunc(f)
// Methods registers a new route with a matcher for HTTP methods.
// See Route.Methods().
func (r *Router) Methods(methods ...string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Methods(methods...)
// Path registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path.
// See Route.Path().
func (r *Router) Path(tpl string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Path(tpl)
// PathPrefix registers a new route with a matcher for the URL path prefix.
// See Route.PathPrefix().
func (r *Router) PathPrefix(tpl string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().PathPrefix(tpl)
// Queries registers a new route with a matcher for URL query values.
// See Route.Queries().
func (r *Router) Queries(pairs ...string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Queries(pairs...)
// Schemes registers a new route with a matcher for URL schemes.
// See Route.Schemes().
func (r *Router) Schemes(schemes ...string) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().Schemes(schemes...)
// BuildVars registers a new route with a custom function for modifying
// route variables before building a URL.
func (r *Router) BuildVarsFunc(f BuildVarsFunc) *Route {
return r.NewRoute().BuildVarsFunc(f)
// Walk walks the router and all its sub-routers, calling walkFn for each route
// in the tree. The routes are walked in the order they were added. Sub-routers
// are explored depth-first.
func (r *Router) Walk(walkFn WalkFunc) error {
return r.walk(walkFn, []*Route{})
// SkipRouter is used as a return value from WalkFuncs to indicate that the
// router that walk is about to descend down to should be skipped.
var SkipRouter = errors.New("skip this router")
// WalkFunc is the type of the function called for each route visited by Walk.
// At every invocation, it is given the current route, and the current router,
// and a list of ancestor routes that lead to the current route.
type WalkFunc func(route *Route, router *Router, ancestors []*Route) error
func (r *Router) walk(walkFn WalkFunc, ancestors []*Route) error {
for _, t := range r.routes {
if t.regexp == nil || t.regexp.path == nil || t.regexp.path.template == "" {
err := walkFn(t, r, ancestors)
if err == SkipRouter {
for _, sr := range t.matchers {
if h, ok := sr.(*Router); ok {
err := h.walk(walkFn, ancestors)
if err != nil {
return err
if h, ok := t.handler.(*Router); ok {
ancestors = append(ancestors, t)
err := h.walk(walkFn, ancestors)
if err != nil {
return err
ancestors = ancestors[:len(ancestors)-1]
return nil
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Context
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RouteMatch stores information about a matched route.
type RouteMatch struct {
Route *Route
Handler http.Handler
Vars map[string]string
type contextKey int
const (
varsKey contextKey = iota
// Vars returns the route variables for the current request, if any.
func Vars(r *http.Request) map[string]string {
if rv := context.Get(r, varsKey); rv != nil {
return rv.(map[string]string)
return nil
// CurrentRoute returns the matched route for the current request, if any.
// This only works when called inside the handler of the matched route
// because the matched route is stored in the request context which is cleared
// after the handler returns, unless the KeepContext option is set on the
// Router.
func CurrentRoute(r *http.Request) *Route {
if rv := context.Get(r, routeKey); rv != nil {
return rv.(*Route)
return nil
func setVars(r *http.Request, val interface{}) {
context.Set(r, varsKey, val)
func setCurrentRoute(r *http.Request, val interface{}) {
context.Set(r, routeKey, val)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cleanPath returns the canonical path for p, eliminating . and .. elements.
// Borrowed from the net/http package.
func cleanPath(p string) string {
if p == "" {
return "/"
if p[0] != '/' {
p = "/" + p
np := path.Clean(p)
// path.Clean removes trailing slash except for root;
// put the trailing slash back if necessary.
if p[len(p)-1] == '/' && np != "/" {
np += "/"
return np
// uniqueVars returns an error if two slices contain duplicated strings.
func uniqueVars(s1, s2 []string) error {
for _, v1 := range s1 {
for _, v2 := range s2 {
if v1 == v2 {
return fmt.Errorf("mux: duplicated route variable %q", v2)
return nil
func checkPairs(pairs ...string) (int, error) {
length := len(pairs)
if length%2 != 0 {
return length, fmt.Errorf(
"mux: number of parameters must be multiple of 2, got %v", pairs)
return length, nil
// mapFromPairs converts variadic string parameters to a string map.
func mapFromPairsToString(pairs ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
length, err := checkPairs(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := make(map[string]string, length/2)
for i := 0; i < length; i += 2 {
m[pairs[i]] = pairs[i+1]
return m, nil
func mapFromPairsToRegex(pairs ...string) (map[string]*regexp.Regexp, error) {
length, err := checkPairs(pairs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := make(map[string]*regexp.Regexp, length/2)
for i := 0; i < length; i += 2 {
regex, err := regexp.Compile(pairs[i+1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m[pairs[i]] = regex
return m, nil
// matchInArray returns true if the given string value is in the array.
func matchInArray(arr []string, value string) bool {
for _, v := range arr {
if v == value {
return true
return false
// matchMapWithString returns true if the given key/value pairs exist in a given map.
func matchMapWithString(toCheck map[string]string, toMatch map[string][]string, canonicalKey bool) bool {
for k, v := range toCheck {
// Check if key exists.
if canonicalKey {
k = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k)
if values := toMatch[k]; values == nil {
return false
} else if v != "" {
// If value was defined as an empty string we only check that the
// key exists. Otherwise we also check for equality.
valueExists := false
for _, value := range values {
if v == value {
valueExists = true
if !valueExists {
return false
return true
// matchMapWithRegex returns true if the given key/value pairs exist in a given map compiled against
// the given regex
func matchMapWithRegex(toCheck map[string]*regexp.Regexp, toMatch map[string][]string, canonicalKey bool) bool {
for k, v := range toCheck {
// Check if key exists.
if canonicalKey {
k = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k)
if values := toMatch[k]; values == nil {
return false
} else if v != nil {
// If value was defined as an empty string we only check that the
// key exists. Otherwise we also check for equality.
valueExists := false
for _, value := range values {
if v.MatchString(value) {
valueExists = true
if !valueExists {
return false
return true